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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Karl Marx and Elliot Rodger: The Rise and Rise of Anglo-American Sexual False Consciousness

How's your sexual false consciousness today?

According to Karl Marx, the broad masses in capitalist societies are coerced by what he termed ‘false consciousness’. In this view, the exploited and disenfranchised internalize the world-view of the dominant class, even where this works to their detriment. Hence, the blue collar masses in North America often vote Republican, even though this results in reduced life-chances for people in their socio-economic bracket. Similarly, the British underclasses are often fanatical defenders of the social order, despite being firmly fixed at the bottom of it. Neo-Marxists such as Antonio Gramsci claimed that the complex mass media in Western societies are largely responsible for maintaining ‘false consciousness’ among the masses.

False consciousness: Mass Hypnosis at work

Some researchers have questioned whether false consciousness really exists. A British sociologist named Blackburn interviewed numerous factory workers in the north of England. All of them knew perfectly well that they were exploited by the factory owners, revealing no signs of Marx’s ‘false consciousness’.

However, I believe false consciousness is alive and well. It has just transformed into something else in the post-Marriage era: namely, sexual false consciousness. While disenfranchised men have a relatively clear grasp of their economic situation, they now suffer from sexual self-delusion. And this is a logical progression, in that status in western countries is now expressed sexually rather than economically. This change has shifted the locus of false consciousness from the economic to the sexual sphere, since the sexual sphere is now more important. Indeed, as the British writer Colin Wilson avers, the sexually disenfranchised are the new underclass, whatever their economic situation. Hence, an incel doctor has lower status than a tattooed thug in a housing project, if the thug is enjoying a surfeit of sex.

As we all know, the Anglo-American world is a dating nightmare for men. More than half of all American women are obese; most women over 35 are ‘past it’ from a sexual stand-point; and the few attractive women are entitled, unpleasant and only interested in thugs on Death Row. Men who want sex with the few eligible females have to work hard at it: study Game, hit the gym, eat right – and as the guys at PUA Hate argue, even all that effort guarantees nothing. So, aside from fucking whores and pursuing foreign women, the sexual options for the average Anglo-American male are, basically, dire. For a start, there are too few eligible women. And the eligible women that do exist generally hate men who aren’t ‘exciting’ (i.e. tattooed, psychopathic thugs or wealthy celebrities).

Despite this gritty reality, most Anglo-American men seem to live in a world of endless sexual bounty, having sex with teenage models every few days (at least according to themselves). Even old, ugly men with menial jobs claim to be doing this, in the face of all rational evidence.

Lower class men and their imaginary sex lives

That is sexual false consciousness, in a nutshell: rampant self-deceit about one’s sexual chances, options and achievements. Men suffering from this malady are fairly ubiquitous in the Anglosphere.  They are particularly common among the lower social strata, especially the type hitched to obnoxious land whales. If we examine their claims objectively, they have to be bullshit: otherwise, the Anglosphere’s tiny minority of beautiful women would be having sex with thousands of men every day.

False consciousness has a purpose. It deludes the masses into thinking they are living in mansions, not hovels; that they are driving Maseratis, not Volkswagens. Similarly, sexual false consciousness deludes men married to past-prime blimps that they are having sex with 18 year old models; or it deludes hardcore incels that such escapades are a serious possibility. And so such men stumble on through lives devoid of all sexual prospect, keeping corporate capitalism ticking over as workers and consumers.

Elliot Rodger: Sanest of All?

The recent case of Elliot Rodger shows what happens when sexual false consciousness breaks down, or fails to form in the first place. Instead of padding his mind with ludicrous pipe-dreams, Rodger confronted his incel status every hour of every day. Rather than being ‘crazy’ or ‘insane’, he was, in fact, entirely grounded and objective: far more sane, in fact, than men trapped in sexual false consciousness.

Rodgers’ only insanity involved his acceptance of Anglo-American Puritanism as the limits of his psycho-sexual world. With his money, he could easily have hired a bevy of silicon-enhanced hookers for sexual relief. Better still, he might have just journeyed to a foreign country where women are thinner, prettier, less entitled and frankly, less racist.

A win-win situation all round.


  1. Another excellent article Rookh. It's funny, when I watch TV shows and movies here in America, it shows fat guys dating hot girls, ugly guys sleeping with women who look like models and guys who work at fast food jobs dating Playboy centerfolds.

    What an incredible disconnect Hollywood shows in their movies and TV programs. Any guy who lives here knows that America has a horrible dating scene for men. Most women are either overweight or unattractive. The few thin good looking women are either already married or have boyfriends.

    Trying to meet thin, good looking women in America is like trying to catch lightening in a bottle!

  2. Rookh:
    A great analysis. I think it should also be noted that Rodger not only imbibed the Anglo-Puritan ethic, he swallowed the Leftist PC/Cultural of Envy to a great extent. He refers in his manifesto to envy a lot and to hatred of those more successful than himself. His problem was trying to tie these PC attitudes to male sexuality---which disqualified him culturally for victimhood status.

    I think he showed the same liberalist bent (though tainted with Anglo-Puritanism) in not pursuing prostitutes or foreign women, since in American cultural milieu, such behavior is 'exploitative'.

  3. I've noticed this over the years, but could never articulate it quite as cleverly as you.

    Most Anglo men could never even muster the courage to admit these sexual conditions exist, let alone go into great detail.

    Very well done my good man!

  4. Marx is an unfashionable thinker among modern MRAs, somewhat like Freud. However, he was working in the 19th century when people did not understand the innate biological differences that exist between men and women. Also, Marx believed that worldwide Communist revolution was inevitable - in fact, capitalism might just continue indefinitely.

    Despite these shortcomings, his thoughts about many other things remain relevant and meaningful. He had a very clear grasp of economic imperialism and the present struggles in the Middle East (and indeed, elsewhere) are best explained by this. Also, his understanding of the mass delusions that maintain public attachment to corporate capitalism remains unmatched. If Marx were writing today, Marxism would not only be more scientifically informed but quite closely allied to the progressive MRM, in my opinion.

  5. *Another excellent article Rookh. It's funny, when I watch TV shows and movies here in America, it shows fat guys dating hot girls, ugly guys sleeping with women who look like models and guys who work at fast food jobs dating Playboy centerfolds.*

    That is how sexual false consciousness gets embedded in the mass mind. If the blue-collar male masses were to confront the limited reality of their sexual options, far more of them would run amok like Elliot Rodger or George Sodini. Sexual false consciousness both hides the truth about Anglo-American gender-relations and maintains control over the self-deluded.

  6. Sebastian Hawks28 May 2014 at 14:47

    Some woman who writes as a movie critic just got herself in trouble by writing an article after the atrocity blaming Hollywood (Jud Apatow and Seth Rogan in particular) for creating a deluded idea of how easy the average schlub can jump into bed with supermodels. That doesn't excuse mass murder, but just as violent movies can be the extra ingredient to give the already unhinged a template, so can the "American Pie" genre create a false expectation of endless orgies awaiting the socially awkward in a society 100% operating for only those with high social IQs.

    I'll also say that the talk of "tatooed thugs who can barely speak" is not quite accurate. These guys might not have a high logical, mathematical, spacial IQ but they all have very high social IQs and are able to come up with inane little verbal responses to endlessly amuse females.

  7. Sebastian Hawks29 May 2014 at 02:39

    I'll add that perhaps all "Patriarchy" consists of is a sort of animal husbandry of human beings. In order for civilization to persist humans need to be bred the same way one "domesticates" an animal. Now with sober elders and civil institutions no longer pairing women up, unfettered female choice is breeding a "wild animal" temperament back into human beings. Being able to make endless quips of "small talk" to "amuse" women may make a player leave vast numbers of bastards in his wake. But it is not going to populate society with the kind of people who create micro-electronics, life saving pharmaceuticals, design aerospace technology, create advanced weapons such as GPS guided munitions. There really is no "fix" for the education crisis, our schools are filled with low IQ children from single mothers messing around with "players" you can't turn a turd into gold.

  8. Sebastian Hawks29 May 2014 at 02:53

    "I think he showed the same liberalist bent (though tainted with Anglo-Puritanism) in not pursuing prostitutes or foreign women, since in American cultural milieu, such behavior is 'exploitative'."

    Naw, that is more the excuse of pussified sissy types, the vast majority spout the "I'll NEVER pay for sex" line evidently deluded that they can just go out and pick up a chick for easy sex anytime they feel like it. The "imaginary sex lives" the photo above alludes to. Women just aren't like that, only gays get it so easy in America, study the way gay life REALLY is, my sister was a fag hag so I heard her friends talk about the anonymous pickups that go on at gay bars. The only way a straight man can live such a life is with prostitutes.

  9. *Women just aren't like that, only gays get it so easy in America,*

    Perhaps that is why so many men adopt the gay lifestyle in America; it guarantees a surfeit of sex.

    *Now with sober elders and civil institutions no longer pairing women up, unfettered female choice is breeding a "wild animal" temperament back into human beings. Being able to make endless quips of "small talk" to "amuse" women may make a player leave vast numbers of bastards in his wake. But it is not going to populate society with the kind of people who create micro-electronics, life saving pharmaceuticals, design aerospace technology, create advanced weapons such as GPS guided munitions. There really is no "fix" for the education crisis, our schools are filled with low IQ children from single mothers messing around with "players" you can't turn a turd into gold.*

    All true. There are subcultural 'pockets' in Anglo-America where sober elders still pair women up, though. And these pockets tend to produce the few remaining scientists and other STEM professionals. Aside from the Anglo-Jewish upper-middle class, certain Asian communities advance their academic hegemony in this way. In Britain, where selective schools persist, they are monopolized by Indians/East Asians for this very reason.Basically, intelligence is not bred out of those groups by the insane vagaries of female mate-choice.

    1. Before he became politically-incorrect, Dr. Albert Ellis noted that same thing in the 1950s. He actually wrote that American men adopted the gay lifestyle because of sexual phobias towards women and cured many homosexuals through therapy.

      That was in the 1950s: I would guess that male homosexuality is on the rise in the modern Anglosphere because desirable women are even rarer now than they were back then.

    2. Bharatiya Nari31 May 2014 at 05:21

      Doesn't follow. If "desirable" women are rarer, then phobias of them would be too.

      Men tend to fear women they find attractive, not unattractive.

    3. Not necessarily. Men could be turned off by ugly or domineering women and develop a phobia of all of them in general.

  10. Sebastian Hawks29 May 2014 at 14:42

    Where did Elliot Rodgers and most men these days, get the idea that endless orgies await them with women giving it up as easily as gays cruising? I came of age in the 80s and definitely had the impression that with adult life in America I'd simply walk into a bar and a woman would tap me on the shoulder and say "Hey, do you want to have sex?"

    Is easy to blame Hollywood in general, but I specifically want to site elements of popular culture to give this impression to prove my point. My memory dims of the 80s films though I believe they are a goldmine of such, I do remember St Elmos Fire the dorky "just friends" guy does score in a situation that wouldn't go. Breakfast Club on the other hand exposed a virgin boy bragging about a non-existent sex life with "some girl at a party" and getting called out on his BS.

    American Pie comes to mind as one that is totally off, every nerd in this film ends up getting easy sex with completely unrealistic female characters with charged with more testosterone than Wilt Chamberlain aggressively bedding these guys in implausible situations. The worst being a horribly miscast "Shannon Elizabeth" (what's with TWO FIRST NAMES?) a twenty something California woman with silicone enhancements trying to fumble through a Czech accent as some near prostitute throwing herself into the sack with the films most pathetic character.

    Another one is TV's Big Bang Theory about a group of nerds who somehow all seem to bed women, (except the poor Indian dude who is blue balled) The type of male our society is most likely to sexually, (and economically) disenfranchise have 75% success rates.

    Trainspotting showed the main character just decide to "go get some pussy" after he cleaned up from drugs by simply going to a club and landing a stranger as if it is as easy as walking into a Thai GoGo bar.

    The Apatow movies were singled out like "Knocked Up", he also made the demeaning "40 Year Old Virgin" which exposes a truth not to analyze this issue, but to laugh at the guy. (A modern day Minstral show with Steve Carel putting on the "Blackface" of the sexually disenfranchised male.)

    I'm sure there are way, way more examples of women acting like testosterone charged men, chasing beta males for quickies that simply never happens in the real world. Is this a disconnect by Hollywood Big Wigs so used to the casting couch they are bereft from reality? Is it a desire to send a message to women that "this is the way we WANT you to be?" Is it a political desire to deliberately cast a fake greatness to our society when in fact many people are miserable? I don't know but the more examples one can think of the better the evidence that we live in a realm of sexual propaganda.

  11. *Is it a political desire to deliberately cast a fake greatness to our society when in fact many people are miserable?*

    According to Marx and most neo-Marxists, that would definitely be the one. Any given culture has to present itself as better than all others, in order to secure mass support from its members. The Internet has partly caused this agenda to short-circuit in recent years, however, especially in the Anglosphere. After all, what are we doing now but subverting it? In particular, savvy Americans seem to love my perspective on Anglo culture - they have simply never seen it coherently criticized before; and so my writings are food and drink to them.

    One thing you miss is that many people think that everyone else but THEM is having lots of sex, as a result of media-induced false consciousness. Again, the rise of social media has exploded this widespread delusion.

  12. Oh so it is now Racist (all purpose uber insult) to prefer a person of the opposite sex of the same race as oneself.

    As it happens Rodger was delusional in that he rejected all women of his own race (Asian) in favour of the hottest white women.

    What is true is that men never want to admit their lack of either sexual opportunity or sexual experience. To do so is seen as a sign of failure. As it happens I could doubtless do better but I am afraid something in me just balks at Black or Asian women - and I have tried.

    1. Opus:
      I don't know the situation in Britain, but Asian men in America are largely shunned by white women. The minority that has the most success with white women here are the Blacks by far. And BTW, it's not the professional, educated Blacks, either. The stereotypical gang-banging thugs have harems of white women and breed kids like rabbits.

    2. Bharatiya Nari31 May 2014 at 05:14

      Gang-banging thugs might have "harems" of white women but those white women are their socio-economic equals. Professional, educated black men mate with their socio-economic equals.

      Assortive mating is the norm globally and always has been.

    3. Bharatiya Nari31 May 2014 at 05:17

      "As it happens Rodger was delusional in that he rejected all women of his own race (Asian) in favour of the hottest white women."

      Rodger was mixed race so either Asian or "white" women would have been "his own".

  13. Preferring one's own ethnic group is of course natural. However, Rodger was half Asian and half white. As such, he would have have had higher sexual status in an Asian country than a white one.

  14. oh knoes, rapey rooshiepoohs called pretty Elliot a male feminist...

    I said that first on your last post, I think you must've told him mr, Rookh...

    Is Rooshiepoops your son, or a lil basterd, you playa, you...

    you misogynists get around almost as much as Hugo Schwyzer...

  15. Bharatiya Nari31 May 2014 at 05:10

    "More than half of all American women are obese"

    So are American men.

    "most women over 35 are ‘past it’ from a sexual stand-point"

    So are men.

    "and the few attractive women are entitled, unpleasant and only interested in thugs on Death Row."

    Most attractive women are paired with their socio-economic equals. Its called "assortive mating" and its the norm around the world.

    Thugs on death row are paired with their socio-economic equals also - either with their boyfriends behind bars or with their girlfriends, also behind bars or on their way to becoming so. Under-educated, low class baby mamas with no futures to speak of.

    We Indians are lucky because we can also opt or arranged marriage within our socio-economic class, caste, religion, regional and linguistic backgrounds.

    We don't have to waste our time pining over people out of our league - whether higher or lower than us.

    As an Indian yourself you should take advantage of that and forget "anglos".

    Jai Mata Di!

  16. Bharatiya Nari31 May 2014 at 05:27

    " The recent case of Elliot Rodger shows what happens when sexual false consciousness breaks down, or fails to form in the first place. Instead of padding his mind with ludicrous pipe-dreams, Rodger confronted his incel status every hour of every day. Rather than being ‘crazy’ or ‘insane’, he was, in fact, entirely grounded and objective: far more sane, in fact, than men trapped in sexual false consciousness.

    Rodgers’ only insanity involved his acceptance of Anglo-American Puritanism as the limits of his psycho-sexual world. With his money, he could easily have hired a bevy of silicon-enhanced hookers for sexual relief. Better still, he might have just journeyed to a foreign country where women are thinner, prettier, less entitled and frankly, less racist."


    Elliot was a good looking young man. Way above average for an American. Most American men are 5's and below. I guarantee you that women of all ages gave him second looks.

    What turned them off was crazy.

    They could smell crazy on him a mile away.

    Elliot suffered from mental illness from a very young age, perhaps infancy. Maybe its genetic. Maybe something happened while in the womb. His parents had him seeing shrinks since childhood.

    His behavior and mannerisms reflected all this and that's why women avoided him.

    Women didn't drive him crazy.
    His crazy drove women away.

  17. *Most attractive women are paired with their socio-economic equals. Its called "assortive mating" and its the norm around the world.*

    A norm that has somewhat broken down in the Anglosphere, because of female 'liberation'. Also, assortive mating works across several variables - attractiveness and IQ as well as socio-economic status. Assortive mating based on class becomes more important as people mature, settle down and want to start a family. Prior to that stage, the primary selective factors are 'coolness' and physical attraction. Elliot Rodger was clearly struggling with this juvenile version of assortive mating, not its adult (and very different) variant. That is because he wasn't tall, aggressive and socially adept (the mild autism he suffered from is not considered a mental illness, more a neurological handicap). And the rest is history.

    *Thugs on death row are paired with their socio-economic equals also - either with their boyfriends behind bars or with their girlfriends, also behind bars or on their way to becoming so. Under-educated, low class baby mamas with no futures to speak of.*

    Explain, then, why mass murderers on Death Row are inundated with hundreds of love letters a day by besotted females? Ted Bundy, for example, received 400 love letters daily. When he was a diligent student, the Aurora Joker attracted zero female interest. After he shot several people in a cinema, thousands of women were besotted by him.

    The rising issue in gender-relations is how to keep high IQ males 'onside' when women in general have no interest in them. Assortive mating based on socio-economic factors only kicks in as people reach their late 20s; prior to that, 'coolness' and looks are all that matter. It is interesting that a lot of American school shooters are under 25 - that is, still embedded in the age-range fixated on 'coolness and beauty', and therefore sexually disenfranchised. Thereafter, as they age, they still pine for the young women they missed in youth (rather like George Sodini). But by then the boat has sailed on, leaving them locked in the walking death that is involuntary celibacy.

    1. Bharatiya Nari31 May 2014 at 18:45

      Part 1

      "Explain, then, why mass murderers on Death Row are inundated with hundreds of love letters a day by besotted females? "

      They aren't. Most death row inmates lead unacknowledged lives, that's why we don't even know who they are and Bundy keeps getting cited as an example despite him being dead for decades already.

      Oh OK! There was a huge controversy recently about a death row inmate suffering complications with his lethal injection and no mention of a wife or girlfriend was made, what to speak of receiving "hundreds of letters from besotted women."

      Most death row inmates die quiet, lonely and scared. They are not going out with a bang. Pun intended.

      Bundy had exceptional looks (especially for an American). Its understandable that some women (who themselves are not grounded and mentally stable) would find him physically attractive. But the thing to be noted here is that they thought him to be wrongly accused. There's a misconception in some peoples minds that people who look good and harmless are incapable of committing heinous crimes.

      He had the Republican Party fooled so that must say something about all Republicans, right?

      Susan "Sadie" Atkins, Charles Manson's right hand woman was also courted by multiple men while in prison, and married there twice, once I believe to her lawyer no less! Does this mean ALL men everywhere pine for a serial murderess?

      "When he was a diligent student, the Aurora Joker attracted zero female interest. After he shot several people in a cinema, thousands of women were besotted by him."

      Oh please. Enough with they hyperbole. Who and where and these "thousands" of women "besotted" by him?

      Again, the vast, vast majority of death row inmates die scared and alone with no one "besotted" by them.

      And if you want to see the quality of women who are "loyal baby mamas" to thug inmates, just visit your local prison parking lot during visiting hours and see the types of women that are pulling up.

  18. The INCEL anthem:

  19. *Most death row inmates die quiet, lonely and scared. They are not going out with a bang. Pun intended.*

    True, but then few of them are media celebrities or serial sex murderers. Someone who murders an old couple robbing their house will be executed, sure, but the other vital ingredients to ensure mass female interest will not be present. I never said all murderers on death row attract women, only those with celebrity status and bearing the hyper-masculine standing of a sex murderer. Another example is Richard Ramirez, who had any number of young groupies at his trial.

    I honestly think you are struggling to grasp this phenomenon because your culture has obviated the bizarre reality of unfettered female sexuality from your experience.

    Also, at a more general level, women seem to like 'lawless' outsiders who are not incarcerated criminals as such, but lightweight versions of the same male 'type'.

    1. Bharatiya Nari1 June 2014 at 23:08

      Rookh, I wrote an elaborate comment and divided it into Parts 1,2 and 3 since there are character limitation in this commenting system but I've lost all of it.

      To summarize, the vast majority of women are not chasing serial killers. The vast majority are not baby mamas to hyper-masculine thugs rotting in jail. And the women who, are hyper-masculine thugs themselves!

      The vast majority of people are assortively mated.

      Go to any college campus (and it is curious how 50+ year old men in the Manosphere are obsessed with high school and college dynamics, constantly referring to people young enough to be their grandkids, get over it and move on already) and you will not find ALL the female students having sex with a different "alpha frat jock" every week. What you will find is people assortively mating amongst their own on-campus social groups. Most of them are not having promiscuous sex as highly promiscuous people are a minority in any society. What you will find is "boyfriend and girlfriend" couples and not an insignificant number of virgins of both sexes.

      Sure, there may be a few so called "sluts" of both sexes on any campus, but they tend to rotate amongst themselves as nobody else is inclined to that level of promiscuity.

      Most everybody else is into "relationship sex", not sex with a new partner every weekend.

      On the subject of assortive mating, Elliot Rodger was the son of a rich and famous Hollywood director. He lived in a dream house on the beach and drove an expensive car. He was good looking. Women noticed all this. He could have easily assortively mated with a similar type daughter of Hollywood HAD HE NOT BEEN CRAZY.

      Regarding Bundy, he was exceptionally good looking and its not that the women (and they were a minority) who wrote him letters liked the fact that he murdered women and wanted him to murder them too, its that they thought someone as good looking, charming, affable and seemingly "normal" could not be capable of such crimes. They thought he was INNOCENT.

      There have been female criminals in the US who also were thought to be innocent as well because of their looks and other factors. Ruthless boyfriend-killer Jodi Arias has an entire fan club with male members white knighting for her and claiming such a "good woman" could not be a killer!

      Sociopathic narcissist baby-killer Casey Anthony is a free woman today and her lawyer totally crushed on her during her trial.

      Some male students who were sexually taken advantage of by their female teachers are called "lucky" by grown men who wish they had such "hot" teachers back in their school days.

      So good looking (or charming personality) people are often viewed as incapable of crimes in the eyes of *some* of the public.

  20. Sebastian Hawks1 June 2014 at 18:57

    Assortive pairing by class isn't necessarily the panacea for Eliot Rodgers, he wanted the blond California girl and a pairing may have more likely been with some nerd girl with a hairy unwashed pussy. I don't want that myself, I want the freedom to have as many hot whores readily available in the West just like in Bangkok today. Women are now free to satisfy their sexuality but selfishly aren't willing to share with anyone except a chosen few. At least the women of Thailand will let you in for a night for a modest fee. Another nightmare of the traditional system is you get stuck with kids, I truly do loathe children and couldn't stand coming home to that chaos every night. I not only envy the gays for their easy sex but also share their disdain for "breeders." My sister is a "breeder" and her million dollar house is just filthy with cookie crumbs EVERYWHERE--including the blankets in the spare bedroom where I was expected to sleep. Then you end up stepping on a lego on the bottom of your bare foot. Even if children were a financial assest instead of a god awful liability, I'd never want to deal with the hassle.

    1. Prostitution is illegal in America and therefore sex is a "scarce commodity." Women in America are highly hypergamous and only want to date with and sleep with alpha males.

      In countries where prostitution is legal, women don't have as much power over men. I would love to live in a country like Germany, where prostitution is legal and cheap.

    2. Bharatiya Nari1 June 2014 at 22:42

      "Women are now free to satisfy their sexuality but selfishly aren't willing to share with anyone except a chosen few."

      Because goddess forbid people have the agency to engage in mutually consentual sexual relationships.

      "At least the women of Thailand will let you in for a night for a modest fee."

      No, "the women of Thailand" will not let you do that. A select minority of professional prostitutes in Thailand will let you do that, as anywhere.

      The vast majority of Thai women are not prostitutes.

    3. Bharatiya Nari1 June 2014 at 22:49

      "Prostitution is illegal in America and therefore sex is a "scarce commodity."

      Not entirely. "Full body massage" is openly advertised in the Yellow Pages and we all know that's often a euphemism for "happy endings".

      Hookers openly walk the streets in several cities across the US.

      There are also high end escorts for the middle to upper middle class bracket.

      Even if one chooses not to go any of these routes, sex is not a scarce commodity as mutually consentual sexual relationships before marriage are not culturally shamed in American culture but openly embraced.

      Its simply a matter of finding someone who is as equally sexually attracted to you as you are to them.

      Millions of Americans are doing it.

    4. Bharatiya Nari1 June 2014 at 23:12

      "Assortive pairing by class isn't necessarily the panacea for Eliot Rodgers, he wanted the blond California girl and a pairing may have more likely been with some nerd girl with a hairy unwashed pussy. "

      See my new comment above regarding Hollywood rich kid Elliot and the level of "assortive pairing" that would have been available to him - had he not been crazy.

      PS: hairy genitalia is actually cleaner than shaved. There's a reason we evolved to grow hair down there.

  21. *Even if one chooses not to go any of these routes, sex is not a scarce commodity as mutually consentual sexual relationships before marriage are not culturally shamed in American culture but openly embraced.

    Its simply a matter of finding someone who is as equally sexually attracted to you as you are to them.

    Millions of Americans are doing it.*

    That is basically true. However, young males who succumb to the limitations of assortive mating and find a plain/unattractive mate are typically seen as losers only a few steps above hardcore incels. The whole issue with Elliot was that he sought to overcome assortive biology but was unable to. Yet this this desire to find a mate several levels more attractive than oneself was hardly a sign of insanity - does not the Anglo-American media endlessly project the idea that such aspirations are not only normative and desirable, but possible for young males to attain? Certainly, Elliot's desire for a blonde model was hardly idiomatic - 99% of young males want that, and the media feeds such expectations.

    1. Bharatiya Nari6 June 2014 at 22:12

      " However, young males who succumb to the limitations of assortive mating and find a plain/unattractive mate are typically seen as losers only a few steps above hardcore incels."

      By whom? In case you're blind let me inform you that the vast, VAST majority of the world's population is plain looking at best. These plain folk generally mate with other plain folk without hearing a peep about being a "loser" from other plain folk mating with plain folk.

      Sure, if a male or female 10 marries a male or female 4, some people will make comments amongst themselves. So what? The vast majority of people are mating with people who are within a 2 point range of their own looks.

      "The whole issue with Elliot was that he sought to overcome assortive biology but was unable to."

      NO. The "issue" with Elliot is that he suffered from mental illness.

      " Yet this this desire to find a mate several levels more attractive than oneself was hardly a sign of insanity"

      That was not why he was insane. And the girls pictured that he talked about were not at all "several levels more attractive" than him. They were your average everyday thin-lipped, leathery skinned store bought bottle blondes which are a dime a dozen in California, who were in fact less physically attractive than him (he had what Americans call "exotic" looks which are all the rage right now).

  22. Your problem is that you are approaching these issues with a rational male mind endowed with reason/morality/social conscience. No good - you have to think 'women', who lack all of these estimable traits.

    Here is a description of the phenomenon:

    This interesting article examines such behaviour in detail:

    There seem to be a number of reasons why women fixate on such men (mental illness, low self esteem, desire for celebrity). A desire to rescue them from false arrest or imprisonment seems a fairly minor theme, if it appears at all. Far more common is a visceral attraction to the prisoner's hyper-masculinity and propensity to murderous violence:

    Ever since being sentenced to death in 2000 for slashing a 13-year-old girl's throat, Tommy Lynn Sells "has received tons of letters from women who want to proclaim their love for him, talk sexy with him or have phone sex," says Diane Fanning, who got to know Sells while researching her book about him, Through the Window (St. Martin's, 2007). "It baffles me a little, because he's not your typical good-looking killer. He's just your good-old-boy rednecky type" — who claims to have slain dozens of men, women and children since he was 16.

    Sells showed Fanning the letters.

    "They were all 'your body' this and 'your body' that and 'I want to do this to you' and 'I want you to do that' — your typical soft porn. But you could see that each of these women thought she was his one and only."

    1. Very well put. I agree with your statement that women do not possess reason, morality or social conscience, and their lack of skill to think logically. With women it's all about emotions, which are mostly worthless, as nothing of worth has ever been achieved by letting the emotions rule.

      I resently read are good article about what happens when you give women the right to vote:

    2. Sebastian Hawks7 June 2014 at 22:11

      Here in an interesting comment from a different article on that site--the one about NY women looking to meet rich Silicon Valley Nerds--that exemplifies the typical lower class male and his imaginary sex life:

      "Pay for sex? There is no reason why a young man who has his shit together has to pay for sex. Sex is only fun if the women actively wants to have sex with you. With the sheer number of women running wild in every mall, restaurant, shop, and must be a god dam pariah to not be regularly scraping some sugar walls."

      As if women going about their ordinary errands want to jump into bed with some creep who tossed pickup lines at them. Once again, the false misconception that women are just like gay men out cruising, hyper-sexual beings where a trip to the corner store for a gallon of milk turns into a quickie. Yet somehow feminists are more angry at someone who tells the truth about the frigid nature of female sexuality than a pop culture mindset which mis-portrays them as nymphomaniacs?

    3. I recently saw an interesting programme on British TV: My Granny the Escort. It was about older women who sell sex for a living. The presenter assumed that all men who used such escorts were granny fetishists with lots of normal sexual opportunities with wives and girlfriends. It occurred to me that for many this might just not be so, and that cheap sex with cut-price granny escorts might be their only sexual outlet. I have read similar things about the whores servicing the troops in WW1 - many were old crones, but they made a good living because they were the only females available in some sections of the front.

      *Yet somehow feminists are more angry at someone who tells the truth about the frigid nature of female sexuality than a pop culture mindset which mis-portrays them as nymphomaniacs?*

      I have always said that Anglo feminism is not a revolutionary movement. Most of its themes were and are present in the parent culture, especially its more conservative redoubts. Obviously, sexual repression is the main theme that unites Anglo feminism with Anglo conservatism. Consequently, Anglo feminists become angry if their true affiliation is revealed. Of course, we also have to remember that Anglo women themselves are typically prey to sexual false consciousness. How many uptight, racist Anglo females have you seen reading racy Cosmo? Thousands, if not millions. Being subhuman, women are absurdly easy to indoctrinate.

    4. Sebastian Hawks8 June 2014 at 18:17

      "I recently saw an interesting programme on British TV: My Granny the Escort. It was about older women who sell sex for a living. The presenter assumed that all men who used such escorts were granny fetishists with lots of normal sexual opportunities with wives and girlfriends. It occurred to me that for many this might just not be so, and that cheap sex with cut-price granny escorts might be their only sexual outlet."

      Asian prostitutes in America tend to be much older than their clientèle suspects. I personally knew of a Korean hooker I used to regularly visit whom I knew as fact was 51 years old. The light was always dim and she kept herself in marvelous shape and dressed in young womens clothes. I read all kinds of other guys reviewing her on the Internet describing her as "late 20s" and bragging about their exploits in various positions. I used to take the girls out shopping at Walmart and saw them in their street clothes under bright light and can say that all of them were at least 45 years old and some were probably well over 50.

    5. Bharatiya Nari8 June 2014 at 23:35

      Sebastian, "As if women going about their ordinary errands want to jump into bed with some creep who tossed pickup lines at them. Once again, the false misconception that women are just like gay men out cruising, hyper-sexual beings where a trip to the corner store for a gallon of milk turns into a quickie. Yet somehow feminists are more angry at someone who tells the truth about the frigid nature of female sexuality than a pop culture mindset which mis-portrays them as nymphomaniacs?"

      - I agree it is ludicrous to portray *all* or *most* women as nymphos jonesing for sex 24/7 from puberty to post menopause.

      At the same time it is ludicrous to portray *all* or *most* women as frigid.

      Most humans of both sexes have varying degrees of fluctuating libido throughout their lives. An ebb and flow, if you will. Moreover women often experience a fluctuation of libido within a month's ovulation and menstrual cycles. Now that is definitely an ebb and flow!

      This is why sexual compatibility in a pairing is so important, yet so hard to come by. Her libido may be supercharged at a time of the months his is not and vice versa. Then over the long haul of several years they are both facing a broader ebb and flow caused by aging and other factors.

      But as humans are sexual beings, provided there is openness, trust and communication, a healthy and fun sexual life can usually evolve between a pair.

      The male foreskin is almost the equivalent of the female clitorous in terms of nerve ending sensations (though not quite as "gifted" shall we say?)

      Make sure you let people who are expecting male babies know this so they don't circumcise them.

      I'll also add that a natural, intact penis is a more pleasurable than a cut one for a woman.

      There are anatomical reasons for this that I won't go into here.

  23. Bharatiya Nari6 June 2014 at 06:59

    "Your problem is that you are approaching these issues with a rational male mind endowed with reason/morality/social conscience. No good - you have to think 'women', who lack all of these estimable traits."

    I am thinking like a woman. Myself. And of course I'm approaching these issue with a rational mind endowed with reason/morality/social conscience.

    "There seem to be a number of reasons why women fixate on such men (MENTAL ILLNESS, low self esteem, desire for celebrity). "

    Like I said: assortive mating.

    "In every corner of the world and in every epoch of history, the men and women of every culture deserve each other."

    - Spengler's Universal Law of Gender Parity

    1. Bharatiya Nari6 June 2014 at 22:03

      And why is it that a Desi uncle doesn't know what "nari" means?

      For that matter, why is a Desi uncle so concerned with the mating rituals of Anglos?

    2. Bharatiya Nari8 June 2014 at 23:44

      No matter how "anglicized" we Desis get, we always have the option of arranged marriage in case the "anglo" dating scene doesn't work out for us. So I'm still a little bemused at why an elderly Indian uncle is so concerned with the dating and mating scene of "anglos" who are young enough to be his grandchildren to the point where he would create an entire website for it?

  24. I have to ask something.

    Is chasing pussy really the highest aspiration that most men can think? Do you, especially any practitioner of the "Game, really believe that you are not a real man unless you chase women?

    How pathetic. I'm a male, and chasing women is something i have never done, nor do i ever would, because i'm far too interested about intellectual pursuits, accumulating wealth and increasing my knowledge about human nature, society and the world.

    Chasing pussy is for plebeians.

    1. As I understand it, there are clear links between high intelligence and a low sex drive. Also, males with high intelligence are rather less polygamous than males of average or below average intelligence... which doesn't say much for the average Game practitioner.

    2. Bharatiya Nari7 June 2014 at 19:24

      The advocates of game are average to below average intelligence. Game originated with lower IQ/lower socio-economic class African American males. (Not saying all African American males are low IQ!). Take a stroll through any American 'hood and its full of game and swag and not much else.

      Now average IQ at best white suburban males are trying to emulate this. They fail because despite being slightly more intelligent, they lack the swagger, the verbal charm (play on words, verbal wit, hello rap!), the confidence and the delicious smooth chocolate skin and natural musculature of physique that American black men possess.

      Their bodies are pure, decadent eye candy and a delight to behold in this otherwise man-candy deprived desert call the America.

      Even the skinny, nerdy, never-worked-out-a-day-in his-life blackkid has more muscle tone than your average white dude at the gym.

    3. Rookh:
      It may be that the sex drive of intelligent men is no lower than normal; but since intelligent men value intelligence they may see it as sexually alluring. Given the miniscule number of Anglo-American females who combine both 'beauty and brains'; it's not surprising that such men would find most women unappealing.

      That might also explain why they tend to be more monogamous, since the females they seek are rare to begin with.

    4. Game/PUA are essentially the male versions of the feminist 'Slut Culture'. It's really more sex for its own sake and ego validation than it is for enjoyment or romantic love. You could expect their IQ levels to be about on the same par as the sluts.

    5. Sebastian Hawks8 June 2014 at 18:03

      "It may be that the sex drive of intelligent men is no lower than normal;"

      No, I think that high intelligence also seems to go along with Autistic traits, Anxiety, and Depression all things that put a damper on sex drive. These traits also are big turnoffs to females, most of whom want to be flattered and entertained by charismatic dummies.

      "but since intelligent men value intelligence they may see it as sexually alluring."

      For the most part High IQ females are neurotic and frigid demanding absolute perfection and endless tests before they let you have sex with them. They are simply too much work.

    6. Bharatiya Nari8 June 2014 at 22:20

      Eric wrote, "Game/PUA are essentially the male versions of the feminist 'Slut Culture'. It's really more sex for its own sake and ego validation than it is for enjoyment or romantic love. You could expect their IQ levels to be about on the same par as the sluts."

      - Of course. Again, that's called "assortive mating".

      I repeat:
      "In every corner of the world and in every epoch of history, the men and women of every culture deserve each other."

      - Spengler's Universal Law of Gender Parity

  25. Sebastian Hawks7 June 2014 at 02:02

    The point is that there is a disappointment in most men today, both from popular culture and locker room talk, that life in "liberated" America is supposed to be endless sexual encounters with beautiful women. Life like Don Draper lives in TVs' Mad Men with his endless trysts. Even the moralists railing against this assume this to be so. The movies, the talk of the other high school boys, and my prudish parents warning me against it all had me believing that in adult life you simply walk into a bar and beautiful girls would come up to you and tap you on the shoulder and ask you to have sex. At least in earlier times people were honest about how prudish society was and didn't harbor unrealistic expectations.

    1. That's the nail on the head. Despite all these tangential excursions into assortive mating, the blunt fact is that most Anglo-American men are not living Don Draper lives. And an all-pervasive, media-maintained myth insinuates that they are, when they are not: sexual false consciousness is real.

    2. Bharatiya Nari7 June 2014 at 19:59

      "The point is that there is a disappointment in most men today, both from popular culture and locker room talk, that life in "liberated" America is supposed to be endless sexual encounters with beautiful women. Life like Don Draper lives in TVs' Mad Men with his endless trysts."

      Are you really suggesting that *most* American men are so stupid that they cannot distinguish a made up fictional TV plot from real life?

    3. Nari:
      "Are you really suggesting that most American men are so stupid that they cannot distinguish a made up fictional TV plot from real life?"

      I live in America, and I can assure you that most Americans---both men and women---are exactly that stupid.

    4. Bharatiya Nari8 June 2014 at 22:16

      Eric, I also live in the US and most people I know here are not basing their relationship or sexual expectations on the fictional character named Don Draper.

      Most Americans are assortively mating.

  26. *Most Americans are assortively mating.*

    For the most part, unwillingly. Also, female hypergamy is a factor that undercuts assortive mating, to no small extent.

    1. Yes, in America you have overweight women and ugly women who think they are going to marry a guy who is rich.

      There are obese women in the US who are holding out to get a doctor or engineer. The dating scene for men in America is a complete nightmare!

      I have a newsflash for American women, only beauty queens get to marry guys who are rich!

    2. Bharatiya Nari11 June 2014 at 06:00

      "For the most part, unwillingly. "

      - Nope. For the most part, quite contentedly so.

      "I have a newsflash for American women, only beauty queens get to marry guys who are rich!"

      - Generally only rich women get to marry rich guys as people rarely marry outside their own general socio-economic class, obese or not.

    3. Actually, attractive women typically marry up. In fact, this is why the higher social classes are generally taller, thinner and better-looking than the poor. The Psychology of Social Class by Michael Argyle gives chapter and verse.

    4. James Bond:
      Yes, and those beauty queens don't even typically bother with rich guys until they've had an assortment of thugs first.

    5. Nari:
      That is not even close to true here in America, except among the extremely wealthy classes. And even then, formal marriage doesn't stop the rich girls from secretly cavorting with underclass thugs.

      I've seen NUMEROUS cases of this. There are female professionals I personally know of---making 6 figure incomes---who are cohabiting with, and supporting absolute loser scumbag males who've never held a steady job, have been in and out of jail repeatedly, and have been abusive and have kids by previous women whom they've abandoned.

      I would slightly disagree with Rookh here about Hypergamy: that may play an economic part in formal marriage, but 'Hypogamy' would define most female sexual choices over here.

  27. Thanks so much for your site. Your work is an inspiration to myself and I'm sure many others. I'm desperate to leave the US and the horror of American women (western Canada is pretty bad too).
    Thanks again.

  28. Bharatiya Nari11 June 2014 at 20:20

    Ha! You defeated your own argument with

    " this is why the higher social classes are generally taller, thinner and better-looking than the poor."

    Those attractive women are ALREADY higher class.

    Again I repeat, the vast majority of humans marry within their own socio-economic class.

    Brain surgeons do not marry Taco Bell cashiers. But they do marry ob-gyns, lawyers and professors.

    Knock! Knock!

  29. They do if the Taco Bell cashiers are 8s, 9s or 10s. Yes, beautiful women are rarer among the lower class because of trans-generational hypergamy but Argyle shows that such women invariably do marry up. In fact, for women physical attractiveness remains the most important single factor in determining their social position. Short, fat, ugly women still marry down while tall, thin, pretty women still marry up. The male association of female beauty with personal status remains a potent dynamic.

    1. Bharatiya Nari12 June 2014 at 05:36

      "They do if the Taco Bell cashiers are 8s, 9s or 10s."

      No they DON'T.

      The 8,9 or 10 Taco Bell cashiers marry the best looking of the managers at Taco Bell. That's "marrying up" for them.

      Brain surgeons for the most part don't even go into Taco Bell.

      The worlds of these two types of people do not normally coincide or collide.

    2. The evidence shows they do, even if it is only a few social bands above themselves for the most part. Also, you fixate on subcultures within the elite, such as highly educated medical specialists. In reality, many wealthy men are not especially intelligent or cultured, especially in the Anglosphere. Someone with a successful contracting business will earn more than most academics. Hypergamy still works because, for most people, the dizzying intellectual/cultural divides you describe just aren't there. Also, won't many Taco Bell cashiers now have college degrees? A good many will also have middle class family backgrounds. Your views seem about thirty years out of date, at best. The days when college assured middle class jobs are long gone.

      It is a well-known fact that many American women attend college merely to snag a husband.

    3. Bharatiya Nari13 June 2014 at 04:16

      "The evidence shows they do, even if it is only a few social bands above themselves for the most part. "

      That's all I ever claimed. That people marry within their GENERAL socio-economic hub. That's why I gave the examples of brain surgeons with ob-gyns, lawyers or professors.

      YOU are claiming that Taco Bell cashiers can and do marry brain surgeons. It is ridiculous and absolutely not true in the slightest.

    4. No, hypergamy remains a reality when people marry:

      This is telling quote from the abstract:

      *The distribution of the share of household income earned by the wife exhibits a sharp cliff at 0.5, which suggests that a couple is less willing to match if her income exceeds his. Within marriage markets, when a randomly chosen woman becomes more likely to earn more than a randomly chosen man, marriage rates decline.*

      Interesting that female hypergamy remains so strong even in the post marriage era. Within professions or spheres or work, hypergamy is still in operation. Of course Taco Bell girls do not marry surgeons, because they simply do not interact with surgeons at any level. 50% of professional males still marry down in the UK, although that tendency is admittedly declining in favour of assortive mating. Even greater female participation in education has not entirely changed economic hypergamy:

      *Here's the real kick in the pants, though: Just because women are more educated doesn't mean they're making more dough. (You knew there was a catch, didn't you.) According to Pew: "Only 39% of newlywed women who married a spouse with less education out-earned their husband, and a majority of them (58%) made less than their husband."*

      What is worth noting in this discussion is that Marriage is a declining force in the West (especially the Anglosphere) anyway. Assortive mating and hypergamy are factors that relate primarily to marriage, which is a dying institution outside the social elites (whose behaviour is socially unrepresentative):

      If we look at 'relationships' other than Marriage (which is in sharp decline), other themes come to the fore. This especially true of people under 30. The thug/princess pairing is definitely a reality in the prime breeding years. As Eric says,

      *That is not even close to true here in America, except among the extremely wealthy classes. And even then, formal marriage doesn't stop the rich girls from secretly cavorting with underclass thugs.

      I've seen NUMEROUS cases of this. There are female professionals I personally know of---making 6 figure incomes---who are cohabiting with, and supporting absolute loser scumbag males who've never held a steady job, have been in and out of jail repeatedly, and have been abusive and have kids by previous women whom they've abandoned.*

  30. oh hai misogynists...

    I've had plenty of experiences with taller womyn...

    as I'm sure rokh has too

  31. Awwwww, every so often - maybe once or twice a year (when I find myself at a loose end, as it were) I do so love to get my jollies checking in on this hilariously lunatic blog. And you're all still here saying exactly the same things. Thanks for always being there, in all your glorious monotony!!! Read you next year!

    1. Come back before then if you're not too busy having sex with models and living in a mansion.

  32. Something tells me that if the social order ever does change that white middle-aged heterosexual males will not be coming out on top.

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