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Saturday 25 December 2021

Legal Hysteria: How Reactive Common Law Drives the Anglosphere’s Transsexual Obsession

Where did this madness originate?
Where and how did this madness originate?

Part of the pleasure of running this little blog is seeing different voices adding to the Anglobitch Thesis in novel and enriching ways. For example, I did not know that Canada (and especially Toronto) was a seething hotbed of feminist misandry; yet it clearly is. Similarly, I did not know that US army personnel were cucked left, right and centre by hyper-hypergamous wives until John Smith informed us of the fact. Nor did I know that the distinctive ‘common law’ that defines the Anglosphere was so instrumental in imposing and maintaining its institutional misandry until a former corrections officer and a distinguished law professor described the problematic legal issues in early 2018.

In broad and simple terms, these commentators claimed that the common law (which defines the Anglosphere) is highly reactive and malleable in relation to social trends and circumstances. This frequently results in legislation being created ‘on the hoof’ in response to media headlines and pressure group activity, without any proper consideration of the wider social or practical implications. By contrast, non-Anglo civil law changes much more slowly and only after deep consideration of all the adjoining implications, producing a generally more rational and stable society with far healthier gender-relations. Writing on this blog in 2018, a distinguished law professor stressed the role of Anglo-American Common Law in shaping an openly misandrist legal system:

A straying or dissatisfied wife outside the Anglo world will possibly sleep with the muscleman washing her car at times, take on a secret identity or even try an open relationship or swinging. (This is reasonably common in Europe and some portions of South America to ease relationship tension, as they are less puritanic in culture and seem able to grasp and hold to a bigger picture.) But the part that matters, is that the marriage will stay intact despite the straying, because the woman, the lawyers and the courts have no profit incentive to encourage it. And if it does happen, she will still need to take responsibility and become an earner, which fortunately, those societies also provide an assist for, in the interest of making sure everyone comes out OK. Custody, for the most part, stays a shared proposition. So whether the husband is “too perfect” (as my son supposedly was) or “far too imperfect” (which men in particular are stigmatized as in Anglo societies), divorce outside of the Anglo world happens less often and is much more humane and restrained. Particularly so in Europe (excluding Britain) and Central and South American countries that have largely been shaped by French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian civil law customs and culture.

Beyond the residual puritanism, profit-driven courts and reflexive misandry so ably outlined here, Anglo-American legal culture itself now takes a direct role in actively promoting anti-male agendas. According to the professor, legalistic scholarship has hijacked modern Anglo common law to make it infinitely more reactive to external ‘trends’ (shorthand for academic feminism and its affiliated tentacles in politics and the media):

Any L1 student starting up at a law school learns early about the principle of stare decisis, Latin for "let the decision stand", and thus some of my students have been confused by the very accurate points you and your contributors have been making even before my elaboration above. How can judges in the United States, Canada, Britain and other nations classed as "Anglo" have so much power to make arbitrary decisions, or incorporate radical Anglo-American feminist theories (which are indeed thoroughly misandrist by contrast to the rest of the West), when stare decisis supposedly requires them to follow precedent? Doesn't stare decisis mean they should follow older and long-established customs, including prior judges’ rulings, that are less misandrist?

The answer is no, and Mr. Kshatriya and his contributors are indeed right that judges in divorce courts have rather excessive powers particularly in the realms of monetary imputation and purview of a spouse's finances, and that alimony and child support payments can and regularly are harshly assessed. The answer to this confusion is that the common law since the 20th century has been quite different to what it was before. Most of you (referring to my law school students) have, or soon will encounter the treatises of critical 20th-c jurists such as Frankfurter, Holmes, Brandeis, Dworkin, Fuller, Wechsler and Bickel. In a gradual process of great significance, these legal scholars (several of them Supreme Court justices) re-interpreted the very concept of common law, to make it more flexible and responsive to modern scholarship. Since then, stare decisis and precedent don't mean what they did in the 18th or 19th centuries. Although prior case law remains greatly important in guiding future decisions, the evolution of these scholars' ideas in practice has meant that judges today have a lot of latitude in setting precedent based on prevailing social theories. Their ideas became so influential that they've now come to dominate the concept of common law across the English-speaking world, not just in the United States.

And now we come to the crux of the matter. Since Anglo-American judges now have ‘great latitude’ in setting legal precedents, vocal yet idiomatic academic pressure-groups have begun to exert massive legal influence out of all proportion to their actual numbers in society. Predictably, these academic pressure groups are invariably misandrist, puritanical and feminist in nature:

Unfortunately, once the common law's previous restraints had been cut-- restraints which predate the US Constitution itself, and based on custom instead of statute-- the dangerous perversions of the Frankfurt-School (cultural marxism and ideas of "political correctness" on university campuses) and in particular, the harshly adversarial ideas of 3rd wave feminism were able to exert themselves through this "new form of common law". And it has become a horribly destructive force in the family courts of the English-speaking world. In effect, "precedent" can be almost arbitrarily set by family court judges on the basis of what are considered to be "commonly agreed upon principles" in legal elite professional circles but which, in reality, are often little more than radical feminist theories (the Anglo-Saxon versions of them) that have been arbitrarily lent prestige by their appearance in academic journals. Moreover, since so much of academia in the USA, Canada and Britain (mainland Europe and Latin America have a different university structure) has indeed been taken over by such 3rd wave feminist and cultural marxist radicals who are on the payroll as serious "scholars", result is that common law precedent in Anglo-American courts, which affects all of us, is in effect being "set by precedents" derived from the most radical, misandrist theories of these sorts of feminist academic journals.

Although the professor's superb critique is largely directed at the divorce courts, I believe that the Anglosphere's malleable common law also underpins more recent attempts to redefine gender-relations across the English-speaking world. And nowhere is this influence more obvious than in the sudden explosion of 'trans rights' over the past five years or so.

In my humble opinion, this bizarre programme bears all the hallmarks of the professor’s brilliant analysis: swiftly and arbitrarily embedded in Anglo-American law without democratic consultation; driven by discredited Marxist ideology rather than common sense; and applied without proper consultation from medical professionals and other relevant experts.

Send in the Clowns...

While retaining their own strong and stable families, the Anglo-American establishment has imposed clown world on their mainstream populations via a flurry of common law edicts backed by a pliant mass media and an eccentric political class. Thus women can molest five year old boys in Canadian classrooms with complete impunity; all employers must make provision for  their (largely imaginary) trans employees; children of five are encouraged to consider gender reassignment, as if they were mentally equipped to make such decisions; a trans 'spokesperson' has to be consulted on every issue under the sun, from aardvarks to zebras; and anyone who questions this insanity is subjected to a reflexive witch-hunt in both social and mainstream media. 

While most people seem to think these sudden changes came ‘out of nowhere’, this deluge has its true origins in Anglo-American Common Law and its infinite capacity to instantly promote and enforce societal change without reference to democratic consultation processes. While Anglo puritanism perverts human sexuality by its very nature, Anglo common law is the legal catalyst that transmits this perversion to every corner of the Anglosphere

Merry Christmas to everyone, anyway. Let's hope 2022 brings more joy than the past two years of pandemic misery.


  1. A very big reason why men are walking away. The MeToo movement ruined a lot of men's lives off of allegations alone. Toronto Chanty Binx is a prime example when Stephanie Guthrie falsely accused a Toronto man of Twitter harassment.

  2. There is more. A lot of legislatures are perfectly happy to write laws they know won't stand up to judicial review to pacify the masses.
    I have to admit that I love what transgender people are doing to feminism. They are turning it into a laughingstock.

    1. I admit it is very funny. The feminists are caught in a double-bind: they have to maintain that gender is a 'social construct', thus opening the way for trans men to occupy (and dominate) their privileged spaces.

      I'm not sure about 5 year old kids being encouraged to change sex, though.

    2. The rich live at Bridle Path Toronto26 December 2021 at 18:42

      The Alt-Right and Toronto feminazis are having an alliance with hating on MTF TS persons.
      However, the female teacher in Toronto has the legal authority to encourage a 5-year-old K1 student to change their gender after the teacher shoved a dildo up their ass. Toronto Police monitor the internet for "libel" against the female teacher who shoved a dildo up the 5-year-old ass and encouraged the child to become a tranny.

    3. One thing you have to remember is that Anglo feminists are really not that smart. While they used common law to impose feminist #metoo and gender-fluid legislation on the befuddled masses without democratic consultation, they never thought for a moment that Trans males would use this legislation to subvert and infiltrate their circle of female privilege.

      They have armed their enemies without realising it. And because the legal changes they made are irrevocable, they are now trapped in their own 'gender is just a social construct' rhetoric. As the commentator above says, it has made Anglo feminism a laughing stock.

    4. Until #metoo, men held out hope that some sort of workable solution could be found so that men and women could coexist. What #metoo demonstrated is that women hate men so much that there will never be room for a workable compromise. I was just thinking of the Kavanaugh hearings and feminists bought in Ford's testimony completely and unquestioningly. It backfired and now, there are two Justices on the Supreme Court who had their characters trashed by feminists in their confirmation hearings and overcame it.

      It is the misandry. When men accept it, it is a little like taking a millstone off your back. It is beyond the control of men.

    5. As for the five year olds, sickos are gonna do sick things and claim political correctness when caught out.

    6. *It is the misandry. When men accept it, it is a little like taking a millstone off your back. It is beyond the control of men.*

      It is stoic and Crimson-pilled to identify what one can control and one cannot. I think 'recognise' is the correct word, rather than 'accept'; we don't accept feminist misandry, we simply recognise it for what it is.

    7. The law in Toronto makes it punishable by five years in prison for "harassing" grown women, but child diddlers get six months sentences for molesting babies in diapers, like that Degrassi actor, while his female accomplice gets a free pass for rimming the baby's asshole.

  3. Funny thing was that in Toronto, a man was caught diddling with pre-school aged girls at a park, and he identified as a trans woman upon arrest.

    1. This is what deserves the term "paedophile". Who needs to be fed into the woodchipper.

    2. That's "misogyny's" according to the mods at Toronto Reddit:

  4. Spongebob Squarepants27 December 2021 at 10:53

    Toronto womyn ruined my life. I suffered with the Chanty Binx virus. The 2010s were hell for men. Corona was supposed to be the reset to get rid of the Chanty Binx and obese landwhales who hate men. Instead, we get lockdowns to protect the man-hating Boomer feminist and landwhale. Men are dying from suicide and overdose. Chanty Binx is the virus, not COVID.

    1. Sure, the lockdowns are entirely designed to protect Blue-Pilled Boomer dopes and obese, misandrist women.

    2. Spongebob Squarepants28 December 2021 at 02:35

      Toronto womyn suck. If COVID got rid of this 84-year-old Boomer, an innocent man would not be falsely accused for working during COVID:

  5. Where men of old may have seen a field, a piece of land to set down roots for future generations and build something for the future, the enlightened man see the anglosphere as an oil well, lucrative as long as it produces resources, but once you have acquired what you need or the well runs dry, you leave and move on to the next one

    1. How can the average man save money when the feminazis have created the OnlyFans bubble? Blue collar men are being replaced with fake foreign students in Toronto. America might be different.

    2. My only advice to you is to treat wherever youre at like an oil well, if youre in Canada take advantage of whatever technical training you can get and try to move to USA, preferably a southern state. Once that well is tapped out or you have what you need move on. I cant imagine living in Canada, it sounds like an utter nightmare for normal men

    3. The Anglosphere countries have no right to expect loyalty from men. You need to see yourself as a wandering mercenary, selling your skills to the highest bidder. As well as improving your own position, it will also damage the Anglosphere.

    4. Chanty Binx, Mandi Gray and Steph Guthrie already destroyed the lives of TENS OF THOUSANDS of Canadian men. What makes my situation different? The job market is RIGGED against white men like myself. The employer is an Indian or migrant foid with a thick accent who hires their own Pajeets and illegal migrants to work for lower wages in Toronto.

  6. There is no future for the lower 80% of young men living in the Anglo First World. The only thing left for them is nihilism and anarchy. They can't escape or improve their predicament with the Chanty Binx feminist.

    1. That's about the head and the tail of it.

    2. God Bless the boxer for fighting Canadian feminism quite literally in Mexico:

  7. It is off topic, but the jury came back on the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. Guilty on 5 out of 6 charges. I have mixed feelings but this is definitely a feminist win. They don't want even the most rich and powerful men to have access to sex. This is confirmation for Rookh's Anglobitch Theory.

    1. This is why I have never understood the anti-Semitism that dominates so much of the Tradcon MRM. White Anglo women and the Puritan agenda are the dominant force in the Anglosphere, far more powerful and exalted than any other demographic.

      And this outcome is not really off-topic, since it demonstrates how Anglo common law is a misandrist tool of sex-negative academic feminists - exactly as the law professor describes.

    2. Tradcons protect the feminist Chanty Binx while hating on Jews, Muslims, just about any man. They are not our friends.

    3. I really can't answer for anti-Semitism. Could it be just mindless inertia? You are right about sex negativism. Reports keep harping on "trafficking" which keeps being proven to be a myth. Look at the nature of prostitution. It is usually done by independent contractors who operate without supervision. When women were found to be "trafficked", a lot of them were working in Korean beauty shops, where they could be closely supervised. That had to be frustrating for feminists who love to promote the myth of white slavery and they have been frustrated since Victoria was Queen.

    4. The feminazi Toronto teacher is allowed to be nude with children as a "protest" or "Gay Pride", but men, including gay men are not allowed to purchase sexual services in Canada.

  8. Women should b killed in d face!!*!!
