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Sunday, 31 July 2022

Tales from the Frontiers: Female Pedestalisation and Anglo Colonial Culture

In his excellent and definitive article from 2018, a former US Corrections Officer noted that most of the English-speaking world – in fact, everywhere but the UK – is defined by a colonial history marred by racism, slavery and genocide (though all this was all engineered by and from Britain, of course). In the Corrections Officer’s enlightened view, feminist ‘protest culture’ has appropriated the residual resentment associated with these crimes to empower itself, even though white women (and even white feminists) were often complicit in them.

As I re-read his article, his profound observations opened my mind to a further possibility: did the Anglosphere’s colonial culture of ‘womanless’ men directly influence the ‘pedestalisation’ of women and institutional misandry that currently defines the Anglo-American ‘colonial’ countries (the USA, Canada, NZ, Australia)?

Female pedestalisation arises naturally in a colonial situation, since frontiersmen are bereft of sexual opportunity. Women are remote, almost mythical beings and nearly all males are hardcore incels by simple virtue of their situation, whatever their social status or appearance. This sexual and emotional deprivation leads naturally to an intense and unnatural idealisation of women. For example, it is said that men in the American West would often burst into tears at the sight of any woman, regardless of her age or appearance. Moreover, gunfights over women were common and prostitutes could earn small fortunes sexually servicing cowhands, frontier soldiers, gold prospectors and other sexually disenfranchised males in the untamed West.

If we look at modern North America, both the US and Canada are the global epicentres of misandrist and sex-negative feminism. In the US prostitution is strictly prohibited, divorce outcomes for men are crippling, women are exempt from Draft registration and can mutilate (or even murder) males with complete legal impunity. Meanwhile ‘oppressed’ misandrist feminists like Katherine McKinnon dominate American law, politics and what remains of the mainstream media with an iron fist. In Canada, the situation is very similar: female ‘educators’ are showing pre-pubertal children their genitals while Canadian males are viewed as third class citizens, stooges and criminals by the police and other authorities.

When we take their distinctive colonial histories into account, it should come as no surprise that the US and Canada are now the most obviously misandrist of all Anglosphere countries. North American culture was strongly defined by sexually disenfranchised males who never saw a woman for months on end, plus entitled females who enjoyed maximal ‘scarcity status’ as 'controllers' and 'dispensers' of sex. When added to religious puritanism, malleable common law and underhand legalism, this sexual deprivation/scarcity situation was fertile soil for misandrist, sex-negative feminism to flourish. With various modulations, the other Anglo-Saxon colonial nations (Australia and NZ) exhibit the same institutional misandry so intimately associated with ‘colonial puritanism’.

One last thing: the colonial factor also explains why North American men (both tradcons and liberals) remain so strongly complicit in their own oppression. Since the colonial cult of female exaltation retains such a potent residual presence in North America, most North American males remain strongly attached to the delusion that women are somehow ‘guiltless’, ‘victimised’ and ‘oppressed’. For example, sexless White/Blue Knights and other male buffoons are fiercely protective of tattooed, misandrist feminists and intensely hostile to the Red/Crimson/Black Pills. Although their confusion can be partly attributed to rampant Sexual False Consciousness, a deep 'colonial' need to ‘pedestalise’ women is also in play.

The modern Anglo-American White/Blue Knight is essentially Judge Roy Bean, in all but name: a deluded fantasist with a Lillee Langtree poster nailed to the wall of his dust-bowl shack.


  1. The SlutWalk and MedBikini were false flags to allow female teachers and female doctors to be naked with children.

  2. In the past they could send the incels to the West and in the history this is shown. And now in 2022 where will they send the incels, to the Ukraine?

  3. Many Gen Y and Z fefails in Toronto are enrolling as teachers for TikTok and the Gram. My prediction is that naked teachers will be considered normal in Canada, and criticizing it will be enforced by Toronto Police as an incel crime.

  4. The feminist doctor wanted to show her pussyandanus to little boys, and threw her 4yo daughter overboard because it would prevent her from doing so:

  5. With Anglosphere American boomers, everything is centered around the wife; second wife, third wife, fourth wife. The lazy or absent Anglobitch wife makes the household disorganized and the Anglosphere boomer male takes his frustations and ego out on the jobsite by working too hard and driving the younger subordinates towards less meaningful work or busywork. The gynocentric pussywhipped boomer geriatric won't even raise his voice around the wife much less control her properly, since she would probably divorce him for it or strike back at him in some passive indirect way. The boomer male is inherently simpish and cucked and cannot retain or attract a labor force. This surely contributes to the labor shortages around the Anglosphere, for the simple fact of younger people despising boomers and their backwards gynocentric norms.
    The above is a more contemporary situation but it's easy to see how the pussywhipped Anglosphere men of yesteryear were driven by propaganda to go West to get out of the east coast establishment's hair, work the mine or just die in a fire somewhere. And yes, the promise of meager or nonexistent pussy certainly could have worked them up into a lethal fervor. I suppose the forms of violence are more indirect today.

    1. Do you know the song that goes "You had a bad day", except it continues as:

      You had a bad day,
      Falsely accused
      No girlfriend
      Yet you got to pay rent
      to the Boomer Landlord
      cash or ass
      You're hated by them
      yet you still got to pay
      You had a bad day.

    2. The feminist is naked with children
      (guitar solo)
      You have no future ask the men
      (guitar solo)
      You're wondering what happens
      When you have no love prospects
      All of your wages go to pay rent
      Police want you for misgendering

      You had a bad day
      Are you a white male?
      Don't write a man-
      No die in a hole

      You had a bad day
      Feminist naked
      with children
      but she accused you
      You had a bad day

    3. What a song

    4. Make a cover for that! I bet it gets famous like Egg White and then banned for being too true.
      I lost my job in downtown Toronto and the first thing they did was ban me from the building of my workplace. I got falsely accused of workplace harassment

    Dr. Rookh,
    The above link is a short article on concealable, derringer-style weapons carried by prostitutes of the Old West. It reminded me of the content of this month's blog post. Surely we can tie the situation of armed whores into the desperate violence of the Old West, however mythologized by Hollywood. Could it be the case that the worst violence of the Old West was simply a result of men's frustration and sexlessness, and not some stereotypical "unamerican" banditos, pistoleros or desperadoes as popularized in John Wayne films, Clint Eastwood, and so on? Good old fashioned male sexlessness, along with high-stakes hopeless competition for ungrateful spoiled females probably resulted in a culture of mass genocide of Native Americans, Spanish Mexican settlers and sport-killing of various wildlife. After all, why would men be so eager to kill if they had not been driven to near-madness from inceldom?
    Note also that villains of Western films are frequently Mexican or Native American. I have somewhat pandered to that stereotype in using those three Spanish nouns for gunmen or outlaws above. The Anglo white settler of the West could not control his woman. Rather than try and control his gynocentric culture, he took out his impotent rage on people of other cultures and mere beasts! Truly evil and twisted.

    1. Interesting article, though I suspect the concealed guns were simply for robbing clients without giving them sex, rather than 'self protection' as such. Typical misandrist Anglo-American hooker trick, that.

      I agree totally with your 'sexless genocide' thesis. It makes perfect sense that mass sexual disenfranchisement and hyper-competition for misandrist, spoiled females fuelled most of the genocidal acts that defined the Old West. I recall reading that Old West hookers would deliberately goad men into gunfights, before sleeping with the winners; this behaviour surely established an intimate association between violence and sexual reward, and highlights the dangers of permitting women too much sexual autonomy. Frontier soldiers during the Indian wars had incredibly high suicide rates, probably as a result of mass inceldom as much as the harsh conditions they experienced.

      *The Anglo white settler of the West could not control his woman. Rather than try and control his gynocentric culture, he took out his impotent rage on people of other cultures and mere beasts! Truly evil and twisted.*

      Since much of the beast-killing was so wanton and pointless, it must surely have its origin in sexual frustration. Apart from buffalo, one thinks of the Passenger Pigeon; a populous avian species wiped out in a few decades for almost no reason at all. Consider how so many modern American sports teams retain the names of Old West 'targets' - Bears, Braves, Buffalo, Indians, Lions, Panthers, Jaguars, Bobcats, and Grizzlies, to name but a few. How many European sports teams have similar names? Almost none.

      I also think the modern US remains strongly defined by Old West values, although the frontier is long gone. Mass inceldom, 12k murders every year, pedestalisation of women, totemisation of Old West 'targets', vilification of men, enforced sexual scarcity: the basic situation remains completely unchanged. This is why the solution to American violence is not banning guns but addressing America's warped sexual culture, as I have often said.

    2. I can tell you one thing, Rookh; Masturbation and porn seem to be the only safe and legal form of sex a man can engage in in the Anglosphere.

      Once men (and teenage boys) in the Anglosphere learn that masturbation IS sex, they will see that male virginity isn't real (Male virginity is nothing more than a control mechanism to force men and teenage boys to base their value and their manhood on how many sexual partners they have in their life) and that the women of the Anglosphere (and the West) aren't worth the expenditure of time, energy and money.

      Also, they will learn more that the legal risks Anglosphere women bring to the table is extremely high, thanks to #MeToo, #TimesUp, Cancel Culture and 4th wave feminism. If you look at how a false and baseless accusation by a woman can easily destroy a man's live in this day and age; you'll agree with what I've said earlier.

    3. A repressed, puritanical culture like the Anglosphere cloaks the female sex organs in mystical radiance; but really, there is nothing special about them. There is an interesting argument that giving women sole 'control' of sex by suppressing other forms of sexual self-expression only empowers them at men's expense; an argument I would not try to quibble with, all things considered.

    4. Toronto guy here. I was falsely accused of workplace harassment. Got canned the following day without an inquiry. Life is hell for me. The best I can get for $100 is a hj from a Filipino lady in her 40s. I don’t want the feminist Toronto Police to destroy my retirement fund. The feminazis can laugh at me spending a hunnid on a Asian MILF but the feminazis destroyed dating in Toronto.

    5. Here's an excellent video by Raging Golden Eagle that's required viewing for all here.

    6. When men are craving for a basic needs, they are easier to manipulate.

      Without women, men become more aggressive and less rational.

      If you see the Anglo American model, even today, having sex deprived men is key to herd them into war.

      Anglo speaking Americans today have been easily dragged into endless wars that served no purpose other than the benefit of the manipulators and their interests.

    7. I'd suspect that the frontier nature of the old west attracted psychopaths and those with anti-social personality disorders. I've been working for over 30 years and occasionally we get one of these types come and go in our company. (They tend to move on fairly quickly if they don't fool people into letting them take the helm.) Yes, inceldom can sometimes cause violence, but don't blame the whole thing on them when we can see right now with the "let's not arrest criminals" nonsense white women elected politicians have enables does to embolden the rotten apples to unleash a plague of greed ridden crime upon places like California. Common wisdom always suggests that females are particularly vulnerable to con-men, scams, and psychopath's manipulations. Letting them vote HAS been the downfall of civilization. The always choose the conman in the voting booth...particularly when Madison Avenue techniques perfected to fleece them of their paychecks for overpriced fashion items are employed by politicians.

      I saw a Star Trek episode over the weekend that feminists absolutely hate. One of the first ones produced that dealt with the subject matter of Old West prostitution thinly veiled in a space plot: Mudd's Women. Three beautiful women in the company of a feather hat wearing pimp who turn out to be ugly, middle aged hags who take some space drug that transforms them into hotties. That is until the drug wears off and the "lonely miners" who married them in the meantime find out the gig.

  7. these traps look better and better each day !!!


    P Ray !!!

  8. more trap fapterial !!!


    P Ray !!!

  9. A hooker in Toronto can earn as much as 300 per client taking it up her ovaries. Multiply that by 15 clients a day and they make more money than medical doctors

    1. They be such evil scum with too much pussy power!!!

    2. Toronto guy here. 19 to early 20s cardis want at least $500 for an hour, even more. It’s dire. Save your money guys. Their pussies are more worn out than the Asian MILFs who charge $80 for the full hundred. $500 is a rip-off. They also give their money to pimps and drug dealers yet they complain that they are broke.

  10. Feminism is a conspiracy to drive down the birth rates of the 1st world to create demand for cheaper, imported Labour from the third world. Lots of immigration in Canada because local birth rates are abysmal. Toronto Police arrest Canadian men for approaching or messaging these Toronto womyn

  11. The American Mythos is all about the archetype of rugged individualists going West. "Go West, young man," was the common refrain in our cultural understanding. While parts of the Southwest and Plains are truly beautiful geographically, the ugly reality of westward migration was driven by lower status males getting into trouble and being pushed out of the East coast establishment area. These pioneers and settlers also lacked for female partners although the statistics and demographics need to be further investigated on that point. The westward ho culture also fits into what Steve Hoca called the strongman narrative, the self-reliant, lone gunfighter who doesn't need anyone else and is quite hostile to the entire world, blasting away at other white men, natives and local fauna alike, while staking his claim and gathering a pittance of resources around enormous monied concerns and industrialist land speculators.

    At least with the Yankee Pilgrim archetype, there was a sense of nominal control of their women, although as with the English at home, that entire culture is riven with gynocentric simping on many levels. Calvinism and Protestantism are arguably worse than Catholicism for female-worship. It's strange to contemplate when you consider the female was the one who fell to the temptation of Satan in the scriptures. Christianity is weakened over time in successive waves and became less patriarchal: The Church Undivided, Catholicism, Protestantism and ad infinitum into numerous meaningless factions.
    Before I extoll the relative virtues of the Pilgrims, I should add that they too were a primarily commercial interest backed by powerful agents of The Crown. It was not called the Plymouth Company for nothing! The Calvinist stick-up-the-arse "pilgrim" types also were hell-bent on a genocidal crusade against the Native Americans, there is no doubt of it. Only a severely puritanical and repressed culture would react to arrival to a new continent by killing all the native people in such a genocidal and bloody fashion, as is seen in posterity. All of the Anglosphere and its diasporic spasms are repugnant to a normal culture or ethos; cultures with satisfied, mentally balanced men at the helm.

    TL;DR: westward ho = no hoes!

    1. I really enjoy Steve Hoca's work, a very based guy years ahead of his time. There is a great discussion between Steve Hoca and Winston Wu about American misandry and sexual repression which I would recommend to everyone. He was on the Incelmatics website last year and gave a really great interview.

      Concerning the genocidal focus of the American pioneers, I read recently that Thanksgiving is built on a myth of cooperation between Europeans and Native Americans. The evidence is slim that the event ever occurred and even if it did, it was only celebrated decades later. Also, the 'friendly' Wampanoag tribe were subsequent robbed, exploited and enslaved by the Anglo colonists:

      The entire Thanksgiving cult is just more Anglo-American nonsense, in short. Pure bollocks, as the English say.

    2. Rookh,

      Watch this video and get a good belly laugh out of it. It references Thanksgiving.

  12. The Canadian woman anus is showing to toddlers And a guy was arrested for criminal harassment wtf

    1. Toronto Police always protect the woman. It’s most likely a teacher or public servant who did that to kids. Toronto police protect their own public servants and politicians

    2. Toronto is a feminist country:

  13. The Queen is dead. Queue ten days of mourning and media fluff pieces. Granted she was a cultural icon in more ways than one. It all bleeds into the cultural morass of the gynocentric Anglosphere. Charles III promises to be more of the same, a simp king.


      sometimes some mangina is the only cure !!!


      P Ray

  14. Rohk,

    What do you think of viagra? It is made by Pfizer witch also made that horrid wax so I am not sure that I should use it. Is it ok to mix with alcohol for the next time I visit some Lady Boys?

    -P Ray

  15. Steve Hoca posted a new video on how he is enjoying a woman free life !!!!


    P Ray

  16. this guy is spamming same-sex content and generally being a weirdo.

  17. "this guy is spamming same-sex content and generally being a weirdo."

    Hey joofag, maybe this will cleanse your pallet !!!!

  18. ching chong my ding dong

  19. I just don't think the comment section is the place for that kind of thing. I wish you would respect that instead of posting homosexual content. The situation is bad enough as it is.

  20. "I just don't think the comment section is the place for that kind of thing. I wish you would respect that instead of posting homosexual content. The situation is bad enough as it is."

    Sorry, Not Sorry if this triggers you biatch !!!


    P Ray

  21. Rookh, what is your opinion of the youtube therapist Doctor K, also known as healthygamerGG? I guess he is the other Doctor K! He seems to be of good intent, but doesn't address the problems with Anglosphere culture at all. Is he yet another plant by the powers that be to get men back on the plantation or simply another useful idiot?

  22. The majority of Toronto woemen suck. There. I said it.

  23. What is the future for young men living in the Anglosphere developed world?

    It seems to me that men are deliberately being excluded from the job market while feminists take their place.

    What does that spell for the future of young men? Homelessness, joblessness, etc?

  24. MANdatory watching for any 1 interested in mens rights !!!


    P Ray

  25. People are asking philosophical questions here regarding the decline of men and faggot shit being posted to flood the forum

  26. A curious thesis, although I don't see how it explains the feminism pervasive in all of Europe, Russia and South Korea. Methinks, it is all much better explained via the Christian framework of human rights - which has been mainly developed in the Anglosphere indeed, but which has consumed all the compatible sub-cultures of the rotten Christendom.

  27. Female pedestalization and Puritanism is an poison culture of Anglo origin that must be destroyed, for the sake of all men and women alike.

  28. I wonder if this is going on for you to see over in the UK? But what I am seeing here in town with my very own eyes is that women used the whole covid paranoia to basically announce to their boss that they intend to sit on their asses at home, playing with their kids in front of the TV logged into some "timeclock app" and expect to receive a direct deposit of their full paycheck every two weeks. That's correct, these lazy, entitled creatures basically don't want to go to work anymore and still think they should get paid! I see this so called "work from home" scam and very little actual "work" is getting done.

    Furthermore, if I was say at company A all day collecting a full time paycheck, I couldn't be at Company B also doing likewise. Well, guess what we found out one of our lazy females was up to with the "work from home" scam the little ladies are all so enthusiastic about these days. She was logged into TWO employers "work from home timeclock apps" at the same time and collecting TWO full time paychecks for doing very little work.

    Another one who is getting a huge paycheck moved 600 miles away and we only get a couple hours work, late in the evening, twice a week for an alleged "full time" employee. We even had an important order that she forgot to finish the shipping details and she was chatted, emailed, and messaged on a Thursday morning and we got no response from her until Monday. Isn't the idealized version of this so called "work from home" crap supposed to be them online and attentive 9-5 M-F? Where was she all day and all evening on Thursday and Friday?

    In the long run however, I think this "new era of flexibility" is going to work out disastrously for the little ladies in the US. If you can do your job "at home" i.e. remotely, then someone in another country can do that same work for a small fraction of her bloated paycheck. Not only that, but get a hell of a lot more done, probably under that watch of some manager at a brick and mortal location where the "distractions" of Netflix, wine, and that squealing kid of hers are not permitted. I think the bloated, female employment racket in the west may be getting a huge wage of pink slips in the coming future when the bean counters take a close look at this scam the little ladies currently have going on.

    1. In the UK, home "working" is being used to cancel important public transport projects, since public transport is no longer "needed". Yes, female make-jobs have expanded enormously with post-Covid home "working", since such jobs don't really 'do' or produce anything by definition. Call me a cynic, but Covid definitely endorsed a good many gynocentric agendas.
