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Monday, 29 May 2023

Survivorship Bias: The Main Cognitive Error Underpinning Blue Pilled Perspectives

Most essays on survivorship bias begin with the story of Abraham Wald, a statistician working for the US military in World War 2; and this one will not deviate from that tradition.

Too many planes were being shot down by the Germans, and the Allies had to armor their bombers to make them more resistant. The top brass looked at the battle damage on the surviving planes, and proposed putting armor on the areas hit by enemy bullets. All wrong, said Wald; wrong because these planes were the survivors, the ones who returned home. Instead, he proposed that the air force should armor the areas that were not hit, because bullets striking these areas must have brought the non-surviving planes down. In sum, the top brass had focused only on an unrepresentative part of the data before them (the surviving planes), distorting their perceptions of the problem and its solution. Wald prevailed, the armor went on the unscathed areas, and far more planes began returning to base.

Despite Wald's victory, survivorship bias is still rampant in the media, in business, even scientific research. Research findings that are not statistically significant are usually resigned to the filing cabinet and forgotten, distorting the overall picture of a given topic; because significant findings might be unrepresentative products of pure chance, in relation to the total (mostly hidden) sample. Business people and investors write books about the 'laws' of financial success, conveniently forgetting all those who tried exactly the same methods without a positive result.

In medicine, we continually have to struggle against 'anecdotal' survivorship bias. Patients often resist their doctor's advice to stop smoking because "Grandpa Joe smoked 200 cigarettes a day and lived to 96!" What these patients fail to grasp is that Grandpa Joe was a memorable surviving outlier; and that it would be far wiser to consider the 30% who died prematurely of smoking related illnesses, rather than Grandpa Joe (0.001% of the total sample, if that).

Survivorship bias seems especially strong among among low IQ or uneducated people, partly because they cannot think objectively. This is why the lower classes are far more likely to play lotteries and games of pure luck than the educated classes. 

In sum, survivorship bias is a fascinating concept and once it is pointed out, one starts seeing it everywhere

But what has it got to do with the Blue Pill, Anglo-American feminism, and all the other things that interest us?


Plenty. In fact, survivorship bias is the key cognitive error underlying Blue Pilled thought.

This is because the Blue Pill fixates on self-reportage, and on narratives derived from unrepresentative social samples. The Anglo-American media continually regales us with tales about some one-legged ethnic tramp attracting a fashion model, precisely because it is so contrary to our experience. He is the one 'survivor' out of millions of low-value incel men who got nowhere; but since the millions had no interesting story to tell the media, their sexless lives got shelved and were conveniently forgotten

It is interesting that the Manosphere emerged as the mainstream media crumbled before the advance of social media, in the late noughties. While this is partly because social media facilitates the rise of international dissident movements, it is also because the mainstream media can no longer project its reflexive survivorship bias on the masses. As we know, this has stimulated more realistic views about ethnicity, looks, economics, and many other things. Only Boomers, SiGens, and the lower classes still accept the mainstream twentieth century narratives, on any major issue. And all those narratives were (and are) underpinned by massive dollops of survivorship bias.

In fact, the Red Pill also presents a sexual narrative heavily larded with survivorship bias. PUAs continually present us with one-eyed cripples who used 'Game' to get girlfriends, as if they were in any way representative of the total PUA sample who ended up with nothing. When Red Pilled men started to realize they were members of the representative 99%, not the unrepresentative 1%, the Red Pill rapidly yielded to the Black Pill.

Taylor Swift: Hardly the 'Girl Next Door'...

This leads me to one final observation about survivorship bias. Although surviving outliers do exist, the mainstream media or Blue/Red Pill commentators usually omit the fact that they are often highly unrepresentative in other ways. For example, while Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both dropped out of college to start successful tech businesses, they both came from upper-middle class backgrounds and were endowed with very high IQs. Many popular entertainers hail from hyper-privileged backgrounds, even in such 'rebellious' fields as pop music, acting or comedy (Robin Williams, Humphrey Bogart, Kit Harington, Jake Gyllenhaal, Salma Hayek and Taylor Swift, spring to mind). This is not mere 'sour grapes', as the English say: these celebrities probably have better genes than most people, quite aside from their socioeconomic advantages. The mainstream media could once conceal this unstated reality, of course; but now the facts are just a Google search away. 

So when Red Pilled PUAs tell us about one-eyed Indians in wheelchairs snagging cheerleaders with 'Game' techniques, don't be surprised if said outlying Indians are also about to inherit fortunes, patent royalty rights, or some other valuable resource the cheerleader can exploit (of course, the PUAs will never tell us about these 'additional' outlying traits, because that would deface their weary 'personality is all' narrative).

I'll sign off by saying: look at the big picture if you want valid information. And the big picture usually looks very different from the one presented by Blue Pilled clowns.


The MSM's improbable norms are testament to rampant Survivorship Bias



  1. The feminist teacher's anus is not God. No matter how hard life will be when you reject feminist dogma, remember that only Jesus Christ can save you.

  2. When you let hypergamy go unchecked, along with financial inequality, all that is left for the lower middle class and lower class men is a life of pain and misery.
    The same females who turn their noses against the average man would try to get the attention of a Wall Street investment banker driving a 2024 Ferrari or Lamborghini.

  3. Why are female teachers in Toronto showing their pussies and anynuses to little kids on school property? Is this Baal worship masquerading as body positivity.
    Why should young children be forced to worship their feminist teacher's pooper under the threat of bad grades, expulsion or being ostracized as a misogynist?

  4. Looks like the Canadian authorities are deleting posts which expose the feminist teachers who are nude inside the classrooms.

    1. They don't have any power to do that to the blog or posts (as yet), but they probably want to block it for Canadian viewers. It would be great to do an extensive expose of the abuse in Toronto classrooms, if you could provide some links. Toronto is the nexus of all misandry in the Anglosphere, together with US Law Schools.

    2. When I was in elementary school, I remember putting my left arm around my teacher and another male student on her left had his right arm. The most she would reveal was her legs.
      In high school, the teacher would put her elbows on the table and rise her ass. She wore g-string thongs to class. She would also let you peek in her perky nipples when she was leaning over. One time she grabbed by arm to fondle her poohsie.
      Other than that, I haven't seen a teacher naked inside a Toronto school.
      By the way, when you lodge complains to the Ontario College of Teachers they leave a missed call, don't respond to your emails, police arrive at your door [because they have your contact info] and the complaint is mysteriously dropped without an appeal. Well, that's a conspiracy.

    3. Both me and the male student's arms were around the teacher's waist.

      And to talk about orbiters, that same elementary school teacher would have several male student sit around the table.
      One time she pulled me away when I tried talking to a female peer.

      But I don't understand why my arm was around the teacher's waist like that. It seems to be something that teachers don't do these days, especially elementary school teachers.

      And the grade later, a male teacher asked me about me and that female teacher. I never saw back that female teacher the next school year. All I know was that the elementary school teacher liked to put the male students at the front while it was reading time. But at university and work life, women would cover their body parts when they see a man they deem undesirable. Toronto is a weird city.

    4. Either the school board or the teacher’s regulatory body are sending cops to intimidate you from pursuing further action regarding those teachers you mentioned.
      Very hypocritical given that grown women wait 50 or more years to accuse Bill Cosby or Trump.

  5. Salman Rushdie and Padma Lakhshmi are Americanized. Rushdie moved to the UK when he was a child, and thus wouldn't be categorized with the balding Indian 5'2 janitor who migrated as an adult.
    His wife Padma also immigrated to the USA when she was a child, and thus, got proper nutrition and grew to an optimal height.
    Many men in mainland India will not grow unless they eat the American/British diet. Only the wealthy Westernized Indians/Asians get taller.
    The 5'2 balding Indian janitor will never get a chance. NEVER. He's already reached his height and can't go back to school to moneymaxx.

    1. Oh, I agree. But due to the media's survivorship bias, we never hear about the short, balding Indian janitor and his plight. He's the plane that never came home, in that sense.

      This is how grooming gangs arise and why mass murders happen.

    2. The last paragraph is something nobody really wants to talk about. They just expect men to live in a state of destitution and sekslessness and not react to their hostile feminist environment.
      When a dog feels cornered, does it crawl in a hole and die? This is what feminists expect men to do while men are under attack by the feminist.

    3. Indian Vegetarianism is a pathway to malnutrition.

  6. The 2020s is an interesting decade. While MIg tow and inz forums and FB pages were taken down a few years before the new decade, the media is supporting women who defame men via “Are We Dating the Sane Guy?Welcome to the 2020s!

  7. There is a concerted effort for feminists in creating a New World Order where the police state serves the elites, government and feminist foot soldiers in that order, and freethinking men are forced into destitution. It makes one wonder whether the Mark of the Beast system involves feminism. A man cannot openly criticize feminism in the British, Canadian, Aussie-Zealand and American workplaces. He'll lose his job right away for creating a toxic work environment.
    Now is the time to extricate yourself from the feminist protest in LA, Toronto or London, and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.

  8. The most important question is whether it’s worth it for a working class man to work hard when the elites fund feminism indirectly from the tax breaks and labour of men.
    About 10 million prime aged men in America and 1 million men in Canada are not in the labour market. If you add in the number unemployed and working part time the number is way higher.
    Many experts are wondering why more and more men are refusing to work.
    Meanwhile, women make up 65-70% of university graduates across America and Canada.

  9. I was an incel, but then I became a white nationalist!!! Our bath houses are all inclusive-of white men!!!

    Too bad you don't have that option Rookie Pookie!!!

  10. "And the grade later, a male teacher asked me about me and that female teacher."

    What else did this teacher ask you, and why did the female teacher go missing in action the next year?

    Why were you holding the teacher's waist like that?

    What age is elementary school in Canada? Is it like primary school? Ages 5 to 12?

    It's peculiar that females in Toronto let young boys hold their waists, while grown young men become incels and haven't even gotten a chance to date in high school.

    And why did the female teacher move you away from a female peer? A feminist much?

    1. The police being sent on him as a response for filing a complaint does appear to be a silencing tactic.

  11. https://twitter[dot]com/muslimdaily_/status/1666497449228132374
    Canadian female teacher yells at Muslim students over their lack of LGBT attendance!
    Meanwhile, what does she do in the class, you get the idea...


    1. Sana Samodi
      3 days ago (edited)
      The teacher wants the student to respect other’s’ choices. At the same time she finds it okay to scream at him, insult him and show him that he doesn’t belong to the Canadian people.

    2. Teacher "Here in Canada, we believe in freedom"
      Also teacher "You will participate in these activities whether you like it or not if you want to be accepted!"
      Followed up by a "If you don't participate in pride, you need to get out of Canada."

      Doesn't sound like freedom to me.

      By the way, how many students licked her vayjoyna and ayynus inside the class as a Pride activity?

  12. As a young man who lives in Canada there is four specific things that are completely ducking whacked. The lgbqt bullshit. The cost of living, The entitled women and Trudeau.

  13. oh lala prison sounds so fun!!!!

  14. I wonder if there is a correlation with the Canadian wildfires and the students disclosing that their female teachers are doing inappropriate stuff with them? God will surely be angry if a female teacher forces her students to rim her dirty pooper.

    1. Feminism is the Jezebel spirit. The students who ingested the female teacher's fecal matter from her anus have swallowed the gateway to eternal hell. It's up to God to determine whether the children can be saved in the Canadian schools. The students will own nothing and they will eat shit from the feminist teacher's anus, and they will be forced to be happy about it.

  15. If men aren't part of the top 1%, they don't stand a chance in the dating market. The Canadian government tries to mask the incel problem by importing couples from more traditional countries, but eventually the females will be part of the 1% elite harem and the man will become an incel or delete himself in shame.

    1. Eventually? Isn't what you describe already the case in Canada?

  16. The feminist agenda is just one step towards a New World Order where the billionaires and political elites own all the land, and everyone else will own nothing.
    Of course, children who are starving will be forced by feminist teachers to consume poop from the teacher's anus.
    Bad times are coming ahead for the middle income and lower income class.

    1. AI will do all conceptual work, women will do highly-paid government make-jobs and men will be sexless serfs doing manual work.

  17. new video by Joe Rogaine

  18. RE: Female teachers in Toronto forcing students to rim the teacher.

    This is the reason why I don't engage, look at, make eye contact, with any Canadian women at all don't date them At all get your passport together leave this country and escape the Trudeau World Order.

  19. I have a low IQ and can't get a date in Canada. The majority of women in Canada date wealthy men, have sex with dogs or what ive just read they play a dominant role on toddlers which involve poop eating inside the classroom

  20. A completely Crazed Woman in Toronto, pees on the sidewalk while yelling the N word and attacking strangers.

    1. Typical female Nazi. She will probably get a slap on the wrist where a man would serve 20 years.

  21. A social worker turned therapist managed to own a mansion in a Toronto suburb. Guess how?
    She loves showing her titties on the Instagram. Her name is Nadia Addesi.

    I wouldn't be surprised if she is a pedophile.

    1. It's a woman's world, friend. What do you expect?

    2. A lot of Canadian women moonlight as pro$titutes, even medical doctors. Some of these Instagram and TikTok 'influencers' earn almost a million dollars a year doing OnlyFans on the downlow and doing paid 'fan meets' in hotel rooms.

    3. This doctor's vajeejay hood is showing at 0:43. How is this even allowed? If a male doctor did this, he would be branded a pervert and YouTube would remove the video:

    4. Is the world gonna get better for men? First it was female teachers showing their anuses to kids, now a therapist is showing her boobs on Instagram, and now the doctor is pulling down her scrubs to show her clit on the boobtube.

  22. Instagram, TikTok and OnlyFans are for simps and men with money to waste. These days, YouTube is beginning to promote thirst traps. Remember when that Tasha Mama YouTuber was spamming her nudes everywhere and she leaked kiddie porn? Good thing that YouTube doesn't give ad revenue for nude breastfeeding paedophiles.

  23. No pussy no work is gaining traction.

    1. That is definitely a growing phenomenon in the UK, too.

  24. We are living in the Last Days. Repent to J-sus Christ and avoid dating, marrying and bearing offspring with a harlot.
    G-d will send each and every female teacher to hell because many female teachers in Canada tease their students and force the younger ones to lick the female teacher's anus.

  25. It would be interesting to study on the decline of the white blue collar middle class man, and the concentration of wealth by the top 1% of men.
    When feminists attack 'white privilege' on campus, they mean average men. They don't complain about 'white privilege' while being tied up in a BDSM session with a Wall St. banker millionaire.

  26. Is the global dating world becoming Westernized that old ladies from the Philippines think that they are models? What a disaster!

  27. This international student went ER on a Gender Studies class in Canada:

    1. He stabbed this Professor. (Un)fortunately, she survived:

    2. Doc, can you guess this guy's height? I don't think he was getting laid with blonde models on campus. Many Canadian campuses are infested with Big Reds:

    3. "I live in Waterloo.

      It's a weird mix of white chads at the party school (Laurier), country boys from the Amish section, and literal incels from the 3rd world studying at Waterloo or one of the scam colleges.

      The levels of seethe that emanates from most of the international students is unreal. Most of the attractive whites are oblivious and just hang out with themselves. Interracial couples are pretty low other than some WM/AF.

      Honestly surprised this stuff doesn't happen more often. International students are fucking miserable there. And unlike Toronto they have to deal with White people mogging them every day."

    4. Difficult to guess the guy's height, perhaps 5.7" at most. The police officer is clearly a Goliath, though.

  28. Perfectly predictable. The Wall is just a Red Pilled myth in the modern Anglosphere:

  29. The professor's resume is utterly ridiculous:

    *My earliest philosophical influence was probably Star Trek. Usually I hear women cite Star Trek as an influence for studying physics, astronomy, or engineering. For me, watching this franchise with my family sparked my curiosity about big philosophical questions relating to selfhood, identity, time, multiculturalism, and justice.*

    The student is a boilerplate incel: STEM-focused, short, ugly, and ethnic. When these sexless, socially-ostracized guys hear white women saying how oppressed they are, when they are the most privileged people in history, a violent reaction is inevitable.

    The real mystery to me is why such attacks don't happen far more often.

    1. He probably spent at least C$200,000 (GBP$125,000) on a 4-year degree, yet worked at Tim Hortons as a minimum wage worker.
      The guy saw the writing on the wall. The white feminist is his oppressor.

    2. C$200,000 could buy a primary property and also a few vacation rental properties in his home country with change to spare. I don't know what's the appeal with the feminist countries like Canada, USA, UK, OZ, NZ, etc. They are feminist hellholes.

  30. This video on Canadian euthanasia is interesting:

  31. A Canadian MGTOW told me that when he attended university in Toronto, he had to rely on his student loan grants to frequent massage parlors and escorts, because the campus feminists in his age bracket (18-22) were hostile towards him.
    It was tough he told me. When he first started punting, he would be greeted by a young lady but an older lady, and sometimes a deep-voiced 'lady' would enter the massage room.
    It took years of punting for him to know what to avoid. Ironically, 99% of his experiences were not on the campus. Talk about living a life of hell.

  32. Good to see this site back online. I was concerned there was some kind of concerted takedown attempt on it.

  33. It was taken down as promoting hate speech, but I appealed the decision. If it is removed again, search for "Anglobitch" and "Sexual False Consciousness" and you will see a recovered version.

  34. Canadian woman with coleostomy bag still does onlyfans. Seems to tie into the other events of Canada, the nasty teachers, etc.


  36. Hopefully all fine with the website and the content now?
