Friday, 9 July 2021

Back to First Principles: Fantastic Essay from John Smith, with Commentary and Analysis

When one reaches an important milestone such as 1000,000 page views, it is usually necessary to restate one's position and perspective: to return to one's first principles, as it were. Happily, an anonymous email from a young American man has helped me to produce such a restatement of my central ideals. Going by the name 'John Smith', his story is extremely illuminating and supports all the key tenets of the Anglobitch Thesis. Stories like his prove I have used my time well by creating and maintaining this blog, as well as writing two definitive books on the issues explored here:

Greetings Rookh, I have only discovered your blog in the last couple of years but since then have probably read your entire blog about three times and have found it truly enlightening, not only because it is the truth, but because it helps make sense to things that I have experienced in real life. I actually came across it originally from the now defunct Relampago Furioso blog page. I said in my comments that I would like to talk about some observations I have had about the Anglosphere. Some of these may simply come across as ramblings and if that is the case I apologize, I don’t offer any sources besides my own experiences. I am a mid-20s male with military experience and an associate’s degree. I am also the one who made the comments on your last blogpost regarding that "modern life dating" clown.

Nothing is more gratifying than when somebody's 'real life' experience verifies one's ideals and ideas. It is a pity that Relampago Furioso has stopped posting and dropped out of the scene, he was very insightful and talented. Anyway, let's get back to John Smith and his story:

My first experiences with what could be considered the anglobitch began in middle and high school for me. I went to a private school until my last two years of high school and then went to college to earn a degree at the same time. Now at this private school, the male to female ration was easily about 4:1 at least for my class. None of the females in my class would be considered attractive to any man who had any kind of standards, but that didn’t stop them from constantly being hags and downright insulting, rude, or just be a bitch to the guys in my class who would be considered bottom of the SMV scale. I was easily down there as, despite being over 6 ft I suffered from childhood obesity, acne and poor self-esteem.

Probably the worst part of all this is that the school faculty would never do anything regarding all of this, these hags knew they could get away with anything because no one would hold them accountable. I always had a feeling, even at a young age, that there was something deeply wrong with Anglo women, psychologically or otherwise, perhaps it was part of their upbringing, but as you have mentioned before, it is Anglo-Saxon culture and how it elevates women and places them on pedestals. I didn’t realize just how bad it was until one day we received a new female student, who happened to be from Russia but had mainly grown up in the USA.

Now first things first, this Russian girl is easily far more attractive than any of the other females in my class. The most striking thing about her was she was kind and respectful to all the guys in my class, not just those in the top 1 percent. Not only that but her voice was softer and overall tone was less combative/and hostile. I am fully convinced that the Anglobitch voice is a real thing, and is likely shaped by their upbringing and hostile behaviour and overall hatred of men.

I have heard this concept of the 'Anglobitch voice' mentioned by many males across the Anglosphere, including Australians and Brits as well as North Americans. Women raised in the Anglosphere tend to have strident, piercing voices defined by pure entitlement, as if the world owes them some kind of explanation. The skewed gender-ratio in the school also implies how the whole Anglosphere works to exalt women and denigrate men by artificially sustaining an atmosphere of 'sexual scarcity' which  allows women do or say almost anything with total impunity.

The most remarkable interaction I ever had with this girl was when I was going to college and she happened to run into me while I was sitting in a lounge area. At this time I had begun to lose weight and shape up but was still socially retarded and had some ugly facial hair. Regardless of all this, she felt perfectly comfortable sitting down next to me and striking up a rather lengthy conversation about how things were going and the future. When we finished she said it was good talking, proceeded to give me a hug and was on her way. I have not encountered her since but last I heard she married a man a few years older than her and is living at home with kids.

Obviously when it came to her, I was not stupid or had any delusions about being able to get with her, but the way her behaviour stood in such contrast to the anglobitch was jarring for me even at that time. I have quite a few Slavic/Russian friends and one thing that I have noticed is that when it comes to their gender relations, there is a huge SMV divide. A vast majority of the women are extremely good-looking while most of the men are very rough and tumble and gruff-looking in the face. Despite this, even a very plain-looking or downtrodden looking Russian man seems to have no problem landing a girlfriend or wife as long as he has a little bit of something going for him. I made a quip to my very dear Russian friend from childhood that in Russia for every "Alexei or Dimitri, there were 5 or 6 Sergeis or Olegs". He laughed and told me it is a very accurate observation.

The bit about the attractive yet friendly Russian woman is extremely interesting. The whole MRA/MGTOW 'AWALT' thing is naive nonsense by North American men who never travel anywhere; women outside the Anglosphere clearly have an appreciation of men (even low SMV men) which is wholly absent in Anglo-American women. No, this does not mean that all men outside the Anglosphere are banging models all day; merely that most women outside the Anglosphere treat most men as human beings as opposed to invisible pariahs, walking credit cards and disposable sperm donors

And yes, Anglo puritanism is the force which promotes Anglobitch misandry, as well as raising Anglo-American women's SMV to unnatural levels and pedestalising them as sexual deities. As for women from more traditional cultures, men should still be wary of them if they have spent a majority of their time in Anglo countries. Of course they will never be as bad as a typical Anglobitch, stewed and basted in misandrist, sex-negative Anglo culture since day one. However, since the Anglo-American media-cultural complex invariably seems to corrupt all women it touches, it is still wise to treat these 'hybrid women' with a certain caution

Anyway, back to John Smith's entertaining tale:

I joined the military right out of high school because I had nothing else going for me at the time and around the midpoint (maybe late 2017) was when I came across Roosh game theory and approach and all that jazz. Despite whatever I did however, nothing worked. I tried using dating apps but to no avail. I had constantly read that "looks don’t matter" or "it’s your personality that counts" and I always felt this was bullshit but couldn’t articulate it. The scowls and fake smiles I would get even from the buzzed females in night clubs or the sober ones on my walks around the local lake even from just a casual "hello" seemed to confirm things. I was still baffled that despite all my efforts, the guys that would constantly get in trouble, display thuggish behaviour such as getting drunk were the ones that were always going home with the girls which, at the time, simply confounded me. 
Around this time was also when I began to suspect that American society and women simply do not like men. This thought to me was later verified when, in my last year in the military, during an anti-sexual assault/harassment training session, we were literally told that ANYTHING can be considered sexual harassment. A good Russian friend of mine who attended a local university and his dreadful interactions with American women there, also recently told me that he feels wrong for saying it, but he gets the feeling that women in American hate men. He came to this conclusion by himself simply by attending universities. I have not asked but I doubt he has ever read your blog.

Yes, let’s have men and women work together in close quarters and then say that anything can be considered sexual assault and harassment. Surely nothing can go wrong, especially when it all it takes is an accusation.
To a foreigner, it is entirely obvious that Anglo-American women hate men. This is because foreigners have not internalised misandrist hatred as normal or acceptable female behaviour, as most Anglo-American men have. Despite this truth, the Blue-Pilled mass media still try to represent young Anglo-American women as warm, sympathetic deities handing out free sex to all and sundry. These delusions feed various forms of brain-clotting Sexual False Consciousness in the male population, many of whom are desperate for the smallest morsel of sexual hope

Obviously, Game/PUA trickery is one of these manifestations. Game can help some men but only once they have been pre-selected as a potential mate, according to various physical and social criteria (height, looks, ethnicity, status). For the vast majority, Game is an complete waste of time, effort and money. And even where it does work, Anglo-American women are in any case completely unsuitable as long-term mates.

However, Sexual False Consciousness can also lead to Anglocuck simpdom, which is a far more pernicious and dangerous condition. The Anglosphere is full of lower-class Blue Knights who will leap to women's defence in every circumstance, despite being sexually shunned and despised by the women they idolise. Trapped in their psychotic delusions of extreme Sexual False Consciousness,  these Azure-Pilled losers actually think that actresses and models want to have sex with poor, ugly losers like themselves. In consequence, these dangerous Anglosimps wander the world defending women in the vain hope that a few stray crumbs of pussy will eventually fall their way.  

Anyway, let us return to John Smith and his fascinating story:
Around 2019 was also when I happened to come across your blog, along with the wagecuck meme and things started to make sense. I was working a gruelling schedule at the time with little to no free time and began to wonder if this is all that life offers, that I would be working for most of the day with only the weekends off, no family or prospect of having one, and have to do this for at least 40 years and hope the stock market doesn’t crash so I can enjoy what little I have left in life.
It was when I formulated all these thoughts in my head that I came across your article about how Anglo men have been reduced to mercenaries and it summed it up beautifully for me, and made me wonder just how many other men are out there with technical skills and able to make lots of money but have no ties or stakes to the countries they live in. To me, if you do not have a family or a genetic stake in society, the only reason to work and save money is to make enough money to where you never have to work again, to achieve a position of "fuck you" as John Goodman put it in the movie The Gambler. However, as is abundantly clear, most men are nothing more than sperm donors to the anglobitch, who take the fathers to court and destroy them and take all their assets in family court.
In the last year I have discovered several black pill channels such as Faceandlms, and as much as I like the blackpill perspective, I can see that it is rope fuel and have decided to try to stay Crimson-Pilled as much as possible (credit to you for that term), focusing on things I can change such as fitness and location while earning money stateside or through investments.

I think that’s about it for now. If you actually read through all my ramblings and observations, I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation to you. I know your credentials and intelligence vastly outshine mine, but I hope you found something of value in here.
- 'John Smith'

We certainly did find much of value in your gripping account, John Smith. I too love Black Pillers like Face&LMS and Incel TV but as you say, their way is the road to the rope. Also, many of my readers are presentable, high SMV males who want to achieve better long-term relationships than is possible within the Anglosphere. So stick with the Crimson Pill for practical balance and direction; while life is imperfect, it is still far too precious to throw away (especially at your age). 

Anyway, thanks again for sharing your interesting life experiences and may the Crimson Pill continue to guide you.


  1. Karen sent a Toronto female cop with a gun to arrest a rapper:

  2. As a further crackdown in America, Texas is making the buying of a prostitute a felony:

    I heard rumors of prostitutes coming over the southern border, this legislation is possibly a response.
    Will other states copy Texas? It seems to be only getting worse...

    1. Canada has already criminalized the purchase of sex in 2014 on the anniversary of Marc Lepine's anti-woman massacre.

    2. Ultimately, Canada wants to outlaw all adult heterosexual sex completely. That is the ultimate goal of Anglo-American puritanism.

    3. This is going on everywhere in the developed countries bud, we are awake to the hypocrisy being put against us.

      It's easier just to stay single and have your fun and a peaceful life. The laws and legal systems have made it life threatening for a man to even consider things like marriage or relationships. You can't even approach women in Canada or UK or you get jailed. In France, you get fined 500 Euros for catcalling women.

  3. The Anglobitch causes prostate cancer, due to sexual frustration (them being nude but you can't look at them or get charged for criminal harassment),

    Meanwhile, the Asian ladies drain my prostate every time they give me a rimjob. I don't know why I feel much better and my prostate is no longer enlarged.
    The Anglobitch is cancer, quite literally.
    If the Anglobitch and her cucks think that is gay, they should fuck off.

  4. A private high school with a four to one male to female ratio. I can see how that can happen. A residential school with a minority of day students split between male and female. There aren't many. When I went to high school, it was all male but it opened to girls when too many alumni had daughters.

  5. PUA gone wrong in Toronto. The 12-year-old was probably dressed like a whore:

    1. "Talk to your bros, change the culture".

      I won't be surprised if the whole thing is a hoax, made by woke people fighting against "toxic masculinity" and "oppressive patriarchy". Toronto woke women are feminist scum who are a liability to the pimps.

    2. The red van is just too unlikely. It would stand out like a sore thumb. Feminists encourage the hatred of men by stirring up fear in women. I am beginning to think, that if you are in Toronto, don't even talk to women. They created this.

    3. Let's hope that this happens in Canada. Too many #Toronto_Woemen are man-hating feminazis. The world needs to population control:

    4. The red van seems ridiculous, almost like a 'false flag' operation. Maybe they should have written 'Toronto Abduction Service' on the side of it, for good measure.

      The gynocentric Canadian authorities would never allow a female suicide epidemic, however. Mass suicide by sub-8 males is tacitly seen as 'Natural Selection' but women in the Anglosphere are, as we know, an exalted (and heavily protected) species.

  6. They are always running human trafficking/phantom rapist psyops in America. Here is an example from last year. They expected us to believe stickers were placed on cars by human traffickers who would later abduct the women.

    1. So, it is something innocent and the Karens are ready to believe the worst. There is no way to argue with that kind of irrationality.

    2. The Anglobitch cuntries hate the bottom 80% of men, backed by a militarized police state enforced by gun toting men. Let's hope there is a feminazi suicide epidemic. Population control should begin from there.

    3. It's deeper than that. While the bottom eighty percent of men are invisible, they are calling the ones they want "douchebags". It is unreasoning hate.

    4. Definitely a 'False Flag' operation to promote the misandrist notion that all men are criminal deviants while all women are in need of 'protection'.

      The whole trafficking thing has been largely debunked yet still receives unstinting promotion by the authorities in order to promote a puritanical 'sex is evil' agenda designed to artificially promote sexual scarcity and pedestalise Anglo-American women as 'owners' of sex.

      A gigantic feminist 'false flag' operation in other words. Happily, they were caught out on this occasion.

    5. The feminists are genociding sub-8 men.

  7. Living in Canada has taught me that the majority of women, especially the Canadian-born white women, are capitalist in the dating market, but are socialists like corporations and government.

    1. They are taking every advantage they can. The problem is that they are not stopping to consider the cost of taking unfair advantage.

    2. There is no future for men in Toronto. I can't save up money to leave, like many other men. I work 50+hrs a week, but get paid 50% lower than the average feminazi in their paper-pushing job.

    3. Anglo feminism is completely dominated by such double-standards. While Anglo-American women prattle on about the rights of transsexuals in a typical leftist manner, their views on male suicide and inceldom are essentially Neo-Darwinist and eugenicist. In short, they are fascist on all questions involving sub-8 males but socialist on all issues involving themselves.

      This inconsistency is never called out because the Anglosphere is a matriarchal gynocracy.

    4. What is stunning is that it has been that way for a long time. Feminism only made it obvious.
      You would think that all the factors that men have to bear the contribute to their mortality might raise their status in society. Odd, that it doesn't work that way. Eighty percent of women who have ever lived have present day offspring compared to forty percent of men. Men have been brutally "thinned" while women have not and yet, men have distant second place status.

    5. Marc Lepine saw the future of men in Canada, and he had to fight back, Sodini was the victim of an emergence of 4th wave feminism, where it's empowered for a female teacher to post nude pictures, but illegal for a man to compliment her body.

    6. Marc Lepine was a legendary hero. In centuries to come, there will be a bronze statue of him in downtown Toronto.

    7. Mark Lepine realized that in the future, men will be homeless while the empowered women get the cushy government jobs funded by the remaining working class of men.

    8. "What is stunning is that it has been that way for a long time. Feminism only made it obvious.
      You would think that all the factors that men have to bear the contribute to their mortality might raise their status in society. Odd, that it doesn't work that way. Eighty percent of women who have ever lived have present day offspring compared to forty percent of men. Men have been brutally "thinned" while women have not and yet, men have distant second place status."

      Authority used to be coupled with Responsibility including all its attendant rewards. No more.

  8. White nationalism & feminism are used to bring down ethnic men

  9. The rich get richer, moneywise and getting women.

    1. It's a symptom of a dying empire. Social and economic decline. The homeless problem has increased in Canada due to the inequality of the Bank of Canada. Meanwhile, the Liberal city of Toronto resorts to using armed thugs in uniform to use violence againt the homeless, the activists and surprisingly, the journalists covering the police violence. Men have to let the feminist system collapse.

    2. Withdrawing consent from the social order is the primary male weapon against the matriarchy. While sub-8 men are sent their own way sexually, withdrawal of their labour-power and socio-legal consent gives the Matriarchal Power-Elites sweat-drenched nightmares in the darkest deeps of the night.

    3. Wise Canadian men don't even look at these man-hating Canadian women. Who wants to spend their life savings defending themselves against a criminal harassment charge from the corrupt Toronto Police?

    4. With the way the cost of living has increased, young ethnic men are doomed to working dead-end jobs for 16 hours a day to pay rent to feminist donor landlords.

  10. Canadian President Justin Turdeau is bringing in over 500,000 immigrant suckers a year to maintain the Ponzi scheme. Higher rents, lower wages and more suffering for Canadian men.

  11. Young ethnic men are becoming incels at a rapid pace in Canada, America and Britain.

  12. Modern women want to dress like hoes, but expect to be treated as virgin brides.


  13. Rookh,
    You mentioned an interest in male suicide in Australia. This priest touches on it about two minutes in. It is mostly about anti-lockdown though.

    1. Link, oops.

    2. It's even dangerous to do online dating in the West Any woman can report any man from a dating app to the police I met an Aussie woman in her middle 30s that was bragging about a bunch of men texting her and she reported them to the local police That definitely reaffirmed the fact I made the right decision of getting rid of online dating and social media as well

    3. Priest sounded a bit tradcon, to be honest. He is also deluded about the state of 'community' in society - men were being socially ostracised long before Lockdown.

      I want to write about male suicide in Australia but from a dissident perspective, not a tradcon one.

    4. I wish that I could help more but we'll have to wait until after the lockdowns to go there and ask.
      Have you thought about contacting veteran's clubs? If they're anything like the US, they will be hit with this harder than the general population.

  14. Because of #metoo and #woke and #karens,
    These women are walking lawsuits at this point you get your life ruined with her feels

  15. Remove the male sex drive, and these Anglowhores are nothing but cumbuckets for the elite who fart and shit stink.

  16. This also contributes to the phenomenon observed by many men. That there are a number of busted women get to be single mothers in the Anglosphere.

    Standards so low that chads knock them up.

  17. Canada don't care about men:

  18. Reddit banned the MGTOW subreddit.

    1. It is a little late for the feminists. Closing the barn door after the horse left?

  19. Polyamory is the next evolutionary stage of sexual hypergamy and overall vaginal capitalism. Vaginal capitalism then becomes socialized for females to which they share the top men of society with all the sexual capital amongst themselves. Notice that with the majority of men sex does not become socialized as we're still left in the proverbial dust of Darwinian sexual capitalism where most males by comparison are priced out of the sexual market entirely. Sexual socialism for women, ruthless enforced sexual capitalism on men. Why? Because the vast majority of men are the sexual proletariat as usual.

    Having reduced the majority of men to nothing, not being worthy of any kind of sexual access, and also classifying the majority of men as not being 'real men' that only leaves a minority of men left who have all the looks, public social status, or wealth. Rather than having women viciously compete against each other which they so very often do over individually prized men they then devise a system to which they can share all of these top men amongst themselves having already classified the large majority of men on the lower end of society as being entirely subhuman trash.

    1. Fantastic post.

      'Vaginal capitalism'
      'sexual proletariat'
      'sexual capitalism'

      Ever noticed that Anglo-American women are socialist when it comes to themselves and sexual deviants but fascistic where heterosexual men are concerned?

      It is as though their socialism is instantly replaced by neo-fascist, eugenicist values whenever they discuss straight men.

      Female double-standards are utterly absurd.

    2. Canadian feminists are getting police to harass Asian massage parlors while legalizing nudity around young children via SlutWalk, medbikini and metoo

    3. *Canadian feminists are getting police to harass Asian massage parlors while legalizing nudity around young children via SlutWalk, medbikini and metoo*

      As I said, absurd double-standards.

  20. Toronto woemen are scheming for a betabux to sign off a mortgage for an overpriced Canadian home she will get during the divorce.

    1. I'm not sure they need to 'scheme' to achieve that result. The Canadian legal and political system reflexively works in their favour, anyway.

  21. C$140+100 tip to get a bj from this fat Anglobitch:

  22. Interesting to note the decline of "rollo tommassi" real name george miller, well known pua and redpill dating coach grifter who insists he is not a dating coach, only a writer of "intersexual dynamics". In the past two years the comments on his site, the rational male, has dropped precipitously. The comments used to go on for multiple pages. Despite describing himself as a "lesser alpha" he married a party girl he met in a bar who was four years older than him. This is hardly the behavior of an alpha. I believe the decline in readership and comments is due to blackpill awareness as well as the exposure of rollo's own behavior by channels such as blackpill truth (now sadly purged).

    1. I wouldn't blame Rollo. I have noticed a general decline in the manosphere. At bottom, I think there was hope that learning and applying red pill could produce success with women. The problem is, that in the last several years, it has only gotten worse and it is all female led and driven. Changing men is not going fix the issue. Men are not broken.

    2. I never read his stuff. The Red Pilled PUA writer I used to read was Roissy, but I can imagine their ideas were cut from the same cloth. One thing I used to notice about Roissy's blog was the giga-level of Sexual False Consciousness in his posts, plus numerous comments from his readers saying Game was not working for them and that women were still telling them to f*** Off.

      The main problem with that Red Pill school is that it remains rooted in the post-War Boomer era (c.1950-c.1995), when women were still economically dependent on men. Also, that era was defined by a vibrant youth culture built around popular music, blockbuster films and a mainstream media 'monoculture' which imposed shared values on society. Obviously, all those things have either 'gone West' or persist only in marginalised form. The Black or Crimson Pills have flourished because they acknowledge all the changes that have occurred since that time (online dating media, end of the 'national conversation' and above all, female economic emancipation).

      The basic Game strategy of 'dissing' women works when women are still economically dependent on men. Once they have their own jobs and money, it just leads to law suits and sexual disenfranchisement.

      This is why the Black Pill and its derivatives have grown in strength over the past decade, while the Red Pill has withered to nothing. Yet even in 2015 it was still very strong and vibrant. They used to have a big manosphere meta-hub which housed and managed all the big manosphere writers, including Roissy. It looked like a powerful online enterprise that could challenge the lowbrow GQ mainstream, but nothing seems to remain of it.

    3. Another issue with that old Red Pill school was that it was so 'white'. Not disrespecting white brothers at all, I am myself an ethnic Aryan: but it is simply a fact that being non-white creates a distinct experience of manhood in the Anglosphere countries. For example, the sexual mythology around Anglo-American white women often leads non-white men into poor migration decisions. Just consider the many non-white brothers living in shacks on the outskirts of Toronto.

    4. What got to me about the Red Pill is that its adherents too it for Gospel. Even when the obvious was pointed out to them, they had to support the narrative. What tore it for me was Angelina Jolie dumping Brad Pitt. Maintaining a high level of attraction was core to the Red Pill and it didn't work for the Sexiest Man Alive several times over. Yes, it's very white and and attracted the attention of people who like to dress in sheets.
      Today, Andrew Cuomo resigned as overnor of New York. The feminists are counting it as a victory. That is the second governor that has resigned in New York over issues around sex. Eliot Spitzer quit when he found to be using the services of professionals. I am just sick of it.

    5. I never thought much of Andrew Cuomo, but Eliot Spitzer was a great crusading Attorney General before he ran for governor. That hurt.

  23. I have to remind myself daily that Toronto womyn suck!

    1. I've heard that Toronto is the only city where are 4 foot 5 gordita weighing over 200lbs think that she is a model. Combine that with mass immigration of men, and its dire.

  24. All the technology and advanced weapons of America for twenty years couldn't win in Afghanistan. I think it's due to the Afghani culture being patriarchal and treating women as property compared to the American gynocentric globohomo empire spreading transgenderism and blm propaganda across the world.

    1. The American empire WILL eventually collapse like the naked Jezebel whore. The day will come when the Chinese and Russians will round up every naked white feminist whore and dump them 6 feet under like pigs infected with a disease.

    2. The Chinese have armies of thirsty men due to the One Child Policy.

      Also, the Panjshir Resistance/Northern Alliance 2.0 is putting up a serious fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan so all that high-tech weapons and gear the Taliban got their hands on will amount to naught.

  25. Where are the Canadian and American feminazis?

  26. There is nothing more scary than a man with nothing to lose. Many men are being forced into inceldom, poverty and higher risks of becoming vagrant in a feminised society.

  27. UK drill rapper did a feature with Wiley mixtape15 August 2021 at 16:41

    The whyte woymn naked with children
    Yelling rape at sub-8 men
    Scotland Yard jail men
    with no due process
    The whyte womyn naked with children
    in this Brave New World
    of incels and flirts
    driving Lambos and Porsche

    The Taliban took over
    The white woman
    days are numbered
    AmeriKKKa globo homo
    empire falling apart

    The whyte woman naked with children
    but not anymore
    when the beta uprising
    is influenced by spergs

    The whyte woman
    is the devil
    G*d will destroy her
    cat food and cat lady

    1. Da scheming evil Anglobitch
      Use Common law to make her rich,
      Sucking beta normies dry
      Til they starve an' shrink an' die

      Before she spend
      Dat sucker's money
      On cats an' Chads
      To lick her pussy

      De whyte and evil Anglobitch
      Scrubs her tits and paints her face
      To fiddle dogs and little boys -
      A blight upon her noble race

      She baits her gash
      To make her bread -
      We won't be happy
      'Til she dead!

    2. UK drill rapper did a feature with Wiley mixtape15 August 2021 at 21:06

      Doc you got some mad lyrics there brother! #blackpill rap

  28. Alberta Canada mainly a white province.

    White women are there are nasty spreading syphilis:

    1. It would not surprise men if the the rates of infection among women were much higher than that of men. Chad has been busy.
      When I was a kid, someone from the County Health Department came to the school and said they came close to eradicating venereal diseases. That was in 1965.

    2. Canadian womyn suck!

  29. As I also know that, First and foremost, this Russian girl is unquestionably more lovely than any of the other girls in my class. The thing that struck me the most about her was that she was courteous and respectful to all of the males in my class, not just the top 1%. Her voice was also softer, and her general tone was less confrontational and hostile. I am confident that the Anglobitch voice exists, and that it has been shaped by their upbringing, nasty behaviour, and general loathing of men.
    for more information go here
    Instagram Bellen

  30. Reminding myself every day that...TORONTO WOEMEN SUCK!

  31. It was rumored that Chanty Binx was behind the smear campaign against Roosh Valizadeh while he was in Canada. The Toronto elites meanwhile, molest young children for their fetishes at their Bridle Path mansions.

    1. I looked it up, that goes back to 2015.I think feminists are more scared of boys comparing notes than of any actual info they might possess. It is not going to work. There is little point in closing the barn door after the horse has left.

  32. Paradoxes of the WHITE CUNTRIES:

    1. The more unequal a social situation, the more insufferable women become. This is why Toronto is a sexless prison for low value men.

  33. HAHA Toronto woman!

    1. C$12,000 is the year earnings for the Toronto man age 18-25 after taxes. There are no full time jobs for young Toronto men.

    2. When it comes down to it, men are smarter than women.

      "Basically, I was under his spell, I was brainwashed."

      What she really means is that she is brainless. Full marks to the quick-witted young fellow who fleeced this grasping maggot.

  34. UK drill rapper did a feature with Wiley mixtape28 August 2021 at 21:39

    fat landwhales reject me on dating sites,
    Swipe left and ban me for being bright,
    Gimme a flight! GIMME A FLIGHT
    To Afghanistan!
    So manz can Shabbat with the Taliban

    Chanty Binx, Guthrie, Bateman all are feminist
    Send me to Kabul
    I don't care if they call me a terrorist

    These fucking countries hate men with a passion
    Nuff manz join ISIS like the latest fashion
    The streets are Orwellian, M15 spying on us

    While the white woman naked fucking lads younger than age one,

    Gimme a flight GIMME A FLIGHT
    to Afghanistan
    So manz can Shabbat with the Taliban

    1. If I was going to Afghanistan, I would be going to join the Panjshir Resistance/Norther Alliance 2.0 in the Panjshir Valley.

    2. Somebody else expressed your sentiments decades ago.It wasn't about feminism. At that point, you could sit down to lunch at the county fair across from Miss Iowa.

    3. High quality work, as always.

      The anti-radicalisation lobby always assume they are right and we are wrong but nothing could be further than the truth. Why should men conform to western societies which treat them as third class citizens? Unless this situation changes, men should reject western misandry out of hand.

    4. Canadian men are begging to leave Toronto for Kabul I heard...

  35. If I were a young man today I would not engage with the westernized feminist 'career' woman at all....especially in the work force.
    Avoid them as you would a nest of black widows.
    Throw the court system bias and the metoo BS into the mix.
    Simple arithmetic and knowing marriage/divorce stats and it's obvious that trusting women at all or in the long haul is all risk/no reward for the clear thinking western male.

  36. ha-ha!

    Is it Better to get accused of murder or manslaughter than criminal harassment...

    1. One less false accuser and feminazi.

    2. The best thing that could have happened to such an utterly worthless and evil creature. She worked in a Toronto law firm: we can read between those lines, my friends. A man-hating feminazi waxing fat off male persecution, penury and suffering.

    3. The attacker was angry at the law firm.

      You should note that it is a defense law firm which meant that the man probably spent tens of thousands of Canadian pesos to end up in the same, or worse position than if he didn't hire a private retainer. Canada is a feminist cuntry. The man fought back.

    4. There is a crying need for attorneys that handle civil rights cases. It is a real bottleneck for activists. While I doubt that this woman worked for a firm that did that, lawyers can be made to do good work.

    5. There is no justice for men in Canada. Wait when Justin Trudeau's daughter becomes eligible for office. It will be hell.

  37. Attention seeking whore trying to get Chad's attention:

    1. Utter fantasy, obviously. That sow is too ugly to be raped.

    2. Any woman can be raped. While she is not that ugly, I do think that she is suffering from buyer's remorse. Someone has to tell women that it is not always going to be champagne and fireworks the first time, every time. There are going to be times when you don't just hit it off and there is no point in blaming anyone. If young women expect that much, they really are entitled beyond reason.

    3. Canadian bitch just writing op-eds to attract Chad's attention. It's a mating call.

    4. Aint such thing as "rape" for females as muh victims. At least not in the meaining they intend; only men can be raped in that meaning; the rest is nature taking HER course wich can be just a damage to society and to the husband or father, but never to the female that Always want and ejoy it.

  38. I think the Anglosphere has passed its period of peak misandry, which was during 2018-2019. The hysteria over incel terrorism reached its peak during this time. However, a universal misandrist narrative failed to form due to other divisive issues such as race and class.

    Even with MeToo, we can see its failure to universally demonize men in the Anglosphere. MeToo is now used by women mainly to attack wealthy men for attention and money and also as a political weapon (e.g. Andrew Cuomo).

    This isn't to say that everything is hunky dory in the Anglosphere. However, it seems that a gradual shift away from misandry has started. I think this is due to generational change as well as non-white immigration into the Anglosphere reaching a critical point.

    1. To add to my previous comment, it is more accurate to say the Anglosphere misandry is becoming more diluted. This is due to various conflicts (racial, class-based, generational and ideological) finally boiling over and leaving the Anglosphere extremely divided. Thus, it is no longer possible for a coherent and universal misandrist narrative to form.

      BDMG pointed out something similar in one of his comments about how no one authority figure has complete dominance in America now.

    2. The misandrist narrative sometimes seems to be in retreat across the Anglosphere, but has an uncanny knack of reforming and taking new and unsuspected forms. That said, the Anglosphere seems to have lost its ideological coherence since about 2008, due to hegemonic collapse in the face of the Internet. Also, the two remaining overtly misandrist generations (Boomers and SiGens) are simply dying off, together with their spokespeople. I predicted these changes a long time ago, although Covid had expedited them. This chaos is ideal for our purposes and must be maximally exploited while it lasts.

    3. The way I see it, 2015-2019 saw an attempt to reestablish a universal misandry in the Anglosphere that transcends race, class, etc. MeToo and anti-incel propaganda were parts of this attempt. However, this attempt failed, and the Anglosphere now has a factionalized misandry. As you say, this period of chaos offers unprecedented opportunities for men who are intelligent enough to take advantage of it.

    4. Another factor in play is the decline of Christianity and the emergence of secular conservatism in America. Judeo-Christianity is not inherently misandrist, but the Anglosphere's puritanical interpretation of it certainly is. Obviously, this change has had the greatest impact on the US (by some distance, the most overtly Christian country in the Anglosphere West). With this puritanical foundation somewhat weakened, misandrist agendas have become harder to formulate.

      That said, the masses mostly think incels are some tiny minority of mentally ill misfits. Sexual False Consciousness and MSM residual Boomer memes at work there, and still quite effective. The authorities are keen to promote this 'incels are marginalised' agenda because the twin truths of widespread singleness and sexlessness completely compromise their 'feminism was/is good' rhetoric.

    5. bruh, branding incel reactions as muh "incel terrorism" is like blaimng the thermometer as cause of you having the fever.
      Anglosphere is still strong on misandry and is still the epicenter and source of all the evils.
      Up the taliban.

    6. I was forgetting. It's even more true since you have 30% of men that are incels. Nobody of them doesn't want to get laid and want to be alone, I don't care about the 2 perverts, disfunctionals and priests who do wants because they are irrelevant expetions; so such 30% are all incels.

      We are undergoing the most unheard atrocities and they are perpetrated by those who sould be our sisters, mothers, aunts and daughters.
      It's not normal that it's normal.

      Up the Taliban!

  39. I think that Covid has had a lot to do with it. Someone pointed out that, while we should have seen a baby boom because Covid kept people at home, we saw a baby bust. It has chased feminism off the stage in terms of attention. There is also the point that feminism has gone too far and women are coming to realize it. For a lot of them, men are not an option any more.

    1. Feminism is stealth rather than in your face cringe Chanty Binx.

    2. Covid obliterated traditional values (work, principally) and also threw people back into their own minds, making them susceptible to new concepts.

      It is no coincidence that genuine (as opposed to rhetorical) anti-racism exploded during Lockdown. This agenda has also split feminism into white/non-white factions, with non-white women pointing out the racism, puritanism and elitism of traditional Anglo-American feminism. I have been pointing this out for years but like a dog dancing on one leg, it's amazing to see such criticism emerge at all.

    3. Although the new brand of non-white feminism does not address the deranged puritanism of traditional Anglo-American feminism, it is well aware of its racist, elitist and reactionary nature:

    4. Feminism has been a disaster for American blacks, and yet it persists. I have heard several black women call it out and they still drink from that poisoned well.

  40. White womyn cant walk naked here:



  42. Being rich and Jewish doesn't protect a man from TORONTO WOMAN!

  43. Mark Lepine and Alek Minassian attended feminist campuses. Maybe men don't want a Chanty Binx>

  44. Does somebody know is Peter Andrew Nolan aka Global Man committed suicide?

    I can't ask ppl on YouTube because they killed my accounts because I told the truth.

  45. The day will eventually come when MGTOW are backed into a corner by the Chanty Binx landwhale, and the only means of escape is through violence. Feminism is a disease, a terminal cancer.
