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Thursday 11 October 2012

Book Published!

As some of you may know, I have been working on a definitive statement of my ideas about feminism for some years. At last, this has come to fruition in Havok: How Anglo-American Feminism Ruined Society.

Many commentators view the 'male crisis' that besets the English-speaking world - men's educational failure, social apathy and political alienation - as a by-product of modern feminism. However, 'Havok' argues that the English-speaking countries harbor a deep hostility to men that is centuries old. The puritanical religious culture that emerged in England during the Seventeenth Century stigmatized men as sexual beings. This anti-male agenda persists today in education, law and the 'mainstream' media. Far from being a 'revolutionary' movement, Anglo-American feminism reprises the oldest themes of English-speaking civilization - sexual repression, a distrust of visual beauty and misandry, the hatred of men.

If you have ever wondered why Anglo-American feminists and their conservative 'opponents' sound exactly the same, or why the American media vilifies men as 'morons' and 'losers', this book is for you.

The book can be bought here. All proceeds will go to expanding the Anglo-American men's movement.


  1. Congratulations on your book Rookh! Men from anglo countries need to realize why they are vilified as perverts, misfits and losers in the anglo world.

    It would be great if you could get on some radio and tv talk shows. Your book needs to be read by all men in the anglosphere.

    1. You vilify yourselves.

    2. Anonymous Anglo feminist:

      Your existence is a vilification.

  2. Congrats!

    Any ebook version in the cards?

  3. Hahahahah, god bless vanity publishing!

    You should specify exactly which men's movement charity you'll be donating to. Or are you simply trying to rip off your cronies?
    Also, I'm perplexed - why did you not use your full title on the front cover, "Dr." Rookh?

    1. The e-version will be much cheaper. Also, my doctorate is in a tangential field.

    2. A Kindle version of your book would sell on Amazon for about $10. It would be available to a wider readership too.

      It is easy to convert your book into a Kindle ebook.

  4. Rookh:
    Congratulations Rookh!

    As for the jealous feminist commenters above, so-called 'vanity publishing' is unfortunately, the only way to avoid censorship these days.

  5. Congrats on your book release.

    Will there be a Kindle edition of your book?

  6. Glad to hear this. I will be buying a copy soon...

  7. We will be buying a copy soon too. Congrats on getting it published.

