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Monday, 25 December 2023

Has the Anglosphere become more unstable due to Lamestream Exaggeration of Female Abilities?


Happy Christmas, everybody.

Or as happy a Christmas as one can have in the Anglosphere's dysfunctional, misandrist matriarchy...

We all know that unrestricted female mate choice inexorably reduces IQ, due to the reflexive female preference for retarded thugs and criminals. Now, this truth is becoming plain to even the most Blue-Pilled Anglosphere commentators:

By lauding women's 'educational achievements' (degrees in womyn's studies, for the most part), the lamestream Anglo media plays a prominent role in this decline. In reality, most women only attend college because educational standards have been so eroded. How many study the hard sciences or engineering? Yet the myth of female 'genius' is extolled at every turn, abetting their over-promotion in the public sphere.

So now women are prominent players in law, politics and academia across the Anglosphere, causing it to crumble before our eyes. While males are thrown in jail for approaching a woman in public, female doctors, nurses and teachers are showing their nether regions to toddlers in Canadian kindergartens. Over-promoted women are destroying banking, education and the military with equal aplomb; even Truth is an outlawed concept.

All is not lost, though. For Awakened men like ourselves, the deluded masses are easy marks to outwit and exploit. This crumbling, deluded cultural bloc presents rich opportunities for those armed with the Crimson Pill. The dumber our foes, the greater our chances for glory.

So roll on, 2024.



  1. I think the reason people are getting dumber is because they are getting fatter! Just look at American's! And those fattie feminists sure do love there Hagen Daz!!! The alt right was filled with a bunch of racist fags like Richard Spencer and Jack Donovan who worshipped fraudsters like Steve Sailor! But they were too busy being waycisst too see that bullies in there own ranks like Matt Forney suffered from poor impulse control just like that scumbag male feminist David Futrelle. Americans are getting dumber, meaner and fatter! Is it a globalist plot or just there manifest (Man-a-fatso) Destiny???

    So Rookh, Marry XXXMas and a nasty new year! I hope you get with a beautiful ladyboy and enjoy some mangina! Or as they say in clown world-Happy Holidays!

  2. Why is Cory Rumbaugh's friend Asia Morris showing her animus inside a Kindergarten class?

  3. Is it true that Cory Rumbaugh livestreamed herself giving a bj to her 8yo son?

  4. It's hindu muffins like you that are making our hussite nations dumber!!!! Haven't your read all my reichtings on HBD!!! I am celebrated around the man-0-sphere!!! Jack Donovan and Richard Spencer invite me to their White ?Nationalist Bathouse Youth Camp Gatherings!!!

    Huwite makes Reich!!!

  5. Another spot on post. The news (mainstream media) starting in the late 80s, always made my skin crawl when it'd mention "women's achievements".

    P.S. my blog's been pulled. It will not deter me. I fight against lies. Their lies. That's why they want to shut me up.

    1. We have no way to know if you are the real Dick or a fake Dick. It has ben said that Dick pulled his blog because like all MRA's hw was "One BJ away."

      IF this is the real Dick, I suggest moving on from Whammen and trying lady Boys!!!

    2. That's what you get for being a simp to Elon Mollusk! You fucking cuck, don't let the door hit your unwired ass on the way out! FAG!!!

    3. teheehee, Richard, lets watch Salo together!!!! I closed down my blog so I wouldn't have a scandal like my hero Hugo Schwyzer. Why'd you close yours you cuck?

    4. That's a great pity. It was a great blog, full of puckish wit. The plantation owners are doing all they can to suppress our message. Consider how Coach Red Pill just got taken out... Coach Dead Pill, nowadays.

    5. It's gonna come back, and if it doesn't, several blogs will take its place. Like a hydra.

  6. doin' my duty for the huwite race!!!,smart&s=bcaf3062b086e8a99a829edf2d7583c9cae625a9

  7. If you don't worship the whyte woman's vajina, aynus and uterus as God, you end up being labelled a 'misogynist' for life.

  8. Rookh Kshatriya,

    make me a sammish!

    1. Men and boys are forced to worship what comes out of a white woman's crapper.

  9. I am male feminist, here me rore!

    oh, wait that was a stomach growl!!!!

  10. Why is the fefail teacher pooping in class and forcing her students to worship her turd? So much shit going on in public schools these days...

  11. What happens to students who refuse to kiss the female teacher's pu55y and anus?

    1. In the UK and Canada, they'd probably fail the class, lose their chance to get good grades for a good university, and end up in poverty later in life...all because they didn't want to kiss their feminist teacher's shit crusted anus.

    2. I'm glad I don't have kids. The feminist teacher's aynus appears to be a test for who believes in the material world (shit), and who believes in the Kingdom of God. Feminists want people to worship their poop in this shit economy, coercing those children to lick their female teacher's aynus under the fear of poverty.

    3. Do these Karens really believe that they are holier than thou and pure? Many of the Karens eat uncooked sushi, rare pork and food which contains tapeworms. They are spreading intestinal worms and parasites on those poor children. No wonder schools are facing the wrath of angry young men who wanted to seek revenge for what their female teacher did to them. These Karens caused Adam Lanzas.

  12. Jesus is returning soon. Repent. Don't kiss the teacher's dirty ainus. God sent Putin to wage war on the feminist West. We should praise Putin when he releases nuclear ballistic missiles on every Slutwalk and naked female teacher ainus. Praise the Lord.

    1. Amen and thank GOD for Putin!

  13. Imma bout 2 get my tranny surgery!!!

    Want sum Rookie Coohkie?!?

    1. Why did you lodge a complaint against the OF teachers?

      Now the teachers are angry, because they argue that it's their right to show their anuses to kindigardeners.

  14. Men Factor is in the garbage can!!!

    Hears my know blog!!!

  15. The majority of modern women, in particular white Karens have a very credible risk of harboring STIs and diseases within their vaginas and anuses. Have the schoolkids gotten tested for herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, HIV/AIDS, sphyillis and antibiotic resistant STIs?

  16. Is it a terrible life that modern fefails would rather be nude with children, while many young men are incels because of modern fefails not giving it up to average men?
    Will the life expectancy of men go down to 17 due to mass self-deletions of young men who are no longer useful to the modern fefail? Should men reincarnate in order to see their female teacher naked?

  17. My advice for today: DO NOT kiss the female teacher's anus. No matter how hard life gets. The female teacher's anus is not divine.

    1. C'mon man. Your comment applies only to the children who are coerced to rim their teacher in class.

      If women were forcing men to kiss their poopers en masse, there wouldn't be an incel problem.

      What we have in the Anglosphere is a female/feminist paedophile problem. More and more Gen Y and Z men are becoming lonely, sexless incels.

      At the same time, as Rookh mentioned, approaching women is a crime, and I might include adult entertainment will become criminalised, all while the female teacher is gaping her pooper to kids in her class and forcing them to respect her as a feminist paedophile, while she hates on men.

      Not good for the future of a society.

    2. It's getting very cold with this arctic breeze engulfing North America and Europe. The toddlers are coerced into a situation they have no control over. The feminist teacher believes that she is a goddess, but the day of the Lord is coming to put those pedophile feminists to account in Hell. You are right. The female teacher's putrid anus is not a holy site. It's cursed.

    3. I spent some time in Canada on a business trip. Toronto to be exact. The majority of women there aren't sociable, and the younger ones have green-dyed hair, nose rings, and a very unapproachable demeanor. When they noticed me standing on the street waiting for the lights, they look at their chest and pull up their cardigan or top hiding any visible cleavage. If they are walking ahead of me and they look back and see a man, they pull down their shirt bottom to hide their arse. Mind you, this is in the busy downtown section of Toronto, and the majority of women are doing this.
      In Montreal, on the other hand, the local women smiled at me, laughed at my poor attempt in French, and they were generally approachable. I was staying near some French speaking university. Note that McGill is mainly Toronto transplants, so there is some Anglo feminism there.

    4. I always guessed that Toronto's various gender issues somehow related to its Anglo character. Thanks for confirming.

  18. Be careful guys. Red Pill Coach got assassinated in Ukraine because he was promoting anti-feminism and the Red Pill. His concubine was Russian, which made him more of a target.

    1. Yes, I heard about that. The general success and proliferation of our worldview is forcing the various plantation owners to desperate measures.

  19. The anons are doing a great job exposing these female teachers who are showing their vaginas and anuses in elementary schools:

    Commerce teacher resigns following photo allegations
    Dec 27, 2023 0
    PrintCopy article link
    A Commerce Primary School kindergarten teacher has resigned following accusations she made sexually-suggestive photos of herself while on a school campus.
    The teacher resigned Dec. 15 after emails circulated that purport to show photos of the teacher in various states of undress at a school. The emails also allegedly show a former Commerce Primary paraprofessional had also taken sexually-suggestive photos at the school. No children were reportedly involved in the photos. It’s not clear exactly when the photos were taken.

  20. Another day, another millions of single young men rotting as inkwells, while female teachers are getting their poopers licked by toddlers while being compensated with generous wages, pension and extended health benefits.

  21. Bro why are the teachers who got deleted the ones with Karen haircuts, resting bitch faces and Instagram eyebrows before that even was a thing in the late 2010s? Was that Adam Lanza trying to save the future? The weird stuff about the mass murder is that there is a theory that Adam Lanza suspected that children were being abused at the school. It wouldn't be surprising if those pupils were forced to rim their teachers' anuses inside the class. Children who are forced to do those vile acts end up growing dysfunctional and later end up deceased early due to drug overdoses and sue side.

  22. Why does a white woman believe that her anus is a holy site?

    1. The Christians have their Jerusalem, the Muslims have their Mecca, the Jewish people have their Wailing wall. Under feminism, they have the feminist's STI infected coochie and anus, with more reverence to the feminist's anus, because the coochie has been used more than a second hand tyre.

  23. What if the Mark of the Beast is the white woman's anus?

  24. Can the men giving up on the workforce issue be explained because of feminism and a police state?
    Men have to be very careful not to offend a woman while he is at the bus stop going to work, at work, and leaving work. He can't even be found posting content which offends a woman on his own social media. Meanwhile, as the comments illustrate, female teachers are moonlighting on salacious websites and using toddlers to toss the teacher's salad in class.
    Like, what's the use for men working hard if it doesn't guarantee a partner, a house and a middle class life. Instead, every second he's outside of his man cave, he risks being falsely accused by a woman who is going to work to teach toddlers how to lick her asshole.

  25. In Christian End Times theory, the Day of Rapture is near when Jezebels rule the world. The Bible mentioned that in the Last Days, as the world is almost destroyed, many women will try to capture free men in desperation.

    In Islamic eschatology the Hadiths mentioned about women ruling the world, but gets more Red pilled with predicting that 50 women will chase after one man, which can be interpreted as many women will chase after the top 1% of men.

    Interesting times that we live in. There may be a silent mass dying off of men, and we are not privy to the information.

  26. Anglo feminism is the destruction of civilisation. Low birth rates, corporate expansionism, increase of a police state and nanny state government, eroding civil liberties, while the rich concentrate their wealth at the top. Destruction of the middle class where either one owns something, or owns nothing. Thank your red-haired or blue-haired feminist c*nt for the inequality of wealth.

  27. Collapse of society explained by Michael Snyder:

    The feminist's anus is not a holy site folks.

  28. so s3x-ed is a trojan horse for feminists to show their oyster shells and anuses to their students? We are living in the Last Days.

  29. Laws intended to Criminalise the approach of women, even just to say hi, was one of the biggest mistakes to society. Many men are shut indoors because in London, staring is a royal offence. But female teachers are getting their buttholes licked by their kindergartner students. What a sick and depraved feminist soyciety we live in.
    And the King would want us blokes to enlist in the RAF against Russia. No thanks. Putin can wage war on the feminist countries, not my problem.

  30. Many men can't even speak to a woman, yet little toddlers are licking their feminist teacher's birth hole and stink hole. Male suicides are very high. What if the men realize that their dating life is gone, and they offed themselves in order to reincarnate and get the chance to lick their teacher's stink hole?

    1. Radical feminism has elevated the WW's anus as sacred. The Bible warned us that God will return to throw fire and brimstone on those who corrupt the little ones. Unfortunately, the Bible condemns the children (who lick their female teacher's anus) with fire and brimstone.

  31. Freezing temperatures this weekend, and being homeless have to be the most hellish life I have ever experienced. But I am NOT going to lick the white British woman's filthy arsehole even if I get frostbite.

  32. Is this the religion of feminism? Anus, poop and a foul-smelling box?

  33. White womyn,,,,they're naked with children.

  34. So two men in dinner jackets accosted me in the tube at Westminister. They knew my name and warned me about referring to the end of a woman's digestive tract using 'misogynistic terminology'. They told me to edit it and refer to a woman's excretory waste as "byproducts" or "natural fertiliser". Can't say it's sh!t, p00p, or anything like that. I'm not afraid of them, but just wanted to let you guys know that men are being spied upon and surveilled for fem!nism.
