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Saturday, 14 June 2014

Hypnotic Self-Delusion: How Sexual False Consciousness Works

Derren Brown

A revolution is sweeping the English-speaking nations, especially the United States. Reality, so long suppressed and devalued by the lame-stream media, is reasserting itself. Nowhere is this truer than in the field of sexual relationships. The Internet now allows men to discuss such matters without upper-middle class censorship and the results are a revelation. Most American males are NOT living Don Draper lives, with bosomy models tapping them on the shoulder for sex whenever they walk into a bar. Indeed, most American women are not bosomy models at all; they are mostly obese, ugly and frigid. And the few sexualized, thin and attractive American women are (at least in their prime years) attracted only to violent, mumbling thugs.

Despite these harsh realities, most Anglo-American men are insistent that they are having sex with 17 year old models on a regular basis. This is especially true of blue-collar, middle-aged males who are clearly of no interest whatsoever to the small minority of attractive American women. Indeed, many a hard-core incel shelf-stacker seems to think he 'has a chance' with girls who would, in reality, not deign to spit on him.

Blue-collar oafs: united in fantasy

In my previous post, I described this pattern of self-delusion as 'Sexual False Consciousness'. Borrowing the coinage from Karl Marx, I suggested that the broad masses embrace such fantasies in order to make their pointless lives endurable. In this post, I offer a theory as to how Sexual False Consciousness is maintained on a daily basis.

In Britain, one of the most interesting entertainers is a fellow called Derren Brown. A mentalist stage magician, he is known for feats of memory, sleight of hand and mental manipulation. I recently read his thoughts on stage hypnotism and they went some way to explaining how Sexual False Consciousness operates in practice. According to Brown, nothing 'happens' to the subjects in a hypnotist's show. For the most part, the participants eating onions, singing arias and dancing the polka are their normal selves. Their enthusiastic participation relates more to a deep human need for social conformity than any real change in their mental condition. That is, they do not want to upset the audience/hypnotist/other participants by failing to 'act up to' expectations. Brown uses the famous Milgram Experiment to illustrate this deep human need to  conform. When test subjects were told to administer imaginary electric shocks to an actor, most of them did so without demur. Even when the actor was howling in mock agony, the subjects did not desist.

Milgram's famous experiment

It occurs to me that this deep human need not to 'rock the boat' explains Sexual False Consciousness. Blue collar males who never have sex (certainly with 17-year old models) maintain that they do for the same reason 'hypnotized' people dance the polka. Since the late 60s, a pan-Anglosphere myth has arisen that women are having sex with everybody; that post-feminist society is overflowing with sexual opportunity. This myth is maintained by the media at every turn - by rock music, rap music and TV shows like Mad Men. In short, there is considerable societal pressure placed on men (in particular) to pretend they are having sex with models every day of the week. To admit this is not happening is 'spoiling the show'; an unforgivable crime.

Don Draper: waiting for the tap...

By extension, it occurs to me that males who are drawn to this site and the Men's Movement in general possess, for one reason or another, stronger personalities than most. Perhaps some are immigrants to Anglo-Saxon countries and thus less troubled by non-conformity. Perhaps the anonymity of the Internet facilitates an honesty and self-awareness that men hesitate to show in their normal lives. Whatever the cause, reality is flourishing and there isn't a damned thing the Anglo Power Elites and their lackeys in the lame-stream media can do about it.

And long may it continue.


  1. Nah, they the power elites, can do something. They are going to start WW3 soon and kill off all of us goyim, who they see as nothing but animals. They could care less if men are in open rebellion now, because they are about to kill us all off anyway.

    1. Well, yes, they can do that. However, at least we will die self-aware.

  2. Sebastian Hawks15 June 2014 at 19:29

    I do disagree with the generalization "And the few sexualized, thin and attractive American women are (at least in their prime years) attracted only to violent, mumbling thugs" This only describes the lowest social class who grew up in fatherless households. I grew up in a lower middle class suburb, and for High School was bussed to an upper middle class school in Arlington Heights Illinois and found most of the girls very status conscious golddigger types who went for "winners" like the Alpha Frat boys in the movie "Breaking Away." They wouldn't be caught dead with some street thug, only the occasional upper middle class girl with mental issues went slumming.

    Once one realizes the lie of the "Pan-Anglosphere myth that women are having sex with everybody; society is overflowing with sexual opportunity" one can't really blame women for being true to their nature instead of imaginary propaganda. I blame Anglo American men not having a readily abundant supply of prostitutes like most healthy cultures have for such outlet. This is the only realistic way the average schlub can actually have sex with a variety of women. This bizarre hangup of American men with this "I'll never pay for sex." doesn't help. Asian men don't have this fallacy and have slept with a hell of a lot of more women than some Anglo American Braggart.

    1. Your right, prostitution should be legal in the USA but I guess religious groups and the feminists are doing everything they can to keep it illegal.

      I went to a regular middle class high school in the suburbs of Chicago and even back then the hot girls went for thugs and bad boys. They also went for the athletes as well and these girls were very cliquish and unfriendly.

      I think moving to a more "man friendly" country would be a good idea for single men in America. A country where prostitution is legal and feminism does not exist.

      I am exploring Germany now as a possible country I might move to in the near future.

    2. James:
      I seen this true even of upper-class women in America. How many models and celebrities go for 'real men'? Look at Selena Gomez, she could have her pick of men and dates that creepy Justin Bieber instead!

      I remember in the University the hot girls would go for athletes and frat boys too; but STILL be doing thugs behind their backs.

    3. ...feminists and religious groups...

      You'd think that somebody would get a clue and realize the "strange bedfellows" there - and raise a red flag about our society.

  3. Sebastian Hawks15 June 2014 at 19:53

    Has anyone broached the topic of how many women characters on TV are the products of gay male writers projecting their own lives onto female character? One of the most blatant is Sex in the City which I saw a few episodes of and found Kim Catrell's characters promiscuity to be preposterous. When I saw an article about how the show was created by gay men an light bulb went off in my head. Other factors in this myth are straight Hollywood men thinking their easy pickings off the casting couch are indicative for American males as a whole, culture rebels deliberately giving a female audience a model of how they wish women would behave, and those perpetuating the mass delusion simply out of ignorance. But I'd really like to see statistics as to what the real # of sex partner the typical American Male and Female have vs. the media reality of every character having a new love interest on a weekly basis dating way back to 60s with Captain Kirk.

    1. Sebastian:
      Look up Rookh's earlier article here on 'Ghost World'. He dealt with that very subject of Anglo male writers projecting their own attitudes onto female characters.

  4. Sebastian Hawks15 June 2014 at 20:28

    There is a scientific group called Commitee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal that published a journal called "Skeptical Inquirer." It has been long established that there is no such thing as "hypnosis" and the people are simply play acting. Another bogus condition that doesn't exist but apparently Hollywood still thinks is real is Multiple Personality Disorder. People who claim to have this condition are pulling your leg and using the excuse of "another personality" to deliberately go out and misbehave. Some show on Discovery back in the 90s promoting all this junk science has a segment about some poor schlub who was struggling with his wives "multiple personality disorder" one of which was a "prostitute who would go out and have sex with strangers." This cuckold was just sitting there holding his wife and kids "in support" of her "condition" which he naively thought she was "helpless" when in fact this bitch knew exactly what she was doing and had the ultimate scam going.

  5. Sebastian Hawks15 June 2014 at 20:56

    "By extension, it occurs to me that males who are drawn to this site and the Men's Movement in general possess, for one reason or another, stronger personalities than most. Perhaps some are immigrants to Anglo-Saxon countries and thus less troubled by non-conformity. Perhaps the anonymity of the Internet facilitates an honesty and self-awareness that men hesitate to show in their normal lives. Whatever the cause, reality is flourishing and there isn't a damned thing the Anglo Power Elites and their lackeys in the lame-stream media can do about it."

    About 1-2% of men have a different personality type first described in the 40s by Dr Hans Asperger. They tend to be immune to mass hysteria and quite open to pointing out the Emperor Has No Clothes. They also lack social awareness and the ability to read non-verbal communication, this makes them generally repellent to women and very likely to be sexually, and economically disenfranchised in this day an age with little community social structure to guide them into productive lives as was more common in yesteryear. In years gone by although some of these men were hopelessly dysfunctional, many were able to channel their intense focus to become the very best at certain crafts and pursuits. One might almost say modern science is their creation and Issac Newton and Albert Einstein fit this diagnosis to a T. I'd say this accounts for a fair number of angry Internet warriors pissed about being left off the invitation list to the Contemporary American Orgy the media postulates. It also explains the obsession with "foreign women," since an Anglo American girl immedietely recognizes such social akwardness in such a boy, however the foreign girl usually only sees his foreigness first and formost initially attributing his difference to that.

  6. Not Thomas Fleming19 June 2014 at 00:19

    It occurred to me that the key role the internet plays in tearing down the sexual tyranny of the Anglo Bitch and her supporters is made more poignant by the fact that the type of man proficient in it's development and use is EXACTLY the type of man spurned and scorned by the A Bitch. Could this be 'providential'?

  7. To admit it is not happening is "misogynistic" - since it isn't happening - it simply "isn't happening to you - and you are hence - bitter".

    You are spot on about "stronger personalities" This is a good thing, but a bad thing as well - as I believe that is the primary cause of all the infighting.

  8. The Anglo-American pro-feminist lobby suffers from ridiculous double standards. They consider innocuous remarks about a female's appearance sacrilegious, yet feel free to indulge the sickest fantasies of rape, torture and incest when they are directed against men and boys. It occurs to me that Futrelle uses his 'cuddly' feminist persona to hide his true predilections from public view.

  9. The story has caused enough scandal that some of Futrelle's toadies have gone over to Reddit to defend 'the artistic merits' of the film.

    The highest rated comment reads: "How ridiculous. It really shows how far removed the MRM is from Academia. Is this the first that Antifeminist has ever heard of Sade? How can anyone work in a gender-related field and not have some notion of his work...I'm leaning to the opinion that he's never even read Sade...&c &c &c."

    Which additionally shows the high regard that Futrelle and his twisted followers really hold De Sade: his groupies gush through the whole thread lavishing praise on De Sade and the film, which was ostensibly based on De Sade's 'philosophy'.

  10. I would say that article sums up Futrelle and his (male) Manboobz followers quite handily.

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