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Tuesday, 14 February 2023

The Truth Behind TRANSMAXXING: Gender dysphoria is a MYTH

Transmaxxing: A WIN-WIN Solution for low SMV/Priapic males

The phenomenon of Transmaxxing has recently received a lot of attention in the lamestream media, especially among cuckservatives and misandrist Anglo-American feminists. 


In simple terms, Transmaxxers are males who want to transition into females because they think they will enjoy better lives as women than they do as low-value, sexually-disenfranchised males. Crucially, they do not claim any sense of ‘dysphoria’ or gender-confusion behind this desire: their motivations are entirely rational and self-interested. Indeed, most Transmaxxers want to retain their male genitalia in order to enjoy post-operative sexual relations with lesbians and other ‘Woke’ women.  


None of this is new to me, however. I wrote about the true motivations of ‘gay’ men back in 2011, in typically classic style. My key argument was that gay men ‘reject’ heterosexuality because it is far easier for them to get sex with other hyper-sexualised men as opposed to ‘heterosexual’ women, who are typically frigid, misandrist and hyper-hypergamous. There is nothing genetically or psychologically different about ‘gay’ men, for the most part: like men locked in jail, they can simply get far more sex from other ‘gay’ men than they can from ‘heterosexual’ women. This is not an especially complex argument: in the puritanical Anglosphere, its truth is entirely self-evident.  

My 2011 article received a laboured riposte from the execrable David Futrelle, who – after arguing around the houses for five thousand words – eventually agreed with it: 

Now, human sexuality is a weird, messy, complicated, wonderful thing. It may well be that some bisexual men end up having sex with men more often than with women because they find it easier to find male sex partners for casual sex.  

Predictably, lamestream and tradcuck commentators have attacked the Transmaxxer’s ‘Manifesto’, calling Transmaxxing a fraudulent challenge to authentic ‘dysphoric’ transsexuality. There are several problems with their critique, however:  


  • Since ‘dysphoria’ is an entirely self-reported condition, using this mental state to distinguish authentic transsexuals from Transmaxxers has no medical value whatsoever. 
  • The lamestream doubtless fears many low-value, sexless men will opt to Transmaxx given their despised and sexually-disenfranchised status in the misandrist Anglosphere. This will result in reduced economic productivity as males reject the ‘striving’ memes that oil the wheels of consumer capitalism for a more retreatist, low-stress lifestyle.  
  • Why are tradcon women who weaponise sex against low-value men so worried about them Transmaxxing? Surely they reflexively hate such men and desire their genetic eradication? However, fewer men and more ‘nominal’ women in society necessarily lowers female sexual market value. If just 5% of American males Transmaxxed, it would immediately upset women’s exalted scarcity value in the sexual market place. 


My overall point is this: like males who adopt a gay lifestyle in order to get more (or any) sex, male to female Transsexuals are adopting a female identity to acquire the exalted status of ‘honorary’ females. None of them are suffering from ‘gender dysphoria’ or any other psychological condition. They merely nurture a rational desire for improved sexual opportunities and higher social status.  


In other words. ALL TRANSSEXUALS ARE TRANSMAXXERS: Gender dysphoria is a MYTH. 


In the Anglosphere, where dating apps and residual puritanism have inflated women’s sexual status to Olympian proportions (and where most sub-8 males are sexual pariahs), the ground is especially fertile for both male Transmaxxing and recreational homosexuality. In sum, a substantial proportion of men have everything to gain and nothing to lose (not even their genitalia) by discarding their despised existing gender roles or sexual identities.  


As the Transmaxxing Manifesto says, trans women are on ‘the right side of history’; not unlike the feminist teachers who show their anuses to toddlers in Toronto’s schools on a daily basis. 


Definitely on the right side of history...


  1. Excellent article. It's refreshing to see an objective analysis for a change. Before psychology (and medical science generally) was co-opted by interest groups, many professionals were trending towards the theory you've outlined here.Mid-20th Century thought was divided between the the traditional Freudians who ascribed the condition to impotence or fear of the opposite sex; and (then) growing faction who believed it resulted from hypersexed men who couldn't find satisfaction because of restrictive sexual mores.

    There are studies on this subject (mostly from the 60s) but you have to dig deep in the library archives to find them.

    1. Yes, mid-20th century psychology openly noted that 'gay' men were a distinctive group in other ways than mere sexuality. Many were noted to be psychopaths, for example; which could partly explain why homosexuality is so rife in reform schools and jails, or that 'gay' males are somewhat over-represented among sexual killers.

      I don't doubt they are hyper-sexualized compared to the average male, either. In the Anglo-American context, where puritanism, misandrist feminism and hyper-hypergamy make civilian society a vast open jail, it is little wonder that hyper-sexualized men have opted for the priapic delights of the 'gay' lifestyle as opposed to unendurable (for them) inceldom.

    2. Since Obama 'normalized' homosexuality about a decade ago, the psychopathic tendencies haven't changed; though the government doesn't keep numbers on it any more and the MSM discreetly keeps the 'orientation' of violent criminals out of sight. Local news and a few bloggers occasionally uncover it, though.

      Also too, the rates of suicide, depression, and other antisocial behaviors hasn't gone down at all in that demographic---in fact it's increased radically among American young people who are identifying in larger numbers as 'nonbinary.'

    3. *Also too, the rates of suicide, depression, and other antisocial behaviors hasn't gone down at all in that demographic---in fact it's increased radically among American young people who are identifying in larger numbers as 'nonbinary.'*

      Absolutely. It is interesting that psychopaths are more prone to suicide and this tendency is also more common among gay males and 'non-binaries'.

  2. Look how bad times are for young men...This escort is charging the same price for a younger escort a few years ago. How times changed:
    I would get to fuck MILFs for free in Canada before Tinder was a thing.

    1. The Anglosphere's enforced sexual scarcity permits fugly old boots to work as escorts. In normal countries they are scrubbing floors at that age.

  3. It's weird that the T in LGBTQ is being vilified by the feminist groups and religious fundamentalists at the same time.
    But a great read. Feminists are making themselves obsolete through making relationships with a woman a legal liability.
    Consumers are choosing other options for sex.

    1. It does occur to me that the recent clamour for trans rights coincides with a sharp rise in the number of single young men. In the older case of gays, Gay Rights became much more significant during the Eighties, the decade in which female 'sexual and economic emancipation' (i.e. freedom to indulge in hyper-hypergamy) took root across the Anglosphere.

      It would therefore seem that males opting out of the reproductive marketplace coincides with a steep increase in sexual competition and male sexual disenfranchisement. This is exactly what we would expect, if my general thesis were correct.

  4. "not unlike the feminist teachers who show their anuses to toddlers in Toronto’s schools on a daily basis."

    The lick me where I fart teacher from Ontario is like seeing a mouse or termite, signalling an infestation.

    Toronto Police are told that they have to consider freedom of expression before conducting a criminal investigation regarding a female teacher being nude in class. A detective from the Cyber Crimes Unit also wrote to Google that anyone who offends a female teacher is violating Canadian law.

    1. *A detective from the Cyber Crimes Unit also wrote to Google that anyone who offends a female teacher is violating Canadian law.*

      Well, he would say that.

    2. Toronto authorities cancelled that incel rapper Egg White. They did a hit piece on him. His rap songs are dope.

  5. There was an incel cuck known as boy doesn't meet girl. He recently took down his blog. One rumor was that he wasted a bunch of people. But it didn't make the news so it likely didn't happen. Another rumor was he got it chopped off. But instead of banging inches, he started chasing chads.

    1. hear i am

    2. Rookie Pookie,

      why'd u take down your comment? Afraid people might see that you aren't really advocating for men but are just a thug advocating for hurting peep?

    3. I'm merely cognisant of the inability of many Americans to safely decode British irony. Ah, you would not believe the people who monitor this place.

  6. so rookie pooks, is someone who bangs a tranny or a highland lady boi a faggot or just a desperate man who wants some manna?

    Enquiring minds want too no!

    1. this trans gina is open for business butt only if you are a chad!!!

  7. Interesting piece, good to see more discussion on transmaxxing - one way of men taking power.

    Are any of your articles on this blog repostable at A Voice for Men? I emailed you on that score some months ago and got not reply.

    1. Not sure I received your request.

      Yes, the articles are repostable as long as authorship is credited. A Voice for Men is still stuck in the twentieth century on many issues - Divorce Courts and custody battles are a bit passe in this era of mass singleness - but it's still an important manosphere brand.

    2. You cucks don't want to donate to me so I can sit on my fat but and contribute to misabdry? But you want to donate to Paul Elam whilst he sits on his fat but and contributes to msiandry! You are a cuck!!!!

  8. BTW, your generalization about gay men is not accurate. I know many gay men who, if presented with an opportunity for sex with high SMV women, would throw up in their mouths at the thought. That said, there are defs some gay men who fit the stereotype you provide.

    1. *I know many gay men who, if presented with an opportunity for sex with high SMV women, would throw up in their mouths at the thought.*

      Have you ever personally seen them being presented with that opportunity?

      *That said, there are defs some gay men who fit the stereotype you provide.*

      Just like the vast number of men in jail who 'renounce' homosexuality the day their sentence ends.

  9. Doctor I lived in Canada for a decade, and was suffering from general malaise, paranoia, anxiety, depression and a feeling of no joy. I finally got my early retirement in the public sector, and moved abroad.
    Many of my symptoms have been gone. I'm living abroad for the past few years. Feminism isn't a cancer, and Trudeaunomics and the despair you get in Canada, even if you are poor here, it's not even a thing in this so-called third world country. Incelism is something foreign here.

    1. it's because approaching womyn in Toronto is considered criminal harassment.
      Showing any interest in a fefail in Toronto as a wage peasant is a taboo thing, like how jailbait seekers are ostracized in society.
      Toronto feminists are spawns of Satan. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.
      Ask Russia to flatten Toronto into debris of dust and smoke. Flatten the damn feminist purgatory.
      The Toronto feminist's shiithole is worshipped there as if her nasty rectum is God. No it's not. Baal worship leads to nuclear war.

    2. Great to know you are enjoying life outside misandrist Canada. May I ask which country you are now living in?

    3. I just saw your comment doc. I'm living in El Salvador. Bought an entire home for less than fifty grand Canadian. I'm sure glad to have left that feminist police open-air prison camp for men called Toronto.

  10. "Be aware that naming a teacher by name and commenting that her farts and poo contain foul and dirty odours could be interpreted as criminal libel", according to a warning sent from a Toronto detective to a parent of a Grade One student.

    1. Even though this thing isn't so passable, wood you hit it?

    2. Dude, I swear if that person in that picture has a peenix, I'd tell that tranny to fxck you in your ass you dumb dumb

    3. dayum, Rookhs be censoring like the male feminist cuck he is!

      I am a chaser, here me roar!

  11. Interesting statistic in the US Media today:

    1. I heard that it's even worse in Canada, and Trudeau is trying to wash the image by importing millions of couples a year to give a façade that Canada is a welcoming country for families.
      Feminism is cancer there.

    2. Head south. American, Canadian, British, Aussie and Zealander women are toxic.

    3. Yes, 63% of young American males being single (against just a third of American females) is quite a fact to digest. It is a pity that most of the explanations offered are by female psychologists which are, at best, about as useful as tits on a bull: loneliness, the pandemic, poor male social skills... spare me while I vomit.

      The Thesis I have been enhancing here for over a decade offers much better explanations for this catastrophic state of affairs:

      * Female hyper-hypergamy - in a puritanical, sex-negative society like the US, hypergamy exists at an unnatural level that excludes nearly all men as potential sexual partners. As many here have said, women only want the top 10% of men.
      * Anglo-Saxon homosociality - in a puritanical society, gender differences are artificially inflated to levels that preclude social interaction between the sexes.
      * Social Media - as Steve Hoca points out, all 5+ women are now 'mini celebrities' due to social media. Dating apps also fuel hyper-hypergamy, giving women instant access to high status males and constant approbation.
      * Sexual False Consciousness - the fantasy of universal sexual bounty propagated by the Anglo-American MSM has permitted mass male singleness to expand without acknowledgement or redress.
      * Residual Misandry - puritanical repression automatically exalts women as 'owners' of sex while denigrating males. Hence issues affecting males (such as mass inceldom, suicide, unemployment) are never addressed until they become a massive, ongoing problem. Think about it: why has the MSM only acknowledged this issue when male sexlessness is 63%?

      Of course, these issues are also driving the transmaxxing agenda. It makes perfect sense for sexless, low-value young males to seek a degraded version of the exalted status the Anglobitch now enjoys across the Anglosphere. They have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.

    4. Just FYI, I wasn't endorsing the NY Post's explanations, just the statistic. It's typical of the American Media that, when a problem gets so bad they can't ignore it any longer, to report it alongside a lot of bogus, politically-correct explanations from fake 'experts'. (Or 'schmexperts' as they're referred to among the general public over here).

    5. Anon: the only actual marriage demographic that's been increasing in the US during the 21st Century is American men to foreign-born wives. I don't know the recent numbers, but in 2010, about 1/10 marriages were, and some were predicting then that it would be 1/4 by mid-century.

    6. Feminists are dumbos. They shame men for using pforn, yet the feminists celebrate when young women become Twitch ethots and OnlyFans Instagram influencers.
      We need an economic collapse to get rid of the simping though. Shaming men for using pforn, when that is the golden goose for women. There are simps who even pay a grand just to see a "personalised video" of an ethot taking a dump from her gaping axshole.

    7. More men in the Anglosphere are realising the fact that masturbation is sex and male virginity is a massive lie designed to keep them as thirsty, horny simps to be constantly manipulated by people.

      Those who demonise men for opting for "spanking the monkey" to porn fail to realise that the vast majority of women in the Anglosphere have priced themselves out of the dating market, the same women only chase after the top 5% to 20% of men, and the massive legal repercussions that befalls on the majority of men if they try to interact with women nowadays e.g. #MeToo, #TimesUp, fourth-wave feminism, Cancel Culture, and the legal/justice system of the Anglosphere is more than willing to side with women in order to destroy an innocent man's life and reputation being prime examples.

    8. Pron is also free for now. Compare that to paying a week's wages for a half hour of rushed intercourse and smelling rotten, stinking and rancid poon, and probably a shitty azzhole due to fecal incontinence from anal sex with thousands of guys.

      Today even the modern woman is no different than a seks worker in terms of promiscuity and body counts.
      That's why I tell guys to tell their young ones to refuse licking their feminist teacher's azzhole because though Canadian healthcare is free, STD treatment is paid through pocket or private insurance.

  12. Rookh, stop being such a like and censoring all my comments!

    Looks like we can't get it reich, we get blamed for everything!

    Yes, he used our nazi manual but I also recruit at club queer, it is a double bind being a gay nazi!!!!

  13. What you babbling about, man?

    1. Your not the one getting your insightful comments jewfaggd by Rookhs selective SJW spam filter!

      I am so triggered reich now!

  14. Canadian feminists must be aliens. Their anuses release pheromones when they are around kids, but when around sub-men, they release dirty farts to repel those sub-men.

  15. Excellent article, Rookh. It was a real eye opener on all counts. I for one have no interest in trading my "twig and berries" for tits and a vag as I take pride in being a man and I refuse to bow to the misandry and to the feminist and puritanism that shapes the Anglosphere's hatred of heterosexual men like myself.

    On another note, have you by any accounts ever looked at the philosophical foundations of the USA and the UK and the British Commonwealth countries? It seems that a large number of the MRA, MGTOW, PUA, Incel, Red Pill, and Black Pill content creators online come from the United States and the reason why they're able to speak their views and observations into female nature is due to the USA recognising that freedom of speech is a God-given right and is protected by the US Constitution (which is in stark contrast to the UK and the Commonwealth who see freedom of speech as a conditional, legislated privilege and is subject to hate speech laws).

    When you compare the USA to the UK and the Commonwealth countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand), the USA is strongly influenced by John Locke and the classical liberal philosophers of the Enlightenment. On the other hand, the UK and the Commonwealth countries are strongly influenced by the philosophical writings of Thomas Hobbes, the philosophy of utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham and philosophy of social liberalism more than Locke and classical liberalism. If you done some research into the topic, the British went to great lengths to demonise Locke's writings and the philosophy of classical liberalism after the American War of Independence and the French Revolution. Couple the writings of Hobbes, Bentham and the utilitarians, and the social liberals with the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy's attitudes towards individual liberty, we get the current deficit of MRA/MGTOW/PUA/Incel/Red Pill/Black Pill content producers in the UK and the Commonwealth countries.

    I would like to hear your thoughts on what I've said. Thank you.

    1. In Canada, you are COMPELLED to say that a female teacher doesn't fart or poop stink, because if a man posts that a female teacher farts stinks, the TorontoPolice will arrest the poster for criminal harassment.

    2. I think the philosophical perspective is certainly an important one but probably less important than the Common Law / Civil Law distinction that so many learned people have discussed on this blog. While the US Constitution guarantees high levels of free speech relative to the UK and Commonwealth, I also think American men have a lot more to be angry about.

      I have long noted that American men have been at the intellectual vanguard of the Manosphere in general (and this blog in particular). My own belief is that American men are particularly repressed by three factors specific to their national history:

      1. Residual puritanism remains very strong in America because of its religious roots and the ongoing influence of sex-negative Christianity. Unlike the rest of the Anglosphere, puritanical Christianity remains an active social and political force in the US.
      2. The US is dominated by a legalistic socio-political framework which allows feminists to promote their misandrist, sex-negative agendas outside democratic electoral processes.
      3. The residual 'frontier' values of the US necessarily exalted women due to their extreme scarcity value. Although the frontier is long gone, its pernicious influence remains very much in place as institutional misandry, gynocentrism and reflexive sex negativism. While the mass sexlessness of young American men (64%) is a critical issue, residual 'frontier chivalry' prevents any rational discussion of the problem in the mainstream.

      Obviously, the rest of the Anglosphere is hostile to men, as well. Canadian men are prominent in androcentric resistance to feminist oppression and male suicide in Australia remains a massive issue. However, the issues that American men face seem even more institutionalised and implacable. Their tradition of free speech permits them to vent their resistance online; but as I have said, the US media mainstream actively forbids rational discussion of men's issues due to the gynocentric, frontier puritanism that still defines it in all ways.

      This unique combination of factors (free speech plus legitimate grievance) probably does most to explain American men's notable prominence in the Manosphere. Although the UK has 70 million inhabitants, I cannot name
      too many British thinkers beyond The Antifeminist (and even he has retired).

  16. "In sum, a substantial proportion of men have everything to gain and nothing to lose (not even their genitalia) by discarding their despised existing gender roles or sexual identities. "

    Ironically, the most vocal critics of transgenders are feminist white females. Just shows that feminism is an extension of white power, but just with shit stained panties.

    1. Anglo-American feminism is not merely racist, it is obsessed with defending the Anglo female's 'frontier privilege'.


  18. "Anglo-American feminism is not merely racist, it is obsessed with defending the Anglo female's 'frontier privilege'."

    And reading these comments about Toronto, Canada, the cops defend the smelly anus of the feminist teacher.

    1. Can't really believe that stating the female teacher farts are smelly is defamatory libel and criminal harassment if she feels offended.
      A Canadian school board is taking a long time to provide me a Freedom of Information request on how many students were disciplined for offending a teacher and what were the reasons, such as, offensive speech, swearing, hurting teacher's feelings, etc.
      What if the students are unfairly disciplined because they said that their female teacher's anus tastes like doo doo? There needs to be a public inquiry on why the Canadian school boards are allowing female teachers to be nude in class and forcing little kids to toss the teacher's salad.

    2. lick my lollipop you filthy juju

      white pride!!!

  19. "Anglo-American feminism is not merely racist, it is obsessed with defending the Anglo female's 'frontier privilege'."

    Rookh, you've kshatrayed yer pants on this one!

    Looks like us MRA's are just as waycisst as cunts like amanda marcuntee!

  20. The logical consequence of Feminism.

  21. Why do female teachers in Canada persecute individuals who write that their farts smell? How is that a crime? Is it akin to blasphemy laws in regressive societies?
    If that's the case, is a female teacher in Canada alluding that where she farts and schits is a holy site and replaces God?
    I hope that God punishes Canada and turns it into ashes if that's the case.

    1. Wouldn't a lot of police time monitoring posts to defend a Toronto teacher's rectum encourage a slow collapse of Canadian society? If more cops are needed to investigate what people post about their female teacher's farts and anus, then that means either more tax dollars to fund more police, and/or less police to deal with real crimes.
      So those losers in Canada should continue protecting the reputation of a feminist teacher's smelly anus while some lone wolf is doing a school project with Russia

    2. You gotta understand that if men realize that Canadian women fart and poop stinky, then their sexual marketplace value will go down to its intrinsic value which is negative.

  22. Forcing toddlers to worship a feminist teacher's starfish hole is akin to blasphemy in the eyes of the Lord.
    Tell your child that they have every right to refuse being compelled to lick the feminist teacher's wart-infected anus.
    Even if TorontoPolice wants to use weapons to force a parent to let their child lick the feminist teacher's dirty anus, remember that the Lord and God have weapons that can wipeout the entire Canada into nuclear bits and pieces. The Lord sent Vladimir Putin to send hypersonic nuclear missiles to the feminist teacher's dirty anus.

    1. Amen. This world is a feminist hell. Imagine how bad it is for Canadian men who can't call a spade a spade, or in this case, the female teacher's pooper smells like poop.

  23. "You gotta understand that if men realize that Canadian women fart and poop stinky, then their sexual marketplace value will go down to its intrinsic value which is negative."

    Not when you have simps willing to pay hundreds of dollars for mail-order doo-doo from Twitter thots and Instatricks.
    There are simps who have a sick and very perverted fetish of eating doo-doo in Twinkie bars from e-thots. It's gross. Paying a few Benjamins to eat shit.

    1. It's Baal worship and Satanism. Feminist teachers protected by these Freemason Torontopolice. These feminist teachers get a rise in forcing those kids to lick their smelly, stinking and disease-ridden anuses. YEAH YOU HEARD ME TURDEAU. A FEMALE TEACHER'S ANUS IS STINK.

    2. Simps like the guy below post the vids of the students licking the female teacher's asshole and get charged for exploitation. Yet, the female teacher who forced little kids to toss her salad is not charged.

  24. life gets soooo much better after "it" gets lopped off!!!

    This mangina is open for business, chads only, no incels!!!

  25. The actual story is that Toronto woeman dies after doing kinky sex with a dog lol:

    1. shut up ju-phag!!

      Liars like you are making it easier for us to recruit into the alt right!!!

      Hayle Hilter!!!

  26. Go fly a kite!!!

    (Suck on this-white men only!!!!)

  27. A book I’d recommend you check out is Henry James’ novel THE BOSTONIANS, which makes the same link you do between radical feminism and Puritanism. Already in the 19th century, James saw feminism as a danger, due to its Puritanical roots. He even names his man-hating feminist character Olive Chancellor, a name deliberately reminiscent of Oliver Cromwell.

    1. start lickin'
      or be deported!!!

  28. Ledbury Park in Toronto. This school is where the elementary kids are forced to lick the feminist teacher's anus and forced to lie to their parents when they see poop on their child's shirt collar or sleeves.


    2. Is that a video of a female teacher taking a dump for her students to eat? Canadian women are on a whole another level.

    3. If you lick the female teacher, Vice Principal or Principal's filthyanus at that school you may end up in hell on Judgment day.

    4. I know that this sounds like a conspiracy, but why did the Vice-Principal suddenly retire lately? Very strange that someone mentions about female teachers forcing students to do disgusting acts at a school and the administrators start to retire.

    5. The Principal shouldn't be forcing her students to lick her dirty ass-hole. It's an abomination.

    6. Why is a female teacher's chocolate starfish treated like a deity in Toronto? What happens if men refuse to worship the female teacher's chocolate starfish?

    7. serious ? for you misogynists...

      I keep going to escorts with all the money I get from donations to my blog, but I keep getting tricked by trannies. How do I avoid there penises?

    8. Fck Toronto and fcuk Toronto feminist teachers. They all fart and poop stinky. They can't force me to treat a female teacher's dirty ainus as divine. I am a God-fearing person.

  29. "Is that a video of a female teacher taking a dump for her students to eat? Canadian women are on a whole another level."


    1. i am male feminist, here me roar!!!

      oh, wait, that was a stomach growl!!!

  31. Anonymous3 April 2023 at 21:50
    Why is a female teacher's chocolate starfish treated like a deity in Toronto? What happens if men refuse to worship the female teacher's chocolate starfish?

    Be very careful. Some female teachers in Toronto, especially the white ones, have pink starfishes. They could sue you for defamation if you name them and their starfish isn't chocolate, but pink. Female teachers in Toronto are backed by the unions and Toronto-Police-Service. Insulting their pink starfish is a crime akin to committing blasphemy during Biblical times.

    1. talking about fish made me hangry!!!!

    2. How will anyone know what colour is a female teacher's pooper is unless they were a student who was forced to rim the female teacher? Canada seems like a very bad country for men and a paradise for feminists and female teachers.

    3. A female teacher from Toronto isn't God. Neither is a female teacher's cornhole. God needs to do something about the feminist teacher problem in Toronto.

    4. Schit comes out from a female teacher's ainus in Toronto. What's gonna happen? They will arrest me for saying facts?

  32. not unlike the feminist teachers who show their anuses to toddlers in Toronto’s schools on a daily basis.
    TERFs are projecting. It's not the transgenders who are grooming children. It's the feminist teachers in Toronto who are showing their ainuses to their students and forcing those students using coercion and threats to lick that dirty hole of the feminist teacher.

    1. I heard that the Toronto_Police_Service harass and intimidate parents who complain that their child was forced to lick the teacher's poop hole.

    2. Maybe if the students refuse to lick the feminist teacher's fartbox they will fail the class?
      In Canada, you have to be a conformist. They likely blacklist young men who refuse to hail the feminist teacher's naked body and anus as if it were God.
      This life is a test. Feminism is Satanism and used by the global elites to corrupt children and break the family unit.
      God will return and send those female teachers to HELL where they belong.

    3. Fecal transplants. Source: I am a retired physician.

    4. WTF? How is a female teacher forcing children to rim her a medical procedure? You can get STDs from doing that.

  33. Isn't it ironic that grown men can't approach women in Toronto, yet young toddlers are rimming their female teachers inside TDSB property?
    It's like that book Brave New World.

  34. Andrew tate is such a lucky guy!!!!

    oh, lala, I wish Amanda Marcote would do that to me!!!

    1. "Amanda Marie Marcotte is an American blogger and journalist who writes on feminism and politics from a liberal perspective."

      Fcuk a feminist who represents Karen and bourgeoise feminism. Fcuk a feminist. Fcuk female teachers in Toronto who force toddlers to rim the female teacher's petri dish poophole.

  35. No wonder many men are bai lan, hikikomori, tang ping and living away from the feminist. Feminism is a virus.

  36. Toronto men end up in jail for many years because they were criminally charged for libelling a female teacher's anus. In trial, the man has to prove that the female teacher's anus stinks. He can't prove it and the courts take the female teacher's word over the accused. Russia is a paradise for Canadian men. Female teachers are teachers there. They don't force their students to do dirty things like female teachers in Canada.

    1. Scandalous and monstrous

    2. Sounds like the nobility laws which were abolished in Britian a while ago. Surprisingly, the nobility in Medieval Europe used to sic the guards on peasants who criticized nobility.

  37. This is how Canadian news is represented:
    Thot gets hundreds of thousands of dollars in e-donations.
    At the feed, this man is ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars:
    "Victim" vs "harasser".
    Canadian men are considered enemies if they are not simps.

    1. Aye yes, completely 1 sided !!!

    2. What an ugly hapa if the white guy is her biological father that makes it worse. She doesn't have any Caucasian features. She looks worse than a low class person in SE-Asia. Yet she got GoFundMe and is set for life.

  38. Canadian men are facing homelessness. No future for men in Canada:

    1. Pakistan is a better country for men. Female reporter gets slapped for manhandling an armed military guard:

  39. Laura Alam's vagina and anus are not God folks.

    just women-sheltermaxx
