Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent – Isaac Asimov
Aaron Kipnis shows how the United States has the highest rate of boys and young men incarcerated in juvenile halls, jails, boot camps, mental hospitals, recovery hospitals and adult prisons compared to any other nation (Kipnis, 2002). Unfortunately, Kipnis, a psychologist wastes large amounts of ink on a ‘psychological’ explanation. Not that there is anything amiss about the causes he lists: ineffectual and irrelevant education; father absence; sexual and emotional abuse, not least by women; poverty and economic exclusion; spiritual poverty; lack of positive role models; anti-male bias in the media; anti-boy bias in schools; the list is virtually endless.
But all of these ‘psychological’ factors only can be explained by cultural and social forces. In an open question to Dr Kipnis, we ask: why are you begging the question? The cause of these iniquities is easily identified: Anglo-Saxon culture! Why else would Anglo-Saxon countries find it hardest to integrate males? It must be that Anglo-Saxon culture embodies values that ostracise, damage and exclude men: for the only difference between Anglo-Saxon countries and the rest of the advanced world is culture itself.
A Brace of British Chavs:

The other Anglo Saxon countries, notably Britain, have similar problems with males: for instance, Britain incarcerates more young men than any European country (Riddell, 2006). Indeed, the public misbehaviour of feral 'chavs' (moronic underclass youths) is rapidly becoming a national crisis. Now, if England and America had a diet of peanut butter-and-jello sandwiches, and young males habitually ate such sandwiches, before long every half-baked ‘expert’ under the sun would be shouting: “Peanut butter-and-jello sandwiches are pushing our young men off the rails!” But, amazingly, the true distinguishing feature – namely a puritanical culture that ostracises men as sexualised beings – is never mentioned at all.
Isn't She Lovely? The New Breed of Anglobitch:

Again, why do women flourish in Anglo-American countries in a manner unthinkable anywhere else in the world? Why are there hundreds of courses in women’s studies in universities across England and America, and not a single comparable course in men’s studies? Again, the answer is simple: Anglo-Saxon culture. Because it is puritanical, it automatically places women on pedestals of existential supremacy, since they possess sex in a repressive social context. Consequently, Anglo-American media, politics and education reflexively lionise women, while offhandedly vilifying men as child abusers, morons and cannon fodder. And then the authorities querulously wonder why men are in revolt! Or why young Anglo-Saxon males are confused, hobbled with low self-esteem; or why they are increasingly a danger to themselves and others, suicidal or blowing away their teachers and classmates in high school. The answer is obvious, not elusive: culture, culture, culture!
The Fall-out from Anglobitch Feminism: