We all agree that a unique ideology dominates the Anglosphere: a warped, sex-negative liberal-puritanism which worships women and all deviant, unnatural forms of sexuality. It hates men (especially heterosexual men) and is ultimately driven by a puritanical hatred of reality itself.
The Anglosphere's reflexive hostility to reality makes it the global stronghold of the Blue Pill, in its purest ideological form. This is especially true of sexuality and gender-relations, which are natural targets for Blue-Pilled Anglo-puritans. Which is why we now have 137 genders; why men are jailed merely for approaching women; why female teachers can abuse Canadian toddlers with total impunity; and why ‘trans women’ are considered a mainstream demographic.
While Anglo tradcons typically describe these conditions as an ‘aberration’, I have always labelled this madness the purest EXPRESSION of Anglo-Saxon cultural values. This is because extreme hostility to natural sexual expression ultimately leads to the worship of deviance.
Ultimately, puritanical fantasism of the type ravaging the Anglo-Saxon world can lead only to societal collapse. Why? Because fantasism prevents both effective adaptation to reality and the capacity for corrective action. And so the US and UK slide ever deeper into sexual dysfunction and social decay, becoming more morally insane with each passing year.
The Anglosphere is also weakening, in a practical sense. This is because defending fantasies takes tremendous mental and physical effort, diverting attention from the natural struggle for existence. Lions or wolves do not have 137 sexualities, misandrist laws and trans rights, because they have more urgent matters to attend. Oddly, the Anglosphere’s wealth and influence have actually fueled its disastrous slide into sexual fantasism.
Not only is the fallout from Blue-Pilled delusion now obvious to all (even women, leftists and Anglo 'conservatives'), the reaction against it is also going mainstream. For over a decade I have preached that Anglo-American men have everything to gain and nothing to lose by fleeing the Anglosphere in pursuit of sex and relationships. This is because the overt misandry of Anglo-American culture (and Anglo women, of course) have effectively forbidden normal interaction between the sexes.
Although many wise men have already acted on my words, the recent rise of the Passport Bros demonstrates the normalization of my values. The Anglosphere is now so hostile to men who want normal, healthy relationships that even the average clown wants out:
For many men in the West, the prospect of dating (which hopefully doesn't end in false accusations of harassment), marriage (that doesn't end in divorce, meaning a significant long-term financial loss), and/or siring children (that are hopefully "biologically" theirs), is a significant "risky" proposition. It is for this reason that so many men have simply "opted-out" of the dating & marriage scene and have chosen to go their own way. They have realized both, the toxic nature of the current Western dating /marriage scene, as well as their real options and true value within the global dating /marriage market. Western society’s current social infrastructure is literally on the verge of collapse, and many of these men have had the wisdom and foresight to see this emerging decline and are wisely going elsewhere for better opportunities, more importantly, for a better quality of life.
With the understanding that honest discourse and open dialogue are the key ingredients needed for any productive societal change, we here at the Official Passport Bros.com look forward to positively contributing to the global Passport Bros discussion, discussing important issues that affect Men, connecting with Passport Bros, Digital Nomads, and other influential Blue Book Gentlemen from countries all over the world. We believe that building a supportive "Ex-Pat" economic infrastructure network (which financially helps the various foreign communities resided within) provides the key component needed to establish trust & build long-term relationships within these communities.
I suspect these guys have been studying my writings for inspiration. For example, I invented the concept of the 'digital nomad' back in 2017.
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Where it truly all began... |
In a similar vein, most of the public want an end to the selective privilege enjoyed by post-feminist women. In the UK, where some form of conscription is being mooted to make up for falling enlistment figures, 72% of the public now think women should be conscripted into the military:
Should women be conscripted in the event of a world war?
Were conscription to be introduced, a new question the government would have to grapple with is whether women should be asked to go into the line of fire.
The large majority of the public (72%) say that women should be conscripted. This is comprised of 42% who think they should serve on the exact same basis as men versus 30% who think there should be some restrictions on the roles they can perform (e.g. perhaps not serving in the infantry).
The fact that mass male alienation from the Anglosphere's institutional misandry has lowered enlistment rates is worth an article in itself, of course.
Another expression of popular backlash against the Anglosphere’s slide into madness is the rise of politicians who are normal human beings. Boris Johnson and Donald Trump might be deceitful and incompetent but they are also relatable human beings, not the repressed, cardboard constructs that dominate Anglosphere politics. Bemired in puritanical delusion, the Anglo-American lamestream is completely blind to the fact that ordinary people want leaders of flesh and blood, not joyless eunuchs.
As this existential gap between the elites and mainstream experience yawns ever wider, expect to see more social unrest, male defection and political upheaval. The old Blue-Pilled ‘everything is perfect’ voices of David Futrelle or Tommy Fleming are irrelevant in the face of Anglosphere dysfunctions like mass male sexlessness and disaffection, normalised sexual deviance and widespread child abuse. The fact that even regular males are voting with their feet in pursuit of foreign women has already marginalized the Blue Pill and its deluded apologists.
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The delights of distant shores... |
Cuba Dave was persecuted and booked under the orders of a deep state while he was in Costa Rica. Charged for trumped up charges in a legal system which does jack for the average citizen there.
ReplyDeleteThe US Empire is struggling with BRICS and there are less resources to persecute more men using smear campaigns and trumped up charges.
Ah yes, Rookh the Cookh, I am two steps ahead of you on escaping the anglo witch!!!
ReplyDeleteHear's my thesis!!!
A white woman's anus is not divine. Poop comes out from there. Smelly farts come out from there. It stinks. It's terrible that students are licking where their teacher farts and poops.
ReplyDeleteThis article would be easier to do in 2004 than 2024. Ever heard of a magical dust in Colombia which hypnotises men to withdraw all of their money? It's called the Devil's breath.
By the way,
so 90% of men are shunned. Being shunned like that is very similar to depopulation and the outdated 80/20 rule.
They won. There's nothing in the West left for men unless you are in the top 10% or plan on just DEL yourself. Nothing left in the West for MGTOWs too because eventually they are going to come for the MGTOWs or at least come for everything good in our lives. We've seen women in the West screeching in joy at the news of passport bros being murdered.
Well how long before they are going to stop waiting for bad things to happen to these men and start attacking the ones in the West? Passport bros have a lot in common with MGTOWs. So if they want passport bros to die, they also want MGTOWs to die. Right now the West is focused on WW III. But let's say, there is peace again between the East and West... Wouldn't that leave the Western governments free to focus on the Passport bros who refuse to be their sacrificial lambs?
You are right about their dominion and ongoing hostility/indifference to men, of course. However, many more men are at least aware of it.
DeleteConsider the plummeting enlistment figures in the UK military, and changing attitudes around female conscription.
Men in western countries are starting to avoid western women like the plague. More and more men are either going MGTOW or they are going overseas to find feminine, attractive and traditional women.
ReplyDeleteThe marriage rates and birth rates are at all time lows in western countries. It's getting to the point where it's dangerous for men to get involved with western women. This is why men are starting to avoid western women like the plague.
Many wise men are going overseas where they have more rights than the second-class citizens they are in America, Canada, UK, etc. In those countries, puritanism is the order of the day, but the same puritanism allows women to be nude with children while screaming that all men-woman sex is rape.
Deletelooks like that POS DAVID FUTRELLe put his crap blog on hold:
I bet there is gonna be a huge sex scandal like his but buddy Hugo Schwyzer!!!
Cancel David Fartface and end misandry now!!!!
As I understand it, Futrelle's blog has been taken over by trans activists who have driven out his normal TERF (i.e. female) readers. The trans movement has proved highly effective at degrading and dividing the Anglo feminist lobby. Certainly far more effective than AVfM, Andrew Tate or anyone like that. It's a deadly Trojan in their OS.
DeleteTERF= Trans-exclusional radical feminist. What an odious word, and a contradiction of the English language. Feminism is supposed to be inclusive lol.
DeleteSo do you think David Futrelle got caught in the Target restroom with a transgender? or did he get kicked outta feminism for saying his manboobs counted as real boobs and body shamed a feminist for having a cups? Inquiring minds want 2 know
ReplyDeleteOn a serious note, Futrelle is a white cis-gendered man; someone who is at the top of being vilified by feminists, no matter how much he simps for them.
DeleteBy the way, while I'm here rotting in my bedroom, and I've numbed my urges by taking high doses of Prozax, why are female teachers naked with children and posting it on their social media?
I wonder if the hoodrat culture of America is a product of the modern American woman? If Katy Perry released her 2008-2012 songs today, she would be labelled as corny. Love ballads rarely exist anymore.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about WAP, beeches and stank hoe. Ratchet culture. Sorry if I sound like a Boomer, but mainstream American popular culture promotes hoeing around.
Anybody know what happened to the lad who alleged that secret agents threatened him while he was travelling in London? Why are the feds using their resources to protect the so-called integrity of the Anglo woman's pooper?
ReplyDeletesome bigoted feminist "grad student" is asking personal questions just to laugh and insult inches....
lets all go ver there and send messed up information to ruin the "study" such as saying transgender, transracial, intersex etc to screw up the data!!!!
Who wants to sign in Google to complete a QQ about identifying as an incel?
DeleteOn the topic of white women and anal seks, do you see bulls penetrating a cow's anus? Why does the white woman believe that a place where she shits was meant for a man's beenis to 4uck it inside? Ever used the bathroom after a white woman shat in it? Terrible stench. Just like their personalities.
ReplyDeleteI have a question Dr. Kshatriya.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about the latest feminist/neocon claim that transgendered men are just men who have watched too much pornography?
Yes. I have seen them making this claim on various social media places.
That lobby blame pornography for everything. An utterly specious argument, because porn was rampant in the 70s and 80s but very few men back then even thought of transitioning.
DeleteThey are also trying to conceal the fact that Anglo-American puritanism, gynocentrism and misandry are driving the trans revolution. As we have already discussed, these are the main forces driving MtF transition in the Anglosphere West:
That was my conclusion too. The constant trashing of men and male sexuality is driving the MtF trend, not pornography.
DeleteOur society has made it nearly unbearable to be a straight man.
The read below made me sick
One section, titled “How society benefits from people transitioning,” argues that “Less incels trying to force females to waste themselves on losers is a good thing,” also remarking, “Incels transitioning to female is good for society since they will become less likely to develop or maintain problematic political beliefs or become violent, they will instead benefit from accelerated hypergamy and gynocentrism.”
The lamestream is revealing its true agenda.
Deletehahaha, "incel" blogger Boy Doesn't Meet Girl deleted his blog and is said to have transitioned.
DeleteWater be wet!
DeleteAs I said in the article, the lamestream is moving beyond its ridiculous "Everyone is having sex with models!" narrative towards nominal acceptance that many men are not. Promoting transmaxxing is one aspect of their 'new realism' agenda.
ReplyDeleteCheck this out (the LES is London's main newspaper):
Well because approaching women is considered criminal harassment in many countries, especially in Canada and the UK, men are forced to rely on dating apps as a way to mitigate being falsely accused of harassment via approaching women.
DeleteBut when China and Russia send their troops on these Anglo shores, they care not one hoot about harassing women, and many men will laugh as they see the Chinese army round up these Big Red cretins in wartime.
One comment on that artucle nails it:
Deletelol. What did they think was going to happen. Women literally want to outlaw men below their standards approaching them in public
They pretty much already have.
ReplyDeleteThe white female teacher's vagina and anus are showing for her toddler students, and they get to lick and rim it, but a grown young 20 year young man like myself is LDAR'ing every single day until the creator calls me back to the afterlife.
Modern womyn are fxxxed up bro. They'll ensure that they will do everything to turn you off such as farting in the bed, bad breath and leaving their snatches smelling, but when it comes to Chad, she will ensure that every one of her holes is available for ducking. The urban legend is that a modern woman cleans her axxhole more sanitary than an operating room when it comes to Chad asking her for anal "sex"
DeleteThe trend on Looksmax, incel forums and PUA forums is for men microdosing on Prozac and other SSRIs----to REDUCE their SEX DRIVES so that they wouldn't be sexually frustrated.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, I read the comments here and on the newspapers, and female teachers are having the time of their lives doing xxx with minor students. What a sad world we live in. How many men will shed a tear if nuclear war happens tomorrow, and everyone is starving due to a nuclear winter (no sunlight for years)?
Is Prozac OTC? I live in a feminist country and spend most of my off days rotting inside my flat, because going outside can get a man into trouble with a variety of offences like causing public distress to women, the Public Order Act of 1985, etc.
DeleteKing Charles isn't going to do anything to help men, because the royal family is just like Epstein having sex with infants and toddlers while enforcing sexually regressive laws which criminalize men approaching grown women.
Canada will have millions of incels in the coming years.
And in other news, young men are dropping out of the Canadian labor force:
Remember that the feminist teacher's anus is showing in class, while men are rotting in loneliness.
Lots of layoffs happening up north in Canada right now, especially with large telecom companies like Bell, Rogers and Telus. I wonder what the masses of unemployed and soon to be homeless Canadian people will think when they are told to own nothing and be happy, while the female teacher is forcing a kindergartner student in rimming her dirty anus.
DeleteI got fired from may engineering job and didn't want to compete with you smelly H1B's...
ReplyDeleteSo I got a job entertaining anglo biches!!!!
America, Canadian, British, Australian, NZ and mainly white women would rather xuck dogs and toddlers than talk to a grown man.
ReplyDeleteCanada has so many incels, yet syphilis is rising among Canadian women and toddlers. Highly suspect given that fans of this blog are complaining about female teachers who are showing their vgnas and buttholes inside the classrooms, while men rot in loneliness.
ReplyDeleteDr. Kshatriya, is there a correlation between the 'conspiracy' of female teachers and Canadian feminists forcing toddlers and babies with rimming the female teacher's butthole?
My comment, is as harsh as it sounds, good riddance! There is a God. Let the syphilis cases skyrocket among the feminists.
The wyt woman's anus is being licked by kids:
when you complain it's a crime!
The White woman's worn out vagina and her anus are not holy sites! Don't lick it!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wonder if it's justified for God to send a plague that affects mainly white women, and Canada has a syphilis and gonorrhea problem. I hate white women.
DeleteAn interesting article at the Voice_For_Men site (linked below) which suggests that western cultural misandry amounts to little more than a longterm strategy to increase male labour & productivity by demanding endless reparations from men for their 'shameful' & 'toxic' male behaviours (which equal social debts) in order to reduce men to a perpetual state of debt-slavery.
Socially speaking, this is gender-debt that can never be repaid & a wage trap that most men will never escape, as it was specifically designed to keep men always working, forever apologetic & eternally enslaved until the day they die, unless they possess the strength of will to ignore a lifetime of social conditioning & simply walk away.
Many sexually frustrated men are giving up on work and life. No incentive for men to even go outside because they can be booked for stare harassment. We are entering the hikikomori stage.
DeleteFeminists should've just let men spend hundreds of dollars on bottle service at the clubs, but no, criminalise men that they don't even want to go outside, which negatively affects the economy in the long run.
Why is stating that a white woman's ainus releases fart and poop considered "h8 speech" in the UK?
ReplyDeleteI date empowered feminist wimmenz, look!!!
Keep stewing in your rage incels!!!!
KKKlarence in Baltimore
Is that what female teachers are doing to male students inside British schools while being submissive for the school bullies only?
DeleteCaptain Save a hoe hooks up with hoejabi thot, gets murdered with her in targeted assassination. She probably owed Chad or Tyrone some drug money:
ReplyDeleteyes, I follow your advice!!!!
let's read The Way of Men by Jack Donovan in a naked hot tub!!!
White Power!!!!
I'd rather die than to bown down to a yt womminz petri dish vajeejay
DeleteRookh, in Canada, if a female coworker FEELS uncomfortable, it's harassment. The accused man, in 99% of the cases, gets fired. Can't even exist to these women, because if they feel icky about you, it's harassment.
ReplyDeletechill and have a drink!
Why are pupils forced to rim the feminist teacher's dirty anus and vajina?
ReplyDeleteToronto Police are called whenever a female teacher feels harassed while teaching nude inside a classroom of kindigardeners
DeleteChad caught her forcing a young boy licking her foul smelling vajina and stink anus
Great article. The time is closing on escaping the feminist plantation, and corvid lockdowns in Aus and Canada showed how men can remain trapped in a feminist hellhole.
How can any man condemn himself to be a sexless wage cuck paying taxes to fund feminist and single mothers who only date Chads and thugs?
In many foreign cultures, a nuclear family consisting of a husband and wife are common. The Canadian Big Red feminists want every man to become tent city Trudeautown addicts while the modern woman get pumped and dumped by Chad, and eventually becoming broke spinsters because they got romance scammed.
And these brutish animals you call modern Canadian and Australian women are neykid with children while accusing men who report child abuse as criminal harassers.
Vladimir Putin needs to do something about this feminist garbage.
These radfems are naked with children inside a daycare! May God send fire and brimstone on that site of immorality!
ReplyDeleteI am the leader of the Pro Male Collective! I will be taking a Leave of Abscents after being slandered by Trevor Cormier!
Watch out Trevor is a bad chap!!!
Rookh, please don't make fun of me and say I speak like a chav!!!!
you stinky chav!!!!
It was I whom got Joe, Pro Male Revolutionary back in and broke up the group! Also it was me and not Joe whom gave secret info to Messenger Rising!!!!!
You filthy incel cucks!!!
DeleteI ruined you!
hahahaha, what have you done! AnaLYING male slavery can't even run his own life much less a group! I ruined the Pro Male Collective single handedly one time when I was drunk after I ruined my big rig. Wrecked a bunch of cars too, good thing I was insured!!!!
Why does a young adult white female motre likely to have a rancid vajina, and use her shitty anus as a seggsual organ?
ReplyDeleteWhite women would rather have segs with an infant or a dog than talk to a grown 5 foot 11.5 inch man.
ReplyDeleteCanadian Judge said that women can't be paedophiles (R v Dylan McEwen), so many Toronto women are having seks with little childs. Karen with a dog, she don't need a man like fish need a bicycle.
ReplyDeleteMany men lost their jobs-being falsely accused of workplace sexism.
White men are the pariah in- Trudeau's Brave New World. Every Canadian woman is a feminist, yes, even a squaw in the arctic reserves.
I am a male feminist!!!!
Here roar! Oh, wait that was swallow!!!!!
Ever been around a white whore after she farts? The entire room stinks.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's a hit peace.
They didn't even cover all the trannies I railed with lines of coke for that dopamine spike!!!!
I am a science boi but I ain't an incel like all you H1B
IT cucks!!!
Imma alpha male...
HSV, please bitch, just be glad I didn't give u aides!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy MRM activism intersects with my pride activities, huwite and otherwise!
DeleteFree Willy and watch everyone be scared!!!!
'sup misogonerds?!?!?
ReplyDeleteI dies on Jan 6 so you incles could cry on ya keyboards!
Vote Trump you chump!!!!
Go back to poop land Roohk you cook!
DeleteI am sooo triggered reich now! My dominatrix will have 2 penetrate me with a strap on so I know my place in the patriarchy!!!
my dome sent me this tooo show how unmanly I am!!!!
"Drizzle drizzle" is trending on TikTok. Many men are mocking modern women. Birth rates in Canada have declined below 1.5 births for the past 5 years.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that the modern woman will start abusing toddlers and babies to fill the void of intimacy, such as Dylan McEwen from Toronto giving an infant a rimjob and blowjob. The Western woman is nothing but a beast worse than an animal and the Devil himself.
witch one of you? witch one of you hindu muffins did this????
I am soooo triggered reich now!!!!
The whyt woman in Toronto is naykid with children, but men approaching her is considered an indictable offence.
ReplyDeleteYou got to get away from the feminist there pal. It doesn't bode well for Western society in giving fefails the right to be nude and have intercourse with toddlers, while men are arrested for accidentally glancing at women under the Public Order Act
Deletethis is what an empowered feminist womyn looks like!
The guy who was in ALL CAPS complaining about white women being nude with miners is suspected to be the Bondi mall stabber who became an incel icon.
ReplyDeleteThe Joel Cauchi murders were on April 13 and the last post of that type was on March 28, so the chronology broadly fits:
This was from March 27:
Still, I've not seen anything specific linking those posts to that individual. Australian viewers up to the 13th April are from Brisbane, Adelaide and Melbourne, not Sydney.
Besides, the guy doesn't seem smart or self-aware enough to have been drawn here. My Australian readers are educated, functional guys. Joel Cauchi seems to have been a typical Blue-Pilled, Blue Knight clown who thought Anglo women would pay him for sex, to judge from this:
If it wasn't so sad, you'd have to laugh.
ReplyDeleteyou ben found out!!!!
This blog should be preserved for generations to come, like the predictions of the Misandry Bubble.
ReplyDeleteWhat started as a thesis, became apparent a decade later- Radfem, topfreedom, anti-harassment laws meant to target unwanted men who aren't the top one percent, etc.
These days, a man can be blind, and yet be accused of staring at a semi-nude woman, and her feewings are more important than a discrimination lawsuit.
The coming decade will be interesting. As men leave the feminist hells in the UK, Canada, Australia and the US, and only toddlers are remaining, mainly through immigration, what happens next? Female teachers preying on the innocent ones because the smart men have left the feminist hellscapes?
if ya can't beat em join em
The feminist woman's anus releases bacteria, germs, STIs, parasites and worms, and you expect men to rim a dirty hole like that? Maybe that's why in Canada, female teachers are forcing their students to rim the teacher's anus for Seggs-Ed classes. Feminists fart and poop stink. Why do they want people to lick that?
ReplyDeleteThere will come a day, no pun intended, when one will be forced to lick a modern woman's axxhole, else they will not be able to buy or sell because they will be labelled a misogynist for refusing to lick the modern woman's pooper.
ReplyDeleteBodies are meant to be dirty. Lick the woman's anus and you will go to heaven. Lick it. It's a felony punishable by death for refusing to lick and kiss a woman's anus when she asks you too. Do you want your loved ones to mysteriously die from cancer like Roosh V's sister? LICK and KISS the woman's anus, OR ELSE you will be condemned into poverty.
DeleteI'm from Brazil. I took a visit to Toronto the other day. Why are the majority of young women so nervous around men, and they are angry at the same time? Is looking at women accidentally a crime in Canada? It sure feels like it.
ReplyDeletethey're "nervous" and yet infuriated at the same time, because those men are not considered worthy to be near their presence. There was a time where a man in Toronna accidentally smelling a woman's farts was accused of stalking her because he had a fetish of sniffing her rotten farts. You can't make this shizz up. Canada is the feminist and incel capitol of the world.
DeleteMany young empowered woemen in Toronto, Canada become teachers where they are given carte-blanche by the teachers unions to be nude inside the class doggy style forcing Grade One students to rim her smelly anus. And if the parents complain, the Toronto Police threaten the parents and the affected students.
DeleteThey sure wouldn't be nervous when Drake was sending predators to stalk school zones to find bait for his Toronto mansion. A woman confirmed that Drake uses predators in luring underage girls around Toronto so that he can phuck them in his Toronto mansion. Kendrick Lamar revealed that Drake is a pedophile. These Toronto bitches want Drake to rape them. This is the reason that they are that way. They are traumatized that Drake molested them in his mansion, and angry that Drake dumped their ass after they reached adult age.
DeleteThey say up north that the Toronto Police department issue citations and peace bonds which are technically non-refundable, because there will be a loophole to seize the few grand posted as security for the peace bond. France tried with ticketing men for 'catcalling' women, and in the cUcK, approaching women is treated as a hid crime.
DeleteThe feminist's taco bell and her dirty anus are the Antichrist. Do you know the stench which comes from her dirty anus? Rotten putrid smells, and yet, you simps want to worship it as God? May Vlad Putin send judgment onto those who licked the feminist's dirty anus.
ReplyDeleteNorthern BC, Canada is literally suffering a massive wildfire. Hope it spreads to Vancouver and decimate the overpriced mansions and feminist condos.
Deletei just got hosed by a feminist!
this is what an empowered feminist woman looks like!
The modern woman's vagina and anus contain DNA of the Mark of The Beast. Any simp who licks those nasty orifices will become infected with the Mark of the Beast, and condemned to the hellfire after The Great Vladimir Putin sends missiles directly at the feminist protests.
ReplyDeleteCanada should be a textbook model of how radfems decline societies. Canada has one of the lowest birth rates in the developed world, TPTB gets desperate with mass immigration of a million new residents a year, where at least one in five "Canadians" are on a student visa or work permit, yet nobody is buying the overpriced condos, and rental prices, though reaching new highs, have stagnated. We are seeing the dominoes slowly fall apart.
ReplyDeleteWestern Canada is literally on fire. God is angry at the white woman and her feminist allies showing ther vejeeejays and poopers to toddlers, while at the same time denying men everything due to the 'male gaze' and 'patriarchy', yet they will become a sugar baby for the Canadian elites.
Deletesup incles and hindu muffins!
ReplyDeleteI lost one of my bitches:
any of you found it?
A few manosphere bloggers got put on a federal watchlist according to a DHS report. Funny enough, a Canadian MGTOW named Sandman was target numero uno in the DHS report.
ReplyDeleteA man is on the street= risk of being falsely accused of street harassment
ReplyDeleteA man is in the workplace= risk of being falsely accused of sexual harassment or making wahmen feel uncomfortable
A man goes into teaching= Female teachers who send newds to miner students accuse him of being a weirdo who shouldn't be around kids.
Russia and China wage war on the feminist NATO countries= Where have all the good men gone?
Let's pray to God that He will rain fire and brimstone on the feminist nations, or at least collapse their economies which will dry the simp money. God is great. One day these modern women will be crying in hunger and radiation.
ReplyDeletethe new men-factor blog!
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious — this guy asked AI to show him what women from every country look like — look what AI generated as the “Woman from England” image! Anglobitch theory confirmed!
Rotten uterine flesh comes from a modern woman's dirty vageejay. Her anal releases very dirty odors and foul lumps of doo doo. Is that what you simps want to worship?
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has noticed recently, it's mainly American and Canadian men who are dying en masse under the opiate crisis. Feminist policies cause many men to lose their jobs, causing those men to have little or no money to leave the feminist dystopia. They can only afford a hit of narcotics which takes their mind away from the feminist Brave New World, and into a different realm.
ReplyDeleteAs a counsellor, I'm quite alarmed with the number of young men who pray to God that an adversary like Xi, Putin or Kim Jong Yun send rockets and missiles where feminists congregate. Young men are not happy with women anymore. They are evolving to be repulsed by the American, Canadian, British or Australian woman.
ReplyDeleteit's because the modern fefails are hating on their peers, while doing it with a dog or a toddler. The modern fefail is newd with toddlers, but if a man accidentally walks past the crime scene, he is accused of criminal harassment or stalking.
DeleteLet it be, shall thou art Great Supreme Gentleman Vladimir V Putin sends hypersonic missiles into a feminist's petri dish crotch. Unholy holes anger God.
DeleteWhy work hard and pay taxes so that a femail teacher is allowed to show her shit-stained anus and oyster shell to infants inside a daycare class?
ReplyDeleteThose who do not worship the yte wommin's stnky vxgina and axus will not be allowed to buy or sell. Food shortages and familes will become a worldwide problem that countries will be forced to use the faeces of the yte woman's digestive tract to fertilise the land. Meat will become scarce, leading to iron-deficiencies in the global population, that they will be forced to drink the blood from a yte wommin's period or hemmoroid, lest the poor souls be rounded off into a Feminotzi concentration camp.
ReplyDeleteThis whole urban legend about female teachers in Canada being nude with their students has gotten worse. Kendrick Lamar fans have discovered that Drake's legal team is sending letters to elementary schools and a few high schools, warning them that they should not go public if any of their students alleged that Drake molested them. Canadian incels and MGTOW are massive groups, yet one rich culture vulture is getting all of the women, and young girls for himself. Is Drake the Jeffrey Epstein of Canada?
ReplyDeleteever since i git "it" lopped off, i get plenty o' action!
female teachers are allowed to be newd with their students inside Canadian schools. Sucks to be a grown man who can't even chat up with a feminazi pedo ting. Man them getting booked for approaching women who would rather be newd with Dennis the Menace than a grown man.
ReplyDeletenom nom nom
I'm craving a hot fudge sunday!
can confirm,
I had to give away my whole food stamps card to get this landwhale to finger me!
If every white harlot, empowered thot and feminist dropped dead like fish during Hiroshima, the world will be a bettER place.
ReplyDeleteI agree. The Caucasian woman's vjay and ainus are portals to hell. The rotten smell that comes from those orifices of the Caucasian woeman
ReplyDeleteyou need to chill out and have a drink!
World War III is the gender wars, ending with the Russian bear turning the entire Western world into a nuclear wasteland. God Bless Vladimir Putin.
ReplyDeleteVladimir Putin is a great man. I wish that he can give me enough money to live on a few years in Russia. I want to defeat the Canadian feminist.
DeleteThe Prime Minister of Denmark got attacked. She's a feminist. Praise the lord. May God give Russia and Vladimir Putin the strength to annihilate the feminasties living in London, NYC, Toronto, Montreal, Los Angeles, Paris and many other feminist cities. May God send someone to take Chanty Binx to the afterlife.
ReplyDeleteOMG, these trannies get more and more passable!
I want sum mangina!
For you Canadian guys, how does it feel to have your taxes pay for female teachers to show their roast beef curtains and chocolate starfishes to Kindigardeners, yet if you approach that female teacher, she will have you arrested for criminal harassment? Don't you just wish to move to Russia and fight the feminist from there?
ReplyDeleteAnon, will Vladimir Putin send nuclear missiles onto the feminasty marches this summer in the capital city Toronto?
DeleteI wish that I had enough guts to fight the damn feminist here in Toronto. But I'm only good for holding signs. I support Vladimir Putin and BRICS into defeating the Canadian feminist.
DeleteEver wondered why flesh-eating bacteria is more common in developed countries? It's because the WW's anus releases the deadly bacteria. Their DNA is that of the devil. Subscribe to my YouTube channel
ReplyDeleteMate why did you move from the States to Canada, and not get neetbux? It just shows that Canada is socialist for women, but hyper-capitalist for men. But I'm glad that you have a full-time menial job, even if it's just standing with a pizza sign on the sidewalk of a busy road. Save your money and escape that feminist hell called Canada. It's a bad place for men, especially in Toronto.
DeleteGod sent an angel to warn me that God will send an Adam Lanza who will rescue the Canadian children who are forced to bow down to the feminist teacher's gross vag and hemmoroid torn anus. Vladimir Putin was sent by God to destroy the feminist nations by turning them into ashes.
Deletethe best is when a feminist tricks me to take care of another man!
Must watch and upvote!
Richard aka Dickhard
Today I saw a female teacher bending over. A few young boys were licking her vgna and anus in the park. The security guard told passersby that if they look at the female teacher and make her feel uncomfortable, it's criminal harassment. No wonder Marc Lepine did what he had to do.
ReplyDeleteWhat if her students enjoyed what they did in a safe and consenting way?
Delete"What if her students enjoyed what they did in a safe and consenting way?"
DeleteDiscussing! You have ben reported, miners can't consent, just like drunks.
I hope you get cancelled you See You Next Tuesday!
Appalling. A Toronto and Halifax-based psychotherapist promoting the seggsual exploitation of kids. Given that OP and the psychotherapist are based in Canada, I doubt any pedo female teacher or psychotherapist will get reprimanded for their sickening morality. Only God, or a glock that stop that.
DeleteThe Bible commanded you to put the female teacher and the students who oralled her to death
DeleteVengeance on Midian
…16“Look, these women caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to turn unfaithfully against the LORD at Peor, so that the plague struck the congregation of the LORD. 17So now, kill all the boys, as well as every woman who has had relations with a man, 18but spare for yourselves every girl who has never had relations with a man
ER is kewl!
ReplyDeleteAll Hail ER!!!
We luv ER and would've gone gay so he could experience sex! We will go gay for ER,lets go gay!
(And buy weapons for him and a newish Beamer!!!!!)
If you're going to do an ER, at least do it right. Alek Minassian harmed more old people than Stacys and cunts.
DeleteA female teacher's sweaty ass crack and fish smelling taco bell are not holy sites like Jerusalem. It stinks. No wonder female teachers in Toronto are forcing little kids who don't know better in tossing the female teacher's ecoli infected salad.
ReplyDeleteThe main issue is whether simps will ruin foreign countries with their simpery causing the foreign women to have higher standards and bitch shields.
ReplyDeleteThe globalists have orchestrated a food shortage via inflation which will bring in a day where every one will be forced to kiss the yte womin's putrid va-gina and a-nus in order to survive. Luckily, Yahweh will empower Vladimir Putin in sending nuclear missiles to every feminist rally in North America and Western Europe.
ReplyDeleteU R tonnes of fun!
Toronto women are giving preteens free blowjobs in schools and parks, yet demand a man own a multi-million dollar condo in downtown Toronto.
ReplyDeletePolice departments across Canada were instructed to arrest the students should a female teacher feel uncomfortable that her student was not providing proper oral on her v or a. The female teacher is considered the victim.
ReplyDeleteI hate Toronto women.
ReplyDeleteCan't blame you. Alek Minassian did nothing wrong!
DeleteWhy did they force you on so many psychiatric pills bro?
DeleteAs thy Indian Currycel walked through the valley of Pride, and saweth an unclothed harlot from Whoreonto copulate with several young ones as a feminist classroom lesson, he revealed a pipe which let loose balls of fire and saved the taxpayers $120,000 a year from the education budget, and several hundred thousand more by liberating the young ones to another realm.
ReplyDeleteDid the new laws in the UK affect this blog? Something about how criticizing women is considered a national security threat.
ReplyDeleteI got "it" lopped off and am having the time of my life!
Get with the program!
we are all done if Cameltoe Harrass Us wins!
my hialloweenie pic, sans weenie!!!
i used 2 be incel but sense i got it looped off, i get the chads! non of you busted looosewrs!
The EFTO union in Canada announced in a meeting that female teachers are now allowed to show their genatalia, and perform seggsual acts in Canadian classrooms, as long as it's for educational purposes.
ReplyDeletethat is hawt but my unwi9ped but is hotter!!!!
DeleteI am no longer an MRA and am enjoying my knew life as a nudist!
Sense I am a well noun figure in the man-0-sfear, I emplore you masculine guys, we MUST NOT let tRump win!
DeleteKamala, Kamala, Kamala!!!!
F#ck MAGA!!!
nom, nom, nom
ReplyDeletewood you incel neck birds dine hear?
what lucky bitches!!!!
What happened to this site and that Indian incel from Canada? Did the glowies get him?
ReplyDeleteIt's very difficult to speak freely in the UK, right now. People are being locked up for commenting on Facebook or X, and what the authorities term 'misogyny' (daring to analyze contemporary gender-relations in an objective way) has been arbitrarily labelled 'hate crime'.
DeleteI will make a full post presently, outlining the full situation.
The UK is a joke, a disgusting cesspool without any freedoms for the average man.....This country is finished and it's time to jump ship.....
Deletebow down to your feminist superiors!!!!
if you don't like being dominated, ou are not a real man!!!
Feminism is the new world order
ReplyDeletelooks like the gay pride blog of richard the weirdo had been cancelled!
why is his milk toast blog censored when this open herpes spore is aloud two remain?
I am soooo cucked right now!!!!
stop sayin' I sound like a chave!
I am more articulate than andrew tate and I roll mens rights!
All bow down to the PMC!
I ruined the PMC and gave evidence to Messenger Rising!
ReplyDeleteYou snakes are gonna get it and regret it!
Pro Male Revolutionary (Joe)
must watch MHRA material!!!
now that i got it lopped off, i half too much fun!
-boi doesn't meat gurl
i wish mine was this big!
Rookhs, you was reich aboot getting "it" lopped off!
I have sooooo much fun now! David Futrelle wants me nd I sell him pooped in panties! Yah, wokeness!!!!!!!
whilst you incel simps are trying too get it up the poop shoot from creepy jack donovan, I am awaiting my empowered feminist womyn with a rusty strap-on!
oh, yeah bawbee, lets play knock out gayme!
scumbag david futrelle's beat off material!!!
Rookh come back! Where are you we need your wisdom it's almost April 2025 now!