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Tuesday 1 October 2019

Incelerando! The impending Anglosphere Crisis: Will the '20s be the Incel Decade?

The Teens (2010-2019) were a decade of great political upheaval in the Anglosphere. Both the US and UK experienced shock election results and dramatic socio-economic upheaval, largely due to years of social dysfunction. Canada and Australia have both spent the past forty years denigrating and marginalising men with boundless misandrist zeal, creating a sizeable 'incel class' of jaundiced males in both countries.

By submitting to residual puritan narratives and declaring informal war on the male sex, the Anglosphere nations are playing a foolish and dangerous game. As the Twenties approach, I am ever more convinced that it will be a decade of unparalleled social instability for the Anglosphere. Any idiot can see that countries with large minorities (or even majorities) of sexless, alienated young men are heading for serious trouble. In particular, the United States and Canada can expect to see weekly mass shootings as incel males with nothing to lose run amok, selecting women - the sexual oppressor class - as their primary targets.

Below, I list some of the factors which will feed this conflagration:

  • Anglo-American misandry. Though many regions are facing an incel crisis, the problem is much worse in the Anglosphere because of its distinctive sex-negative puritanism and sexual racism, which also determine  the sex-negative agendas of Anglo-American feminism. In the Anglosphere there will be no amelioration of misandry or inceldom, just their unremitting expansion. 
  • Avoidance and apathy. The Anglosphere is reluctant to address sexual issues honestly and directly because of its puritan heritage. This means the incel crisis will have to reach critical levels before any action is taken. And by then, the problem will very hard to rectify without resorting to draconian measures.
  • Fraying trust values. Decades of feminism, misandrist policy and male oppression has made the Anglosphere a dry powder-keg ready to explode with sexual repression and resentment. Expect the Anglosphere countries to become ever more like Brazil or Mexico with social disorder, crumbling institutions and casual violence being normalised. 
  • The Flynn Effect. Rising IQs have made the masses far harder to fool with MSM propaganda. Only an absolute idiot still thinks Chinese guys studying STEM are bouncing around in bed with blonde models every night. Female hypergamy, entitlement and racism are now common knowledge to almost everyone with Internet access and two brain cells to rub together.
  • End of social circle. Once, tribal membership of a youth culture meant easy access to members of the opposite sex. With the stealthy replacement of post-War youth culture by hypergamous social media for younger Millennials and Zoomers, such social circle game no longer exists. This will mean ever more single, dangerous and aggrieved young men in the 2020s.
  • Informational threshold. The Internet permits instant sharing of knowledge and opinion, obviating the old model of top-down media indoctrination. In the 80s or 90s the MSM could happily praise Greta Thunberg as a saint without fear of contradiction. However, once social media appears and a certain threshold of informational complexity is passed, the game is up; it is no longer possible for the MSM to peddle its Blue-Pilled Disney fantasies. Perhaps widespread higher education and the Flynn Effect feed this outcome, also. Even the broad masses are beginning to reject Sexual False Consciousness for a more honest narrative. Generation Z will reach adulthood during the next decade, having been raised by an online counter-culture in which the Manosphere is a prominent force. In the 2020s,  expect undiluted Black Pill thought to become commonplace among people under 40. 

Doubtless my astute readers can add many more factors to this list. With these divisive elements already in place, the 2020s promise to be hot indeed. With the MSM in full retreat, Sexual False Consciousness is breaking down rapidly in the face of Black Pill truth and many males are realising their desperate situation. 

It does not take a genius to work out what will happen in the next decade; nonetheless, a genius has marked the way for us. In this immortal passage, Shakespeare's Richard III - a hunchbacked proto-incel - describes the damage sexual alienation can wreak on the male personality. Here, the deformed Richard surveys his limited options as a sexually disenfranchised male:

Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;
And now, instead of mounting barbed steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.
But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks,
Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass;
I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;
I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deformed, unfinish'd, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity:
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.

In simpler terms, let the dark times roll...


  1. When these clowns get their way (the people running the cuntry), yes bad things happen.

    They are too narcissistic to admit their failures. They do what the fake news MSM does - they double down.

    What will happen - guns will be taken away, and men will be further marginalized.

    That's the double down.

    There are politicians already running on the promise to get rid of guns.

    Also, I suspect that sites like this one will be taken down, and possible arrests ensuing.

    It is basically already a crime to be a straight man.

    1. They are certainly doubling-down with the gay-trans narrative, trying to get sexually-disenfranchised males to adopt deviant lifestyles or even become female. And the forcible closure of the braincells Reddit has not escaped my attention. I have no doubt that they are planning some kind of ideological counter-strike against dissident opinion, which I predict will begin in the early 2020s.

      Whether they succeed or not is up to us, though.

    2. Dating websites and MRA websites based in Toronto are being mysteriously taken down and censored.
      Hell, even Numbeo's Toronto forum is monitored and censored by the City of Toronto. Canada doesn't have free speech rights compared to the USA.

      What makes it worse is that men are discriminated in jobs in Toronto, and leaving Toronto for another country, or another city is a far cry and impossible for disenfranchised males because there is no future for Toronto males who are not the upper one percent Bay St. bankers.

  2. Crime has gone waayyy up in Toronto, but police are refusing to investigate petty crime and online scams.

    Instead, Toronto Police are investigating alleged sexual harassment comments from a half-nude Anglo-Saxon Caucasian slut.

    And we wonder why more men are going MGTOW or becoming incel members.

  3. I wonder if a law against weaponizing sex would get passed in the USA...

    1. I doubt it. American society runs on women weaponizing sex and exploiting men.

  4. Perhaps I picked up the idea here (or elsewhere) but for me Feminism and Homosexuality are two sides of the same coin. We are told that (by way of example) in Vietnam some of the soldiers adapted to Homosexuality which on return to America they promptly abandoned. I suppose something similar might be said of the celibate churchmen although celibacy is for them where it is supposed to stop and perhaps once did. Feminism and Incel violence are likewise seemingly not unrelated. As it is topical, the murder at the Paris Police HQ a few days ago of a female supervisor and three other police workers seems not so much Islamic terrorism (the perpetrator having recently converted to that religion) as a man snapping under intolerable feminist pressure.

    My own run-ins (which I have at various times related on the net) with the CEO of my local council, my then G.P. and most recently my Bank Manager are ultimately down not I believe to my belligerence but to white-knighting Mangina-ism from the men running these women heavy (usually near to one hundred per cent female staff) organisations. They may lick their lips over the amount of Pussy seemingly available but in reality they are their own Eunuchs and certainly act as if they are.

    Again and I have seen this reported in a number of locations the Incel rate in America of twenties males has risen greatly in the last couple of years from about ten to thirty per cent. This cannot bode well.

    1. *My own run-ins (which I have at various times related on the net) with the CEO of my local council, my then G.P. and most recently my Bank Manager are ultimately down not I believe to my belligerence but to white-knighting Mangina-ism from the men running these women heavy (usually near to one hundred per cent female staff) organisations. They may lick their lips over the amount of Pussy seemingly available but in reality they are their own Eunuchs and certainly act as if they are*

      The emasculated male simply wants to 'fit in' to the prevailing social framework, especially when that framework is a matriarchy. To them, such conformity is the meaning of their feeble existence and they will do anything to preserve it; Anglocucks on steroids, in other words.

      *Again and I have seen this reported in a number of locations the Incel rate in America of twenties males has risen greatly in the last couple of years from about ten to thirty per cent. This cannot bode well.*

      As I said, these facts are fast becoming consensus truth. However much the MSM tries to pretend that the Anglosphere is a sexual wonderland where everyone is bouncing around in bed with models all night, anyone with two eyes and a brain can see otherwise.

  5. The naked feminist globohomo empire will get you. British man mysteriously suffers from dengue fever after having his YouTube channel terminated at the same time. He lived in Cambodia for almost a decade, and it's suspicious how he died. He was a truther.

    1. Perhaps they will, friend; but the damage is already done. My books are published and over half a million high-quality men across the Anglosphere have read my blog and been awakened by it. If the globohomo empire had acted ten years ago - maybe even five - it might have quarantined my message. Now, it is clutching at shadows.

      Too little, too late.

    2. The feminist empire is going mad. Whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.

  6. Good news from Australia. The White Ribbon DV awareness charity has been liquidated, mainly due to financial mismanagement. Anonymous Aussie.

  7. The goal of Anglo-feminism is create a massive surplus of female sexual access so that there'll be no distinction in the sexual marketplace between a 6/10 tall and fit guy and a 2/10 short and fat guy since both will have virtually 0 to 1 level of SMV.

    Basically turning sex (which is still seen as a commonality) into a luxury that only a few percentage of men lucky in terms of looks, money and status have access too.

    1. Look no further than Toronto where the most immigrants migrate per capita compared to the rest of the world.

    2. Terrific post.
      If you go on the looksmax forum you will see 5'11 blonde Chad lites saying they feel 'invisible'.

      Now I say their complaints are a bit overblown, but if they are solid 7/10s imagine how a 5.5-6 feels.

      It is overall a lethargic and 'sex negative' culture where women are choosing to go against natural order- because natural order would mean that they actually have to love and submit to a man.

      They are choosing to 'submit to no man' instead.

    3. I've been saying for years that Anglo women think they are to good for almost any man, no matter what he looks like. Rates of Incelism will accelerate in the 2020s as female hyper-hypergamy extends to include almost all males.
