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Beatlemania: the harrowing fruits of male sexual alienation |
Perhaps the Anglo-American media needs
to start being more honest about Anglo-American women. They are, as we all
know, obese, hypergamous, deluded, obnoxious and entitled. However, the Anglo
media seems intent on projecting an entirely false image of them. Rap and
rock music videos, TV shows and Hollywood films invariably show Anglo-American females as
thin, sexualized, blonde, attractive and congenial.
We point out the dangers of such
misrepresentation in the wake of another atrocity by the IS insurgents. This
time, a young Jihadist with a British accent is seen to behead American
photo-journalist James Foley after first warning President Obama not to bomb
the IS militias. The killer’s accent suggests he grew up in South East England,
probably London itself.
Any society keeps men ‘onside’ - that
is, committed to the social order – through viable offers of sexual / reproductive
reward. Would Agamemnon’s warriors have besieged Troy without the lure of sex –
‘a Trojan wife’ – for every one of them? Would Ghengis Khan’s warriors have
followed him without ample opportunities for rape and pillage? Yet western
societies in general, and Anglosphere nations in particular, seem to expect
male loyalty and commitment with no such sureties at all. Indeed, such
societies promise a blonde, nubile, seventeen year old model for every man – then
typically fail to deliver.
Given this bitter reality, is it any wonder that young men turn from western society to lives of action and commitment in far-flung regions of the world? After all the lofty sexual promises pumped out in movies, rap videos and adverts, the vast majority of young men in Anglosphere countries are reaching adulthood with an overmastering sense of having been lied to. All through their formative years they were told that adult life would be one long feast of orgiastic delight. More, they were told that working hard at school and college would secure fast cars, penthouses and financial independence. Given the record levels of youth unemployment / underemployment in the UK, these economic promises have mostly turned out to be just another mirage.
Of course, broken promises are no excuse for beheading people. As Martin Prendergast says in Falling Down: “Hey, we’ve all been lied to”. However, we must remember that young people view the world in somewhat ‘black and white’ terms. They generally lack the cognitive experience to put the Anglosphere’s sexual lies in context, as just one set of lies in a world replete with them.
Mainstream Anglo-American society tends to view young men’s defection from the
Anglosphere for the battlefields of Iraq as some kind of ‘mystery’, as in the following article:
Charlie Cooper, from British counter-extremist think-tank the Quilliam Foundation, said there were several steps which could transform a young man from the streets of London to a brutal militant capable of beheading an innocent journalist.He said: "It's a process which involves a number of different factors. The first is an individual having an identity crisis of some form. He might have faced racist abuse or been kicked out of work or something like that, a crisis which leaves them feeling lost. What happens at that point is a charismatic Islamist narrative attracts them and they view it as providing them with answers to the trouble they have faced in their day-to-day life. From that stage they are channelled into an extremist path."To get someone from being a non-violent extremist to going to fight in Syria and from then to decapitate an American journalist while they're unarmed is not an immediate process but it is certainly all interlinked. Non-violent extremism provides a mood music for jihadism. This guy will have been recruited and bottlenecked into an Islamist extremist ideology which then will have led him to more exposure to propaganda from the Islamic State."SOURCE: Daily Express, 2014-08-21
However, in light of the foregoing discussion, we see no complex mystery at the heart of their disenchantment. It is a perfectly logical response to a plethora of broken promises. If the Anglosphere is serious about keeping its young men ‘on side’, perhaps it needs to stop lying to them.
ISIS: a flavour you can taste |
I've been unemployed for a long time, I see the 'regulars' in the unemployment centre; the fact is that women are rarely long term unemployed compared to men.
ReplyDeleteSince the only 'growing' sector in the economy is the public sector, and they employ about 70% women and Sodomites, it follows that the State is wholly responsible for the disenfranchisement of men.
If a State has to choose between unemployed men and unemployed women, and if that State cared about social stability, then it would choose to favour employing men. It has chose to employ women and Sodomites, thus has chosen instability; an act of sabotage that seems to only make sense if it is part of a larger plan of subversion of our Democracy, to supplant it with a State controlled Bureaucracy; else it is simply insanity.
It is amazing that someone so intelligent is long-term unemployed. But as you say, a State controlled bureaucracy does not really require intelligent people, just robotic sheep... which explains why it thinks so highly of women.
ReplyDeleteI honestly think this culture is defined by suicidal stupidity more than anything else.
DeleteIt's the same in America; a reasonably intelligent white male here has very slim chances employment; especially in areas like Academia, media, government, or Corporate America.
Most men like that here are self-employed. I've worked for myself for almost 14 years. There is no way men in my situation could find work at salaried position.
It's interesting that we have our own version of the same kind of alienation here. Young American men aren't becoming Jihadists, but the Underground Economy and Black Market here is enormous---though the American media will never admit it. Instead of Jihadism, it wouldn't surprise me if we were trending more towards a Mafia/Camorra style society.
Just an aside - my older brother is intelligent, and long term unemployed.
DeleteWhy bother getting a job?
I have one just for kicks at this point.
I vaguely remember an old post of yours saying that if 1 in 20 men simply "stopped doing what they were doing" - our society would completely collapse.
I believe that.
I also believe that more than 1 in 20 men are seeing the bullshit the media is feeding them on a daily basis.
Let's be honest, the dehumanising effects of unfettered capitalism are bad for ALL human beings. But perhaps because women are accustomed to being treated like non-sentient tradable possessions for millennia (from "Trojan wives" to the "nubile seventeen year old models" of today) well maybe we're simply hardened to it, even if we do also happen to be "fashionable, like wet clay" (thanks for that particular gem, Jimmy Giro)!!!
DeleteWomen are fashionable, like wet clay. Those who control what women want, can effectively side-step the democratic process, and mould the society to its whim.
ReplyDelete"Indeed, such societies promise a blonde, nubile, seventeen year old model for every man – then typically fail to deliver."
ReplyDeleteOn rare occasions, they do deliver - the problem is, as you mentioned in your opening paragraph - the women are completely ill-mannered, ill-tempered, or just plain psychotic.
Such "hook-ups" end up with a bankrupt male, and a woman whose psychotic behavior, lying, and deceit is only re-enforced by rewarding such behavior in divorce court - rewarding it when a woman does it.
I know 5 men personally who have gone through this.
And of course, I have known way more than 5 men total - hence it does happen - but rarely - and ALWAYS ends in disaster for the man.
I really dont know why everyones blaming the muslims, the Christians & Catholics started all this shit.
ReplyDeleteMass unemployment is a natural product of puritanism & rampant below replacement level reproduction, all of it due to christian & catholic monogamous marriage.
Christian Monogamy is notorious for wiping out complete populations & reducing it to a state where the population levels are so low, where only women are required to operate the bureaucracies
Feminism occurs because of dropping population levels & low levels of fertility.
Notice the complete lack of feminism ie. japan, china.
India is an exception, as indian men are a raging bunch of vaginas...
*Notice the complete lack of feminism ie. japan, china*
ReplyDeleteVery interesting points but doesn't Japan have an incredibly low birthrate?
I think feminism/industralisation have more to do with the demographic implosion of the West than anything else. Is there a feminist country with a birth rate that exceeds reproduction rates?
ReplyDeleteChristianity is still dominant in sub-saharan Africa for example and they certainly don't have population issues (though much of the region permits polygamy).
N.B: It is difficult to say how feminist Japan is - Japan's culture has traditionally been very masculine, but modern Japanese males are not particularly masculine (not that there's any real point in many cases).
Japan has a huge population to compensate, also strictly speaking japan is polygnous, prostitution, girlfriends & dates for cash is normal
ReplyDeleteAlso the low birthrate is artificially induced, ie one child policy
Also sub-saharan Africa, as well as most of the planet still practices polygamy
Where-ever you see low level populations, you'll see some sort of Christian puritan radical monogamous movement behind it
Feminism is christian & catholic monogamous marriage, institutionalised out of the church & politicised as a government body politic
ReplyDeleteBasically Christian & Catholic marriage taken out of the church & applied to everyone
Christian & Catholic monogamous marriage IS feminism & the root cause of low population levels & rampaging unemployment levels
Christian monogamous marriage IS radical feminism
A man enslaved to a woman, completely forbidden to even look at other women, radical puritanism ie even porn is forbidden for christian men & absolute hatred for men
ie all male sexuality is evil & forbidden, all male behaviour is demonised, ie males are seen as brutes & barbarians, while women are seen as pure virginal angelical humans
A radical feminists wet dream ...
Isolating men & preventing them from reproducing with hundreds of women, dramatically drops the population levels
Generationally as less & less men are able to reproduce due to monogamous marriage, the population levels drop to ridiculous levels
Christian batshit Monogamy is the root cause of feminism, it is at the heart of the fall of western culture & civility
No christian women pushing puritan monogamy, no decline
Its the Christians & Catholics who're responsible for this shit, not the leftists
Leftists are parasites, they cant build movements for shit
The leftists are appropriating Christian puritan movements & passing them off as their own
Christianity is one of the sickest, most deranged and misandric religions of all time. No wonder that womyn love xtianity, as it enslaves men to the wretched, psychotic feminine imperative.
DeleteHopefully we will one day get rid of this demented religion.
*Christian monogamous marriage IS radical feminism*
ReplyDeleteBrilliance, right there. That is what I have been saying for almost a decade - Anglo-American feminism IS the establishment, not any kind of challenge to it. Scratch the surface and they are anti-sex and anti-male - just like Anglo-American Christian conservatives.
Can u explain why it are mostly women who convert to islam?
ReplyDeleteI don't dispute what you say about Japan (Rookh has said similar things), but the one-child policy is a Chinese phenomenon isn't it (never heard of such a thing in Japan)? So I don't really think monogamy explains Japan's low birthrate. I still maintain it's a combination of industrialisation and feminism - and Japan isn't Christian in any sense.
Surprisingly (yeah I was surprised too), sub-Saharan Africa varies RE polygamy - Ghana and countries around it (Ivory Coast, Guinea) have apparently criminalised it.
I think that culture transcends religion, so I agree the Christianity that we see in the Anglosphere is uniquely puritan and anti-male because the culture itself has such tendencies. But in the distant past that was true as well and the birth rate was still acceptable. It has been the rise of feminism that has ruined the birth rates, because now we have generations of women who think that they're too good for lowly 'peon' males.
Agree that leftist feminists and Anglo Christians are two sides of the same coin.
"Isolating men & preventing them from reproducing with hundreds of women, dramatically drops the population levels"
ReplyDeleteWhile I agree that STRICTLY MONOGAMOUS christian marriage is feminism, I don't agree that it is responsible for the population crash. I think basically intelligent people with technological access know children suck and life is a hell of a lot better enjoyed childless. Leykis is right on the money comparing weekends in Napa Resorts in hot tubs to some lowlife in a trailer park with a bunch of screaming kids running around. Marriage in most of the world though involved elders pairing up horny teenagers with a suitable individual for breeding. Once they had fallen out of love a series of children had been born to the woman all before hitting the age of 29. Then the man went out and queitly hit lower class whores or a mistress if he was wealthy enough and the woman enjoyed her status as a "Matriarch."
Coincidentally, before the age of feminist "career bitches" beginning their families at age 35 did you ever hear of this plauge of autistic children? How many 18 year old Mexican bimbos do you see on these television "specials" on "autism." (my sister had one in her mid 30s) My hypothosis is that just like Down Syndrome, this is just something that happens more commonly when middle aged people breed.
ReplyDeleteAgree. Down Syndrome and autism seem to be far more prevalent when women 35+ give birth - probably because they're on the cusp of exiting their reproductive period in many cases (especially with birth control pill use like we have today).
I think most people would like to have children (it's a biological imperative after all), but it's too damn expensive, plus many Anglo women make the mistake of viewing children as an afterthought...before finding that they're close to sterile.
Older males are much more likely than younger men to have offspring with problems such as autism, dwarfism, dyslexia, depression, schizophrenia and low IQ among other disorders, even when the mother is much younger. The problem is that sperm cells are constantly replicating throughout his lifetime which results in a devastatingly higher likelihood of mutation to occur. Just because you are still producing some very lousy sperm, does not mean you should still be reproducing.
DeleteAh, is our resident feminist back?
DeleteBy older males, I assume you mean those who are 35+? Everything I have read suggests that male fertility only BEGINS to decline at that age, whilst female fertility begins to decline in the late-20's. Male fertility decline also tends to be more subtle than female fertility, as you've pointed out (and is a controversial concept anyway).
Also note that contraception (which many if not most Anglo women use nowadays) drastically curtails female fertility, whilst the chance of a child suffering from various genetic disorders (including autism and Down's Syndrome) increases as the mother ages.
In truth, both males AND females should be reproducing at younger ages. Our society has made this very difficult for reasons that have already been documented by people much smarter than myself.
"The problem is that sperm cells are constantly replicating throughout his lifetime which results in a devastatingly higher likelihood of mutation to occur."
DeleteAnd as we learn from the 'special' Olympics, the defective ones make the 'best' swimmers!?
And if your 'thesis' was correct, then such correlations would show in the defects of the youngest children of all fathers. How come all the medical research in the world has missed this research paper worthy result, whilst a fuckwit on a computer saw it from the 4 dimensional vista of her own anus?
Nope, I think the peak age of fertility is generally the same for men and women. Women's fertility dramatically halts at around 50 years of age - some women earlier and some later, but the quality of the gamete itself does not decline, it simply stops being released.
DeleteBoth sexes can improve their fertility through good health of course. Men can improve the motility of sperm though healthy eating and proper exercise (like that'll ever happen- 65% English men are overweight or obese compared to 58% English women) but this does not prevent mutation in sperm cells.
Erectile dysfunction, testosterone decline, wrinkles and man boobs occur for very good reason - they signal the end of sexual attractiveness and viability. Unfortunately the media constantly reinforces the idea that only women should worry about declining attractiveness. That's because the media exists to make men feel good about themselves - the reverse is true for women. But at least we are in touch with reality - however dreadful that may be, at least it's not a shock.
Dearest 'Anon'
DeleteYour comment is complete bullshit on every point. Congratulations, even few feminists can be that catastrophically inaccurate.
Please point out any science (done by scientists, not feminists) supporting any strong correlation of paternal age to genetic damage in their offspring. Good luck, the most you'll find is increases in risk from a very low level.
In comparison there's plenty of research proving a link between maternal age and damaged children. Luckily, contrary to your lies, female fertility drops markedly in their mid-thirties and very, very few babies are born from mid forties onward.
Ok, seeing as you're too lazy or scared to look it up yourselves, there are several studies being carried out. Here's names of a few experts on male fertility who voice their concerns about older fathers:
DeleteDr Allan Pacey, University of Sheffield
Kyle Orwig, Unversity of Pittsburgh
Dr Harry Fisch, New York Medical Centre
Dr Joe Leigh Simpson, American College of Medical genetics
Dr Kari Stefansson, Decode Genetics
Professor Andrew Wilkie, University of Oxford
DaRick, in the studies focusing on Schizophrenia it was found that males under 25 had a 1 in 141 chance of having a child who would develop schizophrenia. This increased quite dramatically to 1 in 99 if the father was aged between 30-35. By the time he is in his 50s a man has a 1 in 47 chance of having a child with schizophrenia. Downs Syndrome is also linked to older fathers, which calls to question whether it was the father's rather than the mother's fault all along.
DeleteTaking your stats at face value, it would seem that those studies neglect to mention how old the mother also was. The older the father is, the older the mother is likely to be as well.
And nope, Down's Syndrome IS strongly linked to older mothers - can't shift responsibility entirely to the father there.
Face facts - female fertility starts to decline at a younger age (and more quickly) than male fertility does, with the attendant genetic consequences.
You also didn't disagree with me when I stated that both males AND females should be having children at younger ages if at all possible.
It seems that, as usual, you just blame males for bad events. In a way, this is somewhat sexist towards women, because you are off-handedly behaving as they are just animals reacting to stimuli and are thus blameless for all and any actions. Not so.
(N.B: It seems that you quoted the NYT, a paper which has strong feminist leanings.)
I think you are basically right about autism. However, even if an 18 year old Mexican bimbo had an autistic child the symptoms would probably be lost in the general dysfunction that surrounds such people (low IQ, sociopathy, poverty, religious mania, gang culture, you get the picture). In Britain, lower class kids with dyslexia are also difficult to find, probably for the same reason: for the lower classes, dyslexia is just the proverbial needle in a haystack of far more obvious problems.
ReplyDeleteI would like to affirm that I think Jimmy Giro is spot on. In my experience and observation about 80% of the long-term unemployed are male. Most of my friends and acquaintances are either not working (officially sick) or run their own businesses as best they can and went self-employed as Capitalism which is misandrist forced them into it. the only people in long-term permanent jobs with endless benefits seem to be of the female sex.
ReplyDeleteAll this has predictable consequences which I will not retail here. I suppose that on balance it is better than being in the trenches.
Over here in the US the Anglobitch complex is going after the game of American Football big time right now. Feminists and Manginas absolutely hate it for it's unabashed 19th century masculinity, a gladiator type sport from the cowboy era. Now of course you get a lot of creeps and one of them beat his wife during the off season and the liberal media complex think they can dictating to the NFL on what punishment the guy should get. This shit should be left to the courts, if he gets convicted he'll be in a lot of trouble and as of now he is still technically presumed innocent. Seriously, it is not the job of your employer to be "spanking you" for "being naughty" like some big "mommy." The guy got a two game suspension and the liberal media went wild demanding he be banned for life, etc, FURTHERMORE they are demanding the head of the NFL's commisioner for not punishing Ray Rice adequately in their view. They even forced the NFL to let the former head of the FBI investigate them over this like friggin' Watergate. We are also now getting endless lectures by feminist talking heads on how "the epidemic of domestic violence" is "out of control" when in fact domestic violence has been drastically reduced over the past 50 years. But think about the gist of these feminists demands: if you commit a crime you should be banished from employment for the rest of your life. How mean and vindictive, similar to they way they go after so called "sex offenders" with their vindictive "registration" and nanny state banishing them from living "withing XXX distance of a school or playground" which when examined basically outside of a few desolate areas excluded them from 95% of the geographical areas of the damn state because schools and playgrounds are ubiquitous in developed areas.
ReplyDeleteYou like the word VINDICTIVE, don't ya?!!! Miaooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!!!
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