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Sunday, 24 September 2023

Apologies for not Posting

As you can see, the blog has been restored. Good news, because it now has 1.3 million views and many people clearly like the arguments presented here.

I have not been posting as regularly as I used to, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the rest of the Awakened or Red-Pilled world has caught up with my perspectives. There is now mass discontent with gender-relations, male sexual disenfranchisement, female abuse of minors, and the general direction of society across the English-speaking world (especially the US, UK and Canada). Many of these issues are just common knowledge, now: only Boomers, women and the utterly stupid still think that the contraceptive pill and Tinder unlocked a trove of free sexual delights for most males; or that women aren't obviously advantaged in most spheres of life; or that underwear models are regularly banging one-eyed Indian janitors. Paradoxically, this 'insight revolution' makes it much harder to write profound or original articles on these issues, since the ground is 'taken'. This is testament to all the hard work I and others have put in over the past decade, I guess; but it does not make my task any easier.

Secondly, I just don't get the same insights I use to. Revolutionary concepts like the Crimson Pill or Sexual False Consciousness just don't spring into my mind any more. This is partly because a lot of younger writers and commentators have flooded social media with excellent blog posts, webcasts and podcasts, saturating the field. It is also because there is only so much one can write about a certain topic, before exhausting its conceptual possibilities.

Thirdly, the death or displacement of various people who posted or commented here from the beginning has neutralized my energy and resolve. Although younger people have introduced powerful new perspectives about female child abuse, someone my age also likes a certain social continuity with his generational peers.

Lastly, I think my mental abilities are simply in decline. I'm just not as sharp or insightful as I was. This is just a natural feature of ageing, not a specific condition: so nothing to worry about.

Anyway, it's good to be back


  1. I really enjoy your blog Rookh, your insights are spot on. I have been reading your blog for years now and bought your book "Havok" and really enjoyed it. Please keep writing articles on your blog we need people like you to give your insights on feminism, sexual false consciousness and other red pill topics. Keep up the good work Rookh.

  2. It is a credit to your work to see the message starting to pervade the normie sphere, and it is also due to the problem becoming unbearably painful.
    I think there will always be a place for older content producers to act as elder statesmen and key figures of this sphere. Unfortunately many other content providers have gone under or dissappeared due to fatigue or even rope, so there is a lack of continuity compared to other subcultures and areas of research.
    It is not so much of an echo chamber because there are no traditional leaders; anyone may comment on this blog and challenge ideas and I think that makes your message more resilient, even with occasional spamming.

  3. It is absolutely necessary to continue the Anglobitch awakening.. Great and merciless insights are what all need.. Welcome back!

  4. Canadian feminists are steaming mad that this site got restored.

    1. Are you in Canada? It occurred to me that they might try to impose a Canada-specific ban.

  5. Th white woman's ainus is showing to lil tots. But she complains that men who complain are hawassing wer.

    1. Women don't go around acting hyper-sexual on their own, they get this from gay male influence. None of the female pop stars write their own stuff. It's written for them by a handful of gay men writing about their own exploits living the fast life in the gay bars. "Samantha" in that "Sex in the City" was obviously the product of a "hungry bottom" gay male screenwriter. If women wrote their own shit it would be pretty mundane, about spending a mans money at the mall. Or like back in the 90s with those girl musicians strumming a guitar and singing about their "pain."

    2. Women are not smart or creative enough to create their own culture. High fashion, coiffure, perfumery and pretty much everything else they obsess over is created and maintained by high-IQ gay men.



  7. Are more young men LDAR & lying flat? Is this where the high rent and food prices are meant to force men back into the workforce?

  8. Canadian women, esp. white women are a peculiar creature. They parade nude around kinders, but cover themselves more than a niqab & burka when a grown man is near them. The Canadian teacher's pu$$y is showing to kinders, and men can't look.

  9. I'll be making a comeback soon.

    1. Tremendous. I was thinking you'd been snatched and detained for anti-Feminist thought-crimes by the Feds, or something.

  10. And we're still being told that the Anglosphere is some haven of liberation, despite all evidence to the contrary. The lamestream Anglo-American media clearly takes its cue from Josef Goebbels: the bigger its lies, the better.

  11. Glad to see your blog restored. There is an issue that refuses to go away and continues to get worse, like a putrid rotting corpse left in the summer sun: the pedohysteria, that is simply a way for feminists (all women) to maintain power through sexual restriction. The lowly male feminists on the left and right who support pedohysteria are hypocrites themselves and hope to get laid from their virtue signaling and prosecution of other men, like all male feminists.

    The first thing the suffragists did when they got power was raise the "age of consent". Now, the left and right wings have come together in an unholy alliance to do the same in the name of "protecting the children", conveniently ignoring the fact that a post-pubescent person is no longer a "child" and is extremely horny.

    Arresting a few women is a small price to pay for this increased state power, where 99.9% of the victims are men for the obvious reason that men prefer young post-pubescent teenage girls (in b4 the not all men argument, yes there are outliers who prefer grannies or pre-pubescents etc). And we're not talking about a slap on the wrist like normal non-Anglo cultures, or even Anglo cultures a few decades ago, we're talking about unbelievable, unbearable slander and psychotic punishment, equating a man who has sex with a 13-14 year old who flirts with him (so called "child abuse" LOL) as having sex with a 1 year old baby. I see no push-back against this, and it is completely intolerable and insane; it is destroying the countries that embrace such pedohysteria, because it removes the incentive for men to do great things if great pussy is off the table completely. It also destroys great male leaders who build something great in the community, then take advantage of the young pussy that naturally chases them.

    It is the greatest problem of the western world, it's getting worse, and there is no chance to save anything in the west while women (and womanly men) are allowed to completely destroy leading men to monopolize female sexual power through an ultra-extreme age of consent hoax. The hoax the suffragettes always wanted for 100 years has arrived, and now they push for age gap restrictions and male only penalties, removing the punishments for women. The age of consent societal battering ram needs to be knocked down entirely if we are to make any progress against total female domination, which is killing our countries.


  12. I love your work. I hope that you are doing well. You enlightened me to a lot if new perspectives and views.
