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Monday 20 December 2021

More Insights from John Smith: Active Resistance for Enlightened Anglo-American men

Here is another post inspired by the thoughts of reader and commentator John Smith, complete with commentary by myself. What I like most about John's writing is that it returns us to the first principles of the Anglobitch Thesis: namely, informing Anglo-American men about their perilous situation in the Anglosphere while giving them effective strategies to realise better personal or romantic experiences elsewhere in the world.
Greetings again, Rookh,

I recently read your latest article, another excellent piece as always . I must admit that I had been checking your website several times a week in anticipation of a new article. In it you mentioned detachment from the anglosphere and active resistance and wanted to share a few thoughts I had.

Rather than simply staying alive and existing within the anglosphere, men should actively fleece it and take advantage of the few things left it has to offer, Relampago Furioso did a version of this strategy, or rather described it in his work. I can speak only for the USA, but a main advantage of living and working in the USA is, in comparison to the rest of the world, the higher average salaries and the strength of the dollar overseas.
The Anglosphere certainly retains a lot of 'soft power' in the world, although its military and educational standing is starting to decline after decades of misandrist feminism and elite mismanagement. Its language, colleges and mass culture are still dominant at a global level. Think about it: educated people in India and China all want to learn English; but how many Westerners want to learn Mandarin or Urdu? So while Anglo-American men are treated as garbage WITHIN the Anglosphere, there are still great opportunities for them outside it. And now is the time to exploit these opportunities, before the Anglosphere collapses completely.
Being reduced essentially to mercenaries, men living in the USA or anglosphere (I only mentioned the USA separately because I cannot speak for other countries in the anglosphere) from the ages of 18-30 should take advantage of every free thing they can get such as education and job training, save and invest, stay out of debt, learn a new language if desired and if they choose to, take their skills and money overseas to friendlier cultures that will actually treat them like men with needs and will appreciate their skills.
Absolutely. The basic Crimson Pill dictum - change what you can, accept or de-emphasise what you cannot - fits the needs of young American men like no other Manosphere philosophy. While Black-Pilled incels obsess over their unchangeable shortness or baldness and Red-Pilled fantasists naively pretend appearance does not matter, the Crimson-Pilled man focuses all his energies on what he can improve, to his boundless health and benefit. He can travel, pursue a course of remunerative education or explore his sexuality in Germany or Latin America and his height or looks will not matter a jot.
Incentives matter, and when the enlightened man looks at what his incentives are in the anglosphere long term it truly only boils down to money. When men are not saddled with insane student loan debt, an anglobitch wife and a mortgage weighing him down, a financially savvy man can find that even a modest sum of 50k can go very far. However, if one chooses, getting a highly skilled job such as a surgeon, engineer or pilot can almost definitely find easy employment overseas, so much the better if he gets the education and training for free on the anglosphere's dime.
Exactly. Since the Anglosphere (and North America in particular) has declared war on men, Anglo-American men have got to discard the patriotic 'social loyalty' drivel that lamestream society tries to lay on them from birth to death. Why should men be loyal to a society that views and treats them like third class citizens? Canada and the US should have considered this when they were treating men like shit. In fact, men are now little more than 'Guest-workers' in the Anglosphere, after the manner of Turks in modern Germany; they are certainly not true citizens, with the same rights or freedoms as the Anglobitch (or her pseudo-female surrogates in the deviant communities). Since this is so, Anglo-American men should also reject all the informal social obligations associated with citizenship: loyalty, conformity and self-sacrifice. If you are treated as a mercenary, you might as well act like one.
My only concern with this strategy is if it were to ever go mainstream, the anglo-cucks in charge would try to crack down on it and keep enlightened men from leaving or punish them like they did with Cuba Dave. Like you said in the article mentioning him, anglo-cucks wont let men leave, their productivity and brain power is essential to keeping the economy going, society knows this but fails to recognize that men are adapting to the insanity brought on by feminism and reflexive misandry. They expect men to keep busting their ass and paying taxes (and potentially die in the case of a war) to protect and uphold a system that actively seeks to turn them into sexless non thinking automatons.

This piercing analysis makes me think of Boomer Uber-Cuck, Jordan Peterson. He spends his days proclaiming that young men should 'grow up' and 'be men' - yet without offering any reward or recognition for such diligent conformity. Meanwhile women can roam about the Anglosphere without any responsibilities whatsoever, getting railed or knocked-up by whichever tattooed thug happens to be prowling the landscape. The problem with Boomer tradcucks is that they are still firmly living in 1958: Peterson genuinely thinks that masculine diligence is still rewarded, both sexually and socially. But as we all know, the Anglobitch despises the competent Anglo-American man in favour of sociopathic thugs like Charles Starkweather or Jeremy Meeks. 

And of course, the authorities will not like men leaving the Anglosphere or going off-grid. Why would they? The goose that lays their golden eggs is leaving town, leaving the Anglo 'elite' with a society of whining, entitled females in pointless make-jobs. Of course, they will try to subvert the law to punish men like Cuba Dave from fleeing the Plantation for the sexual freedoms beyond America's repressive shores. But as long as the Crimson-Pilled man operates in the shadows, playing his cards of enlightenment close to his chest, there is presently little they can do. 

Of course also, this strategy is not without risks and nothing is guaranteed or simple and this strategy will of course work better for some men than others. However, as the crimson pill guides us, we know there are some things we cannot change and some that we can. Namely our finances, fitness and location.
That's about it for my thoughts on this matter for now. As always thanks for taking the time to read and thank you for taking the time to continue writing articles and enlighten men.
- John Smith
While there are always risks in resistance, just consider how uneducated Sicilian immigrants - namely, the Mafia - were able to manipulate American law enforcement and monopolise organised crime for decades. If such mediocre men could wreak such havoc by refusing to 'play by the rules', just imagine the damage that able and determined men should be able to cause! With his mercenary mindset, clear-eyed awareness of female nature and accurate mental map of the host society, the Crimson-Pilled man should be able to achieve anything he wants. Our 'elite' opponents are Bible-thumping trad-clowns stuck in the 1950's and laughable, low-IQ feminists in pointless make-jobs; hardly fearsome opposition. As I have always said, success is the best measure of any life-philosophy: so be about it

Finally, John Smith furnishes us with two incredible case studies underlining the present state of the Anglosphere:
Some extra gems I found recently:

Boomer Anglocuck professor warns of a mating crisis and thinks women are only attracted to men with degrees and men signal their success on tinder with college degrees. Get fucking real dude, the average man would be far better off improving his mating chances by getting shredded, getting tatted up and getting in a few street brawls. Doing some time in the slammer would probably help too (not that I advocate this approach). Would love to hear what this professor thinks about the woman who sought out Charles Manson WHILE HE WAS IN PRISON and married him. I'm sure his multiple college degrees were really what made her pussy wet
Another case of rampant hyper-hypergamy in action, a millionaire surgeon divorces his wife who was moonlighting as an escort for rich men. You can give an Anglobitch a lifestyle that surpasses 99 percent of the world's women and instead of submitting to her husband and being faithful she decides to fuck rich men behind her husband's back. This surgeon would be a good candidate for my advice I think, seeing how he is already an experienced surgeon and maybe has quite a bit of money.
Case One enlightens us at so many levels it is beyond good. It highlights the inane delusions of Tradcon Boomer academics who still assume the Anglobitch wants a 'provider', when that role has long been appropriated by make-jobs and the Welfare State. As my man Richard Scarecrow (where the heck is he?) once pointed out, the modern Anglobitch only gets pussy-tingles for roided thugs who regularly hospitalise her: anything less is 'boring'. 

Case Two is also brilliant, showing the Anglobitch at her evil worst. First she lies about studying biology at college when she did not even graduate High School, in order to acquire a well-paid male dupe. Then, incapable of normal wifely loyalty and still thirsty for sexual validation by the Caucasian power-elite, she becomes a high-class hooker behind his back. The ultimate moral of this story is that you can take the Anglobitch away from deceit, racism and hyper-hypergamy; but you can never take the deceit, racism and hyper-hypergamy from the Anglobitch... 

And the man who tries is doomed to the same fate as this poor sucker:


  1. Sub-8 men have to struggle to survive in a post-feminist society.

    Foids can afford the million-dollar condos and skyrocketing rents because she has thousands of simps who pay thousands of dollars to see her pooper.

    1. Even the most successful man can be taken down in seconds. Meanwhile, women are ratified in every way imaginable.

  2. I can’t imagine trying to wade through all the 35yr old women who have been fucking London tube size Tyrone cocks for years because they felt “emboldened” only to have 3 mixed race mini thugs to show for it.

    Then suddenly they want a secure, boring, 25yr old Greek God carved out of marble with a $350,000 job. And when they inevitably can’t find it they rage bitch online about how it’s white mans fault he didn’t want her busted meat sack or the responsibility for three kids who will rob him in 8yrs.

    1. While it sounds like a satirical exaggeration, this is exactly how post-Wall Anglo women see the world.

  3. I just wanted to leave this here. No pussy pass this time.
    A word to the wise. On the road, just let it go. It can always get worse. As for justice, in their arrogance, they will offend again and possibly with consequences.

    1. He should have gotten tag number and called the police. She should have went in the house and called police and stayed inside until they got there. Women should know not everyone is going to treat you with kids gloves because you are female. You asked for equal rights, you wanna be seen as physically strong enough to work as police and military... you can't pull a gun on someone threatening their life and expect them to think "she's just emotional, she will calm down. Not every man wants to sleep with you.

    2. Pity her unborn child perished but otherwise all good.

  4. But how can enlightened men boycott the feminist dystopia when it is on a federal level?

    1. It is not easy, I admit. But the Mafia succeeded by building their own parallel society and keeping most of their activities 'Off grid'. I agree that openly confronting the federal fempire is dangerous; but to succeed as an individual, you do not have to do that.

    2. The mafia benefit the politicians. Men like Jim Jones had his community exterminated in the offgrid location of the Amazon, and don't forget Waco, Texas. The pussy empire will exterminate anyone forming communities offgrid and label it as suicide, terrorism, etc.

    3. As I said, you do not have to form a large offgrid community (like Jones or Koresh), thereby attracting the Fempire's hired guns. You can slip offgrid or withdraw consent as an individual, thereby slipping under the Fempire's ever-watchful radar.

      Groups frighten them far more than individuals, since groups seek to subvert the mass mind. Groups are not squashed solely because they can be more readily tracked/identified, but also because they are more of an overt threat. The Fempire only attacks those it fears will change minds and - more crucially - lead others to make different operative lifestyle choices than they would normally have made. If you do not seek followers, it will generally leave you alone.

    4. New World Order Rebel6 December 2021 at 09:41

      Feminists and their soyboys decimated the rural housing market here in America. You can't buy cheap homes anymore unless it's in a town populated by inbred Adolf Hitler supporters.

  5. Men do have the advantage of being the productive gender while women consume. Where will the world be if men don't produce? So much favor has been given to women in the workplace that this point has been overlooked. I think it may finally be coming to the fore. While this society may attempt to enslave men, it won't work. Slaves are not very motivated.

    1. Chanty Binx has created an economy where those who get the good jobs have to tow the line, while the sub-8 men have to live First World prices and suffer.

    2. Absolutely true but can that economy last forever? Maybe it can, if technology can obviate male productivity. However, driverless cars remain a long way off and AI is hacking female clerical jobs far more than all others.

  6. For those who do not know, the photo at the top is of Jesse James taken during the American Civil War.

    1. Well spotted. That photo is the essence of male dissidence in all its primordial splendour.

    2. I do have mixed feelings about Jesse James. He is a bad candidate for a hero. I much prefer George Washington for that.What makes him so powerful is his lack of narcissism.

    3. All true but Jesse is infinitely more photogenic.

  7. Or they can spread the Misandry around the world to make it impossible to escape.

  8. Toronto womyn send nudes to impostor, man gets charged. Toronto womyn are sexually active in their early years, but are mentally ill prudes when they get to college:

    1. PUAs lamented that adult Toronto womyn are uptight prudes, yet that man got to chat, receive nudes and sexually engage hundreds, if not thousands of underage TORONTO WOMYN online by impersonating a celebrity, most likely Drake.

    2. Toronto men are stuck in a hard place, damned if they approach Chanty Binx (which is a crime), and damned if they break the law by going after less-jaded feministic women at their local junior high.

  9. Why do #TORONTO WOEMEN give up their pussies and nudes to celebrities at a young age, but when they are college-aged they are more prudish than a Catholic nun? TORONTO WOEMEN SUCK!

    1. Canadian men get a worst jail sentence for approaching grown ass Big Red Chanty Binx women, than those cops who engage with their teacher wives in toddler Satanic abuse rings.

  10. It won't help much and you will hate me for saying it, but take some consolation in that this is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. You didn't create this and you can't begin to fix it. That is the part of Red Pill that took me a long time to recover from. I still am. We are male and it is in our nature to solve problems.

    1. Awareness is key. If more men knew that the Anglobitch would rather show her pussy to a dog or toddler while covering her cleavage and ass when she sees a sub-8 man, more men will boycott the fempire.

    2. Sexual False Consciousness is the Copium that keeps the Anglosphere running, sure enough. Awakening more men to see that the Anglobitch prefers Fido to the average sub-8 human male certainly represents a dynamic strategy.

    3. After France was liberated from the nazis, women that collaborated with the nazis had their heads shaved and were publicly paraded and humiliated for collaborating. Such a punishment would be far too kind for the modern type of woman that sleeps with fido and molests children.

      Indeed as we have seen in the past few years, it is quite nearly impossible to hold women accountable with the law or other methods for any despicable thing they may do.

    4. It should be pointed out that while the women got their heads shaved, the men who collaborated were shot. There are laws against bestiality, but I have never heard of anyone prosecuted.
      The only punishment for women in this plane of existence may turn out to be that women are seen to be sexual failures. They don't deal with shame too well.
      I think the Sexual False Consciousness is going to go by the wayside. Too many men already see the lie in it. When that happens, there will have to be a reckoning.

    5. In Canada, Toronto Police were called to caution minor students because they laughed at their female teacher who was NUDE in class.

    6. Isn't there an age of responsibility for crimes? Why are so many female teachers married to cops?

  11. Why was the teacher naked in class?

    1. Toronto women appear to cocktease toddlers while h8 on grown men but want OnlyFanz

  12. Toronto women voted to make men homeless by electing Trudeau and his money laundering donors:

    1. In the future, many Toronto men will realise that Jail might be better than dying from hypothermia due to homelessness. The feminazis and Chanty Binx are voting for civil unrest in Canada.

    2. Isn't this guy supposed to be a socialist 'progressive' who promotes equality? Odd that socialism in Canada seems to kill equality of opportunity at every turn, except for white racist feminists and sexual deviants.

      The Feminazis are not voting for civil unrest, they are voting to exclude sub-8 males from Toronto. It is classic hypergamy, not revolution that they want to promote.

    3. Toronto womyn exclude sub-8 men from dating and the economy, yet they include them as suicide statistics. Disenfranchised Toronto men have to do something rather than dying silently en masse, like voting with their feet or boycotting the feminist empire.

  13. The thousands of teenage sluts from junior high who are lining up at Drake's Toronto mansion will become the cat ladies of the 2050s, if more men end up dying from overdoses and there are less Beta providers.

    1. They just presume that the beta providers will always be there. Not a good plan.

    2. Because they despise sub-8 males and want them out of their lives but not mean they can survive without them.

  14. New World Order Rebel6 December 2021 at 09:39

    Fat landwhales reject me on dating sites
    Swipe left and ban me, I'm not Mr. Right
    So manz can SALAAM with the Taliban!

    Rent prices over 50 percent of wage
    Chanty Binxes h8 men
    who work for median wage


    Teacher naked crying rape
    Every man a rapist
    Police warned the students
    if they post that
    they will be on NO FLY LIST


    1. *Teacher naked crying rape
      Every man a rapist
      Police warned the students
      if they post that
      they will be on NO FLY LIST*




      When are we going to hear these golden lines set to music?

  15. Female Canadian teacher retorted that she was raped while having statutory rape with her male student:

    1. It surprises me that his complaint was taken at all seriously. Normally, he would would have been thrown in jail while his abuser gets her own talk show.

    2. It depends on the male victim's age. If he is under 16, he might get a chance, or the Toronto Police will threaten his parents. Feminist Toronto DSB teachers sexually abuse low-income and immigrant students.

    3. What do you think it is about Toronto that makes it the most misandrist city in the world?

    4. Toronto Police enforce archaic and colonial laws which were used to protect British nobility, but are now used to defend Toronto women.

    5. Why would any sane parent let their child be taught by Big Red, Mandi Gray, Chanty Binx and those awful creatures?

  16. Man gets temp banned from Reddit for POSTING THE TRUTH about a 23-year-old cunt who attention whored on Roast me:

    1. The war against men is ceaseless across the Anglosphere.

    2. She is pretty and she deserved pushback. The point is that she got it. That is a healthy sign.

    3. Rookh, I think he was sixteen when he sat for the photo.

    4. In times of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act.

    5. I wonder if that female understood a word he said?

    6. No use arguing with fefails.
      Many Canadian and American men are waiting for China or Russia to do a Hiroshima or Nagasaki on the feminist cities, and solve the Chanty Binx problem, once and for all.

    7. *Many Canadian and American men are waiting for China or Russia to do a Hiroshima or Nagasaki on the feminist cities, and solve the Chanty Binx problem, once and for all.*

      Amen to that.

    8. The feminists told men that they will own nothing and be happy. But the reality is that for every luxury condo being built, and every Canadian shack being sold for millions of dollars, more and more men are ANGRY at their politicians, that they will eventually sympathise with the Taliban.
      Did you know that Afghanistan real estate is the cheapest in the world so far today?

  17. Canadian man didn't want to work for feminists in a 9 to 5 job, and YouTube went woke, he went broke, and later died:

  18. Rookh wrote: "The ultimate moral of this story is that you can take the Anglobitch away from deceit, racism and hyper-hypergamy; but you can never take the deceit, racism and hyper-hypergamy from the Anglobitch."

    I could not of said it any better myself.

  19. Spongebob Squarepants14 December 2021 at 06:54

    My fellow men, when you get infected with the Big Red/Chanty Binx/Toronto Police feminist virus, there is no going back. Your life will decline. There is no hope, except for the day of death. Fuck Big Red and every feminist demon.

  20. Spongebob Squarepants14 December 2021 at 06:57

    Is the future going to be worse for sub-8 men? That is the question we all need to know before the day of Judgment.

  21. The eternal American Anglo-cuck strikes again. Republican candidate for congress says men are meant to be expendable and we shouldnt draft women because it may destabilize the family. Someone please remind this clown about the near unlimited power women have in the family courts to destabilize families and ass-rape men financially

    1. the anglocuck establishment is fighting for women who have turned their back on them time and time again. As GenderFluidRobot point out, "the modern western women has already destabilized the family like never before seen"

    2. Some of the responses to the American tradcuck's inane Tweet are startling and impressive indeed.

      As I have always said, 'conservatism' in the Anglosphere (and especially the US, with its distinctive puritanical heritage) is essentially misandrist and imbalanced in the modern era: while saddling men with endless 'traditional' obligations, it absolves women of all responsibilities while showering them with endless rights to go with their boundless privileges.

    3. Rookh, I think a whole article could be written about this situation brewing in Ukraine right now. Biden and co are looking like they are poised to send thousands of military men to go defend mud against possible Russian invasion. All military men should demand that the feminists trannies and lgbt community go defend ukraine in their stead.

    4. What the people who promote men as disposable fail to see is that men are needed to continue the civilization. They want to spend men like a drunken sailor. That won't work.

  22. The rich live at Bridle Path Toronto22 December 2021 at 17:02

    Big Red don't date deadbeat thugs #Torontowomyn!

    Wouldn't shed a tear if that deadbeat thug murdered you violently. Toronto womyn suck and they date deadbeat thugs than educated supreme gentlemans.

  23. My daily reminder during my free time from the CMHA that TORONTO WOEMEN SUCK! I will LAUGH when a hobo assaults a cunty TORONTO KAREN! TORONTO WOEMEN SUCK!

  24. Rookh,
    What happened to the new post? First, I had my comments deleted, they were pretty mild. Then, the whole post is gone. Is someone twisting your arm?

    1. There were three posts that had defaulted to the Spam folder, I have now published them all.

      My Incelerando post is still available, it is now the post before this one.

  25. Merry Christmas to Rookh and all readers of the Anglobitch blog! May it be a day of goodwill and peace towards all men! And the ho-ho-hos with coal in their stockings? They shall be dealt with in time!
