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Sunday 31 May 2020

Covid-19 Jams the Signal: The Incel Decade Unfolds

May 2020: The Anglosphere is sick and burning...

Taking a look back at my seminal January article on the development of the 2020s - which I dubbed the Incel Decade - are my predictions unfolding according to plan?
Why is Sexual False Consciousness such a modern - in fact, late twentieth century - phenomenon? Answering this question not only sheds much light on SFC, it also shows why the 2020s will be the decade when the Black Pill eclipses SFC as the dominant paradigm of western sexuality. 

Big words, indeed; but is there any truth in them?
Although the mainstream media originated in the nineteenth century as printed newspapers and journals, it only acquired total hegemonic dominance over the western masses after world war two. This stranglehold only began to loosen in the late 1990s, although it fundamentally remained in place until around 2009. That momentous  year began to see the introduction of social media into every aspect of life, obliterating the mainstream media consensus that had dominated mass thought for the previous sixty years. The subsequent election of Donald Trump, the UK's vote for Brexit and the West's nationalist resurgence are all manifestations of this process; and without sounding too pretentious, I think the rise of the Black Pill and the Manosphere in general are also part of this 'reclaiming reality' agenda.   
As I have often written, the conceptual key to understanding any social bloc is hegemony – the unseen ideological cement that makes things ‘what they are’, thereby binding the broad masses to the social order. Traditionally the lamestream media has been the primary hegemonic tool, although language, place names, education, organic mass culture, religion and subcultural traditions also play a role. The hegemony maintains the Overton Window – the frame of what is ‘reasonable’ or ‘sane’ in any society – however dysfunctional or irrational that might be.

Obviously, the rise of social media and the decline of mainstream media have greatly weakened the Anglosphere’s traditional hegemony. The rise of Black Lives Matter, Incel culture and ‘offbeat’ politicians like Trump or Farage all demonstrate the extent of this change. Mainstream commentators can no longer deny the existence of incels, lookism, The Black Pill, white women’s historic (and ongoing) racism or even the the Dog Pill; and long may that trend continue.  

The Dog Pill is becoming common knowledge

However, it is difficult to deny that the 2020s have already seen a massive acceleration in this process of hegemonic collapse.  Personally, I believe the Covid-19 pandemic is exposing fissures in Anglo-American culture which have lain dormant for decades. As Nathaniel Rothschild once said, 'Great fortunes are made when bombs fall in the harbour, not when violins are playing in the ballroom'. The ongoing pandemic has sparked this mass ‘Awakening’ for several reasons:
  • Due to CV-19, there is added fear and paranoia throughout society. This is exposing deep rooted fears, prejudices and tensions which are normally dormant or suppressed. The case of Amy Cooper (see video clip below) is a good example; when confronted with a black male bird watcher, she was unable to control her inborn Anglobitch hatred of black men.
  • The fact that many of the middle classes can work from home while other workers are expected to brave an unsafe working environment is exposing the profound  inequality, racism and injustice that define the Anglosphere. In fact, the disastrous mismanagement of the crisis by the UK and US sprang solely from their miserly Anglo-Saxon instinct to prioritise the economy over people.
  • Due to Lockdown, people have had more time to reflect on their miserable lives. Free of the daily grind, people are also free to fixate on things that inspire or anger them. The cases of racist Anglobitch Amy Cooper and murdered George Floyd are good examples. The Devil makes work for idle hands, and all of that.
  • Cooped up at home for months on end, the masses are highly frustrated. This makes them all the more likely to respond with violent action when confronted with injustice. The race riots presently engulfing many US cities are an exquisite example of intense frustration finding violent expression.
  • Sheer uncertainty about the future is also stoking tensions. Despite various empty claims and promises from non-medical authorities, there is presently no Covid-19 vaccine and no hope of one until 2021 (at the earliest). President's Trump’s stand-off with China, Twitter, mainstream media and the Deep State are also adding to the mix. Many workers will lose their jobs and face poverty when governments stop propping up businesses and paying workers in the coming months. When anything could happen, anything will.
  • Covid-19 Lockdowns around the globe have greatly strengthened the power of social media. In Lockdown conditions, people are using Discord and Zoom without the mediating influence of the lamestream as never before.
  • Covid-19 might well extinguish the Boomers, chief proponents of Sexual False Consciousness across the Anglosphere. After all, it is not called The Boomer Doomer for nothing. With these clowns removed from the equation, an honest and constructive discussion about western gender relations can actually begin. No longer will we hear that all women are oppressed 'saints' or that 'everyone' (and it really is 'everyone', people) is bouncing around in bed with models all day; after sixty years of Sexual False Consciousness, the Black Pilled reality will finally prevail.  
As promised, here is the video showing the 'oppressed' and 'downtrodden' white cunt Amy Cooper. While taking her dog out for a sex session in the woods walk in Central Park, she called the police on an innocent black male who asked her to control her canine sex slave mutt:

To conclude this short thought-piece on the unfolding Incel Decade, it has to be said that my January article was startlingly on-target. Under the stress of Covid-19 and the associated Lockdown, the Anglo-American hegemony is unravelling fast. Under unprecedented pressure, our many foes - racist Anglo feminists, Baby Boomers, the lamestream commentariat - are either crumbling or playing into our hands at every turn. 

Instead of sucking false consciousness from the lamestream media, more sexually-disenfranchised and socially-victimised men are poised to escape their Blue Pilled state than ever before. The Anglosphere's Blue Pill 'consensus' is a vast fraud led by soy-fed poltroons who need to keep subaltern males hoodwinked about the hideous truth of the Anglobitch and her exalted, dog-fucking, arrogant nature

But those lies have never been more vulnerable. Now is the time to throw all our efforts into this corridor of unprecedented opportunity, spreading the Black Pill as never before.

George Floyd: a tragic but useful Martyr


  1. About Amy Cooper, I don't think that race mattered all that much, but it did put icing on the cake when she called 911. What she attempted was "murder by proxy", hoping the police would kill the man that opposed her. If this is how she responds to bird watchers, Heaven help people that know her. This is a high level Karen.
    Overall, you have to be right about the Black Pill. More men are seeing things for what they are as time passes.
    About George Floyd, people are tired of seeing cops kill indiscriminately and white people are targets to them now too. They are tired of cops' lawlessness.

    1. White women cry rape every time. I'm amazed that they don't do this on the MS13 or those Mexican narco gangs who chop off more heads than ISIS or than a white whore in a strip club:

    2. I have seen that video before. That woman is crazy and she is not adjusting too well to Section 8 housing and her new neighbors. The next stop for her is a rest home.

    3. These white hoes aren't "crazy". They know the consequences of yelling rape to get cops to murder these "African American men". Toronto bitch Amy Cooper no different than that old cunt who should fuck off and die from COVID.

  2. The white woman is protected by police to show her pussy to minors at the park, but playing "Mexican" music is not permitted. Karen harasses family for playing Spanish music:

    1. She was awful and they did the best thing they could to discourage her. They recorded her and the internet is forever. Her friends will find this and give her grief.
      One thought. From what I have seen, Puerto Ricans and Cubans don't get on all that well with Mexicans. It may be race. Back in the 70s, Mexico was 75% Indian.

    2. White women are considered Gods in the Anglo countries. The Puerto Ricans were merciful on her. If she did that with Arab gangs from Morocco or with the MS13, she would be featured on BestGore and mocked at for being a cunt.

  3. Race is a factor. The white women believes that she could bend down and show her pussy to Kindergarten students in a Toronto school, but when a future incel laughs at her stretched pussy, she calls the cops on the male students and warn them that they shouldn't tell their parents what transpired.

  4. I would ask your readers to pay close attention to how she (Amy Cooper) is treating her dog.

    She is using the leash as a choker or hangmans noose.

    For real - she is abusing that poor animal.

    It's front paws are off the ground most of the time. She is choking it, and it is NOT misbehaving.

    It shows that she has a strong sadistic streak in her - enjoys inflicting pain. I believe that is another common genetic predisposition in most white women.

    Sorry to butt in, i sometimes think i am the only person noticing that.

    I would never treat a dog like that. I own dogs, high energy dogs. Leashes are to prevent the dog from running into the street or bothering ppl who don't like dogs. Leashes are NOT for choking or hanging your dog.

    People who lack patience should not own a dog. Dogs are meant as companions, not 'things' to vent one's frustrations on.

    Sorry for rambling

    That woman made me sick on all fronts.

    1. You're not alone. That was a big clue.

    2. She is from TORONTO, CANADA. Thos ain't an American woman. A NYC toilet would NEVER call the cops and go guns blazing "THERE IS A AFRICAN-AMERICAN MAN THREATENING ME!". NYC thots know that could lead to a gunshot wound.

  5. The word is getting out. This video was posted by an American volunteer in Donetsk. This is what the world thinks of American police. I like his videos, but they usually stick to grassroots charity in war torn villages.

    1. The police protect white women, which was why Amy Goodman thought that she could sic the cops on a sub8 Black man like what she probably used to do back in Canada.

  6. Torontocels complain that Toronto Police are more interested in dealing with complaints from white women such as harassment and online "cyberbully" than crimes such as gun violence and thugs shooting at each other in broad daylight.

    1. I have the same about the UK. If your house is broken into, the police aren't coming. Priorities.

    2. There was a naked feminazi Professor named Victoria Bateman who sent the cops on someone for making fun of her or posting "misogynistic" content in public. The white woman has the police at her disposal.

  7. Rookh, you have to start posting on why young men from 16 are feeling that they have no future because of feminism. When I was a young lad back in 2008, I thought that the future would be bright because Obama was elected, women were getting freedom, pop culture was more inclusive, but everything has regressed into shit today such as a white nationalist buffoon for POTUS, white woman walking naked on the street and crying rape and harassment, white women fucking dogs, anti-sex worker, anti-tranny, feminists who are anti-gays, feminists who side with tradcons, etc.

    1. I can't answer for Rookh, but from what I saw then, there was a lot of hope invested in Barak Obama. It all started to go bad when he tried to apply stimulus to the economy. Had he done it conventionally, through infrastructure repair projects, it would have helped. Construction, as an industry, has a strong multiplying effect on the economy. Instead, feminists got to him and a lot of money went to academia. It would have been better if they had buried the money in the ground. Under Obama, the base of the Democratic Party, the working family, was abandoned in favor of identity politics. The working family is at the center of civilization and they got the worst of it.

    2. "Academia" is a code for white woman I assume? If Oabama was helping the ghetto and stopping crime and empowering the youth, there wouldn't be this current wave of rioting that we see today. the white woman has collected benefits that were for the poor, and she is fucking a dog while walking nude in public. The white woman has become a God in countries such as Canada.

    3. A lot of Zoomers and Milennials cite 2008 being a crucial year in the expansion of Anglo-American women’s general cuntery, mainly due to the decline of the West’s monoculture and the rise of social media apps like Tinder. While I acknowledge the obvious truth of that, I personally think the slide began much earlier. Older men like Richard Scarecrow recall women becoming a general pain in the ass around 1980, an assessment I strongly agree with. Suddenly, the average cunt became an insufferable cunt strutting the streets with offhand contempt for all men they perceived as low-value. In London, it was a tangible change and other older men have similar tales from across the whole Anglosphere.

      I can think of a lot of reasons for that: the spectre of AIDs artificially raising sexual scarcity, the re-emergence of sex-negative tradcon politics in the late 70s, the white bourgeois feminism of the 60s finally reaching the mass female mind, the end of the West’s post-War consensus and perhaps just instinctive female reaction against the relative sexual freedoms of the 60s and 70s (though they were massively exaggerated, as we all know). Whatever the root cause, I definitely think 1980 was the beginning of the mass misandry and woman-worship that now grip the Anglo West with iron talons.

    4. Feminism used to be a Marxist fringe movement, but it's now a neo-Liberal corporate cancer that infects almost every young woman.

    5. So, Richard Scarecrow sets it at 1980. I was around for that. It was at that point that I noticed that the large employer that I worked for was very fast to hand out raises to women and slow to do it for men. Still, the women rewarded them with a faster turnover rate. I guess that indicates that saw themselves as more valuable. I left that industry and I don't miss it.

    6. ...Men they perceive as low value.

      This is all men period...except those they can use for social status - to gain popularity, or use to anger other women.

      I am meeting women in their 70s and 80s. Much different attitude.

      I don't know if it's the age or the generation.

      Some of the older women I am meeting though grew up without birth control.

      Interesting talking to them and gaging differences.

      The whole "laugh at men getting their ducks cut off" that mentality doesn't exist in those older women I am meeting.


  8. Five years ago, this would be considered "hate speech" in Canada. The white woman has cloaked her racism by playing the victim and using anti-oppressive laws, while she is the oppressor:

  9. The white woman's pussy is the antichrist:

    ....not the Jews, Islam, or Obama.

  10. White woman walk naked on the street= HERO!

    Indian-Asian man rescues 70 protesters from police violence= DEADEBEAT TENANT

  11. If the cops shot a 5foot 2 Indian Janitor, there wouldn't be as much protests. No one gives a fuck about sub-8 men.

    1. I think that it is a matter of political timing. George Floyd was murdered at a time when the public had had enough violence from cops. That they enforced orders that kept people away from work while they still drew a paycheck did little to help matters.

    2. If Amy Cooper had falsely accused a 5 foot 2 Indian janitor of rape, hate crimes against brown men, including Mexicans would increase tenfold by the American nationalists.

  12. Criticizing women in Canada is criminal libel:

    1. In spite of its roots in old-timey duelling, Taylor said she found that the law's application in the last 20 years has been very modern — it's been used to prosecute damages to reputation like cyber-smearing and online slut-shaming. Such cases account for about two-thirds of the prosecutions she reviewed since 2000.

  13. Toronto is hell for brown men. South Asian man arrested for being "Black"

  14. Dravidian Sri Lankan incel arrested for being an Indian wearing charcoal makeup you mean! Here is the entire video clip:

    1. Some wag in the comments suggested that as much should have happened to Canada's Prime Minister.

    2. Indians are good at trolling.The Dravidian exposed the hypocrisy of those protesters who yell "FLP", but order the same police to arrest the Dravidian dude for being black. Priceless trolling. Toronto snowflakes and liberals could give a damn about brown men, while the right hates brown men as much as they hate blacks. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  15. Trudeau was caught wearing blackface twenty years ago. He was not arrested, but this Dravidian man wearing makeup, or working in a chimney, is arrested on behalf of BLM for being Black.

  16. PUAS and Roosh V the Xian extremist claim that Toronto women are hard to game. Explain this: These Toronto gurls give it to older men from age 9!

    1. I think that it was 2014 that Roosh wrote a post about Toronto and what a misery it was for heterosexual men. What brought it his attention was that his forum went fourteen pages and he took a weekend trip to check things out. From what he saw, the women kept to themselves in the clubs and went to greasy spoons after they closed, again keeping to themselves. A year later, he did his infamous tour.
      Roosh has given up PUA and is now celibate, trying to be a good Christian.
      Toronto has had a terrible reputation for quite some time.

    2. Toronto is a feminist shit city. Lots of young men end up hanging with a rope, or overdosing on heroin while the drug dealer gets to fuck the TO bitchez. This is equality in Canada. Where the fuck are the women?

  17. Toronto women are weird af...They give it up at age 8, but at age 18, they are more prudish than nuns at the Vatican, except if the man is a 70-something Professor. Lots of wealthy Toronto men have orgies with extremely pre-pubescent girls who grow up to hate every man who ain't the to 0.01%

  18. White woman naked,
    white woman naked,
    white woman naked,


    1. Fantastic work man. I'd like to listen to this while kicking a canuck white bitch in the face

      Sounds like your typical Grade One white feminazi teacher in Toronto.

  19. DragonChaser101
    3 months ago
    Working hard in my 20s and saving enough to put a downpayment on a property in Toronto Ontario Canada, was something I regret. I thought being a young male bachelor would have put me on an attractive scale for women. What a lonely decade of my life. If I could go back. I would have invested elsewhere. Cannot wait to leave.

  20. Josh Mitre
    Josh Mitre
    4 months ago
    my advice is: don't date Canadian women. speaking as a Canadian male, there's a discernible undercurrent of misandry here among a bunch of the women when you pay attention to their speech and attitude. Many think that being rude and obnoxious is some mark of strength.


    3 months ago
    I have noticed here that many Canadian women are rude and bossy as if that is really attractive. Honestly, it turns me off.

  21. While it was years ago, advice from a Canadian woman was not to judge Canadians by what can be seen in Toronto. This was on a thread and I had linked a Rebel Media post about women going crazy in Toronto about stores carrying Ivanka Trump merchandise. Guys, get out of there and let it all go to hell in your absence. In the meanwhile, write home and tell the guys to stay there.

    1. Do you know what most disenfranchised men are doing in Canada? They are using the emergency money to book a hotel to have sex with a hooker, and then they OD on drugs and die. This shows that there is no future in Toronto. Many young men prefer to fuck a hooker and die by overdose because they know once that emergency money is done, it's back to the man-hating feminist society.

    2. It tells me they don't see a future anywhere. That is why they are checking out.
      God, are you watching?

  22. White girls start being whores from young, and then they get angry when crackhead rednecks "compliment" her stinking ass. He was lucky that he had his wife (or daughter lol) by his side:

  23. Lots of white women here in NYC in daisy dukes. Seems like they are siding with Trump and his scamdemic theory.

  24. Is there anything positive with the women in Canada?

  25. I don't believe that God is in control of Canada. How would God allow a feminazi teacher in Toronto to shove a dildo up her ass, while a man loses his job for a post he had written twenty years ago?


    1. If I had read this forum that year, I would have planned to save my cash, pack up my bags and leave this feminist city. I guess I might join the hobos who use the CERB to book a hotel room and die in peace after fucking a hot escort.
      Rent for a one-bedroom in Toronto is C$1,800 a month, but median wages are C$2,100 month after taxes and travel to work. Do the math. Many of these hoes take jobs away from men, and yet they will not settle for less than a 6 foot white man.

  27. Honesty Counts
    3 years ago (edited)
    I live in the Guelph area, about 100 kms West of Toronto, but I used to live in Toronto and yes it is terrible there. Women make men feel as if they are in a CONSTANT WAR. Even if the men avoid women, the women try to get the men fired from their jobs by making up false claims. A lot of companies are leaving the GTA because they too are tired of fighting false/fake legal claims that the women are throwing up against them or their male employees. It is like a war against men; the men are not fighting women, but the women are angrily fighting men and even openly hostile towards the men, wearing T-shirts saying things like "ALL MEN MUST DIE". (I've seen women wearing those). Its crazy in T.O., I don't even like going there anymore. Its a militant/radical-feminist shit-hole from Hell, and smart men need to avoid living or working there at all costs.

  28. ultradestruction
    11 months ago
    For us ethnic minority males, the white elitists use both conservatism and liberalism to destroy us. They use conservatism to put down non-white males directly and through white women, and they liberalism to put down non-white males through both white and non-white women.

    1. As one of my learned correspondents once wrote, the colonial Anglo nations (which is all of them apart from the modern UK, specifically England) are built on the dispossession and oppression of non-Anglo indigents (Maoris, Aborigines, Native Americans) and in many cases (the West Indies, the US) slavery too; harsh facts it has never truly come to terms with. In his view, this has resulted in massive amounts of residual resentment in Anglo countries; a potent force which even the privileged have been able to exploit, specifically white feminists. Obscurely, ethnic men are now the primary targets of this 'justified' white female resentment.

      The Covid-19 epidemic has exposed these inconsistent dynamics as never before.

    2. This year is already bad for the middle class. Just imagine how many young, single and sexless men will have it worse being jobless and homeless...No wonder Canada is desperate to label virgin men as terrorists. They know that young and single men are targets of feminism, and a backlash against the women are a risk.

  29. White women ALWAYS get the job because their names are Amy, Karen, Stacy and Becky:

    1. There was a study from a few years ago, that tried exactly that. In hiring blind, men had an advantage because their qualifications came to the fore.I think it was in Australia and feminists had to abandon it.

    2. Feminazi found Chad in Peru:

    3. You forgot 'Susan'. Those cunts are everywhere.

  30. Nurses are dangerous though they show their butt holes on Reddit. Cops brutalized a middle-aged black man, and the nurses colluded with police to threaten the arrest of those who videotaped the incident:

    1. They weren't middle aged. He was 70 and she was 69. Cops love to beat up people who can't fight back. I don't know about Canada, but entering into a conspiracy raises a misdemeanor to a felony. This is why we have built prisons.

    2. Those victims look younger than a 21 year old Anglobitch whore. I bet that the man's 69 year old wife is more hygienic than the college-aged white Anglobitch who started fucking from since 12.

  31. On Monday, June 15, 2020, at 8:22 a.m., York Regional Police were called to Unionville (Markham), Ontario to investigate a "hit-and-run" involving a cyclist. The cyclist, Mr. Safet Tairoski, age 50, later died from his injuries.

    The following day, on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, investigators found that the driver of the vehicle had made a false police report regarding a collision. Investigators located the damaged vehicle at an auto repair shop in Markham and arrested the suspect, Alexandra Forrestall, age 25, of Unionville (Markham), Ontario.

    Alexandra Forrestall is a 2017 graduate of Seneca College with a diploma in Early Childhood Education. She is employed by Country Casa Montessori Daycare located in Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario.

    She has been released from custody and will next appear in an Ontario Court of Justice on October 1, 2020.

    Photos of Alexandra Forrestall can be seen below and on her Twitter page at "a.forrestall".

    1. Bitch drove drunk that night, and she is a teacher! She will get a slap on the wrist for murdering a straight white male in Toronto

  32. Someone should track that anglobitch down and kill her.

    She is a worthless man killer and Nothing more.

    The anglobitch is a protected species in Cuckada!!!

    1. The sad part is that the police would spend more time tracking down comments like yours, than to conduct further investigations on the Anglocunt, that she was drunk and celebrated this fact on her social media.

  33. Four less feminists in the world?

  34. If it was a girl, he would lose his license, his job, his home, and maybe his right to breathe:

  35. Feminism creates homeless men and makes the top 1% of men richer. Quite irony.

    1. The problem is that the top one percent fall for this. By making men at the bottom poorer doesn't make them rich, it makes them seem richer by comparison. I thought the rich were supposed to be smart?

    2. It's control. It's permitted under Canadian law for a female teacher to show her roast beef to students under the guise of sexual education or a "protest", but illegal for the male students to sexually objectify her. It's a method to make the bottom 99.9% of men suffer in Canada.

    3. But that is embedded in the structures of Anglo society, like racism. No matter what choices individuals make (or think they make), the system automatically cranks out those results anyway.

    4. So men are discriminated if they are ethnic, and are at the bottom 99%, no matter how hard they try? The job market is feminist, which was supposed to be for equality, yet the job market is like the lottery WTF

    5. The feminist job market is like the lottery for men, not women. That's structural discrimination at work: opportunity for women, ostracism for men.

      I'm amazed I have to tell you this.

    6. The homeless problem in Toronto is becoming problematic that these Canadian women are encouraging people to use violence on homeless encampments either through NIMBY laws, police or sending drug dealers to beat up the homeless men. So much for 'liberal' Canadian women.

  36. Toronto women want to show asses? Will they get Covid-19?

  37. I have a 3.5GPA and a degree in the field of Bio Tech, yet whenever I apply for jobs, the companies which are on social media appear to hire only women (I check their websites to see new hires because the job is a public interest one).
    Surely, I could get a job working in a warehouse or mopping floors in a government office filled with, women, but why would I? Why is feminism claiming that it's for equality while discriminating against men? The city is in the Greater Toronto Area.

    1. I have heard that for years about the GTA. You can't compete with that level of bias in hiring. Have you tried someplace remote or maybe a startup?

    2. Apart from generic Canadian misandry, it's because feminists control all the HR departments and hiring agencies. They hire enough males to keep businesses and public organisations ticking over, but their primary focus is advancing women.

      Thick, lazy women, for the most part.

    3. Toronto punishes small business with regulations, feminist lawsuit chasers and laws which force businesses to hire women (mainly white Canadian women). It's hard to start a business in Toronto unless you are extremely rich and are connected to the elite.

    4. Rookh nailed it. Get out of there and stop contributing to their success by donating your labor.

    5. That's the problem. Canada doesn't have major cities other than Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal. The rest are small cities comparable to Buffalo or Cleveland. Agenda 21 doesn't allow for lots of cities like in the US. Trump also is mulling a ban on temp worker visas, which will affect me.

  38. Tucker Carlson may be more redpilled than people realize:

  39. Interesting phenomena Is happening to me.

    Looksmaxing has taken me to around a 6/10 male on my best day

    I am still around 19% body fat and if I keep leaning down and get the procedure I'm planning to get (genioplasty) I should be a solid 6.5, even a 7 (Chadlite) on a very good day.

    I am 5'9 but fraud to 5'10 and a half with lifts.

    I have had women (including many white women) overtly stare into my eyes and smile sweetly in the last month or so. Other iois as well.

    Certainly the frustration and anger dissipates. I can understand the truths of Anglo feminism without being very emotionally attached to it.

    I recommend to all ethnic and brown men to get lean and looksmax. Many Brown men are over 25% bodyfat and dont know what their face really looks like.

    1. Most brown men are the top 15% of ethnic men if they are 5'10+. The majority of Asian men are less than 5'8 due to the diet and genes.

    2. Maybe but my point still stands.

      Get to a low body fat

    3. Losing fat is important but leanmaxxing alone can make a man look scrawny if he does not gymmaxx also.

    4. Yup
      For me though to maintain under 12% body fat I will need muscle

      I have gained mass just from bodyweight exercises and home weights/bands.

  40. Anglobitch swimming instructor is wearing a thong while teaching toddlers and babies how to swim:

    1. Young boys probably ask her out and shit with those bright colored panties that she is wearing as a bikini. WTF is wrong with the feminazi woman?

  41. White bitches need kicking in the face !

    1. The Karen meme is growing in popularity

      People are sick of white cunts

    2. White woman like to walk naked on the street, wear thongs to teach children, while screaming rape at sub8 men. The white woman is cancer.

  42. Why are Karens wearing thongs to teach young boys at swimming pools? Yet she will accuse a grown man of stare rape if he looks at her and she feels harassed? Do I have to reincarnate as a young white boy to see some poon these days? These are the End Times. The white woman is naked with children.

  43. Notice how the CBC omits the fact that it was a white Karen who were involved in the hate crime by harassing a Black woman?

    1. The white woman is not the winner of the victim Olympics. Good! CBC was pressured to do an entire story...

  44. White racist cunt, with her white womb turds:

  45. White woman mayor racist against the Native Indians!

  46. It seems that Canada is trying to get a race war started. The good thing is that there aren't that many white knights who own guns, unlike the Dis-United States of Gay.
    It would be hilarious when the white woman has to face the music from those angry rioters who have nothing to gain, or nothing to lose from getting street justice. the white woman walk naked on the street and fuck dogs while showing her vagina and asshole to children.

  47. I am nearly through with this report from Rebel News. It doesn't say much for municipal government in Toronto. Guys, get the hell out of there before it hits the fan. Just pack a bag, walk out on the street, and stick your thumb out.

    1. Link:

  48. I love this hatred of Karen's in mainstream now

    World is realizing the evil of the Anglobitch!

    White womens status is dropping rapidly.

    Rookh was a decade ahead of the curve

    1. Fuckin' A, son.

      Karens and Susans are universally loathed for the dog fucking, racist, entitled frauds they are.

      The world woke up ten years too late, as usual.

      But ten years too late is still better than never...

    2. It's because those white cunts are crying rape on gay men of color, mainly African-Americans. Gays and trannies are the top of the victim pole. The white woman is degrading herself as a racist and sexual deviant cunt.

    3. Black men are to thank partially I think. They really have fuelled the Karen meme on social media.

      Also BM uprising in the protests has instilled masculinity into the west again.

      White women are legit losing status in society now. Look at how everyone is laughing at them complaining about wearing masks.

      In times of survival, their decadence and complaining about first world problems looks very odious

    4. 'Karen-Hatred' is 'out of control', apparently:

    5. It won't reverse

      White women have no feminine spirit

      They are simply disgusting

      People are sick of their garbage.

      Although I saw a lot of ethnic (Indian/Middle Eastern/Asian) Male, White female couples today.

    6. Lol Brendan O'Neill the writer of the article

      Typical soycuck who likes his women dominant

    7. It's hard to feel sympathy for Karen. We've had to put up with her for too long. I think, that more than anything, what gets to people about her is that she doesn't have sex. Of course, no one says that out loud.

  49. The white woman wrote the n-word to a black lady in the subway, yet not charged with a hate crime in Canada:

    1. Toronto police do seem to have a problem charging white women with crime.

    2. I doubt that anyone else would get off like that for screaming the n-word to a black person, and also writing the n-word on the subway.

    3. It may have been discussed in this thread, but a woman was attacked by another on her way to a rally downtown to protest Covid-19 lockdowns. The attacker was cited and released to spare her from being exposed to Covid-19 by taking her to jail. This Pussy Pass business does create some headscratching situations.

    4. Was that in the US or Canada? Those countries appear to be hell bent on releasing female criminals, but imprisoning innocent men for thought rape.

  50. While the fat Anglobitch sniffs her coke while fucking a dog or baby, Mexican women pay the price: NSFW:

    1. A thorough job. Imagine that happening to a neo-Nazi Karen in Canada or somewhere else in the decaying Anglosphere.

    2. Lots of men wish for that, but unfortunately, non-white women bear the brunt of Anglobitch feminism, whether it is her husband murdering her for going against the culture, or becoming victims of the war on drugs and Anglobitch demand for coke.

    3. Nobody wants to go near the anglobitches stank ass and pussy, let alone attack her
