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Thursday 3 October 2019

Hope on Distant Shores Available on Kindle

The Kindle version of 'Hope on Distant Shores: How Awakened Men can Escape the Anglosphere's Toxic Women, Sexual False Consciousness and Institutional Misandry' - the book I have been working on for the past five years - is now available.

On Saturday October 26, I will be running a one-day promotion in which the Kindle version of Hope on Distant Shores can be downloaded free. Of course, the beautiful deluxe paperback version is also available at baseline production cost.

It would also be good if satisfied customers already enriched by Hope on Distant Shores could leave some reviews on Amazon, so it can have a similar impact on the lives of others.

Hope on Distant Shores offers lifestyle guidance to the following groups:
  • Men tired of entitled, selfish Anglo-American women
  • Men who want a better, safer, more fulfilled life outside the Anglosphere
  • Men who do not want to ‘adjust’ to a culture which views them as third class citizens
  • Men who do not wish to squander their hard-earned dollars on derisive strippers or punitive divorce settlements
  • Men who want slim, warm, attractive women unsullied by sex-negative, misandrist Anglo-American feminism 
When I started this blog ten years ago, it was my intention to create waves and cast shadows across the Internet. I knew my key insight – that Anglo-American culture’s mistrust of male sexual freedom had created an especially misandrist, belligerent form of feminism – demanded global dissemination. Far from being ‘revolutionary’, as conservative Men’s Rights Activists believe, Anglo-American feminism springs right from the frigid heart of Anglo-American civilization. This explains the unstinting support feminism receives from the state in all Anglo-Saxon countries, and why all attempts to resist it have proved so utterly futile. There never was a ‘golden age’ of gender relations in the Anglosphere; the puritanical Anglo-Saxon cultural bloc has been pedestalizing women and vilifying men for centuries.

My first book ‘Havok’ (2009) focused on the condition of gender-relations in the contemporary Anglosphere. My conclusions – which have since taken root all over the English-speaking world, were that residual Puritanism has imbalanced gender-relations in favour of women, reducing Anglo-American males to disposable stooges, walking ATM machines and vilified deviants. Meanwhile the same secular Puritanism has, by sacralising sex as an elusive commodity, set Anglo-American women atop pedestals as exalted goddesses. Despite claiming to be a ‘revolutionary’ movement, Anglo-American feminism is in fact an extension – indeed, amplification of – existing values: Anglo feminism is sex-negative, misandrist and racist, just like Anglo-American society. In this view, conventional Men’s Right’s Activists who invoke ‘tradition’ against Anglo-Saxon feminism are completely deluded: for Anglo feminism springs straight from the Anglosphere’s repressive, puritan soul. Indeed, it will be noted that conservative MRAs have achieved precisely nothing in their 30-odd years of existence. Similarly, the PUA or Pick-up Artist community are merely playing a game they can never win. The puritanical reality of the Anglosphere renders their various ‘approach’ techniques moribund at best and potentially dangerous for men in the #metoo era.

Further, feminism now serves as a smoke screen to disguise the real problems afflicting Anglo-American civilization – namely, socio-economic inequality, corrupt governance and racist policing. Additionally, the Anglo-feminist narrative which presents white women as oppressed outsiders also serves to mask white women’s endemic racism and long-standing affiliation to the Anglo-American establishment. Not only is sex-negative Anglo feminism an exaggerated expression of Anglo-American values, it helps to insulate those values from positive reform.

The movement that emerged from my first book is best called pan-Anglosphere Dissidence: the systematic rejection of repressive Anglo-American values. This rejection is associated with a yearning for the relative sexual freedom waiting outside the Anglosphere. Pan-Anglosphere Dissidence is predictably strongest in the puritanical United States, with its entitled women, institutionalised misandry and fanatic aversion to prostitution. Building on those insights, Hope on Distant Shores offers lifestyle guidance to Anglo-American men who want slim, warm, attractive women unsullied by sex-negative, misandrist Anglo feminism.

Unlike HavokHope on Distant Shores contains only a few references from ‘canonical’ historians, economists or philosophers. Like Saint Paul or the Buddha, I am fashioning something completely new and a completely new conceptual vocabulary is necessary to contain it. Therefore, most references are taken from the extensive correspondence to my blog which began in early 2018. All the postings of these experienced and learned correspondents, some of them containing over twenty thousand words, are included in a remarkable series of appendices which will doubtless be cited and studied by awakened men for decades to come.


  1. Excellent news, thank you, I will absolutely be getting this book and recommending to friends!

  2. Please leave some reviews on Amazon and elsewhere.

  3. The book was a most enlightening read, Rookh. Once again, we all salute your endeavour and attention to detail. You are a wondrous wordsmith.

    1. Thanks, Rick. I think HODS makes a good stylistic complement to Havok and the rich trove of quotes from many learned correspondents has produced a work which is both radical and practical; a revolutionary watershed in post-feminist male studies.

  4. If a male in Toronto isn't at least 6 feet high, no empowered female wants to even be near him!

    1. I'm actually just over 6', and Anglo women have despised me for as long as I can remember. Hell, even my female preschool teachers used to hit me over the head with things (FWIW, I never received a detention in primary or high school).

      Height IMO is an excuse used by women for rejecting someone - they don't REALLY care that much. As a group, they're more than willing to use other excuses if they're available.

    2. I have to agree. I am six foot two. If it's not height, they'll find something else. I have long thought that women empower themselves by rejecting men who are sincere.

  5. This is a great solution as to live an alternative life than living in the Anglo sphere, however,

    What were we happen of one day men all across English speaking countries suddenly all got black/Crimsoned pilled and started a mass Exodus...

    What would be the consequences to the men leaving in doves. Don't you think the feminists along with the tradcucks and the govs would try to stop and limit the amount of men leavig? I mean, if the government can't stop the mass Exodus I imagine they will try to make it very difficult or downright criminal for men to leave and find a better looking life abroad!

    What would be this what if scenario??

    1. Sorry for the typos. I'm typing on a smart phone

    2. In Michener's novel Texas, he goes into how Germany made it illegal. Too many young men were coming to America in the 19th century. It didn't work then. Still, it is an amusing scenario to contemplate.

    3. As I understand it, men in the USA are already leaving the country in large numbers. They are also marrying foreign women as opposed to American women. There is a lot of evidence that the Anglo-Feminist Matrix is already trying to prevent this happening, particularly via the VAWA:

      My guess is that they will start using hard power (imprisonment, execution) to keep men on the Anglo plantation, if these soft measures don't work. The war on the manosphere is the beginning of this agenda, IMHO.

  6. I expect that there will be more and more incels, and due to this more NEETS and expats (together with a decline in the birth rate). In the medium term this can create a huge crisis. You can read about this thesis and more in my blog Hypergamy Kills:

    1. I have read your blog and really recommend it. The content is good, especially your focus on the 2020s as a decisive decade.

  7. Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates thread

    Post by ladislav » August 18th, 2019, 8:14 am
    The feminists are after Western men only to make sure their life is miserable and they can't have a wife even in Cambodia. They would not dare bother local men no matter what these do. It would be racist and culturally insensitive. And of course gay men are left alone, too.
    So, Western men are on their own and are reached, slapped and roughed up by the long arm of the Anglo Bitch even on the other side of the globe.

    1. Tubby land whales are trying to stop men from leaving the plantation.

      Who is funding them to set shop in Cambodia?

  8. One can't even go to cambodia now? That's disgusting

    1. I don't think Cambodia has become an Alt-Right Caucasian female worshiping country like Poland or Hungary. As long as you have money, you'd be fine in Asia.
