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Friday, 3 June 2022

Is the Anglosphere Ripe for the Taking? Moscow, Geopolitics and the Anglobitch Thesis

The Kremlin - beating heart of the Thesis?

Although it is hard to believe, the Kremlin view this blog quite regularly (the Senate, to be precise). It is easy to track any viewer's IP address on Google Maps to find exactly where they live. I never normally do this, since knowing such things is none of my business. However, when I get regular hits from Moscow, London or Washington it makes sense to undertake further enquiries. Unless the Anglobitch Thesis has any fans in the Kremlin – and why would it have? – we are safe to assume they are using our articles and commentary to gauge the mettle of the Anglosphere West.

It must be said that their interest is fairly understandable:

  • We describe the Anglosphere as it truly is, not as the Anglo-American authorities want it to be seen. We hear from exploited immigrant workers in Canada, American expatriates and incel Brits: a broad and representative slice of articulate and intelligent Anglo-American males.
  • We discuss various statistics and stories that undercut ‘official’ Angloshere narratives about the Anglo-American world being a peerless stronghold of sexual freedom and happiness.
  • We have had some pretty high-powered commentary on here by law professors, corrections officers and former military men describing the legal and cultural problems of the Anglosphere in great detail, especially as they relate to gender issues

Accurate knowledge of an enemy informs what Alexander the Great called ‘The Whole Campaign’: the economic, infrastructural, social and political landscape of an enemy nation, not just its military prowess. By any reckoning, the myriad problems of the Anglosphere must be very interesting to a potentially hostile state like Russia. Here are a few examples:

Institutional Misandry alienating millions of men

I will not bore the reader with what they already know about the Anglosphere’s institutional misandry, a legacy of its puritanical and sex-negative cultural heritage. The issue has become so bad that many weak-minded men are ‘transitioning’ into 'honorary' women, in order to acquire the exalted status that Anglo-American women enjoy by right.

Inceldom, Mass Shootings and ‘Idle Hands Theory’

In the US, nearly a third of all men under thirty have not had sex in a year. Including those men who exclusively use sex workers, that number is probably closer to half. Entitled girls and women dismissing such a high proportion of young males as sexual partners inevitably breeds feelings of resentment, making North America less stable than comparable societies. Mass shootings are not a simple matter of sexless young men shooting women or 'sex havers', however; while true incel shooters certainly exist, most shooters are incels by accident rather than design. That is, they are not deliberately targeting young women (or promiscuous 'sex havers') in the manner of Elliot Rodger or Seung Hui-Cho. Rather, they exemplify what I term the ‘Idle Hands’ Theory of mass shooting: that inceldom frees them to pursue a more general vengeance against those they resent or despise.

So what is 'Idle Hands Theory'? When a young man is enjoying a sexual relationship (and the greater fulfilment this brings), his ‘idle hands’ are much less likely to act on his natural male desires for vengeance, violencenotoriety and so forth. Remove that sexual relationship from his life and the same young man is suddenly ‘free’ to go after his classmates, work colleagues, black/white/brown people or any other target group he holds a grudge against. Indeed, crime statistics show that single males are ten times more likely to kill someone than males in a relationship. In sum, ‘Idle Hands’ Theory explains why North America increasingly resembles Liberia or Mexico rather than a stable post-industrial society; unchained from social responsibility by their inceldom, sexless young men are free to ‘act out’ vengeance fantasies that would normally remain firmly in their heads

In sum, raising the proportion of sexually-disenfranchised young men to the levels typically seen in unstable, vendetta-based societies has made North America far more vengeful – an obvious outcome, from a rational standpoint.

Borderline Cultural Values

Partly due to its feminist orientation, American culture as a whole seems to suffer from collective Borderline Personality Disorder: that is, it sees the world in dichotomous 'black and white' terms with its head continually striking the ceiling of reality. The North American assumption that ‘everyone’ can ‘make it’ and become rich/famous without reference to appearance, intellect or talent is a good example of this. An astute external observer like Putin is bound to see an entire culture mired in mental illness and fantasist delusions as an opportunity, not a threat. And Canada is even worse than the US, if that were humanly possible.

Canada: Nice scenery hiding feminist child abuse
Canada: epic scenery hiding feminist child abuse

Dysfunctional non-selective Secondary Schooling that breeds Mass Shooters

I have noticed one important this about school shootings that no one else mentions: they are more frequent in countries without a selective state secondary education system to segregate the intellectually able from the mainstream (namely, the Anglosphere, Scandinavian and some far eastern countries).  In France, Holland or Germany, which retain a selective state secondary education system, mass shootings are relatively rare. The US has become home to almost daily school shootings, as unhappy students or former students take out their righteous resentment against bullying, ostracism and unrealistic academic demands. I doubt Klebold and Harris would have shot anyone if they were surrounded by other high IQ adolescents in a selective secondary school; neither would Salvador Ramos, if he were in a more congenial (for him) trade school environment.

Despite their socialism, Scandinavian countries are also highly prone to mass shootings (especially Finland).  This is because they share the Anglosphere’s non-selective secondary education system: a one-fits-all model of secondary education that breeds dissatisfaction for both the gifted and the average alike.

Dysfunctional non-selective state secondary schooling

Not only is state Anglosphere schooling a largely toxic social experience, it is fairly ineffective; in the UK, one person in three cannot divide 65 by 5 with pencil and paper. The fact that most inhabitants of the Anglosphere are stupid and lazy must be quite heartening to its many enemies, Russia foremost among them.

Failed Multiculturalism

Nations with alienated minorities are never robust, by definition. They have higher crime rates, less cohesion and a poorer quality of life. Due to their distinctive colonial/slave trading history, the Anglosphere nations are full of angry, profoundly alienated minorities who grow up as outsiders and justifiably hate the countries they live in. Although the authorities continuously strive to define multiculturalism as  positive and enriching, it is obviously a source of endemic dysfunction and profound alienation. As some commentators have written here, the racial tensions specific to post-colonial states create residual resentments which also feed generic radicalism; Anglo-American feminism is an obvious example of this (despite being a white, elitist and largely racist movement). That divided, hate-filled societies are ripe for the taking is one of war's oldest lessons; consider Alexander's effortless conquest of multicultural Persia.

Also, there are strong sexual dimensions to minority alienation: despite fake mass media depictions of inter-racial sexual harmony, puritanical middle class white women do not view non-white sub-9 males as potential sexual partners, however 'Woke' they claim to be. The extensive grooming and abuse of underclass white females in the UK is an predictable and obvious response to this wounding sexual ostracism.

Destruction of Monocultural Social Management Systems by Social Media

Without a media monoculture maintaining youth cultures to alleviate isolation and tensions between the sexes, gender relations have steadily worsened since about 2007. The coherent youth cultures that defined the Anglosphere in the second half of the twentieth century (and provided instant social circle and relationship formation opportunities) are now largely extinct, further worsening the incel problem and feeding male alienation in general. Social and sexual status is now based on one’s Tinder profile,  feeding female hypergamy and excluding a much larger proportion of males from the sexual marketplace.

Although ‘mainstream’ discourse is still controlled by upper-middle class Boomer politicians and commentators firmly stuck in the 1950s, social media has somewhat replaced such discourse and the Sexual False Consciousness associated with it. This revolution has found expression in the rise of the alt-right, the manosphere, protest voting and radical dissidence in general. Nothing wrong with those things, of course; but they are hardly conducive to societal stability.

Generation X Youth Culturists

Gerontocracy, Class Distinction and ‘Elite’ Incompetence

Anglosphere countries have relatively rigid class structures that result in alienated minorities, a huge white underclass and a cranky Boomer gerontocracy stuck in the 1950s. Johnson is a buffoon while Biden is clearly senile and younger Anglosphere politicians are either misandrist feminists or Marxists: Trudeau, Ardern and Albanese being three prime examples. In sum, the Anglosphere is run by a weak, degenerate and useless pseudo-elite who are clearly incapable of resolving internal problems or resisting external threats. Looking at that laughable crew, Mr Putin and his cronies must be rubbing their hands in sheer delight.

A Few Conclusions?

Considering our long-term interest in all these issues, it is entirely obvious why the Kremlin is so interested in this blog. Like a hyena eyeing a limping wildebeest on the Serengeti, the Russian oligarchy must open a new bottle of vodka every time a new Anglobitch post or comment appears. And since the invasion of Ukraine, the Anglosphere West has largely demonstrated only the dysfunctional weakness we ascribe to it: it will neither enforce a no-fly zone or send anything but military equipment to the battlefront, for example.

There is one problem with the Russians’ approach, however: Ukraine is not an Anglosphere country, and thus more robust than its crumbling western sponsors. Its boxers are renowned, its people retain a strong religious faith and they are ethnically homogeneous and fiercely patriotic, for the most part. In short, Ukraine has all the resilient qualities that the trans-obsessed, school-shooting, misandrist Anglosphere nations with their failed multiculturalism lack completely. Which kind of proves an important point: unless you are going to attack the Anglosphere directly, studying its weaknesses is a fairly pointless activity.

Still, we ought to be flattered at Moscow's interest in this humble blog. Their attentions prove that the Anglobitch Thesis is a tool of immense value for understanding the unique problems of the Anglosphere West. 

Mr Putin: Are we guiding his hand?



  1. God Bless You Comrade Putin. I know that many Canadian men would be more than happy to join the Russian army to fight the Big Red Chanty Binx.

  2. Look at the arhictecture of Russia, vs Toronto. Toronto woemen also suck and hate the bottom 80% of men. Is there a visa program for Canadian men to emigrate to Russia? Toronto is a city filled with misandric women who falsely accuse men to get them #cancelled and #legalprobz. Toronto is a hell. I want to become a devotee to the religion of Vladimir Putin.

  3. just think, if america took all the equipment they left to the taliban and gave it to Ukraine, bad vlad might be scared, haha.

    another picture of an empowered feminist woman---

    1. America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan to protect the Anglobitch's right to take a GIF of her shitting. The shit worship in the Anglopshere countries are worse than gay.
      Where is that Toronto man who posted that Toronto Police protected a female teacher who forced little kids to lick her strawberry flavored shit stained asshole?

  4. Russia has problems of their own that are different from ours. To begin with, male mortality is a lot higher. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic states all have about 85 men for every adult 100 women. I think that Putin would be happy to see young men emigrate. Feminists would love this until they saw the fortunes of their countries declined while Russia's went up.

    1. Why fight for a country which hates and despises you?
      Lots of Canadian men are posting on the forums that they want to leave Canada, even if they have to join the Spetznaz and fight the feminists at their battleground in Toronto with nuclear war.

    2. Problem is, the Anglo feminists never fight directly. Instead, they rely on the millions of deluded Blue Knights and other Anglocucks to do their fighting for them. Not that there is anything wrong with killing Blue Knights or Anglocucks, of course...

    3. Feminism relies on the extraction of wealth from men, exploiting poorer countries, and QE which affects the working class.

  5. Toronto is one place where all guys should flee from all women as if fleeing from a nuclear bxmb detxnation if they want to avoid prison.

    Actually, all guys should just pack up and move out of Toronto until Toronto is an all-women city without any men at all.

    Guys, in Toronto, merely glancing at a woman WILL get you arrested, and you will go straight to jail.

    In Toronto, glancing towards a woman, even absentmindedly, is considered sexual harassment.

    It’s totally illegal in Toronto under the Toronto Police Service interpretation of law for men to even be around women, including on public transportation. In Toronto, they don’t play around with statutory stalking; it’s considered tantamount to nine/11 there. There are movements to separate everyone by gender on Toronto’s public transit system, with male and female passengers riding on separate buses and train cars. In Toronto, guys are not safe from prison unless they are looking down at the ground while walking, shopping, or doing any kind of business.
    Toronto women are protected by a militant police state.


    An American expat living in Thailand

    1. I've worked with pest removal companies. The first thing I was trained in is to tell the homeowner that if you see one cockroach, bedbug, etc that means there is an infestation somewhere.
      Back in 2012, when Chanty Binx showed herself at UofT, it means that Toronto was already infested with feminist pests. Then came Stephanie Guthrie, Mandi Gray, Anita Sarkeesian, etc.

    2. Thailand, oh lala, i luve me sum lady boys !!!

  6. Thailand, get some ladyboys, pre or post, yeah!!!

  7. Toronto woman!

  8. We give praises and glorify Comrade Vladimir Putin, for he was sent by God to this dimension to fight the Big Red feminist. God Bless Putin, and may God cause America, Canada and the Anglosphere to collapse into ashes.

    1. It is ready to collapse without Putin's help.

  9. I republished a version of this post here - - and hope you're cool with that. - Dissident Millennial

    1. It's fantastic but you might have rounded it off with a powerful question about the Kremlin's future plans.

    2. Did Richard from Men-factor get the rona? He hasn't updated his blog in awhile !!!

    3. He has not been heard of for some time and his silence coincides with the emergence of the virus. It isn't like him to be silent so I fear the worst. That said, he might have found the love of his life in SE Asia or simply gone off-grid for a bit. It happens.

    4. "He has not been heard of for some time and his silence coincides with the emergence of the virus. It isn't like him to be silent so I fear the worst. That said, he might have found the love of his life in SE Asia or simply gone off-grid for a bit. It happens."

      I can believe going off the grid but I don't think he would've married an SE woman. An older man in his family did that and it caused tons of problems when he died and she got little money because he didn't have any.

    5. So going off grid is our best option, then. That said, it isn't like him to be completely silent on every front. His blog and YouTube channels were clearly important to him.

      That's the thing about the Internet world: we know people on other continents better than their own relatives, in some ways; but we usually know nothing about their 'real' lives.

  10. another empowered feminist woman for you !!!’s-face-onstage-during-festival-performance.513822/

    I bet David Futrelle was the simp who drank that moldy mt. dew !!!!

    1. It's the kind of thing he would be doing.

    2. only if she cookies on me first !!!

  11. AFTER seeing what Jian Ghomeshi went through in Canada, I'd not be surprised if he joined Iran and vowed to support Russia to FIGHT.THE. FEMINIST.

    Lying bitches cost that man his job, and I hoped that everyone in Heinen Hutchinson gave him a bj for the hefty fees that he had to pay to represent himself.

    Canadian women are lying feminists. Defending yourself from criminal charges leads a man to ruin in Canada. It's very easy to lose your job because of a feminist lie.

    1. This is why I don't go down with the PUA and MRA movements. They enable a man at risk of getting into police and legal trouble. These days, having a criminal harassment record disqualifies you from many jobs. HR doesn't want to hire a man accused of criminal harassment, but they do give leeway for men accused of far more heinous crimes like manslaughter, sexual interference with a child under 16 and crimes which don't relate to harassing female workers in the office. HR doesn't want to offend a female coworker.

  12. Toronto is the Beast of the Feminist Globalist Empire. Get out while you can. Men are dying in concerning numbers there and TPTB want to hide the deaths and suicides. A Canadian man told me that the police are being told that they should not consider complaints from parents who allege that their child's teacher is nude in class.

  13. Rookh,

    What is your opinion of going to sex parties? Is it worth the risk or should one save their money and go where prostitution is legal?

    1. I assume you are writing from the US, where prostitution is illegal. The risks there are simply too great to engage in any kind of recreational paid sex, much less group activities with their infinite possible pitfalls and future legal repercussions.

      As life is so short and sex one of its highest pleasures, I would generally recommend sex tours in legal (or indifferent) areas but especially those in western Europe (Holland, Germany) which combine freedom with safety and the general pleasures of an advanced, stable society. You can see a few good galleries and eat well while enjoying yourself to the max: the best of all worlds.

    2. Rookh,

      I was thinking of attending either a club like this-

      Or going to South America as a "sex tourist."

      However, I have ben told that the legal status is that a man is considered a rapist if he has sex with a drunk woman in the US but many of these parties the woman drink heavily and use a drug called poppers and often ecstasy. I have ben trying to research this online and watched videos by a man named Luke Powell. IDK if he is reliable or not. He mentions the red pill in his videos but seems like the loud obnoxious guy from high school that is untrustworthy.

    3. Doing sex with a womyn in America or Canada will eventually lead to police knocking at your door and violating your rights.
      Best to go at an Asian massage parlor where the ladies, most of whom are on visa, and they don't snitch, dislike the Blue Pill cops, or to go abroad for sex.

    4. Sorry to say it but that club looks like an old-school Red Pill fantasy of the kind men used used to believe in around a decade ago. Probably all males with a few old boots and maybe an ageing hooker thrown in for good measure.

      If you go, keep your wits about you and wear protection if you have sex. Better still, go to an Asian massage parlour or do the sex tourism thing in South America/Europe/SE Asia. White Anglo-American women simply aren't safe, as the guy above says. Especially North American ones.

    5. Thanks Rookh and Anon,

      As far as the Asian massage places, I am afraid of winding up like Robert Kraft. He had big money to lawyer up and I don't.

      I was thinking of So. America because I would have the plausible deniability of going there for a surfing vacation and I like women like this-

      Do you think So. America is safe these days?

    6. South America has a lot of crime, especially worse in Venezuela, Brazil and the Guianas.

      Colombia is safer as long as you don't get involved with the politics or the narco trade. Just have your fun with the women and forget politics. Not every woman is like an American or Canadian woman with a feminist agenda and forcing their gender wars.

      Costa Rica and Panama are much more safer, though Cuba Dave got jailed for a few years because of pressure from the US Embassy.

      Life tip: Look average, don't telegraphy your escapades, and mind your own business. South America has two different sides to it. Stay on the side of the common citizen and don't get involved with the other side of politics and the drug trade.

    7. Read up on Cuba Dave, kinda sad story, looks like corrupt feminist judges had an axe to grind. A bit scary, I wouldn't blog or take pictures outside of touristy ones. But still a bit scared after that read. WTF would I be getting myself into...

    8. Remember that countries with a lot of "expats" tend to have feminist infiltration.
      Cuba Dave was shown as an example to American and Canadian men of what would likely happen if they engage in xxx abroad outside of their feminist girlfriend or fiancée.
      Remember that the American or Canadian woman is an extension of the police state and a useful idiot of the elite.
      Nothing gets a Chanty Binx steaming mad than a free and single man getting the sex that he wants abroad.
      You bet that after the dog stopped licking the peanut butter off the landwhale feminist's cunt, Cuba Dave was a marked man.

      American and Canadian men are supposed to work like neutered worker bees and consooome to make the elite richer while they do orgies with toddlers on remote islands.

  14. This is Luke Powell-

    1. Another Red Pilled huckster trying to part desperate men from their money.

    2. In some of his videos he is drinking as heavily as that loser Captain Capitalism and it looks like he is almost as fat as Manboobs impostor Matt Forney.

  15. A Toronto private school has cancelled classes for the remainder of the year after it received an anonymous email and phone threat earlier this week.

    The incident at Branksome Hall happened shortly before 7:30 a.m. on Monday and briefly resulted in the school being placed under a lockdown. Police told CP24 at the time that the lockdown was implemented “out of abundance of caution.” The school reopened a short time later after police determined there was “no immediate threat” to students and staff.

    Students, however, were sent home for the rest of the day.

    On Monday evening, Branksome Hall sent a letter home to parents advising them that classes are being cancelled for the remainder of the school year.

    In a statement provided to CP24, spokesperson Liisa Stephenson said they decided to end the school year early after “carefully weigh(ing) the risks … against the safety of our community.”

    “We are grateful to our employees who stepped in to calm students, support each other and engage swiftly and efficiently with our lockdown protocols, as well as Toronto Police Services for their guidance and responsiveness. We also thank our students and parents for their patience, cooperation and for the messages of support and understanding shared,” she said.

    “We have made arrangements for exams and are working with our parent and employee community to find creative ways to wrap up the end of the year and celebrate our students’ accomplishments.”

    1. How much does it cost to attend Branksome Hall?
      Type of Fee Term of Fee Price (CAD)
      Registration Fee One-Time Fee C$8,500
      Tuition Fee Annual C$37,130
      TOTAL for first year C$45,630

  16. The irony is that the feminist policies are dictated by the parents of the wealthy private school girls, or even by the wealthy school girls themselves, living inside their Toronto mansions.
    Policies which tell the middle class useful idiots that a man working in the construction or mining sector for $50/hr is oppressing women with a wage gap, but the useless Toronto Police who go after men for what they post online about women rather than fighting crime, get paid $100/hr upwards with OT, but the elites support the corrupt police.

  17. Desperate circumstances drive men to desperate measures...

    One thing the warm weather reveals is how obese most Anglobitches are. I haven't seen a single slim or attractive female in London since summer began, just blubbery landwhales with jiggling limbs wobbling about in shorts and crop-tops. And these are in their teens and twenties, not old boots.

    I'm not sure whether to laugh or puke, tbh.

  18. Urban legend is that the Toronto woman slighted the man and he fought back against the feminist:

    1. The media says some Tibetian Buddhist man in his 30s, but no details of the victim's name, background or what she was wearing at the time. Buddhists are usually peaceful. The victim is probably a feminist who provoked the peaceful Buddhist man.

  19. there is actual substantiation of the Russians browsing this blog, such as IPs from the Kremlin? I wouldn't be surprised. This is a better source of news and information than the lamestream media.

    1. Absolutely. Consistent hits from UK and US 'seats of power', too. I don't quite know what these 'movers and shakers' see in our humble commentary, but there it is. We must remember that it doesn't take much to surpass the lamestream media, though: just living in 2022 as opposed to 1958 is quite enough.

  20. more empowered feminist whaminz !!!

  21. Vladimir Putin was sent by G*d to start WW3 and cleanse the earth of the feminist. We as the lower rung of men in soyciety should rejoice that a nuclear war will likely collapse the world economy and destroy the wealth of the 1%.
    The 1% can't get the Federal Reserve to do more QE when Putin is collapsing the world economy.
    Vladimir Putin, if you're reading this: I salute you! May G*d give you the strength and energy to fight the feminist cuntries and collapse their economies.

    It's already an economic recession for the many men in the feminist cuntries. Nuclear war and a global collapse isn't gonna change anything for the better.

  22. Is the Anglosphere ripe for the taking as in the taking of game, or in this case as in putting a diseased animal out of its collective misery?

    1. The Anglosphere is like a lion who has been driven from his pride to wander the wilderness. While he isn't what he was, hyenas and leopards still won't want to mess with him. Similarly, the Anglosphere's problems are largely psycho-sexual rather than physical; it still has plenty of wealth and military know-how, despite being internally crippled by feminist-sponsored dysfunction.

    2. And perhaps the overturning of Roe v. Wade is like a small shot of ivermectin, a slight sign that the party could be ending for the worms and parasites within...

  23. Vladimir Putin is our Lord and Saviour here in Canada. We predict that he will be forced to fight back Canada with nuclear weapons, because our Deputy PM is a Ukrainian-Canadian whose a feminist and wants to wage war against Russia. Not my battle. Vladimir Putin is our Lord here in Canada. Freeland is our enemy. Trudeau is a feminist advocator. Russia is our only hope for a New World Order.

  24. Canadian woman given no jail time for abusing children at a daycare:

  25. What a time to be alive! Men being demonised, vilified and hated on, while there needs to be cannon fodder for the upcoming great War. Let feminists fight their battles themselves. The war against Russia has a feminist slant to it.

  26. Toronto feminist dies after being lit on fire at TTC bus terminal:

  27. some empowered feminist wimmenz for you !!!
