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Saturday 26 October 2019

Knowledge without Nihilism: Introducing the Crimson Pill

Let us consider the various ‘pills’ that rule contemporary Manosphere thought:

The Blue Pill: The world of comforting illusion. In the MRA Manosphere, it has come to mean the fictional ‘mainstream’ narrative that women are all oppressed and all men advantaged, or that only men can be racist or elitist. In the Incelosphere or PUA community, it is synonymous with various romantic delusions: for example, that race, looks or height do not matter to women or that there is ‘someone’ for everybody. The various Blue Pill fictions are promoted to keep the broad masses cocooned in a comforting world of self-delusion, thereby making society function from day to day. Sexual False Consciousness – the absurd fantasy that ‘all’ men are having sex with models every night – is a perfect example of this.

The Red Pill: The world of (often bitter-tasting) reality. In the MRA Manosphere, it has come to mean the suppressed truth that law, healthcare, education and the media all favour women over men in contemporary society. In the Incelosphere  or PUA community, it has led men to pursue a variety of self-maximising strategies in order to trigger the innate (but socially repressed) female desire for psychopathic, socially dominant/indifferent or physically attractive males.

The Black Pill: The world of absolute truth in all its unending and inflexible horror. In the MRA Manosphere, it means rejecting activism for a MGTOW or renegade lifestyle on the fringes of society. In the Incelosphere or PUA communities, it has come to mean that factors like autism, looks, race or height are fixed and unchangeable, and that men who are ‘challenged’ in these areas are doomed to a life of involuntary celibacy. What defines the Black Pill is its immutability,  its nihilistic acceptance that many features of life cannot be changed despite one’s best efforts.

For me, it is obvious that there is truth in both the Black and Red Pills. While certain features of personal identity (looks, height, ethnicity) are fixed and predetermined, other features (economic status, location, culture) are open to manipulation. Therefore, serious and objective thought requires a new pill which integrates the wisdom of both the red and the black: a pill I will call the Crimson Pill.

The Crimson Pill: Accepting that many features of life cannot be changed but focusing solely on those that can, which are typically social or cultural in nature. Winston Wu of Happier Abroad represents the Crimson Piller at his most effective. He recognises the unchangeable features of his existence (shortness and East Asian heritage) but focuses on those he can change (principally, cultural location). As a result, he has been able to forge romantic bonds with several women outside the Anglosphere.

Obviously, the Anglobitch Thesis is in essence pure Crimson Pill: by rejecting or departing the Anglosphere, a man immediately solves the problem of entitled, misandrist, sex-negative, overweight Anglo-American women who use sex to manipulate and exploit men. That is, the Thesis focuses on a factor – namely, cultural location – which can be changed. It does not pretend that every male can looksmaxx to resemble the young Elvis Presley, or that midgets can become giants, or that autistic misfits will ever be the ‘life and soul of the party, or that hunchbacks will ever win female affection with ‘charisma’ or ‘personality’. Rather, it focuses on the one factor which any solvent man can change for the price of a plane ticket: namely, the culture he resides in

I am aware that many in the Manosphere view the Anglobitch Thesis are a ‘cope’, offering false hope to romantically disillusioned (or sexually disenfranchised) Anglo-American men. However, I have never been under the illusion that all women outside the Anglosphere are angels or that marriage is ever a totally risk-free proposition. Simply relocating to another culture will not guarantee romantic success, a happy, stable marriage or any other factor a man might desire for personal fulfilment. No society is perfect, or ever will be.

As the Manosphere has developed in depth and scope, embracing perspectives from a wide range of cultures, unexpected issues have emerged. Foremost of these is the issue of Canadian misandry. In the wake of his 1989 massacre, most observers considered Marc Lepine an anomaly rather than a true gender-warrior. However, as ever more Canadian males snapped and ‘went postal’ in violent revolt against the misandrist culture-war being waged against them, I began to realise that Canada is just as misandrist as the US, UK or Australia, if not more so.  Further, non-Anglosphere cultures with an active or residual puritan element have similar issues with institutional misandry and strained gender-relations. Obvious examples would be  Japan and some parts of the Islamic world

Despite these observations, the personal evidence of my many correspondents demonstrates that leaving the Anglosphere can definitely improve a man’s romantic chances in the absence of obvious physical deformities or extreme psychological disorders.  And when we turn to issues like divorce, the case for Anglo-specific misandry becomes even stronger. Various learned correspondents have demonstrated that the Anglosphere countries are defined  by several legal/cultural features which make it uniquely difficult for men to form healthy, safe or stable relationships.  I have defined these features as the Five Pillars of Anglosphere Dysfunction:

Class Distinction
Social Isolation
Common Law

The Five Pillars are comprehensively described in my most recent book, Hope on Distant Shores. However, the experience of a correspondent who has actually lived and successfully formed relationships outside the Anglosphere sets out the case in plain English:

And the different, more freewheeling attitudes of Europe towards sex and sexuality are truly a lot different, which probably steers the culture sharply away from Anglo-style feminism, even among the feminists there. Before my fiancée joined me in France—and I’ll admit it here, even after we got married—one of the places I loved to go was up In NE Germany. Tbh German, Polish, Czech, Swedish and Finnish girls are sexy as hell in general, something about that Baltic area, and these gorgeous ladies never have hang-ups about being sexy, attracting men, even being nude or out in thongs in public. When you talk to them, many will say they’re feminists, but their coziness and lack of frigidness around being sexual totally changes what feminism means to them. FWIW I see the same kind of thing down in South America when I’ve been there, particularly down in Brazil, which is the one country I would have chosen if I didn’t wind up in Europe. Crazily hot women, independent, often say they’re feminists but it all means something a world away from Anglo feminism. (In Brazil, when a girl says she’s feminist what she really means is she likes to be the one in control in bed). So from that observation I think you guys are right, the way that Anglo feminists have been conditioned to view sex itself as dirty and nasty, a hang-up from our Puritan tradition, may contribute a lot to the nastiness and misandry of US and Anglo feminism.

For the simple price of a plane ticket, any solvent Anglo-American male can simply wash his hands of repression, sex-negative feminism and shrill, overweight women. If that does not increase his romantic chances by several hundred percent, nothing will. By directing all his efforts on a fluid, Red Pill factor - namely, his cultural location - it becomes possible for a Black Pilled man to transform his life for the better.

That is the wonder of the Crimson Pill.


  1. Isn't it interesting how, in the countries mentioned where women are (supposedly) easy, most of those countries are experiencing economic problems. Meanwhile, "puritanical" (christian-based) nations have lower unemployment. Figures...

    1. But most of the countries mentioned (NE Germany, France, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic) are nominally Christian countries with reasonable economies. It is possible to be Christian without being puritanical, misandrist or sex-negative.

    2. There's a huge difference between being easy and being misandric.

    3. 'Nominally Christian'.

      Those countries may associate with the Christian label due to an generational effect, but in practice they are extremely secular and atheist.

      I would argue the opposite. The less religion, particular Abrahamic religion, the healthier the society is. This is easily proven true by the wellness index of those countries which rank high (Muslim/migrant statistics non-withstanding).

      Christianity is linked with the puritanical hatred of sex and worship of the female.

      Rather, being purtanical, misandrist and sex-negative are hallmarks of the Christian.

    4. *The less religion, particular Abrahamic religion, the healthier the society is*

      I broadly agree with this, although the sex-negative, post-puritan strain of Christianity in the Anglosphere is particularly virulent. Even though active religious belief has shrunk to nothing in countries like the UK, the residual puritan ethos has morphed into #metoo feminism and open woman-worship - gyneocracy has replaced theocracy, while retaining exactly the same values.

      Much of the Anglosphere's specific misandry derives from non-religious factors like Common Law, which has turned the post-feminist Anglosphere into a misandrist dictatorship. Even at their worst, non-Anglo post-feminist regions/nations are not afflicted by this. Consequently, marriage is still not a potential train-wreck for men in Civil Law jurisdictions (even at their post-feminist worst).

    5. Yes, but what do you think much of common law is derived from? Secular based, equaltarian thinking does not result in such misandry. Such laws can only be derived from an combination of bronze age superstition and maladaptive evolutionary behaviors.

      Remember that culture is intertwined with religion. They can and do influence one another. The law has been perverted by the religious zealots that settled the region and only tended to become semi-sane after the age of enlightenment incorporated secularism.

      The other factor is of course, probably innate. My theory is that humans, being an K-strategy species (for the most part) with offspring that requires long term investment has become used to the idea of funneling resources to, and protecting, women which would in turn benefit the survival of children. This was most likely an rational decision in ages past but now that behavior has become excessive. Men now serve and cater to women without fully understanding why, and this is compounded with the fact most male figures are preoccupied with labor. This leaves the female more time to interact (read:indoctrinate) the children. Enter gynocentrism. Add feminism/chivalry (which is female interest expressed politically and overtly) and we have our current situation. However, for all the bleeting liberals and progressives like to do about the misogyny of religion in the end it serves their interests. For example, this is how women withhold their pedestal of not being culpable of any wrongdoing. Abrahamic religion says women are not equals to men. Hence, how could they be accountable for their actions. Feminism allows them to engage in hypocrisy where they can retain privileges from the former and yet still have 'equality' when it suits them. Women can vote but yet unlike men, are not required to register for the draft.

      It is all connected, Rookh.

    6. I agree it is all interconnected and of course, feminists have used this to play 'fast and loose' in order to secure female advantage in all circumstances. Good examples are their spurious desire for equality (while arguing that no women should be given custodial sentences) and notional gender relativism (while remaining antagonistic towards transsexual males as 'faux' women). As we all know, there are many others.

      As for the genetic element, I also agree that white Europeans (and especially Anglo-Saxons) have a strong innate tendency to pedestalize women. I suspect this relates to the K-strategies optimal for survival in the harsh European climate. And as the New Modern Man opines, the fact of Anglo-American global empire has raised normal female hypergamy into unreasonable 'hyper-hypergamy' in Anglo-Saxon countries. This explains the whole incel 'looksmatch dilemma', wherein low SMV Anglo females expect to date billionaire rocket scientists who resemble Chris Hemsworth.

      I also agree that the common law invariably expresses misandrist memes primarily derived from puritanical Christianity (plus genes and female nature). However, the very malleability of common law means that misandrist memes quickly exert a much stronger hold on the culture than in civil law jurisdictions (think of #metoo, #timesup), which necessarily adhere more to traditional (or at least non-misandrist) values. This is a structural issue unique to the Anglo-American world; consider how Anglo feminists have targeted law as their primary ideological tool in the war against men. The differences are subtle, but they do exist.

    7. " Meanwhile, "puritanical" (christian-based) nations have lower unemployment. Figures..."
      You're completely wrong about this Anon, and you've clearly drunk the Kool-Aid of cooked up American government unemployment figures. You cannot make direct comparisons about unemployment between the US and abroad because the United States (and other Anglo countries) deliberately suppresses its real unemployment numbers, whereas European countries use traditional methods that show them higher. For example in America, the millions of Americans in jail, on disability, homeless aren't even country as unemployed, whereas in Europe, even going to school makes you "unemployed".

      The reality is Europe has much lower unemployment than the US when you look at the real numbers. Compare for example employment-population ratios or even better, labor-force-participation levels. These are real numbers a lot harder to fudge with subjective (political motivated, by both parties) number-cooking because they look at the number of working-age citizens who actually are working. America now actually has some of the very worst employment numbers in the Western world, whereas France (where I am now) and the rest of Europe, many countries in which I've worked, have much better employment numbers.

      And supporting Rookh's thesis, the collapse in US employment has hit American men, and especially white men very, very hard, which is one of the reasons why the US government tries to hide the real numbers--it would lead to civil war if Americans were more broadly aware how bad it is. The US labor-force-participation rate is now as bad as it was in the 1970's and getting worse, and even most of those who have "jobs" aren't making a living wage. People working a couple hours a week doing ride-sharing are counted as "employed", Americans with half a million in student loans in grad school aren't counted on the rolls.

      American entrepreneurialism has collapsed and it's now lower than France, healthcare insurance a big part of that, but so is massive affirmative action, political correctness and general hatred of men, esp. white men in the USA and Anglosphere, leading to sharply reduced opportunities. American men and esp. white American men are literally dying in massive numbers, US life expectancy has collapsed for them, white women are being hit hard too but men especially because they're being blocked from good work. And yes, as Rookh has correctly said, the particular insanity of Anglo family courts and divorce court judges, with their misandrist lunacy and the freedom that Anglo common law (in it's current form) gives them to hurt men, also has a lot to do with the total collapse of American men and their communities, esp. white American men.

    8. We see similar things in Canada, Australia and Britain, so in contradiction to your assertion, the more puritan Anglo countries are not doing better economically, they're far worse than the non-Anglo world when you look at the real numbers, and in a state of slow-motion collapse that's rapidly worsening.

      In case you're wondering, I'm American-born and now an expat permanently emigrating to Europe, France in my case though I've also lived in the Nordics and other regions due to my job in database management and updating, and the original post that Rookh cites here is 100 percent spot on. Yes you'll get feminists here in the EU and yes some of them can be loony, but in the European Union I've never run into the kind of frigidity I did in the US, where feminism is harshly misandrist and in general takes concrete steps to damage the capacity of men, esp. white men, to start careers and families. It is complete opposite in Europe and no, the Anglo brand of feminism is not spreading here, if anything there's more and more resistance to these toxic elements of Anglo-American culture.

      And one more twist, I'm married to a white American woman who came with me, and i could see she was taking on some of the terrible traits of Anglo feminist "me-too-ism" before we left. But since coming here to Europe and esp. France, her natural femininity and tendency towards caring and child-rearing has come out and predominated, and she's taken on the culture of the women here. She's a wonderful mother to our children, yet she's fine if we both flirt and even date outside from time to time so long as we still come back to each other. And if worst comes to worst, I don't need to worry about being wiped out financially in divorce or losing my kids. The earlier posters were right, due to civil law here, people with assets are protected and custody is shared. It's a total world away from the Anglosphere which declines day by day.

      Add all this to the fact we get 5 to 6 weeks vacation here in France and rest of Europe, better food and healthcare, hotter women, culture, better sports, much less litigation compared to lawsuit happy US, better business opportunities and work environment (I started a new business during one of those periods I had off), less obesity, better wages for each hour your work and even lower taxes (US taxes are higher than Europe when you consider all taxes together including the hidden ones), and there's absolutely no reason for a man with skills, options and-or assets to stay in the US. Rookh really is right, the very best option you have to improve your options and quality of life is to emigrate out of the Anglosphere. And Europe indeed is a very appealing option with great opportunities and common sense.

  2. I wouldn't visit Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Russia or other nearby countries if I were you. The feminists and the Alt-Right cucks have formed an unholy alliance that if Winston Wu visited those countries today, he would be more likely to be beaten up by racist mobs.

    1. I don't doubt you are right. I suspect sexual relocation is a closing door now, mainly due to the spread of misandrist feminism beyond the Anglosphere.

    2. Note those countries are highly religious compared to other European areas. This is not an coincidence.

      After the fall of the USSR, Russia promptly jumped back into bed with conservative Christianity.

    3. Neo-Nazis worship their white women, even if those women are feminists.

    4. Once again this is 100 percent wrong, funny how a lot of Europhobic pro-Anglosphere propagandists seem to have popped out of the woodwork, they seem to be afraid about the skyrocketing rates of American emigration these days, especially white American men and families who are being targeted for ruin by the insanity of Anglo-American feminism and puritanism combined with anti-Western cultural Marxism, affirmative action, plus cheap labor wage arbitration and race to the bottom economics. Seems like a lot of American elites and corporations are terrified of losing their wage slaves. Especially the dumb "cuckservatives" who talk up the value of hard work and the "Protestant style work ethic" while American men, and esp. white American men are being worked to the bone and being forced to pay the salaries of the anti-male propagandists who hate them.

      I have also worked in Poland, Hungary and Estonia, as well as Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Greece and other countries in the region, and no, they absolutely are not adopting the madness of Anglo-American feminism. Not even in the slightest, in fact they're starting to more and more oppose everything American, and they openly prefer the more open attitudes towards sex and sexuality that prevail in France, the Nordics, Germany, Low Countries and the Mediterranean. (And BTW they're not particularly religious, just enough to preserve their culture).

      The women are very sexy, flirty and open about sex here, just like I've seen in France and most of the rest of Europe and a far cry from the puritanical insanity of the Anglosphere, and importantly, you don't get ruined by divorce here. Once again Rookh is right in his thesis, the puritanical insanity of the Anglosphere makes them uniquely hostile not only to men but also families, and a functioning career and societies.

      As for the OP's whine about the alt-right, he fails to understand the culture here. Yes, there is a preference in Europe and not just in Poland and Hungary for white immigrants, but it's not due to gratuitous hate or racism. European countries aren't nations of immigrants with no identity, they're ancient nations with long-standing blood ties and ethnicity, so of course they tend to prefer others of European descent to remain well in the majority, 95 percent at least. This however, does not mean that they hate non-Europeans in any way, just they want to maintain their demographics just as surely as Korea wants to stay Korean and Mongolia wants to stay Mongolian, this makes for a more successful society. And sensible people who have taken the "Crimson Pill" as Rookh calls it, including Rookh himself or someone like Winston Wu, would be welcomed and do fine here so long as they do their best to learn the language and fit. I personally think Winston would be happier in an Asian country that's also rejected Anglo-American feminism for it's own reasons, like Taiwan or China which is also moving away from the Anglo-American model, he'll have a better cultural affinity and more dating opportunities there with a view towards starting a family. But no, he would not be mistreated in the countries you mention, he and his wisdom would be welcomed.

    5. Brian it's hypocritical that Poland encourages racist mob violence against Africans and Asians, yet the Haitians welcomed Poland people into their country during WW2.

      You're talking of hypocrisy. The whites always find a way to "expat" in non-white countries such as UAE, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, yet at the same time, don't want "immigrants". Hypocritical if you ask me...

  3. As someone who lives in CE Europe, I must say that this is unfortunately true.
    Silicon valley hegemony,rubbish from Hollywood, plethora of NGO's and other soft powers significantly helped to spread this societal plague, (which Anglo-saxon puritanism is) practically everywhere.
    In horizon of 30 years Europe has changed to unrecognisable.
    Knowing that what is present reality in Anglosphere
    will be reality in horizon of ten years here, I hope for some cataclysmic event.

    1. Sex-negative Anglo-Saxon feminism spreads like a plague because women have every reason to adopt it. It exalts women, downgrades the vast majority of men, indulges female hypergamy, creates bullshit female careers and replaces a functional society of values with a chaotic morass of amoral whims. Since women live only in the moment, like pigs and horses, they think all this is wonderful. This why the Anglosphere specifically targets women with its cultural propaganda; women simply have most to gain from adopting Anglo-American values.

    2. Again, completely 100 percent false, no Anglo-American culture is not spreading to central or eastern Europe AT ALL, if anything Europe is becoming more and more resistant to Anglo-American insanity, puritanism and feminism every year. This includes the millions of American expats who move to Europe every year, growing rapidly in number, in fact the US is now one of the biggest sources of new people immigrating to the EU. We for obvious reasons are strongly against the Anglosphere insanity on matters of sex, work and culture, and no, American and Anglosphere stupidity is not spreading here. I do database management and updating to coordinate database usage across countries, so I literally have to travel across Europe for much of the year and work a good deal in central Europe. There is no appetite for American metoo or other feminist or cultural fanaticism here, and no appetite for the American "work a man 'til he drops" practice, meanwhile taking that man's assets and ensuring that he dies early while he funds the very propaganda that hates him.

      I've started to notice more and more of these Europhobic trolls on comment boards these days as emigration of people out of America, especially skilled workers and professionals--of both sexes but mainly men--picks up speed. White American men and many women are heading more and more to Europe, Asian American men and some women heading more and more to Asia as they realize America is a sinking ship, that they're being abused for their labor, used up and tossed out as expendable, all the while their taxes fund the anti-male propaganda machine of America and the Anglosphere.

      More and more Americans and esp. men are wising up to this and emigrating, and Europe is filling up with American expats who have, indeed, taken the Crimson Pill. Many marry feminine European women, many like myself still marry American, Canadian or other Anglosphere women who then, quickly and broadly adopt the healthier, more sex-aware and accepting non-Anglosphere culture once they move to Europe or Asia. Add that to the 5 to 6 weeks vacation, better healthcare and entrepreneur opportunities (Europe has more businesses starting than America often started during those periods off), better wages per hour worked, less taxes (yes, Europe is less tax than America when you put the taxes together), less divorce and divorce laws that won't ruin you, better healthcare and safety nets, less litigation so get to keep your assets, less political insanity (cultural Marxist elites and corporations don't own the government like in the United States), full family leave, university education that won't put you in debt, better food and sports, and you'd have a mass departure of European-Americans and Asian-Americans out of the US and Anglosphere if they knew more.

      It seems the US Anglo elites and corporations are terrified of this mass departure of the wage slaves from their exploitation on the American plantation, so they're desperately pushing propaganda to try to discourage Americans and esp white and Asian-Americans and particularly men from leaving the Anglosphere plantation, the one thing that will most boost their living standards. Just like Rookh has said. So we're suddenly seeing more and more paid trolls trying to trash Europe and say "oh, it's the same as America and adopting Anglosphere culture". No, it is not. Look at the actual policies and living standards, the better divorce and much health in Europe, of both men and women. Asia I would say the same, more and more. Ignore the Europhobic comments and listen to Rookh, emigration out of the Anglosphere really is your best option and more and more your only option to improve things for yourself, get a good career, avoid debt and be in better shape for family formation.

    3. Brian, as a mixed race man of Trinidad "East Indian" and European descent who constantly gets viewed as a Muslim in Canada, what are my chances of migrating to Europe and not being subject to white nationalist mobs who hate non-whites? This is the question...

  4. That is the problem with feminism. It is too attractive to women and promises nothing but advantage.

    As for women overseas, Roosh V did point out that women's acceptance of feminism goes hand in had with smartphone market penetration.

    However, for the price of a plane ticket wouldn't it be nice to find out that the OP is right?

    1. There is surely still opportunity before the door closes completely.

    2. I'm afraid I must side with the black pillers on this one.

      The issue is not simply with the anglosphere and its toxic puritanism. The issue is the nature of women, and indeed the nature of men in that males are disposable (at least from the societal perspective).

      The only rational solution is to walk away from women completely. Especially if you are an brown/dark-skinned male - relocating will result in even more abuse.

    3. I agree that this is the best option but for a large majority of men, it is just not realistic. I also worry that the abstinence trope is just 'buying into' the repressive Anglo-Saxon value system.

      Although many of my readers are sexually disenfranchised males with very low SMV (as Anglo women perceive it), many are also attractive, neurotypical and solvent men who want a relationship while avoiding the financial calamity of divorce as executed in an Anglo-American court. Yes, of course a 5.2" Indian janitor is not going to gain anything by relocating to another white country; the Black Pill is absolutely real in that respect. However, a solvent American white male can definitely improve his chances of a stable, successful relationship if he moves to a mainland European country from an Anglosphere one. You just have to read the various posts from early 2018 to see that this is so.

    4. This is my point.

      White males have an bevy of options outside of the anglosphere. For all of the bleeting from the alt-right concerning the vilification of the white hetero male, they are still the best candidates for relocation.

      Even if we are discussing mainland countries, the top 20% are almost all white males. Don't bother using tinder or online dating websites. Especially don't bother using tinder or online dating websites if you aren't white or white passing.

      It is my belief the crimson pill, as you call it, is an option available only to these men. Low status, dark-skinned men should resign themselves to the black pill if they value their sovereignty.

    5. Based answer.

      However, low status ethnic men will remain sexually disenfranchised whether they take the Black Pill or not. There is no choice for them.

    6. Rookh, what is your best advice for a 30 year old currently unattractive 5'8 middle eastern Male?

      I am skinny fat (only need to lose 5-6kg but no muscle), invisible and looked at with hostility by men and women alike.

      I'm in the process of fixing my body shape. In reality I should have fixed it from the start of this year but the depressing nature of the black pill made me just mope around for 10 months.

      Even brown women who used to consider me somewhat handsome are looking at me with hatred today.

      I feel alienated from my population of origin (who are sinfinficant migrants in my Anglo country). Maybe I should just live in their suburbs, join a religious community and try to re-integrate!

      Does Anglo centric female hypergamy essentially result in them wanting us gone from the earth?

    7. I think it's kind of self-evident that white Anglo women are going to be hostile, due to their racism and sexual elitism. Only lower class, low SMV Anglo white women consort with ethnics, though this relates more to desperation and lack of culture more than anything. Speaking from my UK experience, I find many brown women out-Anglobitch the Anglobitch when it comes to sexual elitism and general misandry; which comes from a desire to 'integrate' with the host culture and its values, including misandry.

      So my advice would be to gym-maxx and focus on ethnic women with more 'traditional' values. These might well be resident in the suburbs rather than big cities, which are feminist/misandrist strongholds across the Anglosphere. Focus on formal settings and events where the sexes are forced to mingle, such as dances and community meetings. All women like dancing and singing, so anything involving those activities will automatically skew the odds in your favour. Also, start doing it now because 30 is a 'crisis age' for future life chances.

    8. Great advice. Thank you, and I'm really glad I found your blog.

  5. I have been following a Youtube contributor for years who promotes going overseas. One of the most powerful arguments came from a guy who found it was easy to socialize with foreign women, never mind anything else. They don't hate men.
    PS I wonder how much a ticket to Kamchatka is during salmon season?

    1. Get one and send us a report - preferably full of intimate detail...

    2. I was teasing about Kamchatka. There are supposed to be more bears there than people. I have to stay in character. -fwb

    3. Getting back into character, why is it that humans have to make mating so complicated? Bears don't do this and all Mama bears raise their cubs as single moms. I suspect that it is human females and they are not choosing good Papa bears. Maybe, human males should try places where the females understand this principle?

    4. I've often wondered the same thing. When a female leopard wants to mate she growls a bit and a male hears her, climbs her tree and mates with her. No hypergamy or other nonsense yet leopards get by perfectly well.

    5. Perhaps, we never fully matured as a species. Given that babies are helpless for years, we never adjusted to the need for male and female parents. Every thing that I have seen of base human female sexuality seems to be opposed to survival. This is what feminism has liberated in women and birthrates falling through the floor confirms it.

    6. Perhaps it relates to the low level of danger we face as a species. When a species is under continual pressure to survive, sexual selection becomes less important than mere existence. Hypergamy is a luxury that only exists in bountiful conditions.

  6. Man-hating feminists are going against a gay teacher and falsely accusing him of stigmas attributed to gay men:

    The Member said that the College’s witnesses had been repeatedly caught lying and were “angry women” fighting for the “Canadian feminist cartel”. He argued that he was the victim of anti-male discrimination. The Member said that the allegations against him had been fabricated to protect “big [XXX] business”, because the [XXX] School (the “School”), his former employer, catered to [XXX] students [XXX] to attend classes in Canada. Amongst other things, the Member also complained that he had been victimized by Bell Canada and by CP24.

    1. Rookh, you're right that Anglobitch feminism is a work of contradictions. Feminists from Canada falsely accusing a gay teacher to protect "Big Business". What a load of walking contradictions! And I'm certain that the falsely accused teacher is a non-white non-Chad male.

    2. Yes, it is completely self contradictory in that is claims to be radical and revolutionary yet identifies with all the most reactionary positions in Anglo-American society (racism, elitism, homophobia, misandry, puritanism and sex-negativity).

      When one examines the whole thing, I think Anglobitch feminism has appropriated a radical label in order to hide the fact that it is as stuffy and regressive as puritan New England. However, presenting itself in its true colours would expose the whole rotten edifice for the puritanical, reactionary racism it really is. It amazes me that they have pulled the wool over men's eyes for as long as they have. Perhaps the fact that I have a different cultural outlook explains why I saw through their nonsense from the very first.

    3. Feminism is racism against non-white men. Those street harassment laws are no different from Jim Crow laws.

    4. Canada is fucked...The falsely accused teacher only sent EMAILS to FEMALE COLLEAGUES, and they accuse him of being a gay child predator! What dafuq!

    5. I tried following the link and got nowhere. Still, if anyone reading this can communicate with this victimized teacher, he can try suing for damages via the Human Rights Commission. While thy have a reputation for going overboard, being hard on defendants, these people deserve as much.
      PS We'll learn where a gay male teacher stands on the progressive stack against feminists.

    6. In his submissions, the Member largely failed to address the substantive issues presented in his motion. His submissions addressed irrelevant matters and mostly consisted of his opinions about the teaching profession, feminism and other issues that are not the subject of this prosecution. The Member maintained that it was egregious that the College was alleging he was a “gay pedophile” and many of his submissions related to this issue. As pointed out by College Counsel, the Notice of Hearing contains no such allegation. The Member is alleged to have sent inappropriate emails to colleagues and to have contacted a student after being told not to.

  7. Canada is a feminist cuntry. Gay men have no rights unless they are friends with the Anglobitch:

    Weglarz v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2017 HRTO 367 (CanLII), , retrieved on 2019-11-02

    Teacher tried to sue, but the courts denied his application.

  8. A white man-hating feminist being shamed for going against trannies...Grab your popcorn and see if this man-hating feminist is able to be a protected class for supporting Puritan values.

    A White feminist who hates men who convert to women..TYPICAL CUCK mentality! I hope that a Black transgender woman confronts her and gets a Nobel Peace prize for standing up against oppression!

    Feminism & Puritans protect the white woman from responsibility, proving Rookh's theory that feminism is an extension of Puritan and white supremacy.

  9. Winston Wu - Wu Hu!

  10. Winston for years now has shown men how to escape the miserable dating scenario in western countries by going abroad.

    Winston found a much better social and dating scene in eastern Europe and the Philippines and has made a website and videos explaining how he became 'happier abroad.'

    1. Where are sub-8 men going to get money to travel abroad when the landwhale feminist back home are discriminating against them in the job market?

      In Toronto job market, they hire even females to do general labor work, and one time I was looked at like scum by the HR for even applying for a job in a warehouse They don't want us (bottom 80% of men) to have a job.

    2. *Where are sub-8 men going to get money to travel abroad when the landwhale feminist back home are discriminating against them in the job market?*

      I agree, but surely this economic persecution of sub 8 Canadian males is (in this instance) an Anglosphere problem? You cannot blame non-Anglo countries for a problem specifically caused by Canadian feminist landwhales.

      That said, my impression is that Winston has a private income and comes from a well-off family. Sometimes facts like this need to be discussed more openly in relation to foreign dating. Obviously, a sub-8 guy frozen out of the job market by landwhales won't have the same options.

  11. This is revolting:

    1. WTF... but let us not forget that water is wet.

  12. Brian, what makes you believe that countries like Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary and other Alt-Right countries have "culture"?

    I can argue that Germany has culture and has invented many accomplishments that surpass all of the former USSR blocs combined.

    Winston Wu has every right to travel in any country that he likes, and those xenophobic countries which don't like immigrants, yet expat in non-white countries should suffer a collapse in GDP.

    Maybe if Poland and those other countries should have been invaded by Germany and Russia in the first place. Germany and Russia have way more culture and economy than those countries of racist illiterates.

    The Haitians and Dominicans (and the entire Middle East) should also reconsider welcoming "expats" who support xenophobia against non-white males.

    1. I can't speak for the other countries named, but Hungary definitely has (or used to have) a high level of culture. For example, it has produced a disproportionately large number of Nobel prize winners, for its size.

    2. It's because of Germany and Austria.

      Poland on the other hand is a cultureless, barbaric, anti-Semitic and backward country which has ignorant people because they lived in a communist Iron Curtain for years and have no life experience living with other races. I can't blame the Poles for being ignorant, but if Hitler did invade Poland and successfully took over Poland, Poland would be as successful as Germany.

      Instead, Poland is only functioning because of Germany and the EU.

  13. Brian, again with the White Nationalist tropes. The Synagogue mass shooters also spoke of maintaining a European race, though I would argue that most Eastern Europeans are going to be shocked that they have Asian and gypsy ancestors thousands of years ago.

    The countries which were spoken of also promote anti-Semitism and Poland has forced many Jews to leave the country as they were being hauled in for "anti-Polish laws" regarding the Holocaust. Blaming Jews for the Holocaust and it's actually a crime to state that Poland played a role in the Holocaust.

    Listen my friend, there is no justification for murdering Jews and visible minority groups.

    Poland doesn't even have mass immigration and the Jewish & Muslim populations combined are only 0.05% of the total Polish population, yet you Poles go on with a xenophobic narrative of anti-Semitic conspiracies using Islamic refugees to affect European culture.

    1. Based points about EE hypocrisy, but Brian made no racist or anti-Semitic comments of any kind. I would automatically remove such comments. Also, he is a white American expatriate who lives in France but works in various places, including Germany, Scandinavia and EE.
