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Friday, 21 April 2023

Chickens Home to Roost: The REAL origins of Woke 'Misogyny'

Trans Activists Battle TERFs in NZ

The conflict between TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) and trans activists that has recently engulfed the Anglosphere is best explained by the Anglobitch Thesis. As we shall see, the trans activists have a certain justification in their concerns about both TERFs and Anglo feminists in general:

Anti-trans activist Posie Parker leaves New Zealand after chaotic protests

Gender-critical activist was booed and heckled in Auckland and cancelled event in Wellington

The anti-trans activist known as Posie Parker cancelled a planned event in Wellington and left New Zealand, after chaotic and at times violent protests curtailed an appearance in Auckland before she was able to speak in public.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull had been due to speak in Auckland on Saturday morning. The British activist was met by crowds of pro-trans rights counter-protesters estimated to be in the thousands, substantially outnumbering the speaker’s supporters. She left the event after being booed, heckled and doused with tomato juice.

Keen-Minshull’s appearance in New Zealand had been controversial before her arrival. An earlier appearance in Australia had been attended and supported by white supremacist groups, who marched the streets repeatedly performing the Nazi salute.

A number of LGBTQ+ rights groups had pushed for New Zealand’s immigration authorities to deny her entry on the grounds that she posed a threat to public order. On Friday, New Zealand’s high court ruled that the decision to allow Keen-Minshull entry to the country was lawful.

The immigration minister, Michael Wood, had said on Thursday: “Like many New Zealanders I would prefer it if Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull never set foot in New Zealand. I find many of her views repugnant, and am concerned by the way in which she courts some of the most vile people and groups around, including white supremacists.

However, he said he had consulted Immigration New Zealand and concluded that the “case does not meet the threshold for ministerial intervention”.
The protest and counter-protest on Saturday was violent and chaotic. The Green party co-leader Marama Davidson, who was demonstrating in support of trans rights, was hit by a motorcycle at a pedestrian crossing. A convoy of motorcyclists had appeared at the protest in support of Keen-Minshull.

UK Guardian, 26 March 2023

A drenched Posie Parker

Given the jaundiced state of gender-relations across the Anglosphere, this conflict should hardly surprise us. Anglo-American feminists want to preserve their existing rights and privileges (not to mention homosociality and sex-negative repression) which are ideologically threatened by the very existence of trans women. Meanwhile, the trans lobby is entirely right to fear TERFS (and indeed, Anglo-American feminists in general) as reactionaries and racists.

As I have been consistently showing over the past 12 years, Anglo-American feminists (and women in general) ARE racist, classist, sex-negative and reactionary. In fact, their views hail straight from 17th century New England. Prominent Anglo-Saxon feminists like Marie Stopes were avowed racists and Nazis who wanted to sterilize people who wore spectacles. Therefore, the Anti-TERF protestors are not entirely wrong in their concerns, and their reflexive notional conflation of Anglo feminism with fascism and racism is both reasonable and accurate. Posie Parker represents a movement with a stark history of prejudice, misandry and hate, even if she claims not to personally espouse such values.


Anti-Male Apartheid in plain sight

As the transmaxxers point out, most women now enjoy significantly better lives than most men; they are on the winning side of history and culture, in all ways. ‘Female only spaces’ are therefore synonymous with female privilege. It is a 'no-brainer' that male prisoners would want to serve their sentence in a female jail where they can wear their own clothes, get specialized therapy and are not subject to rape, overcrowding and violence

While men are routinely thrown into jail for having consensual sex with 16 year-old whores, female teachers can show their anuses to toddlers in Canadian schools with complete impunity. Feminism been saying that gender is a 'social construct' for the past 200 years; but now ‘trans’ women have exploited this perspective to co-opt and enjoy female privilege, feminists do not like it. However, low-value men adopting a female identity makes perfect logical sense from an impartial perspective: they have everything to gain and nothing to lose by doing so. 


Posie Parker sent packing: is that poetic?

The puritanical undercurrents within the Anglosphere are inherently misandrist and gynophile; Anglo-American men are largely viewed as disposable, unwanted trash or at best, a necessary evil. In fact, Anglo-American feminists have always held such views. Therefore, why are the authorities so surprised that so many Anglo-American men are dropping out of society, fleeing abroad or transmaxxing? Such a response is entirely predictable.  

Because Anglo-American feminists (and women generally) are sex-negative, hyper-hypergamous, racist puritans, the benefits traditionally associated with being male no longer exist (despite the media-driven Sexual False Consciousness that strives to pretend otherwise). Romantic adventurism and reproductive opportunities have traditionally bound males to the social order; now both have been withdrawn, men are withdrawing their own consent from society itself. This is why Boomer stooges like Jordan Peterson admonishing young men to 'man up' and conform is so laughable: why would sexually-disenfranchised young men bother to do that when young women are never asked to conform at all?

So there we have it. As usual, the Anglobitch Thesis cuts through the fog of confusion to explain everything about, well, everything.




  1. Make up your mind modern women. Masculine men is toxic masculinity. Men becoming women is invading female spaces. Female teachers forcing toddlers to worship a feminist teacher's dirty anus. This world is worse than Baal worship. Feminism is a life of misery.

  2. Glad that this blog highlights that female teachers are not investigated by Toronto-Police if they strip nude inside the classroom. It's not surprising that female teachers in Canada are now showing where they shit to underage pupils. Canadian feminism comes out from the arschole.

  3. The 4 wh0rsemen of the apocalypse. T h e G o v e r n m e n t , O n l y F a n s , F e m i n i s t s a n d S i m p s .

  4. This life is a test. If you lick, taste, kiss, or view the female teacher's anus as God, you will fail the test and end up in hell. The female teacher is an agent of Satan.

  5. Female teachers in Toronto promoting sodomy using their bodies, eh?

    The correct term is Anilingus usually referred to as "Rimming." This disgraceful practice involves licking the rim of the anus, and often ingesting faecal matter - in other words, eating shit.

    Fisting or hand-balling involves inserting the hand or fist into the anus. While it is difficult to believe that a fist can be inserted into a human anus, it is possible. Don't worry that the damage from fisting can result in a sphincterectomy or colostomy.

    1. Kindigardeners are fisting their feminist teacher's anal canal in Canada? I wouldn't be surprised. Men are not allowed to approach women there. In the UK, they are criminalising street game and cold approach while Professors are lecturing nude at Cambridge and Oxford.

  6. I don’t feel like going outside. Even if I’m homeless I’d probably sleep in a tent all day. The women are terrible here. City is Toronto, Ontario , Canada

    1. This nurse looks like she has genital warts or herpes on her labia. Are Canadian women that ratchet? Why do you have to pay money to fuq a nurse when she could be doing that for free to Chad in the hospital?

    2. This nurse looks like she has genital warts or herpes on her labia.
      You're right. Her clamshell has a white dot and along the edge of her lips are bumps that look like herpes or HPV.

    3. NSFB: not safe for breakfast. I vomited looking at that pic. Something about that white-pus-filled pimple on her vagina that is gross. Canadian women,


    1. This blog supports transgenderism, because the enemy of my enemy is my friend theory.

      Have you licked your female teacher's dirty anus when you were in elementary school? You may be eligible for compensation by suing the female teacher for spreading herpes, gastrointestinal viruses and parasites, gonorrhea and HPV.
      Modern women are nasty. They have STIs. Those kids who are licking their female teacher's anus in Canada are at risk of contracting herpes and cold sores.

    2. This one charges money and her anus has herpes sores on it:

      Toronto womyn are ratchet bro.

    3. Guy says hi, it's harassment. Guy looks at you, harassment, Guy ignores you, he's an incel... Canadian women.

  8. Can someone explain why Canadian women like showing their pooties and poopholes for children?

    1. It's Satanic. These feminist teachers in Canada are stooges for the NWO and when the children lick the feminist teacher's anus, there may be traces of microchips used in the New World Order. Those who refuse to accept the Mark of the Beast microchip will be unable to survive.

    2. The New World Order being governed from a feminist teacher's pooper from Canada. If it was unbelievable I would have laughed, but it sounds plausible.

      So a female teacher in Toronto rewards the kids who lick her pooper, but what does she do to those who refuse, or their parents complain? I believe that this earth is a test. I would NEVER lick a female teacher's stinking anus and worship it as any god. The pooper is STINK. Whatya gonna do Canadian cops? Fcuk a Toronto teacher's stinking anus.

    3. Public schools are feminist indoctrination centers, but those female teachers in Canada are loonie. They probably get off on forcing young children to lick their HPV infected anuses.

    4. It will get more men Red-pilled if Toronto police are indeed hassling and charging men for saying that a female teacher's anus stink. Defamation laws in Canada are ducked up. The accused has to prove that the female teacher's anus stinks, which of course she will deny. And if you subpoena her to get evidence you will end up like Jian Ghomeshi.

    5. Female teachers get paid good money in Canada. A lot of them are paid six-figure amounts to promote feminism and the World Economic Forum agenda.
      Trudeau is deliberately starving Canadians so that a day will come when those who refuse to lick a female teacher's a-nus will starve to death like the Ukrainians during Holodomor.
      These liberachi fuxkers think that their a-nuses usurp God. Well, Vladimir Putin will show the female teachers in Canada who is God using atomic language.

  9. buy my book!!!!

    Now you know why us nazis have youth organizations!

  10. I got michfest shut down!

    I danced naked and the bull dykes refused to accept my micopenis as a man clit!

    Yay, I can pee standing up in the ladies restrooms and all I have to do is bash some MRA's and I get po$$y. What do you get rookie pookie???

  11. I guess that Toronto men are not getting access to women because the majority of Toronto women are female teachers who force children to lick the female teacher's dirty anus:

    The anus is full of shit like the Toronto elites.

  12. This White-Canadian woman thinks her caca-hole is too good for "coloured men". White women are the real racists:

    I pray to God that a pimp comes by her bawdy house and shove a mop stick up her stinking caca-hole.

  13. Another feminist Toronto woman bites the dust. I bet that she loved him for his supreme gentleman personality:
    Toronto woe-men...They suck.

  14. The anus stores feces. And you guys pay money to put your dick inside shit? Lol Canada sucks

  15. Hello Gentlemen, my name is Erika. I'm independent and looking to help you unwind with an exceptional GFE experience. I have smooth soft flawless skin, and seductive eyes.

    I do have experience as a Firefighter for a decade. Well reviewed, except for unhygienic individuals whom I'm not interested in meeting with anymore.

    Ironic given that this prostitue takes dick up her rectum and it smells like a barn.
    Look who's talking unhygenic. She takes dick up her butt LOL

  16. Her a$$h0le has seen better days lol

  17. Her a-s-shole looks like it has round bumps, and her puzzy looks like spoiled overburnt roast beef. wtf

  18. We are living in the Last Days. Men will face hardship, poverty and hunger if they don't worship the Canadian feminist's aynus as God. Don't bow down to a feminist. You will end up in hell on the Day of Judgment.

  19. Feminists are being promoted in life, in careers while men are vilified, cancelled, discriminated and in some cases, deleted. Satan is enforcing a New World Order using feminism to attack men.
    There is a conspiracy that Marc Lepine was a time traveller who wanted to stop feminism from creating the nightmare that we have today.

    1. Can you point me to some links outlining the Marc Lepine theory in more detail? It's an intriguing one.

      If men in the future are trapped in a gynocratic police state (quite likely), time-sabotage of this infernal era would be the most effective form of male resistance.

    2. Time travel is possible, but I can't find the site which posited that Marc Lepine went back in time to try and stop feminism. Canadian hate speech laws might have taken down the website. This is general time travel theory:

    3. The best time-sabotage of this infernal era is to leave the feminist countries to rot and fall by themselves. Why get trapped in a HCOL country with angry feminists?

  20. Only Jesus can save you guys up there in Canada. The government is feminist. They are not there to help Christian men. They are there to persecute Christian men.

  21. TERF feminazis are naked with children. They are naked with children at the parks. The sun should stop giving heat to this feminist world.

  22. This site may have some ridiculous comments like the time traveller theory, but I wouldn't be surprised.
    Where in time is feminism now attacking men and creating an underclass of men?
    When the supposed time traveller did his crime in Montreal, he specifically stated he wanted to stop feminism. Feminism was not a commonly used word back then.
    And you have Canadian teachers nude with children while cold approach is criminalized, and you start thinking high IQ shit.

    1. Yes you do. These times will determine the course of history, like a fork in the path through Tyme

  23. Speaking of time travelling, have you noticed that from 2012 it appears that time is flying fast and feminists are gaining more power? Meanwhile, men are suffering in silence. The future doesn't look bright for men. Just look at what youngsters have to do just to get good grades in Canada by being forced to rim the teacher in class. It's disgusting.

    1. The TDSB wanted teachers to be nude for Pride, so they held a vote:

  24. Every year is getting worse for men in Canada. Can confirm that before I fled the country. The elites in Canada want the blue collar men to silently perish while promoting feminism.
    And yes, it's true that Toronto-Police are banned from conduting criminal investigations when female teachers are nude in class and forcing their students to perform salad tossing on the female teacher's axxhole. Toronto is a sick city where females rule the men.

    1. I wonder if the female teacher's butthole is the Mark of the Beast that is mentioned in the Bible. The Bible also stated that children who engage in sex with adult women have to be put to death with the woman. I wonder if the Bible was onto something. These kids in Toronto schools are forced to consume not only fecal matter from the female teacher's butthole, but also microchips and DNA from feminist genetics, which leads to a future generation of a feminists and simps. What you eat is what you are. If you "eat" the female teacher's butthole, your body becomes a feminist and useful idiot for the New World Order.

    2. Canadian Feminists are training kids for Satan's return:

  25. A victim of Toronto's Big Red feminism.

    The White women are not protesting this death. Why would non-White women follow White feminism and create more incels in their ethnic communities?

  26. They say in Canada if you don't lick the female teacher's anus after she poops, you'd become a Targeted Individual and suffer hardships later in your life.

    Now you understand why Trudeau lowered the age of consent for anal sex when he became PM? The anus is considered God to these feminists and soyboys.
