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Saturday 26 January 2019

A Vision of Hope and Beauty


  1. When is your new book coming out Rookh? I bought Havok and loved it.

    1. I am still integrating the ideas and materials various brilliant commentators posted last year, though I am very nearly done. Although I am going to use some traditional academic references (as I did in Havok), I intend to use this extensive body of commentary as my primary reference point. We have moved beyond the point when the lamestream opinions of academics in ivory towers can contribute much to the present situation; we are now in a world where males can be criminalised for smirking or thrown in jail on the word of a female. In short, we are now living in an openly misandrist civilisation and an entirely new way of thinking and speaking is required to discuss it. Happily, the brilliant commentary on this blog more than supplies it.

      It should be ready soon. I will make sure regular readers can get it at minimal expense.

  2. Havoc was awesome. I'm looking forward to this new one, and, I might actually take the challenge and do it, as I am extremely unhappy with my life in America.

    I work my ass off to put money into the pockets of complete cunts who can't stand my presence.

    Whole scenario makes me sick

  3. i can't stand seeing my hard-earned money pay health care expenses of stupid people who get VD and AIDS from all their messing around. Sex outside of marriage is a big ugly load.

    1. Nice try douche.

      Being married doesn't mean no venereal diseases. All it means is some man was dumb enough to sign half his money over to an unappreciative whore and a thief.

  4. Ha ha ha....Rookh seems furstrated...calm down kid...and think clearly the whole scenario with boldness to acknowledge the reality.
