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Saturday, 16 July 2022

Where we Stand: Amidst the Embers of a Dying Civilisation

Is the ailing Anglosphere truly finished, at last?

When I started this project over a decade ago, a simple argument formed the cornerstone of my thesis. In short, I argued that Anglo-American feminism embodied the oppressive Anglo-Saxon puritanism of the Victorian era (although puritanism has been a potent force for much longer, as my books demonstrate). Although it claims to be ‘revolutionary’, modern Anglo-American feminism is in truth an extension of puritanical Anglo-American culture, not any kind of challenge to it. This is why Anglo-American feminism is so virulent and powerful, drawing much more support from the dominant culture than feminism outside the Anglosphere. Feminism is now truly the dominant ideology across the Anglophone world, persecuting and vilifying men at every turn. We see this in law, politics, academia and of course, across the mainstream media (or what remains of it).

This is why - despite its progressive rhetoric - Anglo feminism remains an essentially racist, elitist and puritanical movement. Its conceptual DNA adheres to the prevailing themes of Anglo-American culture, despite its stated opposition to them. The media maintains a screen of Sexual False Consciousness to prevent males from seeing the real situation (or challenging it if they do), keeping them locked in a fog of self-delusion. Since the broad mass of Anglo-American women enjoy exalted status in a sex-negative society as 'owners' of sex, they have every reason to support these agendas, of course.

Writing in 2022, it might appear that the puritanical stranglehold over the Anglosphere has weakened somewhat, what with the rise of 'Trans Rights' and alternate sexual lifestyles in general. However, making such an assumption would be a grave mistake

In reality, I would argue that the Anglosphere is even more repressed and puritanical than ever before – even more than it was before these movements arose. Driven by its reflexive hatred of natural heterosexual relations, the Anglo-American world has rapidly adopted sexual deviance as a means of managing the tensions that naturally arise in a denatured, sex-negative civilisation.

The whole deluded and discredited notion that gender identity is purely a ‘social construct’ springs from exactly the same puritanical neuroses. Encouraging 8-year old children to ‘transition’ before their personalities have properly formed is – like Anglo feminism itself – driven by an insane hatred of natural human sexuality. It is subhuman status and sexual disenfranchisement that drives low value men from the Anglosphere West into becoming transsexual 'women', not some deep-rooted longing to be female. As ever, the Anglo-Saxon terror of natural sexuality seeks refuge from the fact of sexual differentiation in crass denial of biological reality: in short, the ‘new’ transsexual agendas are really as old as the hills.

From our awakened perspective, these bizarre developments have amply confirmed my original thesis (however much the authorities strive to present them to the masses as ‘revolutionary’ or ‘liberating’).

In philosophical terms, puritanism is the key ‘episteme’ underlying Anglo-American culture, including its misandrist feminism; it can no more escape from it than an ocean can drown itself. Only the manosphere – and in particular, the Anglobitch Thesis – can offer awakened men an objective critique of the Anglosphere, or show them how to escape it. Our linguistic and conceptual innovations – the various Pills, our lexicon of new terms, our reliance on robust quantitative data – are essential keys in this revolutionary struggle. Because they are independent of (and unsullied by) Anglo-American degeneracy, these matchless weapons show men both how to resist and defeat it.

Remember, you are heroes and never let anyone tell you different.

The Crimson Pill: Weapon of Enlightenment


  1. Roohk,

    Are you familiar with advocates Diaboli?

    What do you think of this?

    P Ray

    1. It is a good article and beautifully written. However, I see a cultural entity like the Anglosphere as an organic system which encompasses social elites and acts upon them in exactly the same way it acts on the Blue Pilled masses; it is not 'led' by them as such, although their opinions can be somewhat influential. The Anglo-American elites are at least as Blue-Pilled as the broad masses, assuming that trans 'Women' are transitioning out of pure 'choice' rather than desperation or that everyone is having sex with models all day.

      Only we awakened, Crimson-Pilled men see this culture and its conditions for what they really are; without this 'alienated insight', even the most powerful oligarch is just a blind, dancing puppet.

      That is what I meant about Black or Crimson-pilled men being the only true heroes of the Anglosphere.

  2. Western women are so bad that I found ladyboys to be much better !!!

    P Ray

    1. You have sex with trannies???

      What's it like???

    2. "You have sex with trannies???

      What's it like???"

      Find on who's make up and nails are really on point and compliment the hell outta "her." It's a world of difference between a pre-op and a post op. A post op can have a super tight man made vajayjay and you might need lots of lube. A pre-op is good if you've been drinking and can't get it up, maybe you will be the one getting f*cked that night.


      P Ray

  3. "That is what I meant about Black or Crimson-pilled men being the only true heroes of the Anglosphere."


    I am familiar with "Black Pill." It was invented by the Omega Virgin Revolt guy. However, it got taken over by "lookism" and inches to mean something very different to what was originally mentioned.

    I am not familiar with "crimson." Is this an attempt to get away from shysters like Matt Forney and Captian Capitalism who only want to sell books?

    1. I agree that the original Black Pill has been appropriated by nihilistic incels, just as the original Red Pill has been appropriated by hucksters and fantasists; originally, they were both something very different.

      The Crimson Pill is a Pill of my own creation which acknowledges Black Pilled realities while taking realistic steps to overcome them. It is not really an incel-friendly concept as many of my readers are not incels, they are just normal men who want better women and relationships than can be obtained in the Anglosphere. For example, relocating to mainland Europe is a Crimson-Pilled solution to the obvious treachery and obesity of most Anglo-American women. You can read more on the concept here:


  4. Roohk,

    I am very confused. You say that relocating to Europe is an answer to the racism and misandry of the West. Yet, Europeans will see reduced living standards due to the sanctions on "Bad Vlad." I understand that Germany has legal prostitution but since you mention racism, aren't they the originators of the Nazi's? How do you explain all this?

    P Ray

    1. Hold on - the UK is both part of Europe and the Anglosphere and is certainly struggling under Vlad's sanctions. And doesn't the colonial Anglosphere have extensive issues with historical and residual racism?

      You are setting up straw men here - no one says moving to western Europe is an instant solution for all romantic or interpersonal problems - merely that relocation is a possible solution for white Anglo-American males who are capable of attaining long-term relationships in an Anglo-American country. It will not work for one-eyed Indian janitors - but then, no one ever said it would.

      There are many posts from early 2018 by North American expats who make strong claims that divorce outcomes (and much else) are far better for men in Mainland western Europe or Scandinavia than in the USA, or the Anglosphere in general, for a number of legal and cultural reasons. I hope you have plenty of time on your hands:

    2. Also, where did I actually say, 'relocating to Europe is an answer to the racism and misandry of the West'?

      Western Europe is the West, last time I checked. Do you mean the Anglosphere? And where did I ever say mainland Europeans are not racist, relative to Anglosphere populations? I am confused.

    3. Germany is part of the Western civilization. They too are liberal 'democracies' but less feminist and puritanical than Australia,Canada, GB or the USA.
      It's also illegal in Germany to deny the Holocaust or promote Nazi propaganda. It isn't 1939 anymore.

    4. I read mainland Europe as:

      So, seriously confused because I mentioned Germany which would be part of that. But if you meant Scandinavia, I thought that was over run by feminists. No straw maning here. And shouldn't manipulation be renamed womanipulation? After all the feminists want herstory, what not that?

      P Ray

  5. "the Anglosphere is even more repressed and puritanical than ever before"

    This might be true on a grassroots level, although I would say that people have become more paranoid rather than more repressed (though the two are related). However, feminism has clearly lost a lot of power on an institutional level. This is clearly shown by the Depp trial verdict and Roe v. Wade being overturned.

    1. Just because Johnny win don mean shit, homes.

      One swallow don't make a dpring

    2. I heard that feminism is strong as ever in Canada. A fefail just gotta complain that a male co-worker is making her FEEL uncomfortable, and out he goes. Too bad Canadians aren't like Americans who lose their jobs and return for revenge. Passive simps in Canada.

  6. Toronto femborgs are naked with children. Corrupt Toronto Police are not allowed to investigate incidents where feminist teachers are naked with their students.

    1. The Toronto police probably approve of that.

    2. The decline of middle class men doesn't bode well for civilization. If feminists expect to take away men's jobs and expect their taxes to fund corrupt and feminist police departments like Toronto Police, they are in for a big shocker: Men build the condos, maintain the grid and protect feminists. Feminists don't want to do the dangerous jobs. They want cushy government jobs and a pension which is ten times the minimum wage of Canada.
      Why do you think a female teacher who molests students get a quiet retirement and get to live on C$100,000+ a month in pension at age 50?

  7. When I encounter a transwoman or a feminine male, colloquially known as a femboy or trap, I see them as a response to the Anglosphere culture which oppresses masculinity. Even within the culture I view them more as an offshoot of the bad nature of biological women than any kind of a threat. It's startling to contemplate that they may behave and present more femininely than biological women who suffer from the hyper-hypergamy discussed by all of us on this blog. What will become of the biological female franchise if traps and transwomen are behaving more "trad" and feminine than the real thing? I also read of trans athletes being awarded NCAA awards. The behavior of the Anglobitch is what started this entire thing. They can't have it both ways if they don't want to be feminine then a certain subset of men will become their competition. All of this assumes we are viewing the female franchise as a business relationship and nothing more. There may be no brighter spiritual side to any of it.
    Here is the latest transwomen swimmer:

    1. This is where feminists and tradcons collude in an unholy alliance to vilify the tranny.
      Muh Jesus Christ would have rained fire and brimstone on every feminist if he were alive today tradcuck!

    2. Anglo Tradcucks and Anglo feminists are one, ideologically speaking.

  8. Best article yet. Especially the "reflexive hatred of normal sexual relations part".

  9. [NSFW] This is what America, Canada, UK, Australia and NZ worship as God, and criticizing it is blasphemy:

    The shit from a feminist cunt.

    1. It was literal gamer girl shit before that, no exaggeration.

  10. It's legal for a Toronto feminist to be nude with the children, but illegal for a man to approach such feminist and make her feel discomfort, as it's criminal harassment.

    1. What was she wearing at the time? Why would a woman in her 40s date a 30-year-old man? Is it those empowered Toronto cunts who date drug dealing EDM Chads and Tyrones in da club?


  12. Men to be put on Registry for catcalling women:
