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Friday 11 February 2022

Old Maps and New Territories: Why is the Anglosphere stuck in 1958 on the Verge of 2022?

The 1950s ideal looks good; but don't rely on it

On the eve of 2022, it moves us to ask this urgent question: why are so many men still using outmoded information to navigate gender relations? Although most Anglocunts are either chasing tattooed thugs or angling for some Blue-Pilled beta to marry before running into the Wall, most Anglo-American males still worship them as secular deities


The hideous reality of the 21 century Anglobitch 

Answering this question necessarily involves addressing the whole of Anglo-American culture, of which gender-relations form but a small part. Such a timely appraisal will reveal that the same outmoded values govern politics, the media and law: a temporal false consciousness strongly akin to Sexual False Consciousness, which I will here call ‘1958 False Consciousness’. The ridiculous 'War on Drugs' is a good example, despite law enforcement knowing it to be a costly and abject failure.

There is more. In the Anglosphere, the most urgent issues are ignored while politicians and the media fixate on issues that are decades out of date (or just completely irrelevant, like 'trafficking'). While I do not rate Bernie Sanders’ policies, he deserves great credit for pointing out that most poor Americans do not vote at all. No mainstream American politician discussed this ‘elephant in the room’ until he did. In fact, Anglo-American politics itself is a ludicrous relic: electoral colleges, ballot boxes, wooden rhetoric and doddering politicians still fighting the Cold War. Meanwhile, the real issues - including mass male sexual disenfranchisement, institutional misandry, male suicide rates and the declining value of college education - are completely sidelined. In sum, the prevailing wisdom on most things in the Anglosphere is old and outmoded, if not completely useless.

On the cusp of 2022, we need to know how and why this ridiculous situation arose. Here are a few suggestions:

Boomer Domination of Mainstream Culture

The Boomer domination of mainstream media, politics and the cultural life is beginning to decline as they die off, yet remains a powerful force. For example, the Boomer assumption that attending college automatically confers 'middle class' status still governs mainstream discourse. Boomer assumptions still govern gender-relations, too; the lame Tradcuck canards that snotty Anglocunts are ‘oppressed’ or attracted to physics professors being good examples. Supposedly 'cutting-edge' commentators like Aaron Cleary and Jordan Peterson are essentially Tradcuck Boomers, in all but name. Peterson’s views are worthless to sub-8 men in the 21st century, yet he enjoys vast popularity as a ‘revolutionary’ thinker. Meanwhile, LMS and myself are marginalised figures even within the manosphere.

It is fair to say that the Manosphere arose to fill the vacuum between the reality of life for sub-8 men and the Blue-Pilled Boomer rhetoric that still dominates films, TV shows and pop music. Indeed, the Anglosphere’s strident ‘All women are victims!’ agenda is a fifties relic; given that they are now shown preferential treatment in every sphere of life.

The Boomer garbage we were raised with

Legacy Puritanism

Some of the Anglo-American aversion to reality arises from legacy puritanism and its reflexive tendency to suppress ‘unpleasant’ features of human nature; hence the hysterical and dysfunctional 'zero tolerance' policies concerning drugs and prostitution in the USA. By contrast, the Hispanic world is comfortable with both diversions. Similarly, the Anglo authorities would rather dismiss the issue of mass male sexlessness than accept the 'unpleasant' reality of human sexual needs. Unfortunately for them, reality cannot be banished indefinitely.

Legitimate Nostalgia

The post-war era, especially the period from 1958 to 1975, was an anomaly in economic terms. Because of its relative peace, prosperity and cultural significance, it has become a permanent lifestyle template for the Anglosphere (and indeed, the West in general). This is why the post-war era continues to ‘haunt’ the Anglosphere as an ideal, preventing rational appraisal of the present in many different spheres: education, law enforcement, politics and (above all) gender relations. Putting it bluntly, many people find wallowing in a half-mythical past far preferable to confronting (or even acknowledging) urgent contemporary problems. 

Anglosphere Atomisation: Social Isolation, Homosociality, Generationalism, Racism and Class Distinction

Because of its distinctive colonial history, laissez faire economics and ingrained homosociality, different classes, races, generations and sexes share few common experiences in the Anglosphere countries. Clearly, this conflicted situation will never promote objective appraisal of reality; consider how upper-middle class white Boomer politicians remain stuck in the 1950s, completely unaware of anyone else or their experiences. Similarly, homosocial academic feminists harbour distorted views about non-white or sub-8 men as 'privileged', since they never meet any. The Anglosphere's black urban underclass lives in an insular world of rap music, bogus aspirations and drive-by shootings, as if nothing else existed. Such atomised societies can never develop common arenas of discourse, the true engines of socio-cultural development. Inevitably, this results in a kind of existential inertia with no capacity to adapt or improve.

Conclusion: How Using the Right Map Confers Success

Rampant Blue Knights = Blue Balled Losers and Fantasists

For all the reasons outlined above (and doubtless many more), Anglo-American civilisation is trapped in a prison of outmoded information. As individuals, Anglo-American men are also applying outmoded information to their own lives; in sum, trying to navigate the twenty-first century with social and mental maps from the mid-twentieth century. This is potentially disastrous, given the reflexive misandry of the modern Anglosphere; a good analogy would be a modern traveller using a map of the Roman Empire to navigate around Europe and North Africa.

So here is the great lesson of this timely post: the Blue Pill in all its forms is a redundant map that no longer reflects reality. This is why those who follow it are invariably failures: Incel Tears are sexless Simps in denial; Blue Knights are blue-balled losers trapped in the cloying fog of Sexual False Consciousness; and PUAs are regularly fined (or arrested) for 'sexual harassment' (the feminist legal term for 'cold approach'). In sum, these Blue and Red Pilled clowns are trying to navigate the 21st century with maps drawn in 1958-1975: surely the road to nowhere, if ever there was one.

However, the converse must also be true: if the Black and Crimson Pills are accurate maps of reality, surely they ought to confer success instead of failure?

As John Smith says, the Crimson-Pilled man is primed to maximise his situation: he improves what he can while accepting his unchangeable limitations. After all, a sub-8 male kidding himself that 'looks or ethnicity don't matter' is on the royal road to failure. However, if he focuses on careers based on brain power and diligence alone (computing, engineering, finance, medicine) his life-chances improve exponentially. Similarly, a sub-8 male in misandrist North America should not waste his time pursuing hyper-hypergamous, racist Anglo women; far better to relocate to regions where gender-relations are more congenial (Latin America, Western Europe, Scandinavia, South East Asia).

In sum, the Crimson-Pill's skilful balance of self-improvement and objectivity guarantees personal success, within viable limits. In the 21st century, use a 21st century map; while the 1958 map looks nice, it no longer delivers.

Happy 2022!

If you look like this, try not rely too much on your 'personality'


  1. May God help us move past this boomer nonsense in the new year!
    Interesting take on Bernie Sanders. While I also disagree with his policies I never disliked Bernie to the same degree as other politicians, due perhaps to his somewhat spergy manner...he seems more like a slightly eccentric Jewish grandfather than a typical pol, but make no mistake, Sanders is a dyed-in-the-wool boomer male, and as such is heavily invested in the same old-order thinking as the rest of them.
    Is the preoccupation with anti-Jew shitposting but another manifestation of Anglosphere higher-ups who dislike any other ethnicity competing? It makes less sense for a typical blue-collar schlub to mindlessly hate the Jews when the upper class Anglos, and the odd Irish-American politicians create far more grief with their backwards out-of-touch policies.

    1. Ever wonder why the anti-mask white nationalist NEVER enter retirement homes and feminist campuses?


  2. Why do so many western males use outdated information in an attempt to map and navigate modern gender relations?

    Alfred Korzybski, a linguist & philosopher, addressed the problem of "time-binding" by developing the philosophy of General Semantics, aka the study of how humans use & misuse language to transmit ideas from one generation to another.

    It is a form of linguistic programming, he argues, wherein certain cultural & behavioral patterns are predetermined by language use.

    The map is not the territory is perhaps his most famous quote, and he uses this basic-but-false linguistic equivalency between the map & the territory to illustrate how word usage forces us to confuse terms & labels with physical reality.

    For once we label women as 'the weaker sex', then it follows logically that women are the perennial victims and men, once labelled as strong & capable, must logically be considered as bullies & oppressors.

    Similarly, false sexual conscious is the logical linguistic product of a sex-obsessed culture.

    1. Very interesting. I know the philosopher Bergson said something similar. I honestly think the Anglosphere was marginally more liberated in the 60s and 70s, and we are still experiencing your 'time-binding' from that era. This is why sex seems everywhere in pop music, films and public discourse, for nowhere in reality (except for Chads and elites).


  3. You have been on an absolute tear with the articles lately. May it continue on this pace in 2022 and beyond. I can already predict an article being written about the denver mass shooter.....

    1. Denver is a hipster haven, populated by feminist-leaning landwhales who are allowed to smoke weed, while the Black man gets jail time for the same act. Liberal paradise, but not for the Blacks and bottom 80% of men.

    2. I don't see anything incel with the Denver man. Maybe a grievance with the feminist who falsely accused him and fucked up his business, but he was fighting feminism on a personal level.
      No different than a Mexican cartel getting rid of feminist snitches with flesh dissolving acid:

    3. This is a very interesting case but we have not heard much about it in the UK, at all. There are now so many mass shootings in the US that I guess it is easy to overlook one. Also, the endless youth stabbings in London tend to dominate the headlines.

    4. There is so much to write about! It is interesting how the Tradcon Boomers in the GOP are urging the doddering, incompetent Biden into a war with Russia over Ukraine; pure Cold War 1958 Boomer nonsense strong and active in the 21st Century.

      A war which young American males will called upon to fight while feminists and trannies conveniently forget their 'gender is a social construct' rhetoric and set fire to the college campuses teaching their pointless meme degrees.

    5. Rookh,

      The reason why the mainstream media in the USA focus endlessly on mass-shootings is because they support the gun control movement and agenda to the hilt. Also, the American mainstream media blow these events way out of proportion so they can push the anti-gun message.

      When it comes to media coverage of mass-shootings in the USA in other Anglosphere countries e.g. the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada; you'll find they use these events to push the anti-gun agenda too, not to mention; reinforce blind public support for the irrational and draconian gun laws in the British Commonwealth countries in question as well as to bully licenced gun owners, who are constantly threatened with more onerous bans and restrictions on firearms by the government.

    6. I'm well aware that depriving citizens of their arms is the first move made by all dictators; Stalin, Hitler and Mao being stellar examples.

      If the authorities ban guns, sexually-disenfranchised young men will just find alternative tools of retribution, anyway: bombs and knives being good examples. The real issue is sexual disenfranchisement, which post feminist governments will never acknowledge.

  4. Did you ever notice that many Canadian and American anti-racist campus feminist marry tall white men and make babies as white as snow, with blue eyes and live in gentrifying condos?

    Maybe non-white incels should write a thesis on the feminist movement in Canada.

    1. This is exactly what all sub-8 Anglosphere males need to be doing. I like their commentary but why don't they start infiltrating and subverting academia with their incisive insights? Most men who comment here are by definition high-IQ and should easily be able to join social-science programmes in North American colleges.

      In sum, the angry young lions need to step forth and start fighting, on their own account. My foundational work needs to be assimilated and surpassed, if that makes any sense. It might sound depressing but death and replacement are the eternal laws of existence.

    2. The Professors at Toronto universities refuse to answer questions from men during discussions regarding feminism. Waste of money. Plus you are forced to repay the student loans while working for more than C$25,000 a year. A ripoff.

    3. If you became a sizeable bloc in those institutions, that would have to change. There are less ideologically-weighted study areas than social science, too: law, management and psychology. These are also more remunerative.

      Even outside academia you can create your own websites, fora and societies.

    4. MGTOW advises to be a ghost in the feminist dictatorship of Toronto.
      Feminism is a state religion in Toronto backed by the elite. University involves incurring debt which men have to repay while women get a free pass thanks to Trudeau and OnlyFanz.

    5. I get all that and complete social withdrawal is certainly a viable lifestyle option, as long as it is genuine (which it isn't for most MGTOWs, who obsess over women all day).

      However, not everyone can cope with total withdrawal and besides, men were not made for defeat.

    6. In any case, the oppressive misandry of Toronto does not prevent you engaging in online activism, writing at length about the sub-8 ethnic male experience there, and so on.

      One thing you need to remember is how dumb and weak your opponents are; fat feminist Anglocunts with meme degrees and the ridiculous Trudeau are hardly Tamerlane's army, at the end of the day.

    7. Remember Roosh V? The Toronto Police tried to stop him from entering Canada by order of Chanty Binx minions.
      Ezra Levant interviewed him, during the "protests" and he's being targeted by the Trudeau government.

    8. He was also targeted when he visited the UK. A bunch of feminists stopped him speaking at the University of Manchester, in the north of England. Despite its progressive rhetoric, Anglo feminism promotes the sex-negative morals of the 1950s, if not the Victorian era. This is why the Anglo-American establishment loves them so much.

  5. I have noticed that far more men are red pill these days. The feminists are losing their grip on power. MGTOW was a good temporary solution but going overseas, outside the jurisdiction of the anglosphere allows men to get their needs met. Feminists such as Laura Bates will push for policies that will prevent men from going overseas but the attrition can't be stopped.

    1. Cuba Dave was charged in Costa Rica because of the Big Red feminazis in America. Meanwhile, drug cartels in Costa Rica are NEVER charged or investigated. This is because Big Red fears violence and middle class white men aren't violent enough like the drug cartels.

    2. I think Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, that would be equivalent to Foreign Secretary, when Cuba Dave was railroaded into prison. Feminism has a long reach.

    3. *Cuba Dave was charged in Costa Rica because of the Big Red feminazis in America. Meanwhile, drug cartels in Costa Rica are NEVER charged or investigated.*

      It's absolutely crazy that an American man paying for recreational sex is considered more 'dangerous' than drug dealing killers. However, this insanity amply demonstrates the gyneocratic feminism, sex-negativism and institutional misandry that dominate the US establishment.

      There could not be better proof of the Anglobitch Thesis than the case of Cuba Dave. Misandrist feminism is now the dominant socio-political factor in the US (and North America in general) and promoting its agendas is the US government's primary function.

    4. You said it yourself in that article Rookh, they had to make an example of Cuba Dave to make sure enlightened men wont follow suit. If a normal man can go to another country and have as much recreational sex and fun as he can afford, it knocks the anglo-women off their pedestal of sexual power, not something that they would like to give up willingly.

    5. Cuba Dave was a victim of a feminist agenda which wanted to destroy him and instill fear in men reaching retirement.
      Canadian men like Kim Richter was harassed by Toronto feminists while he was living in THAILAND. Police had to assure him that the false accusations at the Canadian Embassy were malicious.

    6. When feminists have to go to the lengths they did to prosecute Cuba Dave to enforce an illusion of female sexual dominance, it states the opposite. Women presume too much on a man's libido overcoming his intellect. They are gambling and think they can win every time.

    7. One more thing, Cuba Dave has his own wikipedia page. He is not going to be forgotten anytime soon. Take that Hillary!

    8. Calls to suppress the manosphere are rising in the UK:

    9. Viking Traveler just set his famous MGTOW video to private. Justin Trudeau's liberals probably threatened him.

    10. Feminists in the UK are threatened by the fact that young men who are sexually frustrated are angry? How did they think these young men would react? Do feminists ever come up with any constructive ideas?

    11. Feminism is a weird supporter of hyper-capitalism and eugenix:
      1) Policing for misogyny enforces the police state.
      2) Jailing innocent men enforces prison labour and private prisons
      3) Hiring more feminists result in more costs for companies, which affects the poor.
      4) That Canadian feminist Chanty Binx alleges that she is oppressed while wearing a Dolce & Gabbana frame.

    12. @Unknown

      All the more reason to crush those Men according to those feminists.

      Those Men must be eradicated. They won't ever be allowed to escape.

    13. But would men just end up going ER and start doing damage to the feminist cities? Why do they want to Cuba Dave everyone and force them into the Gitmo of the feminist empire?

  6. I think that trannies will replace females at the top of the gender-sexual totem pole in the near future within the Anglosphere. What this means for males remains to be seen.

  7. A man from Toronto got fired from his teaching job because a feminist teacher pulled down her panties and showed her butt hole to her Grade One students.

    Toronto Police told the man that she wasn't doing it sexually and warned him that if he took a photo and published it online he would get charged for posting obscene content and endangering children.

    The feminists at the schools and campuses are in alliance with the Toronto Police.


    I (30sF) deleted Bumble after a string of guys not replying back within the 24 hour timeframe. This is unusual as my initial text is thoughtfully written, etc. And I haven’t experienced this amount of crickets from my matches before. What is going on?!

    Covid fatigue is REAL but COME. ON.

    Men of Toronto—why you do dis :(

    Women of Toronto—do you experience crickets too??

    -Sincerely, Almost giving up

    1. Toronto woe-men they are feminists!

    2. What goes around, comes around. That is what men experience on dating apps. Could it be that women are writing to fake profiles? I would not put it past dating sites.

  9. The recent fawning over the deceased Betty White seems to be part of the Anglosphere adulation of even the most crude and crass female. I'm sure it overshadows the death of any other actor or public figure for the foreseeable future. The trope of the hooker with the heart of gold is simply not accurate to the Anglobitch. We have no admitted royalty here in America but the average girl is living the life of a mini celebrity with so many simps. When such an old and simped over female dies, the ensuing spectacle is quite telling in the media. The legacy media quickly latches on to the death of Betty White as if it's the passing of some monumental historical figure.

    1. That is a product of the pedestalisation - indeed, deification - of women that naturally occurs in sex-negative, gynocentric nations like the US.

      The Anglobitch has no heart whatsoever, whether she is a whore or not.

  10. Women here in America are constantly asking, "Where are all the good men?" Also, men are no longer approaching women in public (like they used to not too long ago).

    Guess what ladies, it's only going to get worse as more and more men are starting to avoid women like the plague. Men are either going MGTOW or they are moving overseas and leaving the Anglosphere completely.

    1. Hi James. In the North East UK, the genders now reach parity at 20 instead of 30 because so many men are leaving the country. The Anglosphere is on the road to ruin but nothing will change until it is too late, because misandrist feminism is now its official religion.

    2. Don't worry. Justin Trudeau will import millions of young men to offset the decline, and make every non-white man hated by the Alt Right, even if the non-white was born in the UK or Canada.

  11. One less man-hating feminist. Good riddance.

  12. Toronto campus feminists allege that they are for the Marxist cause, yet I've yet to see one way feminism abolishes capitalism and helps the poor.
    A poor man is DECIMATED in feminism FAR WORSE than capitalism. I can't find the right word for what 1st world feminism really is about. It's a mixture of fascism, racism and hyper-capitalism which attacks free markets like a government communist, yet enforces privatization like a conservative government.
    Toronto feminist don't want a poor or middle class man. They want the wealthy like John Tory and Drake.

    1. Misandrist sex-negative Anglo feminism is solely geared towards advancing women over men, it has no ideological convictions beyond this. That is why it is socialist in its treatment of women, fascist in its treatment of men; as long as women are exalted and men denigrated, it will use policies from all areas of the political spectrum.

    2. Right on all points, but you left out the need for totalitarianism to control men and a justice system that will always penalize men in favor of women.

  13. Toronto men are like the protesters in Khazakstan. The elites are the Bay St elite and Drake, and the useful idiots are the feminists who suck their cocks. Disenfranchised Toronto men are living in an open air igloo prison.
    Toronto woe-men suck!

  14. 6 foot man having a bad time with #Toronto woe-men, that he had to fight back against the Chanty Binx?

    1. Tronoto wimmin have declared war on men and have to take what is comin to them

    2. Toronto doesn't care for white men like myself. They pander to thugs, thuglets and lowlife men who dark triad max to impregnate countless white Toronto feminist whores.

  15. Toronto, Toronto, Toronto!

    1. Anita Sarkessian is from Toronto.
      Chanty Binx is from Toronto.
      The SlutWalk originated from Toronto.
      Toronto is a separate feminist state within Canada. The men are like the Gaza citizens in the Middle East.

    2. Toronto women become man-hating feminist teachers who discriminate against boys. When you are mistreated by a female teacher in Toronto, IT'S OVER for the rest of your life. There is no turning back. Toronto Police will arrest you if you try to complain or tell your story to a therapist.

    3. Do the authorities in Canada keep detailed records of your school career?

    4. I know one guy who was accused of criminal harassment because he was told by a therapist to confront his abuser, a female teacher from Toronto who became a Vice Principal. The police showed him the email of him telling her "hello" as "proof" of criminal harassment. The teacher might have complained when he was a minor student, decades ago. Insane.

  16. The deification of, yea, the pedestalization of the Anglobitches every defecation or act of flatulence. Onlyfans whore Stephanie Matto literally selling her farts in a jar to simps:

    peak clown world gentlemen.

    1. Those simps are the same fuckers who tell incels that paying for sex is for losers.

    2. *Those simps are the same fuckers who tell incels that paying for sex is for losers.*

      Of course, losers who pay for jars (allegedly) full of bodily gases are 'charismatic' sexual winners.

      Peak Sexual False Consciousness, gentlemen.

  17. Toronto...that is where dreams are BROKEN...There's nothing you can do...Now you're in Toronto...These cunts will suicide you, police will expire you...Male in Toronto, ronto, ronto!

    1. Did you know that rather than stopping petty crimes and going after real criminals, Toronto Police monitor websites for any "libel" against female teachers, even if the female teachers did what they did to deserve the criticism?
      Toronto women ruined my life. There is no future for me.

    2. A sub-8 immigrant will relate to that when they realize that many Toronto WOEMEN HATE sub-8 men and only want the top 1% like Mayor John Tory, Premier Doug Ford and accent-changing rapper Drake. Toronto had a massive snowstorm and hundreds of teenage and preteen girls were lining up on the streets of Bridle Path while Toronto Police were ordering photographers to leave the scene.




      In such a dire situation, death itself is surely better than existing.

    2. A few Toronto men I know, middle aged, tell me that death is liberating, but they are chickenshit to act because every time they telegraph their intent, they get forced into a hospital for months.

    3. Toronto is a joke. Heard that the Mayor of Toronto ordered to clear the bike paths that feminists and soyboys used, while the buses were stranded left, right and center.

    4. That was tried in Sweden a couple of years ago. They actually referred to it as feminist snowplowing. They got the paths taken care of before the streets, presuming more women walked and more men drove. It was a disaster. Emergency rooms filled with people with broken bones. They won't do that again. However, feminist concepts keep popping up whether they are proven failures or just hare brained.

  19. What happened to that guy who was having issues in York, I forget if that's nearby or not. Every province is a hellhole up there.

    1. The Phd candidate who was falsely accused of rape by Mandi Gray after she lured him for some "hot sex"? He probably had to work hard to pay those legal fees because Mandi Gray gave COLD sex because she was a CUNT.

    2. Cold sex... I love that term. Exactly what the Anglobitch administers to her simps, at best.

    3. Brb gonna overdose on DMT to leave this portal of hell (Canada feminazi) to enter the DMT realm for a few hours. At least I get to talk to female angels wearing Roman Empire attire. Canadian womyn hate men. Trudeau closed the exits, but opened the borders for the migrants. DMT is my escape.

  20. Mandi Gray, Chanty Binx, Steph Guthrie and Anita Sarkessian are TORONTO WOEMEN. Prime examples. Cunty, they h8 sub-8 men and are fake Marxists when it suits their agenda.
    Marc lepine predicted the future and he tried to fight back...

  21. Clown world in Canada:
    They REFUSE to disassociate a school with the name of Julie Payette, an accused workplace bully, but they REPLACED a school name of Sir John A McDonald with that of a random Squaw piece of shit feminist whore. Yes you heard me...Those fucking she-squaws are just as man-hating as the white feminist whores.

  22. York country speech pathologist rapes child, gets away on minimal charges with
    “very, very low risk for recidivism.”

    Imagine if the perp was not an Anglobitch, there would be hell to pay.

    1. I'm surprised she wasn't given a medal or a school named after her.

    2. The feminist media didn't disclose the victim's age, so I'd safely assume that the child theRAPIST sexually assaulted a pre-puberty age Kindergartner?

  23. A medical doctor posting pussy and asshole photoshopped HPV scar pics for her pediatric patients on Reddit:

    1. The "Doctor" had a genital wart which appears to have been frozen off, thus the imprint of where it was. Why aren't more men resenting modern empowered cunts?

    2. Why the fuck would a high earner resort to ethoting?
      This is the same Anglobitch who would vote for laws to target ethnic sex workers.

  24. Drake is Red Pilled, though a simp by profession (R&B rapper). Instagram model sues Drake for putting hot sauce in used condom after she tried to impregnate herself (the dream of every pre-teen and teenage girl in Toronto):

  25. You see those tall condos that MEN are building across Vancouver, Toronto, NYC, etc? There are for Chads and Stacies to live in, not you, the average man. If Putin or Xi, or the Mullah of Iran sends a nuclear missile to burn up the feminist s-holes, the problem of feminism and inceldom will be solved at last.
    These fucking Stacies want the top 1% of men: They don't want you. They despise Putin, Iran and China. The enemy of an enemy is a friend. Let China blow up the feminist s-hole of cities.

    Jesus Christ will return and wipe off the rest of Chanty Binxes and grant the remaining 80% of men salvation in heaven.
    The feminist cities are fucking hell I tell you. Fucking hell. While more and more men get #MeToo'ed, lose their jobs and end up homeless because of the Chanty Binx.

    Now you have foid doctors showing their assholes to minors on Reddit WTF. Putin, Xi or Iran please rescue us men from the feminist!

  26. Somebody should find out who the doctor is, file a complaint with her Regulatory Board, and if they don't do anything, publicly shame her.

    What is empowering about a high-earning Physician showing her pussy and the anus for 12-year-old boys on Reddit?

    1. She should be shot dead with a ball of her own shit!

  27. Don't you mean 99% of men?

    Also, even sub-4 blimps only want men in the top 1% (or 10-15%, in my reckoning). It is not just Stacies who are hyper-hypergamous.

  28. 99% of young men in Canada are incels, but a few get to beta buxx the Chanty Binxes after age 35, get divorced at 45-50 and end up homeless/ suicidal, but miraculously not homicidal enough to fight the feminist in their ivory towers and feminist campuses.

    BTW why are female doctors showing their wart infested pussies and assholes for teenagers? Future clientele?

  29. If it is any consolation, a Youtuber, Terrence Popp, observed that, for women, it is a long time between age 40 and age 80. They will find out what involuntary celibacy is. That is what they get for burning through all the men in their age group.

    1. Why is the female doctor taking pics of her anus and pussy for 12-year-olds on Reddit? How can we find out who she is to complain to her Medical Board?

    2. Because of their tee-hee narcissism and histrionic need for attention, women find the slog of medical school especially punishing. They subsequently consider 'acting out' their suppressed histrionic fantasies 'just reward' for the long years denying their debased nature.

    3. How many men, who have become destitute, would have been Medical Doctors, but we have this WHORE taking a man's job and relying on prostitution and ethottery by posting pics of her wart-infested pussy for minors on Reddit.
      I wouldn't be surprised if a parent shot at her.

  30. We are living in the End Times where sub-8 men are no longer needed, except to pay taxes to fund the feminist empire.

  31. This comment section is truly great. I appreciate all the comments on Toronto even though I am trying to keep an eye on the big picture. That Canadian hellhole is certainly a good microcosm of the west. But now we have forces massing at the border of Ukraine. I wonder how much of the hullabaloo over the Ukraine situation is weak Anglosimps trying to project power in a decaying empire. How can Brandon authorize another international escapade while we are still stinging from the defeat in Afghanistan? And as always, why would American men go to war in Ukraine or any other place when their own culture hates them and their women reject them?

    1. It is interesting the way world events are 'lining up' to test the Anglosphere's reflexive commitment to misandrist feminism (which is now its prevailing philosophy). Quite how the Anglosphere West is going to offer resistance now huge percentages of its male populations are profoundly alienated by decades of ostracism, remains to be seen. The laughable retreat from Afghanistan also needs to be seen in this context.

      Putin is no one's fool. I suspect he knows full well that abysmal gender-relations plus mass male alienation are the West's 'Achilles Heel', perhaps from the Manosphere itself. With the drooling and vacillating Brandon 'in charge', he can sense his moment has come.

    2. I do hope that it comes to nothing. What I fear is that Ukraine is an elaborate feint for the Chinese to take Taiwan.
      As for Ukraine, what do the have that we don't? Women who will be decent wives to average men. Feminists just can't stand that.

      I did have a stray thought. Given all the wars in human history, men have been pretty well culled. At the same time, there has been no evolutionary pressure on women. How did they end up at the top of the heap?

    3. *I did have a stray thought. Given all the wars in human history, men have been pretty well culled. At the same time, there has been no evolutionary pressure on women. How did they end up at the top of the heap?*

      Two reasons:

      1. Contraception, which allows them to wield sex as a weapon without reproductive outcomes.
      2. Male agency. Elite males have a vested interest in oppressing sub-8 males and exalting women, namely recreational sex. This is why feminism is pretty much the default upper middle class outlook in the West, especially the Anglosphere West.

      Without these two enabling factors, women would be nothing.

  32. Russia is being attacked by the Anglosphere as it represents a counter to Anglobitch delusions, but Russia is not exactly a friend to men-consider the higher mortality of the male population in that country according to available statistics. Putin has control of Russia in arguably a gangsterish way, especially according to pussywhipped western sensibilities. However the CIA and State Department gangsters are every bit as ruthless and more concealed in their methods of geopolitical reprisal compared to a more straightforward thuggish Russian politician.
    There may be no "good guy" in this situation. I note many alt-right types (who still covertly worship and pedestalize the Anglobitch) seem to bizarrely hold up Russia as the "good guy" and the great white saviour, which I find hard to believe. It's possible that all sides are rotten and a third way is advisable, especially for men who simply want to find greener pastures...and hope on distant shores!

  33. Absolutely right about alt-righters still worshipping the Anglobitch. Most of them are as bad as Anglo tradcons, in fact. Right too about Russia: most men are treated like disposable trash in that land, largely thanks to its religious fixations and primitive, brutalised worldview. Unlike the Anglosphere, where women have squared rights with privileges, Russian women seem to wield little power though. And it will be fun to see the Angloshere nations trying to fight with trannies/feminists/alienated male populations, if it comes to that.

    The door to distant shores is always open, even in the midst of chaos.

  34. Is the trucker convoy protest having any effect in Toronto? Could this be a manifestation of men pushing back in Canada? I heard its mostly in Ottawa and Trudeau has fled in fear and defeat.

    1. Go to Rebel News on Youtube. A lot has happened since 30 January. At the time of this writing, it is in the verge of turning ugly.

  35. My sense is the Anglosphere cannot enforce its myriad draconian policies and restrictions at home or abroad, because the masses have grown sick of the bullshit while the structure is collapsing internally.

  36. I'd love to see you expand your knowledge to the format of video essays, many knowledge out there is still outshined by generic and repetitive PUA/RedPill content about "learning men" or "all men become high value at 30"

    As for the article, the goal of the western feminist is to become a global hegemon where she controls the world including mass media, economics, policy, law and even language. Making most men live confined in extremely mediocre sexless lives, those 5-10% of men are selected because the minister gender says they're the most "deconstructed" ones. As for the attractive non-western women the only role is for them to become asexual friends and confidents of the ruling anglo feminist class, similar in fashion to Mammy from Gone with The Wind

  37. Daily Mail: US Navy engineer admits selling nuclear submarine secrets to foreign country before turning on wife.

    A very interesting "loyalty test".. Physiognomies speak volumes..

  38. Russia is starting WW3. We should rejoice

  39. Not that we should, but we should question how the US is being sucked into it. The one thing that Ukraine has that feminists don't want to see here are women who are ready to be decent wives to American men. That is why Hillary started the Civil War there years ago when she was Secretary of State to Obama. Now, who would hire a sniper to shoot into crowds of protestors and police alternately at Maidan Square?

  40. The untold story is the feminist teacher did something horrible to her students, and tried to silence the students who wanted to complain:

    Was she gagging them quite literally to prevent them from reporting possible child abuse?

    Canadian women suck!

  41. 1982
    people can find other pleasures
    Than dating

    one obvious pleasure
    is drugs like opium

    I admire more now
    a guy who rejected
    pleasure and wealth

    western society
    is doomed anyway

  42. 1982
    who I am a nobody
    a mama boy loser
    40 old
    living with 250€ or month

    I say to you

    Time is running out for everyone
    we can choose our type of death

    we should focus on preparing ourselves for the afterlife.
    we need gurus
    like sadhguru..
    like slavoj zizek
    we need a spiritual herersy leader

    to give us death without pain
    as for me
    I will not commit suicide or murder
    I want for curiosity motive only
    to die in old age
    to see my shity wrinkle fave
    when I will or would be 105 years old

    I intent to live as plants and trees live
    they live in apathy for 300 years
    only consuming water
    sun light and
    nutrients from soil

    I intent to copy plants and trees
    to live like an apathy fakir
    yogi in India and Himalayas

    they know something more than
    thay they reject society
    women money fame

    they live like trees literally

    so if you live like tree

    your only eternal hapinses
    is sunlight every day
    365 days for decades

    I tried Suriya yoga
    sungazing directly at the sun
    for few months
    i almost got blind
    I tried after safe hours
    some day
    at midday.

    early morning is easy

    now my eyesight is ok
    after 2 years
    I envy in a strange way
    who deny society
    and sex

    maybe they are full of opium and ECSTACY pills
    who knows

    I mean
    fuck everything man
    the news
    the job
    war in Ukraine

    try to find ecstasy pills
    and opium man

    fuck it all.
    it doenst worth anymore
    this society
    for now I over eat according to my income
    my only pleasure
    chocolates and sweets

    I cant find opium
    maybe legal essential oil which have opium inside
    local junkies here in west athens
    are dead
    maybe eurocirsis and pandemic
    affected drug dealing also

    I cant find drug dealers locally

    1. What a fantastic meditation. Someone should set it to music.

  43. Native Indian man fights back against the feminist in Canada:



    1. The last thing fat, ugly feminists want is slim, fertile women invading their territory.

      What do you expect in a misandrist gynocracy?

  45. I have heard this story before, when the Ukraine Civil War just started. The EU refused refugees too. It was all about local women not wanting female competition for men, but it is just fine to take in men of military age. It is pure sexual demographics manipulation. Thank Poland for taking in a million Ukrainian refugees last time, but they want no part of Africans or Middle Easterners.
    This kind is a glimpse into why this war is being fought in the first place.

    1. Chanty Binx and Steph Guthrie left a legacy of despair in Canada:

      Russia needs to liberate Canada with some military invasion and cleansing of the feminist virus.

    2. I wish that I had answers for you. It is my guess that it is hitting the guys harder because they care. As for the Russians, I think they will be satisfied with getting to Odessa.

    3. Women's blinkered stupidity insulates them from despair.

    4. I see your point about stupidity. It does insulate them.

  46. While they get trampled with misandrist laws at home and cucked by british women, the eternal anglo-cuck volunteers himself to go die defending mud in Ukraine.

    1. Once an Anglocuck, always an Anglocuck.

      Doubtless hurrying over there to impress women who wouldn't spit on them if they were burning.

    2. Vice "news" mad that South Korea elected a president that is anti-feminist that wanted to listen to the men of the country who rightfully criticize how society treats men vs women

    3. The new president sounds a pretty based guy. Amidst all the misery in the world, it's good to hear some positive news.

  47. reddit cucks are going to the front line to get blown up by slavcels

  48. Vladimir Putin is our slavation and hope from the suffering of this world. At least when Chanty Binx screams in pain from the nuclear fires, the men whose lives she destroyed will be laughing at her demise.
    Many men in the developed world want Putin to press that red button. This shows how there is no hope for men in a feminist society.

  49. Toronto womyn don't like getting approached by a 6 foot Tyrone riding a scooter. That's rape!
    Tyrone has to get a Ferrari or Pagani to approach Toronto woemen and the Big Red monstrosities in Canada.

    1. For Toronto womyn, all sub 9.9 males are 'rapists'.

    2. I am going to agree with your interpretation. These women were not sexually assaulted, they were approached. Probably asked out for coffee. I have to wonder when Canadian women will get tired of sleeping alone. Perhaps the day after they figure out that rejecting men is not empowering.

    3. Ironically I've heard of a Canadian college thot reject the heir of a billion dollar Chinese company at a Toronto campus, while he was driving a Pagani. It's not an urban myth.

    4. Approaching woemen is criminal harassment in Canada and the UK, but if the same woemen became a teacher, and bent over nude to show her asshole to kindergartner students, it's within her "rights".

  50. Imagine being rejected by a Chanty Binx despite owning a US$2M bespoke car whose yearly production quotas are less than 100 a year.

    Russia should have invaded Toronto and I bet you that the majority of men will be taking the side of the Russian soldiers.

    1. I am beginning to understand how JD Unwin came to the conclusion he did. He looked at 30+ civilizations that went feminist and none of them recovered. This might be the first one to try this with nuclear weapons. Pedestalize the women and alienate the men, what do you think will happen?

    2. The empowered woemen have taken the side of the rich and elite. Middle class men in Canada have no chance for marriage and becoming a father. When middle class men lose hope, the best they can hope for is Russia dropping a nuke in the feminist zones.
