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Sunday, 2 October 2022

Youth Cultures and Potent Signifiers: Some Thoughts on 'Stranger Things'

I have heard a number of younger colleagues in my workplace extolling the wonders of the TV show Stranger Things. My interest piqued, I watched seasons 3 and 4 and found their earnest attachment to the show slightly enigmatic: why was a televisual homage to the 1980s (and set in the 1980s) so popular among Millennials and Zoomers? I will here offer a few explanations for their enthusiasm, which might help illuminate the current (terrible) state of Anglo-American gender relations. 

On the face of it, there is nothing especially interesting about Stranger Things. It seems to be a tidy blend of John Hughes movies like The Breakfast Club and Some Kind of Wonderful, teen adventure films like The Goonies and Stand by Me, TV shows like Saved by the Bell and Beverly Hills 92510, with various supernatural/conspiracy ideas culled from the novels of Stephen King (Carrie, It, The Stand) and Dean Koontz (Sole Survivor, Twilight Eyes) adding weight to the mix. 

Why do Zoomers and younger Millennials find all this Gen-X retro-schlock so engaging in the twenty-first century?

While it is not an easy question to answer in simple terms, there is a strong sociological component to Stranger Things; and this component not only explains the show's popularity, its also offer insights into the mass inceldom and gender conflicts of the present age. Let us begin: 

  • The show is set in the early 1980s, when a strong and well-defined youth culture prevailed. The 80s had immensely powerful and lucrative youth cultures with magazines and music aimed exclusively at the young. This culture continued into the 90s but was effectively dead by the end of that decade. Obviously, the decultured and drifting modern Zoomer is going to find this vibrant youth culture incredibly novel and  inspiring in relation to his own isolated, vacuous life. 
  • The 80s was the last decade with powerful symbolic signifiers, especially those associated with youth culture. The pan-Anglosphere youth culture of that decade transcended genders, sexualities or socio-economic classes: everyone knew the same stars and underwent the same rituals (prom nights, concerts, movies, TV and radio shows). These shared, global signifiers made it relatively easier for members of Generation X to relate to each other across barriers of class and (especially) gender. My suspicion is that this facilitated broader friendship groups and in turn, more opportunities for relationship formation. Gender relations are quite different today, where most girls are TikTok mini-celebrities while most males are sexually marginalised pariahs
  • The absence of modern social media plus the media monoculture of that time made the 80s the last decade with instantly recognisable global superstars. Music generated by organic, coherent youth cultures makes a powerful and vivid soundtrack for Stranger Things.
  • The 1980s was the last Cold War decade, which empowered rebellious youth cultures by default. The threat of nuclear annihilation inevitably does great things for youthful rebellion; by contrast, branded consumerism and social media promote youthful conformity
  • The absence of social media or mobile devices permits normal interactions between the characters in Stranger Things. Again, such real interactions appeal strongly to 'tech-alienated' Millennials and Zoomers.
  • Stranger Things cleverly hides 80s problems like endemic racism, presenting a sanitised and appealing view of the decade. The 80s were not flawless, by any means; but Millennials and Zoomers do not need to know that to appreciate the show.
  • Chronological proximity: in simple terms, the 80s are close enough to the present for modern youth to appreciate them. The 80s had video games (albeit in arcades), an emergent black middle class and a vocal LBTG movement. The overtly sexist and racist Boomer culture of the 50s, 60s and 70s is now too culturally remote (and offensive) for modern audiences. The 80s hits the 'sweet spot' in terms of cultural proximity as no other decade can.

So there were have it: the appeal of Stranger Things to people who were not even born when most of its cultural icons were stalking the lands. Unfortunately, cultural time only moves one way; so the dynamic youth culture that defined the 80s is gone forever, never to return. Its memes will persist as nostalgia only, while the Anglosphere hobbles onward into mass inceldom and overt gender-conflict.


  1. I agree, the eighties hits the sweet spot of near-remoteness while also having elements of the current woke culture. That is why Stranger Things is disarming. Pursuant to the current zeitgeist anything non-pc can be retroactively painted with an even blacker brush on the show, but as you said, many inconvenient truths are simply being swept under the rug and written out of the script if it doesn't fit the simplistic narrative structure!
    The creators of Stranger Things are well-to-do Xers and boomers who may have grown up or lived in some version of 1980s suburbia. Their wealthy background informs the creation of Stranger Things, turning the storylines and sets into an idealized vision of their past. Hollywood, just like Madison Avenue is not the purview of average kids of working or lower middle classes, whom did not grow up in a comfortable bubble of high-income (mostly white) suburbia with good parents, an intact normal youth culture and well-adjusted social lives. These American enclaves, superzips and gated communities are echo chambers of reinforcement to the sealed world of an elite. It's a comfortable cozy world at the top and they project this idealized delusion onto the masses, some of whom naively think it may have existed for the average person.
    The child actors who portray the characters in this show are also the daughters and sons of well-to-do Hollywood insiders and other monied elites. I pray the show is the last dying gasp of a collapsing order. Is not at least the time of mass naivety long past?

  2. It's truly amazing how there is no true common culture anymore. In a way, it's a massively good thing. The entire edifice built in dc, nyc and la/sf since fdr should be toppled.

    The administrative state or deep state and its appendages in media and tech should be scattered. The more decentralized the less power. If people would learn that influences, celebrities, politicians and bureaucrats hate them and exploit them, the less people would be willing to give their time and energy. If the focus was on the immediate lives instead of the frivolous make believe than improvement would gradually come. Instead, if you aren't some asshole celebrity, they just binge porn, streaming or fentanyl. A common culture based on fiction in todays sense of the word won't save you. If you must start, start in your home, on your street, your town and if you can handle that, maybe you have brains to mov3 beyond instead of posting on free streaming and hoping for something from assholes in NYC or sf.

    1. have some hot chocolate!!!!

  3. Nobody is having good sex in the Anglosphere. Women are joyless and unpleasant. Good sex is essential to self-care...for both men and women. Hence so many people are miserable in the Anglosphere.

    1. Agreed.

      This has been happening in the Anglosphere for a very long time. The last 20 years has only made this fact more obvious to even more people due to the Internet and the spread of social media.

    2. Some great commentary there. One notable thing about US 80s youth culture was how it systematically excluded dissenting voices. The prevailing 'everyone is having sex all day' narrative was maintained with Stalinist intensity, amidst all the rhetoric about 'revolution' and 'defiance'. There is a sociological theory that the American youth monoculture of those times was really an advertisement for consumer capitalism, which is why it began to decline once the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989: once that happened, there was simply no need to promote consumer capitalism - it had 'won' the Cold War.

      It occurs to me that modern media is desperately trying to resurrect that 80s 'monoculture' for exactly the same purpose: to suppress the Black, Red and Crimson Pilled culture that has arisen since its decline. The mass media know perfectly well that their own survival depends on crushing the potent online counterculture we have created on the Internet, while the pan-Anglosphere political authorities see us as a major threat to social stability. These people aren't stupid: they know full well that our statistics about mass inceldom across the Anglosphere must be suppressed at all costs; as must the fact that gender-relations have broken down irretrievably. What better way to achieve that than by reasserting the 80's youth monoculture that worked so effectively for so long?

  4. Excellent post, Rookh. It's really informative and an eye opener.

    However, youth culture in the Anglosphere in the later portion of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century has always been segregated along gender lines. One good example is the heavy metal music genres of thrash metal and glam metal with the thrash metal side being dominated by male fans while the glam metal scene had a very large female fan base.

    As a MGTOW man who was born in the early 1980s and was a teenager in the mid/late 1990s who listened to heavy metal and hard rock music at that period of time (and still listening to this music in 2022), I witnessed there was a strong element of segregation of the genders on what music they listened to. The majority of the teenage girls in the 1990s loved to listen to pop music acts (especially female artists and music groups e.g. the Spice Girls) while the majority of teenage boys listened to their own chosen music genre.

    What made it more obvious was that in the different music genres the teenage boys of the 1990s listened was the complete lack of girls or female fans and the majority of teenage girls were turned off by the kind of music the teenage boys listened to.

    P.S. If you watched Stanger Things, you would've hears of the character of Eddie Munson. Eddie was a hard-core metalhead and it put him at odds with the other characters in the show, especially in the following scene when one of the female characters was disgusted by Eddie's choice in music to the point that Eddie said "this is music!" while holding up a copy of Iron Maiden's Piece of Mind...

    1. uh, oh, looks like this blog just got visited by the tragic mulatoe Stonah Wit A Bonah...

      He is like a rat infestation, once he visits, your blog will soon be gone. Just look what happened to dissension.wordpress and the great OMVR blog !!!

      Luv P Ray

    2. This blog has lasted for over a decade and continues to set all standards for the Manosphere.

    3. I think the 90s were a somewhat different animal to the 80s, in that the youth monoculture of the 80s was sustained by the Cold War (see my comment above) and the absence of an Internet; while 90s youth culture expressed the fragmentation associated with those political and technical changes. The Tower Records documentary 'All Things Must Pass' says that the music business began to decline in the mid-90s, for pretty much those reasons. The massively successful (and admittedly brilliant) John Hughes films of the 1980s all extolled the virtues of a youth monoculture that transcended distinctions of gender or socio-economic class; yet Hughes' career flopped in the early 90s, because the cultural Zeitgeist had simply moved on. Hughes films like The Breakfast Club seem both alien yet alluring to modern Zoomers because they express a communal, monocultural ideal which they have never experienced. One thing you will note is that Hughes' films are incredibly 'white'; no ethnics anywhere. The producers of Stranger Things were careful not to incorporate the informal racism implicit in 80s youth culture, because modern Zoomers would find it disconcerting. ST is necessarily a sanitised simulation of 80s youth culture, not the real thing.

    4. my findings agree with the take on strict sex segregation in metal and other genres back then, unto the present day. Are any girls into dungeon synth? I doubt it. The homosociality and seperation of the youth by sex and arbitrary school "grades" and everything else is well documented by Rookh. Meanwhile crusty senile boomers will boast about going to the whatever concert with stacey. The only comfort is their imminent demise.

    5. Rookh,

      Have you by any chance seen Beavis and Butthead Do The Universe and the new Beavis and Butthead series on Paramount+? My advice to you is watch it immediately.

      Beavis and Butthead really tear apart 2022 in their commentary of music videos, reality TV shows and YouTube videos as well as in their interactions with other people.

    6. I liked the original B & B, it was a healthy antidote to Boomer drivel (as was South Park). I will give the new series a shot.

  5. If this goy is an incel, we are all fuct !!!

    I mean, no-homo but that dude is seriously hawt. (okay, if i am being honest i tabled a bit and would dabble more for this !!!)

    What do you think Rohk?

    Luv P Ray

  6. rooks,
    check this out !!!


  8. we (may) be able to get him in trouble with #2

  9. why are my posts being cancelled, what did I ever do to you mr. rohk?

    Love P_Ray

  10. It was the historical norm actually for large numbers of people to remain unmarried even back in the middle ages in Europe:

    "By 1650, when village reconstitution studies become sufficiently numerous to render the generality of the pattern indubitable, the average age of women at first marriage was twenty-four or over, 7 to 20 per cent of women never married, and the incidence of childbirth out of wedlock was below 3 per cent. This marital pattern restricted fertility massively. A very considerable minority of women remained single and bore no children; those who married bore none for the first ten years of their fecund life-phase, on average. If they had their last child at the age of forty, their entire reproductive careers would span roughly fifteen years, a long time by modern standards but remarkably brief in a pre-transition context. Resulting fertility was less than half the rate that would have been achieved if all women between fifteen and fifty were married. (Seccombe, 1992, p. 184)"

    1. 1650 is not the middle ages. I'd wonder what the pattern was in the 1200s? Generally the middle ages are considered to have ended with the age of great sea Voyages of Exploration, The Protestant Reformation, and the Renaissance. This era itself was coming to an end around 1650 when the 30 Years War ended, Cromwell was about to die and the Crown Restored, and Newton was born. There was a drastic difference between 1600 and 1700. In 1600 you could be burned at the stake for doubting Christianity, by 1700 while it would not be popular, you could write an Enlightenment tome purporting a naturalistic operation of the cosmos.

      Marlowe and some other avant garde writers had a "Hellfire Club" in the 1590s mocking religion. When word got out they all got hauled in for questioning and had to deny everything and claim it was all just theatrics. This is probably where they got the "Hellfire Club" idea from on Stranger Things. The "Eddie Munson" character was inspired by the case of the West Memphis Three. Three Heavy Metal high school kids that a bunch of quack, inexperienced, small town cops in over their heads with a murder investigation decided must have been the killers in a "Satanic Ritual" during the Satanic Panic of the 80s and early 90s. HBO covered the whole case and bogus trial with the documentary "Paradise Lost" There was zero evidence, and the kids lived 6 miles away at a trailer park and didn't have drivers licenses. The only evidence was the fact the kid had read Alister Crowley and had Heavy Metal records. An experienced homicide investigator would obviously have assumed an adult perp. but these small town quacks saw hoof prints and thought zebras instead of horses.

  11. Female Toronto teachers are allowed to wear their birthday suit in class, because it’s gender expression

  12. Toronto is a feminist shithole. Trying to leave right now. It’s dire for young men.

    1. if you can't beat 'em, join em!!!

  13. Before Youth Culture. Teens in the past went straight into Adult culture.

    1. and nowadays there is no proper culture in the Anglosphere at all!

  14. Have ricecels had enough? The situation with the sex imbalance in China doesn't get talked about as much.

    1. China is still nominally socialist so Blue-Pilled reality-denial is still pretty much the norm there. They doubtless believe 'education' and admonition can corral ingrained human biological instincts and that millions of male ricecels will accept their sexless lives without demur.

      Just as deluded as Western Boomers, all things considered.

    2. As intriguing as traditional Chinese culture, philosophy and medicine seem to my Western perspective, I have no doubt that the Chinese boomer and pre-boomer is every bit as irritating as his Western counterpart.

  15. Hot Damn !!!

    These trannies get better and better every day !!!

    What are you goys doing boning women born women ???

    Luv _P_Ray

  16. Rohk,

    What do you think of this?



    Hot Stuff !!!

  19. nom nom nom

    1. that's really gross, this one is better !!!

  20. Roohkie pookie, the jewfags took down my site. eradica.wordpress!!!!


  22. Canada is rife with lesbians and feminists. Why did I ever migrate to Toronto? It's a living hell. There appears to be bad luck happening every time I get a tiny chance to leave the country.

    1. If you read the Bible, you would've realized that any city which promotes Gay Pride, Slut Walks and Dyke Marches will be modern day versions of Sodom and Gomorrah. Many men like yourself are trapped in that hellhole and God will judge you for making that unwise decision.

  23. Chinaman went on stabbing spree in Toronto subway. One Toronto millennial/gen z feminist dead, another millennial/gen z feminist injured.

    1. sum times you gotta play sum golf instead!!!

  24. Loll!!!

    witch one are you?

  25. Are Toronto women on a strike against men? Why did this young man get sexually frustrated when in his home country, he would already have a wife, even if it's a gordita he would get pussy and a blowjob

    Why is Toronto hell for young men who are not rich or a political elite?

    1. a hot lady for you and rookie!!!

    2. Funny enough, that old lady has a tighter pvssy than many younger ladies these days.

  26. and then theirs my mangina!!!

  27. suck on this tnasgina!!!

  28. hear I am!

    Lick it biches!!!!

  29. Roohk Ksahtryia

    1. essential Mra video

  30. if I could do this, I wood never leave the house!!!

  31. Happy New years you filthy mysogynists. I hope 2023 is as sex starved a year as 2022. Feminism got me laid, what has your bitterness done for you.

    Who says feminists don't cook, I made you a hot fudge sunday:

    1. you are sooo hawt!

      give me some hot fudge!

  32. Canadian women are allowed to be naked with toddlers and children, including female teachers.

    1. for posteriors, er posterity...

  33. btw, I bet santa put coal in your jewfag stocking!

  34. There are teachers in the Canada who believe that they are above God.

    They used to force Kindergarten students into rimming the teacher's fart hole and then when the children grow up and realize that something's not right, the teacher tells police how she feels harassed by that former student.

    Canadian schools are feminist-pedophile paradises.

    1. It's because the New World Order is the feminist's anus. The children are forced to worship the female teacher's anus under feminism.
      Don't worry because Russia will reset the global economy and population. The Satanists in your school will not enter the Kingdom of God.

    2. Osculum infame is the name of a witch's supposed ritual greeting upon meeting with the Devil. The name means the 'shameful kiss' or 'kiss of shame', since it involved kissing the devil's anus, his "other" mouth. According to folklore, it was this kiss that allowed the Devil to seduce women.

      Those feminazi teachers in Canada are Satanic for real dawg. The police must be Freemasons too if they let the teacher force her underage students to kiss her asshole in the classroom. Satanism in full force with the LGBTQ agenda.

    3. Heard that Dr. Jordan Peterson is being compelled to attend a mandatory social media retraining because he criticized the Prime Minister of Canada. So if you don't worship Justin Trudeau's asshole, your in deep shit too.

  35. 😂 looks like this P Ray weirdo is a published author

    1. this is what pua has encouraged, trannymaxxing.

    2. I own it jewfag!!!

      enjoy being incel!!!

  36. In Toronto, if you don't submit to the feminist teacher's pooper, you become a marked individual. The feminist teacher and the TPS record you in their records, and you will end up getting bad luck, being surveilled, harassed and stalked by random paid antagonizers to get you institutionalized.
    There is something about the feminist hating on grown men, yet forcing pupils to submit to the feminist teacher poopers which is very evil of Canadian feminists.

    1. Pickup artists like Roosh V, Mystery and Aaron Clarey complain that Canadian women tend to be more prudish than American women, but your comment takes the cake.
      Grown men can't get dates in Toronto with the fefails, yet the little kids are rimming their teacher's anus in her class? Clown world.

    2. Ironically, a male teacher can be accused of inappropriate touching for accidentally touching the bra strap of a female student wearing a tank top during the early summer weather.
      The wokeness has gone too extreme up in Canada.
      Makes me wonder if feminists are pedophiles.

    3. What's with female teachers in Canada telling their students to lick their fart boxes?

    4. How many students rimmed that teacher's asshole? Why did she still get to keep her job, when men lose their jobs for far less misconduct in the workplace?
      Canada is a feminist shit country. They probably had to discipline the teacher because she asked the wrong student to rim her ass hole. If the teacher was teaching Kindergarten, the teacher's union would protect her.

  37. you manginas!!!
    send me some money so I can start trannymaxing!!!

  38. So basically feminism in Canada is about worshipping the female teacher's asshole? Sounds like Satanic ritual abuse.

    1. Many men can't get dates in Toronto, yet the JK and SK students are being told to lick the teacher's anus while she is on all fours.
      They don't want the children to complain, so they try as much as they can to shuffle the staff or students so that they will just forget the episode.
      The teacher who tried to force a student to "lick her where she farts" did a grave mistake by asking older students who know right from wrong.
      The female teachers in Toronto who force kids to toss their salads go for more younger students.
      Many female teachers in Toronto have had their anuses licked by their students in class. They know that kindergarteners don't do STI screening, so it's not easy to detect child abuse in the classroom.
      A female teacher from Toronto once joked on a leaked video that after she took a dump, she got a few of her students to lick her doodoo from her anus. She was laughing when she told the camera that they said it tasted like mud and dirty grass.
      The police threatened the websites to take down the video unfortunately.
      Canadian feminists are sick in the head.
      A MGTOW from Europe

    2. how to fight feminism!

  39. Guys, don't be disappointed for the Lord will tell God to send fire and brimstone on the feminist havens.

    You DO NOT have to submit to the feminist teacher's anus hole. That will lead you to HELL.

    Children can repent for licking their teacher's anus while she was in the classroom, but REPENT NOW.

    The female teacher's anus IS NOT THE WAY OF GOD.

    1. Amen. For her anus is showing to the young ones, she leadeth into temptation in the school of immorality.
      The female teacher cries "misogyny" when the young ones refuse to consume the fecal matter from her anus.
      God asked Adam about Canada, and Adam replied that the female teacher is naked with children.

    2. "licl me where i fart!" Is this gross and obese creature Roseanne Bare and all her cellulite!!!!

    3. P Ray, defaming the anus of Mrs. Jennifer Elizabeth Green-Johnson is considered a criminal offense in Canada. Men have to respect her anus no matter who licks it.

    4. Either submit to the law of God, or fear a feminist police force which protect and serve the reputation of a feminist teacher's dirty body part.
      Fear the day of the Lord and fear God. Don't be afraid of a feminist police force. God rewards those who fear him with eternal heaven.
      Why should you fear feminist persecution because a female teacher is offended that someone said something about her anus?

    5. you whiney jewfag!!!

      suck it!!!

  40. The arrested guy has almost a full head of hair, is a young white man and yet he went berserk against a Toronto female?
    Is Toronto that bad for young men?

    1. Another attack in Toronto. Men are living like frogs in a slow boil crockpot:

  41. "P Ray, defaming the anus of Mrs. Jennifer Elizabeth Green-Johnson is considered a criminal offense in Canada."

    But when feminists LIE about men on social media to vilify their character, it's viewed as empowerment, right?!

    Canada is such a shitshow because of Trudeau Sunny Ways. When that lesbo Wynne was premier the man-hating was going up by exponents.
    Do the cops got anything better to do than to defend the reputation of a female teacher's exit hole from her digestive system?

    1. Toronto Public transit is becoming unsafe. Every day this month someone is assaulted, stabbed or murdered in the TTC.
      But the Toronto Police would rather protect a female teacher's asshole than to deal with real crime innit?

    2. The anus is the point of exit for the body’s waste disposal system, with all the attributes of decay, including a wealth of bacteria and foul odor.

      It’s a complete farce, typical of Satan.

      You got to get out of Toronto man. The police are there to protect the Satanic feminist teachers.
      Your kids will be forced to toss the teacher's salad whether you approve of it or not.

    3. some sexXxines to clean your palate!!!!

  42. I was born in 1981 and moved to Toronto in 2003.
    Toronto had a 90s rave party atmosphere until the late 2000s.
    It was after the Great Recession that feminism started to emerge and anti-male laws were being enacted while at the same time, the clubs were being shut down to build condos.
    Now Toronto is only reserved for those with deep pockets and the average man is left to suffer.
    I'm glad that I left Toronto. I have no regrets. I regretted staying there from 2012-2019. Those were the worst years for a single man there.

    1. sometimes all you can do is sit back and let it flow!!!

    2. You retard. That link you shared is a man jerking off and ejaculating.

  43. oh lala, this is so hawt, I could dress up like a woman and get sum!!!!

    If only you pathetic inches were passable like me, you could do the same!

    Oprress those who pee standing up, yah feminism!!!!

  44. Hot Damn!!!

    These traps get more and more passable each day!!!!

  45. All Hayl the white woman!!!!

    Visit my blog: radix journal dot com

    (But don't visit if you are a sand nigger like Rookh or a jew fag!!!)




  48. Hey guys, DO NOT lick the female teacher's anus inside the classroom. Fuck what the Toronto Police thinks of you. FEAR JESUS CHRIST AND GOD.
    The female teacher's anus IS NOT HOLY. IT IS FILTHY.
    Fuck Toronto Police. Female teachers are not GOD.


    2. I've been trying to find blogs for Toronto men but they are either dormant or have been mysteriously shut down or removed.
      I hope that this blogger can make a recluse for affected Toronto men.
      Toronto is a feminist utopia and a capitalist dystopia for men. Men have to work like worker bees while the majority of Toronto women get freebies or make money from tricking.
      And you can't even criticize feminists in Toronto. No wonder the TPS are using their billion-dollar budget to read online posts and go after men who offend where female teacher farts and poop. Toronto is definitely fart and shit for men. No wonder Toronto forced AM to do what he had to do. Toronto is a living hell for men who are not the elites.

    3. Hi it's Jenna from the UHN in Toronto. I help persons dealing with mental health crises get the support and treatment that they need.
      I have reason to believe that you may be at risk of harming yourself or other individuals. It is imperative that you contact your nearest Emergency Room and complete an intake form. Your misogynistic undertones have been found to be very disturbing.

  49. Why would I surrender myself to Toronto medical agents for telling people to fear the Lord Jesus Christ?
    I'm glad that female teachers in Toronto FEAR my posts because they shouldn't be forcing little kids to lick the teacher's anus in class. It's sickening, disgusting and pedophilia.

    1. just take a look at the see you next tuesday in this video...

      maybe it' that jenna who harassed you above!!!


    Tiffany Miller is a sexual harasser!

    Google/gulag can't handle the truth, I bet they take this comment down!!!

  51. So Toronto has an incel problem, yet kindigardeners are forced to toss the female teacher's salad in class?
    What a twisted, upside down world we live in. Why is refusing to allow a female teacher to let an endless number of kids to lick her arsehole tantamount to heresy and blasphemy?
    Is blasphemy of a female teacher's arsehole in Canada a crime? I thought that organized religion was bad, but refusing to bow down to a female teacher's shyt hole?

    1. I couldn't help but notice that the female teachers being defended by the Toronto bureaucrats are mainly white and middle-class women.
      It shows that Canada has subliminal racism where they believe that whatever comes out of the white woman's vagina or anus is sacred.
      That's why this blog is being monitored and Toronto men are being silently kidnapped into psychiatric wards to either seek re-education to worship the female teacher's anus, or die in the ward.

  52. Hold up---Posting that a female teacher poops and it smells is a crime in Toronto?!
    Why does the teacher find it funny that she takes stinky poops and forces her students to lick it and describe the taste. A teacher like that is a pedophile.

    1. you tranny chaser, you

  53. Feminism is Baal worship and Satanism.
    Those young tots in Toronto are being initiated into the Masonic society as victims.
    Exactly why the TorontoPolice takes the side of the female teacher who forces her students to toss her salad in the classroom. Masonic and Satanic elements.

    1. Canada worships the doo doo of Canadian women. America should have let China sent more UFOs and balloons on Canadian soil. Let the Canadian woman's anus and poo poo fight war with China.

  54. I have a question:

    I believe the anglobitch thesis is accurate and anglo culture is the cause for the corruption of women and hatred against men.

    However, it makes me wonder, how is that anglos have not vanished from this earth due to low birthrate?

    How do they even keep their population up? Even today, England is the most populous country in the British isles and by far.

    My logic tells me that anglos should have dissapeared long ago as a people/race, but they were able to populate their colonies in Australia and Canada.

    1. It takes generations for the population to show a population decline due to longer lifespans.
      Australia, Canada and the UK are doing mass immigration to keep their numbers up.

    2. Most white people in the US are not of Anglo descent, despite WASPs being the original white immigrant group (now just 8.7%). The ancestry of modern white Americans is mostly German (15.2%), Irish (10.8%) and so on. People of German descent are the largest white group among modern Americans, having long since replaced WASPs in that position. Clearly Anglos in America have not exactly flourished, strongly confirming the Anglobitch Thesis. Many white people in Australia are also of German descent, not to mention Scots and Irish.

      As the other commentator says, mass immigration is now essential for the UK or Canada to keep their economies functioning. The UK is full of old people in need of care, because the white Anglo birthrate is way below replacement level and has been for some time. Little wonder, with sex-negative misandist Anglo feminism stalking the land.

  55. Toronto feminist gets slashed in the face for Karensplaining in the TTC:

    1. Looks like the TTC is definitely where the action is. What exactly is 'puffy' hair?
