Tuesday 30 June 2020

Delenda Est Anglia: Why the Incel Decade is destroying the Anglosphere

In late 2019, I made the following predictions about the impending 2020s:
Incelerando: the Impending Anglosphere Crisis. Will the 2020s be the Incel Decade? 
The Teens (2010-2019) were a decade of great political upheaval in the Anglosphere. Both the US and UK experienced shock election results and dramatic socio-economic upheaval, largely due to years of social dysfunction. Canada and Australia have both spent the past forty years denigrating and marginalising men with boundless misandrist zeal, creating a sizeable 'incel class' of jaundiced males in both countries. 
By submitting to residual puritan narratives and declaring informal war on the male sex, the Anglosphere nations are playing a foolish and dangerous game. As the Twenties approach, I am ever more convinced that it will be a decade of unparalleled social instability for the Anglosphere. Any idiot can see that countries with large minorities (or even majorities) of sexless, alienated young men are heading for serious trouble. In particular, the United States and Canada can expect to see weekly mass shootings as incel males with nothing to lose run amok, selecting women - the sexual oppressor class - as their primary targets. 
Below, I list some of the factors which will feed this conflagration: 
Anglo-American misandry. Though many regions are facing an incel crisis, the problem is much worse in the Anglosphere because of its distinctive sex-negative puritanism and sexual racism, which also determine the sex-negative agendas of Anglo-American feminism. In the Anglosphere there will be no amelioration of misandry or inceldom, just their unremitting expansion.

Avoidance and apathy. The Anglosphere is reluctant to address sexual issues honestly and directly because of its puritan heritage. This means the incel crisis will have to reach critical levels before any action is taken. And by then, the problem will very hard to rectify without resorting to draconian measures.

Fraying trust values. Decades of feminism, misandrist policy and male oppression has made the Anglosphere a dry powder-keg ready to explode with sexual repression and resentment. Expect the Anglosphere countries to become ever more like Brazil or Mexico with social disorder, crumbling institutions and casual violence being normalised.

The Flynn Effect. Rising IQs have made the masses far harder to fool with MSM propaganda. Only an absolute idiot still thinks Chinese guys studying STEM are bouncing around in bed with blonde models every night. Female hypergamy, entitlement and racism are now common knowledge to almost everyone with Internet access and two brain cells to rub together.

End of social circle. Once, tribal membership of a youth culture meant easy access to members of the opposite sex. With the stealthy replacement of post-War youth culture by hypergamous social media for younger Millennials and Zoomers, such social circle game no longer exists. This will mean ever more single, dangerous and aggrieved young men in the 2020s.

Informational threshold. The Internet permits instant sharing of knowledge and opinion, obviating the old model of top-down media indoctrination. In the 1980s or 90s the MSM could happily praise Greta Thunberg as a saint without fear of contradiction. However, once social media appears and a certain threshold of informational complexity is passed, the game is up; it is no longer possible for the MSM to peddle its Blue-Pilled Disney fantasies. Perhaps widespread higher education and the Flynn Effect also feed this outcome. Even the broad masses are beginning to reject Sexual False Consciousness for a more honest narrative. Generation Z will reach adulthood during the next decade, having been raised by an online counter-culture in which the Manosphere is a prominent force. In the 2020s, expect undiluted Black Pill thought to become commonplace among people under 40.
So far, my predictions have proved startlingly accurate. Beset by global pandemic, Lockdown frustrations, racial conflict and economic uncertainty, the Anglosphere is literally falling to pieces. Since it increasingly functions as a unified cultural bloc, a single flash-point anywhere in the Anglosphere rapidly engulfs the whole entity. Let us consider how the factors listed above are contributing to the Anglosphere's demise:

Anglo-American Misandry - It is self-evident that the Pandemic Lockdowns have sharpened sexual frustration, with devastating results. A high proportion of street combatants and rioters are ethnic males with relatively low sexual value in the Anglosphere. Males with nothing to lose in sexual or reproductive terms are much more likely to risk danger and death than men with a strong sexual stake in their society. And let us not forget that the murder of George Floyd was a misandrist crime, not just a racist one; it is a well-known fact that Anglo-American jurisprudence is implicitly misandrist, showing women preferential treatment at every point from arrest to sentencing. Pan-Anglosphere policing is in all respects a misandrist and feminist institution designed to protect all white women and criminalise all men, especially ethnic men. In this important respect, Black Lives Matter is a pro-male movement just as much as it is an anti-racist one.

Avoidance and apathy - Because distinctive Anglo-American issues like racism and slavery have lain fallow for so long, a backlash was inevitable. The boredom and sexual frustration of the pandemic coupled with rising summer heat and the murder of George Floyd were perfect catalysts for  the race riots that subsequently engulfed the Anglosphere. The tired old Boomer myth that a few rock concerts in the 1960's somehow 'fixed' atrocious historical crimes and ongoing Anglo-American racism has dominated the Anglosphere since the 1970's, in the teeth of overwhelming contradictory evidence and experience. A correction was long overdue.

Fraying trust values - Self-evidently, the utterances of politicians and the lamestream media are being ridiculed and rejected as never before. Fuelled by the CV-19 pandemic, an upcoming US election and the reflexive racism of American police officers, protests and riots are the 'new normal' across the Anglosphere. Anger and resentment seethe like restless rivers through the channels of social media; every presidential tweet is mocked or exalted; celebrities are pilloried for a single comment questioning the sanctity of MtF transsexuals.  Not only that, but crime rates are up in most Anglosphere cities. In short, trust between individuals and institutions has already evaporated and we are still only halfway through 2020.

The Flynn Effect - Because Xer, Millennial and Zoomer IQs far surpass those of Boomers and the Silent Generation, many 'lamestream' assumptions are being effectively challenged for the first time in decades. Inviolable concepts such as Anglo-American moral supremacy or the immutable  'goodness' of all white women are good examples. Nowadays, almost everyone can see that the colonial Anglosphere was built on the genocide and robbery of native peoples and centuries of slavery. Similarly, the fact that white Anglo women colluded with and profited from these crimes is entirely self-evident. The recent emergence of new meme-names like 'Karen' or to describe entitled, racist white women exemplify the power and depth of this conceptual revolution. At the intellectual level, the Flynn Effect automatically supplants Blue Pill delusion with Black Pill truth.

End of social circle - because traditional social circles have eroded, Internet driven cults can quickly mobilise mass support across whole continents. If the young were still anchored to the cultic and gestural 'rock music' social circles of yesteryear, it is unlikely that BLM would have gathered such mass support as quickly as it did. Deprived of a real social circle, humans are still social animals and crave to 'belong'; the emergence of pan-Anglosphere online cults driven by hysteria and frustration now satisfy that craving.

Informational threshold - one no longer needs to be a Harvard professor to see that nearly all 'official' Anglo-American narratives are lies. Literally anyone can hop online and see that the Anglosphere was built on slave trading, genocide and terrorism and that many of its leaders were avowed racists and war criminals. The real views of Churchill, Rhodes, Stopes or Lincoln are now plain for all to see.

In conclusion, my prophetic article clearly predicted the unfolding chaos pretty well. And it will be noted that the 2020s have hardly begun, as yet; much, much more is to come. However, I have been writing with eerie prescience about these issues for over a decade, now. Check out this passionate comment on my previous post:
I love this hatred of Karens in mainstream now World is realizing the evil of the Anglobitch! White womens status is dropping rapidly. Rookh was a decade ahead of the curve
His grammar might be a little rugged but his content is flawless. Yes, as early as 2009 I was discussing the moral ugliness, sexual racism and entitled insolence of Anglo-American 'Karens' while everyone else (even other Manosphere writers) still viewed them as oppressed 'saints' handing out free sex to everybody. Further, my activism has always stressed the coherence of the Anglosphere as a discrete historical, political and legal entity; and the Internet has only strengthened this cultural coherence during the past decade, confirming the truth of my original analysis. Consider how a police murder in Minneapolis sparked immediate protests in London, Manchester and Sydney, not just other American cities.

Facts like these explain why other manosphere writers are long forgotten while I still stand: a Black Pill colossus at the gateway of truth.


  1. Feminism is destruction. Plain and simple.

  2. Your Anglobitch & False Sexual Consciousness theses are brilliant, and I always look forward to your posts, but I wonder if you'd be willing to extend these theses to each & every human society, for while it's clear that "Chinese guys studying STEM are (not) bouncing around in bed with blonde models every night", it's equally true that men-in-general are NOT "bouncing around in bed" with women of colour every night.

    Regardless of race, Misandry appears to be the central premise of every type of human civilisation that relegates low status males to thankless lives of Inceldom, sexless labour & male disposability.

    Institutional misogyny against low-status males appears especially prevalent in Asian, Hindi, Muslim & other non-Anglobitch nations wherein (1) Inceldom appears to be the rule, rather than the exception, and (2) the rich & powerful man may have many women, but the poor man has none.

    Admittedly, "sexual racism" exists, but this phrase bothers me, mostly because it is not racism if the man-hating feminist female refuses to have sex with us, unless we can prove that females of other races are constantly shagging us day & night.

    Check out https://themalefactor.com/

    1. If you're speaking of Indian & Pakistani migrants being treated as slaves in the Gulf countries, then that is a sacrifice they had to make to send money home and return to raise a family. This is no longer the case for young male immigrants migrating to the Anglobitch countries. Men from India & Pakistan are hated by the Anglobitch and the white nationalist at the same time.

    2. *Regardless of race, Misandry appears to be the central premise of every type of human civilisation that relegates low status males to thankless lives of Inceldom, sexless labour & male disposability.

      Institutional misogyny against low-status males appears especially prevalent in Asian, Hindi, Muslim & other non-Anglobitch nations wherein (1) Inceldom appears to be the rule, rather than the exception, and (2) the rich & powerful man may have many women, but the poor man has none.*

      Amen to that. I tend to focus on the Anglosphere because that is where most of us live (or lived, in the case of white expats) and its specific cultural conditions impact our dally lives. Of course many non-western countries have strong puritanical-misandrist elements, although I think these take a very different form (often theological or rooted in imbalanced gender demography) than the Anglosphere's specific brand of puritanical-legalistic-racist misandry. For example, women in Asiatic countries do not monopolise law schools, they do not overtly hate men (and dare to admit it), they do not wander about shouting racist abuse or spitting on passing pedestrians; in fact, few white women outside the Anglosphere do those specific things. It's an old argument; but I would say that the universal tendency to misandry has achieved its most potent manifestation in the Anglosphere, most especially North America. This is why so many white expat males report being so much happier with gender relations (and women in general) outside North America.

      *...it's clear that "Chinese guys studying STEM are (not) bouncing around in bed with blonde models every night", it's equally true that men-in-general are NOT "bouncing around in bed" with women of colour every night.*

      JFL at that lamestream image of Asian STEM guys bouncing around with blonde models. I write about sexual racism for ethnic brothers because they are peddled a specific lie in their home countries that white women want sex with everybody, a lie which often leads to disastrous life-decisions.

      Caucasian brothers receive a different type of falsehood, one which downplays female hypergamy and promotes progressive perspectives (such as feminism) as the key to a successful relationship. However, the residual puritanism in Anglo-American feminism negates these narratives completely, in real terms. For them, emigrating to a non-Anglo country (where the feminism = liberation narrative has some validity) is the best option.

  3. Rookh,
    It's a minor point, but I don't think that Winston Churchill had much contact with American Indians or Australian Aborigines. I would be more interested in what Sam Houston had to say. After resigning as governor of Tennessee, he lived among the Cherokee before moving on to Texas. The Cherokee called him a drunk. They would have said as much about Winston Churchill, since they didn't imbibe.

    1. As I understand it, Churchill WAS a drunk. Didn't he used to drink a bottle of champagne every day?

    2. I think that we all have been played on that point. I heard that he took champagne with lunch and brandy with dessert, but for the most part, he drank very weak scotch and sodas. He lived to age 91 and succumbed to stroke. That doesn't fit the stereotype.

    3. One more thing. There was a lot more drinking going on in the nineteenth century. It was before Prohibition and the introduction of the automobile. Culturally, the automobile has had a great effect on drinking. We may be called upon to drive at any time.

  4. As far as the rioters being ethnic incels... I am not convinced.

    Footage shows many of them are white. I'd go so far as to say pampered brats.

    And as for BLM - it seems like the left is up to its usual games of misleading blacks to get votes - just as they do for women.

    In short - there is something off about the riots.

    1. A proportion of them were. I wouldn't expect expect most of them to be ethnics in white majority countries.

      Some were white Boomers, some were ethnics/ethnicels, some were white student brats and many were just lumpen proletarian looters bored with Lockdown restrictions.

    2. I think the whites may be Antifa. You just reminded me of the trial of the Chicago 7 following the riots in 1968. They were on trial for conspiracy and one observer put it that they couldn't agree on lunch. They were acquitted. I guess the jury saw that too.

    3. "BLM" is a controlled opposition movement that is actually mostly white and very racist (http://thesaker.is/what-kind-of-popular-revolution-is-this/, https://stonerwithaboner.wordpress.com/2020/06/12/comic-shops-didnt-kill-george-floyd-white-liberals-really-dont-want-to-end-white-supremacy/)

      That said, black males are not just sitting idly. They are hunting down and beating up Karens (http://www.renegadetribune.com/white-females-are-being-viciously-attacked-no-one-coming-to-their-defense-media-silent/). This clearly shows that the "mainstream" media has lost a lot of power.

    4. I couldn't get all the way through that, but I am reminded of New Years Eve Cologne 2015 and the Nice Bastille Day Truck of Peace 2016. In both instances, the question had to be asked, where were the white men? I think that white women have been so effective in rejecting men and so ready to buy into "strong and independent" that the men are everywhere the women aren't and the women are where the men aren't. I saw the livestream from France on that Bastille Day and it was just women and kids. White women may have to wise up and go where white men congregate. They are going to REEEEEE.

    5. Why should men defend cunts who hate them? I laugh when ethnicels like Saint Elliott and Saint Cho pbut kill foids, ngl.

    6. The white woman is naked with children. Those men who come from the heart of the Bible and Quaran are told by the Abrahamic scriptures that any woman who fucks a dog or a child has to be removed from civilization. The Mohammedans are more impulsive than the Christians and Jews though.

  5. Canadian women are man-hating feminist cunts who hate men. No wonder the majority of incel attacks originate from Canada.

  6. I believe that it's hypocrisy that the white nationalist dislike non-white men, yet their women corrupt non-white women to hate non-white counterparts,
    However, the white nationalist travels to non-white countries for sex tourism, creating problems for, you guess it, non-white locals.
    May the Mexican narco cartels behead every 6foot blonde white nationalist cuck and man-hating feminazi Stacy.

  7. American-born Karen yells "GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM" to Canadian-born Middle Eastern thots...Karens getting Freudian these days:

    1. Karen is the product of feminism and something worse, Karen has chosen to lead a celibate life.

    2. Foids screeching at each other is the most horrible sound. The only nice thing in that video was the dog at the end.

    3. Karen is not celibate at all. She is fucking dogs and sharing nudes with minors.

  8. The white woman is naked with children while sharing nudes to her students or those in her care. Meanwhile, all men are rapists.

  9. I emphasize with the plight of my foreign brothers. Having been subjected to false advertising from birth, I also feel betrayed.

    Where are all the loyal good looking non-transactional female nymphomaniacs that I was promised as my reward for life of a hard work, self-sacrifice & law obedience?

    That said, no matter where I travel, I'm often told that beautiful, loving, loose & sexually available women are freely available 'somewhere else', but never where I happen to be at the time.

    It is the same lie everywhere.

    Race is not the key factor here.

    1. No one is saying that perfect women exist anywhere and yes, all men are subjected to false advertising from birth.

      That said, it is also a fact that many white men have realised much happier romantic lives after leaving the Anglosphere, especially North America.

    2. Rookh,
      There is more to it. Even if a guy goes overseas and comes home empty handed, he will at least get to meet motivated women and find out what it like to not have women hate him. That is a big something.
      PS, Now how much is RT airfare to Kamchatka? Will they let a bear on the plane?

    3. Cuntries like Canada are man-hating cesspools. The majority of women hate men, but if you're a young boy, you get to see your female teacher nude, or you get free sex from the feminist teacher. Such is life. Most Canadian men are better off reincarnating for the future, because they will get countless sex and teacher sex for being a minor. Canadian women hate men.

  10. This is considered legal for female teachers to teach sexual education NSFW:

    1. Do young men have to die and reincarnate in 2020 to see poon these days, because the Anglobitch wants to show her pu$$y only to toddlers and school children?

  11. I am getting so asexual these days. I don't really mind

    I think men will have a revival in toughness. The smart ones anyway.

    I am the guy on the last article who said I had ascended to around a 6 male and was getting iois

    First of all I'll say probably 5-5.5 is more accurate

    But i don't even want the mediocre women who show me iois

    I'm getting enough fulfillment from other things

  12. With respect Rookh, in practice I think the Flynn Effect is a load of twaddle, at least as applied to modern times. A few reasons:

    1) It's not the 'smart professional' types in the Anglosphere who have kids anymore (they barely have any nowadays), it's the underclass types who live bastard child after bastard child in their wake, to fend for themselves in decaying state educational systems. Why? The increasing casualisation and Brazilification of the West (with the Anglosphere being among the worst affected) makes it unattractive for reasonably intelligent people to have children. TPTB know this, which is why they're trying to import half the third-world to keep things ticking over (they're delusional if they think this will work for long BTW - culture clash is a thing).

    2) IQ tests measure the sort of abstract thinking our forefathers may not have been well-versed in.

    3) Haven't IQ scores in the West been declining? They might have been rising in, say, Burkina Faso, but this blog is about the Anglosphere.

    4) The real reason why few younger people (rightly) trust the MSM is because it wasn't their only source of information in the way that it was for the Boomers many a decade ago.

    5) As much as I dislike defending Anglo boomers, their main issue is that they're set in their ways and generally out of touch. Employment was more plentiful, the women were (relatively) better and society wasn't as fraught with division. Since many Anglo elites are still boomers, that explains why our political elites are out of touch. Plus, as you've remarked, many of them come from the same backgrounds now anyway.

  13. *It's not the 'smart professional' types in the Anglosphere who have kids anymore (they barely have any nowadays), it's the underclass types who live bastard child after bastard child in their wake, to fend for themselves in decaying state educational systems. Why? The increasing casualisation and Brazilification of the West (with the Anglosphere being among the worst affected) makes it unattractive for reasonably intelligent people to have children. TPTB know this, which is why they're trying to import half the third-world to keep things ticking over (they're delusional if they think this will work for long BTW - culture clash is a thing).*

    Interesting comments, Rick. I have read that the Flynn Effect was a valid concept until around 1990, after which the average IQ began to slip back again. Kind of interesting, in that feminism and state gynocentricsm was starting to legitimate unregulated female mate choice around that time:


    I guess the intelligence division between SiGens and Boomers and younger generations might involve Gen Xers and older Millennials rather than Zoomers and younger Millennials. That said, SiGens in particular seem completely incapable of rational thought, to me. They come over as simple minded, like big children.

    *IQ tests measure the sort of abstract thinking our forefathers may not have been well-versed in.*

    I've seen people argue round the block on whether IQ tests test intelligence but they seem to test something closely correlated with rational life decisions, longevity and professional success, which most people associate with 'intelligence' in our culture. People with careers in medicine, advanced computing, chemical engineering and other occupations generally associated with intelligence always have high IQs, usually very high.

    I strongly agree with points 1, 4 and 5, however. Even Anglo women were (relatively) better in those days, since Anglo feminism had not yet exalted them.

    1. A thoughtful reply as always, Rookh.

      WRT to the SiGens, I'm not surprised that they're completely out of it. They may as well be from another planet given how much the Anglosphere has changed in their lifetime. I suppose old age does have a way of infantilising you, as well.

      With regards to your comments on IQ, I don't actually think a high IQ is much of an asset in the contemporary Anglosphere. In Australia, I don't believe that STEM (engineering possibly excepted) confers any particular prestige or financial advantage. In fact, doing science/tech/maths is often a terrible idea IMO. I think it is more that a low IQ is a serious liability in our increasingly technological age. They say that those with IQ's below 85 or so are all but unemployable now, and it's not like the intellectually impaired have the capacity to live long, independent lives.

  14. TORONTO...Where it is less stigmatized to lure 8-12 year old children on bikes than being falsely accused of sexual harassment by grown feminist land whales:


  15. Thank you for using my quote about Karen in the article Rookh!
    I will try and improve my grammar next time too lol

    1. Toronto Karen think she has more rights than a Chinese woman, claiming 'discrimination' for being refused entry to a store because of a mask policy:


    2. There are a lot of these "Karen won't wear a mask" videos out there. Karen always comes up with some BS excuse and falls back to HIPAA. While I personally believe that we are past flu season and none of this should be necessary, it does go to show that Karen is not a team player.
      I am glad that Karen is out there to be the target of hostility.

    3. *I am glad that Karen is out there to be the target of hostility.*

      Even other white foids are getting in on the act:


      Two Karens attacking other Karens! We must do all we can to foster this spirit of self-division among our opponents.

    4. Let's face it, Karen is pretty awful. She is a product of feminism. There is all the entitlement, narcissism, and,finally, celibacy to define her. It would not be that bad, but she had to open her mouth and dispel all doubt.

  16. I have a question doc.
    What does it mean for a woman in her 30s who suddenly start creating social media profiles and uploading steamy pics of herself on her corporate profile? What is the psychology behind it?

    1. The Sheriff is goin to give you Divorce Papers, or she wants a cuck to marry after those years of thoting. Who is the hoe, bro?

    2. It depends on the circumstances.

      Simple desperation and need for male validation around The Wall will motivate most of this thottery. However, others will have recently divorced beta Anglosimps and be wanting to live high (with Chad and Tyrone) on the poor sap's money. Also, 'career women' are desperate to breed with the last vestiges of (safe) fertility that remain to them.

  17. I don't think you need Rookh to answer that. She has baby rabies. She can hear her biological clock ticking.

    1. Women have changed a lot. This is the reality of the average thot today:

    2. I think it's the 'safe' biological clock, in real terms. The risk of Down's and other defects rises steadily after 30, no matter who the father is. Thinking aloud, perhaps women are still seeking Chads even at that age to negate the deleterious genetic effects of their own ageing.

  18. This is some golden nugget from an incel:
    I've said it before but women are monetizing all personal affection, they're weaponising their sexuality to gain power. Things that were given as natural are now behind a pay wall unless her pussy tingles when she glances at you.

  19. What are the implications of the future generation of females who are taught to hate sub8 men, while they profit from sub8 men through nude pics and videos on TikTok, etc? Who marries thots who have nudes in their name online? The Red Pill has to be spread, but it's considered 'hate speech' in Toronto and UK.

  20. Roosh V was vilified because he wrote that Toronto women hate men...He was wrong. Toronto women LOVE MEN WITH MONEY:

  21. A year before his infamous tour in 2015, Roosh did a quick weekend scouting trip to Toronto to see what all the fuss was about. His forum went fourteen pages of men detailing what what a miserable place Toronto is for heterosexual men. I read his post after his quick trip. The women kept to themselves in the clubs and, once they closed, went out together to eat at greasy spoons. Toronto women hate him because he told the truth. There is no greater sin.

    What happens to her? While she still looks good, she plays the innocent and looks for a husband.

    1. When that Roosh guy came to the UK, feminists shut down his seminar:


      All Anglocunts hate him, not just the Canadian ones.

    2. Toronto women want men with money or an exchange of their pussy with a benefit (such as job promotion). Toronto is so sexually repressed I wonder if children are being molested in the public schools.

  22. I think they hate him because they fear that that he knows tricks which will get them in bed. All he ever had were tools such as a salesman would use.

    1. You don't get it. Toronto women don't mind fucking a dog, school bully or a baby, but Roosh was entering a sexually repressed city where it's legal for female teachers to show their holes for sexual education. The teacher who shoved that dildo up her ass was Carlyle Jansen.

    2. https://incels.co/threads/woman-teaches-8-year-old-kids-how-to-masturbate.221898/

    3. Maybe I do get it. Women, Toronto women to an even greater extent, get more enjoyment out of shutting men down than connecting. The more valuable the man they shut down, the more valuable they see themselves as being. Roosh threatened that.
      What women never thought of is that men can only stand so much of this.

    4. Toronto women would suck a dog or 5 yo's cock for free though.

  23. Rookh I watched 'A Passage to India' a couple of nights ago. Had read the book a few years back.

    It is very based how it describes the racism of the Anglobitch.

    To quote an Indian character in the movie who was discussing the English: "The Women are worse"

    It seems they have always been like that. It's their nature

    Took a gay Englishman (EM Forster) to call it out 100 years ago when the book was written.


    1. As one of my learned correspondents once wrote, the colonial Anglo nations (which is all of them apart from the modern UK, specifically England) are built on the dispossession and oppression of non-Anglo indigents (Maoris, Aborigines, Native Americans) and in many cases (the West Indies, the US) slavery too; harsh facts it has never truly come to terms with. In his view, this has resulted in massive amounts of residual resentment in Anglo countries; a potent force which even the privileged have been able to exploit, specifically white feminists.

    2. Looks like it's open season on (Anglo) Americunts thanks to the rise of the Karen meme. We are seeing the beginning of real fundamental change.


    3. Maybe I'm ahead of my time, but it amazes me that it's taken this long for men to respond to the arrogance and racism of Anglo-American white women. Once Sexual False Consciousness is gone, a man realises that sex is not an option with such women due to racism, hypergamy or elitism. Obviously, this leaves him free to deal with women in a wholly objective fashion - as they deal with him.

      This is why I write so extensively about overcoming Sexual False Consciousness. Breaking free of it is the first step to real awakening and walking the streets as a god. Sexual objectivity is the difference between a truly awakened man and a faked-assed simp.

  24. Rookh, I think another reason on why men are (progressively) breaking away from SFC it's the normalization of inceldom.
    Back in the day (10-20 years ago, so relatively close culturally speaking) incels were perceived as these highly asocial men with no talents or skills whatsoever.
    Nowadays,thanks to the fall of Anglo American media hegemony it makes easier for socially skilled, charismatic and talented either about their nowadays growing or already existent sexual disenfranchisement; thus vastly decreasing the widespread delusion that inceldom is the result of a "lack of social skills".
    So anglo societies are left with no defense or response at trying to justify sexual disenfranchisement, when even the most sociable and talented are starting to suffer from it.

    1. As for incels, a lot of the blame for this can be laid at the feet of Tinder. Women are making decisions based only on one picture. I have to wonder if a society that has placed women on a pedestal so high they are looking down on Nelson in Trafalgar Square can care about its men. That tells me they have gone too far.

    2. A brilliant comment and largely true but thirty or forty years ago the lamestream media simply did not discuss incels in any way whatsoever. The prevailing narrative was that 'everyone' was bouncing around in bed with models three times a day, I kid you not.

      The Anglo media hegemony quashed dissent so effectively that anyone questioning this image of M/F relations was considered either jaundiced, eccentric or even mentally ill. The emergence of the Internet has been like slowly awakening from a dream, in many ways.

  25. Rookh this doctor is showing her nudity online, might be to minors on Reddit. How do I report her?

    1. It's a feminist world. The doctor is allowed to show her pussy and suck cocks of Yung Chads and Tyrones.

    2. In the UK it would be the GMC, for unprofessional conduct. There will be congruent organisations elsewhere in all the Commonwealth countries. They have wisely removed all identifying insignia, however.

    3. It's difficult to get into medical school, and requires 10 years of post-secondary training depending on field. The white whore of Babylon is more interested in taking pics of her boobies and pussy hole for 12 yo Redditors. The enemies of America are laughing at the white doctor's pussy on full view for the world of 12yo Redditors masturbating on her pics!
      By the way Roosh V was banned on YouTube for joking that ISIS should attack feminist Muslims.

  26. Men are losing it in Toronto:

    1. Melbourne and Toronto both.

      Some footballer killed himself this week in Australia because his Anglobitch wife left him.

      Even 6'2 chadlite athletes are cheatable for the Anglobitch.

    2. Back in the day a 5'4 collegecel could get laid, but what I observed while doing my postgrad in Toronto is that the min. height is 6'3, own a $100,000 car and own a penthouse at Lakeshore, else it's harassment if you speak to her. You wonder why Alek Minassian did what he did, but white women are a curse.

  27. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8540579/Naked-Athena-protester-confronts-Portland-police.html

    Anglobitch at Portland protest dubbed "Naked Athena" while nonwhite and sub 8 men get tear gassed and their heads bashed in by police! This jibes with activities in Toronto and elsewhere. The Anglobitch just wants to show off her vagina and rectum for more attention as the world burns.

    1. *The Anglobitch just wants to show off her vagina and rectum for more attention as the world burns.*

      Water is wet, I guess.

    2. Female teachers in Toronto wear g-strings for swimming classes and outdoor activities. But if you, the sub8 ethnic male looks at her, it's rape. Why do you think that Toronto has the most incel attacks per capita? The white woman is naked with children and God is angry.

  28. The white feminist Karen whore is deliberately destroying masculinity and Western society. Will God send me to hell if I convert to a tranny or homo? The only way to get ahead in the feminist countries is to become gay or a tranny.

  29. Feminism is a tool to bring down civilization:


    1. It is curious that Youtube never cut Roosh off when he was selling Game, but only after he had gone Christian.
      Not only is feminism a tool to bring down civilization, it is a death cult. Everytime I consider it, it is confirmed.

  30. My prediction:

    The fertility rates of most countries in the world will drop.

    Radical Anglo feminism will sweep the world. Hyper hypergamy will reign supreme everywhere.

    Gentlemen, the dating market will get uglier and uglier in the next 20-30 years.

    Anglo feminists see it as their job to reduce fertility worldwide.

    It is already sub 8 men that feel the brunt of hypergamy. Soon it will be sub 9 men.

    World fertility rate will fall to very low levels.

    1. If the white woman could convince Julio, Juan and Carlos to become a simp, then I'm jumping over a bridge. Latino men don't take shit from women. They are featured on BestGore for the highest domestic violence cringe per capita.

  31. Post 2008 was the Tinder Age of pro-slut hypergamy.

    Post-2020 will be worse. For every recession, the white woman doubles down on her hypergamy.

  32. Toronto has an incel problem:

    1. It wouldn't surprise me that if that guy reads this website! He might not even be an incel, just a guy sick of being treated like trash by the Anglobitch and Canadian society in general. Whatever, he needs to brush up his boxing skills: that fat Anglobitch blocked his second punch.

      There were a couple of cases rather like that in the UK a few years ago. In one, some hooded youth would start punching teen girls walking the streets alone, then run away when they started screaming. He laid into three or more, landing hard and heavy. The case just died, though. He either got caught or gave up, well satisfied with his bone-crunching deeds.

      In the other case, the guy was indisputably an incel:


    2. Toronto is the city where if a woman feels harassed with eye contact, it's rape! He might have well gave the police a reason to go in jail.

    3. After reading that CBC post, the next step in a feminist hellhole would to write laws restricting the movement of men. The attacks have probably always been there, it is just that they can be used to generate support for laws like this. Guys, get out of there. Let theses bitches support themselves

    4. Young men who attended UofT, Ryerson and OCAD had police sent on them for telling staff or females that they wanted to leave Toronto.

    5. For wanting to leave a world acknowledged feminist hellhole? That sounds like sanity to me. Maybe that is why they were so threatened?

    6. Toronto thrives on the misery of men for some reason.

  33. "The court heard how Moynihan has autistic spectrum disorder."

    These Spergers appear to see the writing on the wall way before the normies (i.e. the 99% of females dating only the top 1% of men).

    1. I don't really subscribe to the 'All Spergers are genii' myth, though this youth was certainly 'ahead of the curve'.

      More likely they lack the capacity for Sexual False Consciousness, the major thing insulating Normie incels from anti-feminist violence. Another thing to consider is that Sperger males are simply far more likely to be incels than Normies, since they are incapable of feigning interest in face-painting and #metoo.

    2. The dating market is tough, but Aspies know the signs before getting divorced rape, due to harassment laws (approaching women is a hate crime). Aspies tend to get caught up in anti-social behavior such as incels.

  34. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/doctors-posting-bikini-photos-being-162156929.html

    "Doctors Are Posting Bikini Photos After Being Called ‘Unprofessional' by Male-Led Study"

    No restraint on the karens. Also some are mulattas even. Its just spreading in the west.

    White knight cuck male doctor even simps for them in the same story. Sad!

    1. Guess I can wear my white robe and cone hat to the doctor's office then?

  35. Dr. Lillian Erdahl MD is posting semi-nude pics with children on Twitter WTF is wrong with that pedophile?

  36. Why are female doctors posting nude pics on their social media? Are they pedophiles or sex workers?

    1. To put it plainly, they aren't getting enough. If they were, why would they be exhibitionists?

    2. That is an urban myth. You don't believe those female doctors don't do bbbjs on young Chads in the examination room? These female docs are persevere who act like pedophiles.

  37. Feminism is racist against Aboriginals:


  38. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-police-six-separate-assaults-roncevalles-neighbourhood-1.5668096

  39. Toronto worst city for sub9 men:

    1. I think we have seen enough of this in the past to imagine what comes next. Women are going to demand a law severely curtailing men's freedom of movement. Then, with the full cooperation of police, they are going to abuse it.

    2. That they were able to effectively put the entire population under house arrest for two months for Covid-19 tells me that government may do something this stupid.
      For the sake of your sanity, get the hell out of Dodge.

    3. Don't waste elbow-grease punching the Anglobitch, the system is always on her side in all circumstances. Instead, take the Black Pill and get out of the Anglosphere (and especially Toronto) as soon as you can. I've been preaching this for ten years and it's better advice than it ever was.

    4. Yup

      Truth be told the Anglosphere for any sun 8 man who is an enlightened and deep thinker.

      There is nowhere to go with this materialistic culture

    5. Rookh, Canada is the second largest country by landmass, but the major cities are less than five, and one is a French speaking city.

    6. You want to know where to go? Now, that you have asked the question, a thousand minds are going to focus on the issue. Go somewhere where cost of living is low and does not get much press. If someone else can chime in with a few more parameters, we can narrow this down.

    7. What the feminazis enforce in Toronto eventually spreads through Canada. The only way for men in Toronto to stop the feminazi rot is to let the Toronto fempire collapse.

  40. Wife up dem white bitchez

  41. that buck negro is nothing more than a plaything for the Anglobitch with a BBC fetish or in this case an extreme betabux. What a joke, the idea of the black man, or any man being powerful in the Anglosphere

    1. White woman seeks to use the black man as an object. Part of the attraction is that he has no power or potential for real power in society.

  42. That guy was clearly a Sperg or retarded simp to have trusted an Anglobitch in those circumstances. Did he honestly think she liked him 'for himself'? Perhaps he came from a culture where women were remotely trustworthy, or something. Alternatively, he bought into the Blue Pilled Anglo fiction that all women are shining 'saints' who will 'redeem' men with the sacraments of love and sex.

    Whatever, he's learned his lesson the hard way.

    1. That was ten years ago. It is worse today because it's "hate speech" to complain about women.

  43. DragonChaser101
    5 months ago
    Working hard in my 20s and saving enough to put a downpayment on a property in Toronto Ontario Canada, was something I regret. I thought being a young male bachelor would have put me on an attractive scale for women. What a lonely decade of my life. If I could go back. I would have invested elsewhere. Cannot wait to leave.

    1. A feminist cunt like Stefanie Guthrie or Mandi Gray will LIE & FALSELY ACCUSE you of sexual harassment and every cent that you have is going be used to defend your reputation while you lose your job. Toronto Police protect white women.

  44. Ronin Ronin
    1 year ago
    City of Toronto is a Feminatzie shithole . Straight Men are not welcome here . Yes the Mayor is a white straight guy but it does not matter much ....he has no power . It is just for show . . ...Mostly gay Feminists men and women run every brunch of the Government and the court system and the Fake lazy media in Toronto and in Canada too !!!!! Its Everywhere !!! You will never hear any Reasonable moderate voices here in Toronto . Its always '' Women are always right and all Men Rapist and always wrong !!'''' !!! Pure Misandry . Pure hate ! The only Men who are married to women and have kids are mostly Gay men . You will see a lot idiot clueless young pretty women with gay boyfriends here . Just like our Prime Minister Justin Trudno '' . He is also closed Gay men with a wife . So many like him ...so many ....why are gay men still pretending and marry women no one knows ......just be gay , No one cares ! Stop lying to women ! It is disgusting !!! Tourists are laughing at us . They are . The media is refusing to report this Canadian phenomena . Why ? Fake PC gay media !!! The media is really the enemy of the people ! They own the agenda so......They are refusing to report the truth ! They are the enemy !

  45. BLM - a movement founded by three feminists one of which is a lesbian - is pro-male?

    1. Yea like white women aren't misandric dog fuckers and child molesters who send police on innocent men. Let BLM burn down the fucking Babylon white woman police state which protects white women. Whether they are carpet munchers or not will be dealt with later. The police in Canada and USA are anti-male.

  46. Toronto is a overfunded feminazi police state.

    1. White female doc from Toronto uses police to censor the DontMARRY.com website:

    2. Canadian feminist pussy got these cops tyrannical:

    3. When the police pull that, they think that they are getting away with something. No, what they are doing is begging for a general uprising. Resentment is cumulative.

    4. Steve and his brother are getting shafted because women are instigating them and falsely accusing them of misdemeanors to get them arrested. CANADIAN cunts have the police state at their side. Gone were the days of the leftist protests at the G20. Toronto women side with the police state.

  47. Toronto feminazi probably was a false accuser, and deserved what she got dating a thug:

    1. "How many gun charges does a guy need to have in order for him to stay in jail, knowing that a 25-year-old girl who has her whole life ahead of her is in danger of this man?"

      It doesn't matter how many gun charges a thugmaxxed tyrone/wigger has on his criminal record so long as he creates vag tingles in the Anglobitch. She doesn't want billy beta, chen or sweet pajeet since they don't do it for her. Death is an acceptable risk for the Anglobitch so long as she is excited in the moment. Her panties were soaked with anticipation before the ground was soaked with her blood!

    2. Another call for fried ice. They want to get close to bad boys. Did they think there would be no consequences? Darwin award.

    3. She was a "beautiful soul" enjoying a "summer of love"

    4. How many innocent men did she falsely accuse of sexual harassment, criminal harassment and sexual assault? Most Toronto women are extensions of the Toronto police state. They don't snitch on the drug dealers and pimps who rape and beat them up though. Wonder why?

    5. "She was a "beautiful soul" enjoying a "summer of love""

      Now she's just a soul.

  48. I had a thought in the morning before coming fully awake. What will it mean for women when eighty percent of men are going to refer to them as "foids"? Toronto may already be there.

    1. Toronto Police lost credibility after trying to arrest Grade Five students for laughing at their female teacher who was nude for sexual education classes. The foid teacher accused the male students of criminal and sexual harassment.

    2. That is rich. It would be even funnier if it went to a jury trial and they laughed too.

    3. The problem is that there wont be no jury trial because of the feminist laws that are being created without the public knowing. Jury trials are not a right in Canada. Kangaroo feminist courts are the norm for the entire legal system especially in Toronto.

  49. Exposing The Morally Corrupt Family Courts - Canada

  50. Men pay tax dollars to pay for paper pushing cunts to send police on innocent men:

  51. Why does Canada come up with these stupid feminazi laws which are a detriment to free speech? Why the fuck was the cunt naked in the office in the first place, and surveillance cameras are intended for security.

    1. I think the world is losing patience with feminism. After reading that post, it is ridiculous beyond belief. While the ladies are going to continue to ask that everything be to their advantage, it not going to work anymore.

    2. It is going to be illegal to film nude feminazis at the SlutWalks and Prides, or complaining that the female teacher is naked with children. They might be pushing men to do nihilistic events.

  52. Low testosterone men are over 6 ft, while shorter men have higher testosterone?

  53. Female doctors in Toronto are allowed to send cops to arrest male patients for misogyny?

    1. In doing what she did, she violated doctor/patient privilege. Rookh may know more, but this is right up there with confessing to a Catholic priest and the priest taking it to the cops. He would not be deserving of being a priest anymore. There is also attorney/client privilege. This could end in being disbarred. As for this doctor, she is proven untrustworthy and should be practicing medicine. I wish that I knew where you could take this.

    2. Please read that as "should NOT be practicing medicine". Sorry for the error.

    3. Steve Katsikaris had his cottage bombed by the police because of charges that were laid by that doctor. If police could use such force on the gangbangers who rape feminists for settling drug debts.

  54. Toronto Police arrested Grade Five students for laughing at their female teacher when she was naked "teaching" sexual education. Do you think anyone in Toronto cares that a female doctor violated medical policy?

    1. I am going to go out on a limb here and make presumptions. If this doctor's behavior is as it is laid out, she should not be trusted. If she cannot be trusted, she should not be a doctor. I think stuff like this is enforced by doctors, not feminist courts. We can only hope. In the meanwhile, I think that all men should avoid female doctors.

    2. The Toronto police act on behalf of the Attorney General and the courts. Feminists have already kicked as many men out of college, which means your doctor is going to be a feminazi dog-fucking pedophile who gets off of doing "physicals" on Lil Tyrone by doing blowjobs.

  55. Canada is a terrible anti-male country:

    1. Fucking feminist dragged his brother into this:

  56. What's next on the agenda? Female doctors fucking 5 yo Chads and Lil Tyrones?

    1. Would all these bitches be okay with male doctors wearing their Speedos, or MAGA hats to work?

  57. Dr. Rookh, when the feminazis try to get you to lose your job, remind them that they are legalizing female doctors to be naked with minor patients:

    1. This doctor should be disciplined for sharing nude pics with minors:

  58. Burn the coal, pay the toll, as the racists would post. Why do feminists date thugs?:

    1. Women are terrible at choosing mates. In the time of Christ, parents would negotiate and the kids would be "betrothed" before the onset of puberty.That settled a lot of questions from the outset and left the kids free to devote their energy to other things.

    2. SHE HAS TO BE 18, NO 21, NO 38...Raise the age of consent! To a million! Female teacher fucking Grade One students!

  59. If a female teacher in Toronto does a blowjob on a 10-year-old student and he cums in her mouth without her consent, they have to arrest the 10yo for rape.

    1. Canada has the Youth Offenders Act protecting the identity of teenage thugs, bullies and bangbangers when they commit crimes, but the minor might be publicly humiliated for cumming inside his female teacher's mouth.

  60. What was the Toronto thot doing that late at night? Drinking alcohol like a gas tank and sucking Chad cock?

    1. The Toronto woman is a disease. AWALT in Toronto, no matter if they are FOB from Pluto. They learn how to become a lying, cheating and whoring Toronto feminazi cunt. I'm surprised that the alleged ISIS militants that Trudeau brought in didn't declare Jihad or Boko Haram on Toronto women as yet.

  61. Is this the future of feminist cities like Toronto, LA, NYC, London?

  62. What are Toronto women doing outside at 230am?


  63. Does Niger have street harassment laws?

  64. https://wxow.com/2020/08/13/federal-appeals-court-male-only-draft-is-constitutional-2/

    I hope these foids motivate men in the USA to fight and get blown up, since male only conscription has been ruled constitutional

    1. Most foids are only in the military for lawsuit chasing and getting pregnant.

    2. Or unmerited promotions:


      I bet most of those 'Admirals' have never even seen a ship.
