The PM woman ponders her dwindling options... |
The lame-stream Anglo-American media endlessly sings the virtues of female 'empowerment', as if the average woman was a
superhuman paragon of multi-tasking intelligence. However, when we observe the ludicrous life-strategies most women adopt after
menopause, the reality is very different. Why? Because, beyond their reproductive age, women are essentially
worthless. Even White Knights have no use for
them. In
prehistoric times, we cannot doubt that most women were killed by a
blow to the
skull after raising their last
litter of children. Feminism, Theosophy, finger-painting, husband-beating or
handing out sweets on the train: the
post-menopausal (PM) female will do almost
anything to disguise/obviate her essential
worthlessness. Let us now examine these
desperation strategies in more depth.
We must suppress male sexuality at all costs! |
The big one. Or should I say big two?
Feminism and Anglo-American
Christianity have an
identical fixation on restricting male sexual freedom. Many PM women suddenly immerse themselves in either 'the sisterhood' or tradcon Christian drivel, and for exactly the same
reason: both ideologies neutralize the effects of their plummeting
SMV by
chastising (or seeking to ban altogether) the dynamic, ageless force of
male sexuality. Never mind that most prostitutes are
happy in their profession, or that sex-trafficking is a
myth, or that Anglo-American men should be perfectly
free to marry foreign women if they so
choose: male sexuality must be reflexively
demonized in order to raise the PM woman's ailing SMV. Of course, many unattractive younger women share the same obsessions; but rarely to the same
extent or
extremity. After all, they still have
reproductive potential, even if most men hardly notice it.
In some respects, the whole
feminist project is designed to
navigate the reality of post-menopausal female worthlessness. By giving women pseudo-education and faux-status, it hopes
neutralize the deleterious effects of their plummeting SMV. We have
Pretty White Girl Syndrome, not post-Menopausal Old Boot Syndrome; and,
sensing their impending
sexual invisibility to men, old or near-old
women will believe anything – literally anything – to avoid the SMV
scrapheap.Which segues neatly into Strategy 2:
PM woman mastering the regenerative power of crystals
Alternatively, many post-menopausal women latch onto mumbo-jumbo peddled by the post-60s counter-culture. Fake religions like the
Qabala. magic
Homeopathy. Chatting to
geraniums. Reading
tarot cards and
tea-leaves. Because lots of PM women share such irrational fixations, UK 'businesswoman'
Anita Roddick built a vast fortune pandering to their whims and fancies. Indeed, Roddick created one of the 90's most successful retail chains (
The Body Shop) simply by slapping curvy, female-friendly labels on her queasy products.
When menopause strikes, many Earth Mothers also start engaging with the post-everything echo-chamber that is modern art: ape-house
paintings and junk-yard
sculptures; formless
poems scrawled in indigo ink; or turgid, pornographic
novels. Funny how PM women never take up
engineering or something
useful, is it not?
Is this ‘Earth Mother’ persona
authentic or just another attempt to avoid being ignored, abused or killed? My guess is the latter.
In the hunter-gatherer context, a PM woman with some kind of
shamanic presence in the tribe was more likely to survive than a PM woman with no presence at all. Other women would
intercede for her; she knew the herbs to trigger
abortions; she was their
link to the Great Goddess.
In sum, the PM woman's immersion in primitive superstition suggests a huge level of
existential insecurity. Stripped of
sexual power, despised by even the lowest of men, she throws herself on the mercy of imaginary beings like a
savage caught in an
earthquake. Sadly, healing crystals and geranium roots cannot boost her lost SMV. For men have no interest in her Coke-can sculptures of
Bingu, the Earth goddess; only fresh young pussy.
Eat, eat... only please don't hurt me! |
menopause, it is notable how women start trying to
placate everyone. Many an
entitled cunt turns
forty and suddenly starts handing out
sweets to taxi drivers and
smiling at passing strangers. Cakes and pastries, pies and Mars bars; her bounty is endless. Remember to treat such women with unmerciful, unprecedented and unrelenting
harshness as you pluck the
sweets from their
hands. Such losers are also good for sport fucking.
Queen of Self-Delusion |
The Tradcon Anglo mass-media - at least that aimed at women - remains fixated on the supposed
charms of past-prime
Madonna remains their default icon, a spidery old cunt ugly even in her prime. Because women lack
self-awareness, they suck up
this delusional nonsense like Dyson hoovers. Even educated middle-class women actually believe that men find ugly old
boots with wrinkled
tits and desert-dry
pussies sexually attractive. Indeed, I found the following article in the
Daily Mail this very day:
Madonna and I
have a few things in common. We are both 56. We’re hard-working. We
have both been addicted to exercise: Madonna to yoga, me to Pilates. Madonna
is rumoured to have had plastic surgery to counter ‘gym face’, I have
had plastic surgery to counter a lifetime of disappointment.
When I first saw her provocative, vaguely sado-masochistic photo shoot in Interview magazine, I was full of admiration.
sheer force of will (and Photoshop, RK) , Madonna looks fitter and prettier than she did at
Live Aid in 1985. Any 20-year-old would be lucky to look this good! You
go, material girl! She is proving that post-menopausal women are still
vibrant, powerful, sexual beings! If Madonna can do it, so can we!
Do PM Anglo-American women actually
believe this
rubbish? Do they really believe that any
heterosexual man in his
right mind finds Madonna 'vibrant' or 'sexual'? Do they really think Madonna is
more attractive than the average 20-year old? Are they
mad? This 'Sexy at 60'
nonsense is particularly
strong among
tradcon PM women with overt
misandrist tendencies - in my extensive
experience the most
unpleasant of all Anglo-American
Heads up, PM ladies. Men evolved to find
thin women with symmetrical
features, long
legs and large
breasts attractive. No matter how hard you kid yourselves, these male preferences are genetically hard-wired and unlikely to change any time soon.
The Best Solution of All... |
Just my own suggestion. Since healthy men have no interest in old, ugly PM women, why don't they just
kill themselves? We can do quite happily without
misandrist feminists,
repressive Christians, crazy
Earth Mothers and self-deluded old
hags. A wise suggestion: unfortunately, most PM women lack the
guts to act on it.