Tuesday 24 December 2019

The Class and Race Pills: Why High IQ Males in the Lower Classes are Forever Alone

Thick as shit and twice as nasty
This post is primarily for youngcels - specifically high IQ (110+) prolecels and ethnicels - although all dissident men will find it thought-provoking.

Any high-IQ male born into the lower classes - be he a white prolecel or non-white ethnicel - is going to have a hard time of it, sexually speaking. This is of course because lower class 'Dark Triad' women (Histrionic, Borderline and Narcissistic) want only criminal thugs and loathe intelligent men with a searing passion, although there are other factors in play. Lower class white women are the most overtly racist and hostile to ethnic males (though of course all Anglo women are racist in real if not rhetorical terms). For their part, lower class ethnic women have zero interest in males who aren't low-IQ, tattooed gang-bangers spouting ghetto-babble. Having an animal's self-awareness and intelligence, all lower class women are also highly eugenicist, instinctively shunning males who are short, ugly, autistic or in any other way biologically unfit for the crude rigours of proletarian existence. Of course, this 'sexual fascism' ensures that lower class women are also strongly drawn to the Dog Pill, the ultimate expression of female sexual animalism.

Two animals as one: the Dog Pill

Lower class 'culture' is essentially Neolithic in its socio-sexual structure, with a small minority of violent, thuggish 'players' and well-hung canines monopolising all sexual relations. Plebeian life is nasty, brutish and (by middle class standards) short. It is defined by giga-levels of male sexual disenfranchisement and Sexual False Consciousness among the many males ignored by atavistic female mate-selection. For the most part, lower class men effectively live sexless lives - over a third fail to marry or reproduce - with astronomical rates of suicide and mental illness in the process. Hysterical Sexual False Consciousness strives to conceal this arid reality, a kind of hyper-SFC in which ugly, blue collar dopes and other low-SMV males pretend that torrid affairs with models and actresses are their daily fare.

Proleworld is Neolithic, sexually-speaking

It does not take long for any high-IQ individual to work out the fictional nature of these tall tales and the all-pervasive hold of SFC on low-status men. Indeed, Sexual False Consciousness is the defining element of lower class existence; rap music and other manifestations of prole 'youth culture' are essentially institutionalised SFC, steeped in the inane fictions that 'women want sex with everybody', 'be happy' and 'everything is great'.

The MGTOW 'Pump and Dump' meme is the Red Pill variant of hyper-SFC,  since it feigns a surfeit of sexual choice that is simply unavailable to low-SMV males. Meanwhile, MGTOW's 'elective abstinence' - the pretence than inceldom is some kind of choice - is the cope to end all copes. One also thinks of the underclass sewage who join the Anglo military, who are invariably full of chirpy banter about their sexual adventures in sunny climes. This is Hyper-SFC at its finest, of course. In reality, the only females this Band of Fodder are 'pumping and dumping' are the discount hookers who haunt military towns and bases.

Low-IQ fodder weaving more SFC bullshit...
SFC has such a strong hold on most lower class males because they need it to get up in the morning; without a multi-layered patchwork of delusions to keep them on the plantation by use of false promises, vain hopes and outright lies, they would immediately rope. However, their inferior IQs and lack of culture make them particularly easy prey for the lamestream media fantasies that feed and sustain SFC in all its myriad forms. Prole 'hyper-SFC' is a kind of mental illness in which sub-5 incel men actually think they are having sex with models every night; this is the most extreme form of SFC, a kind of sexual psychosis beyond the reach of rational argument or even statistical evidence.

The amazing world of Blue Collar SFC...

The VantaBlack Conclusion?

Given the grim reality of lower class life, a high-IQ white prolecel or non-white ethnicel must resign himself to a nuclear Vantablack truth: it is very, very unlikely you will ever experience the delights of young love that other young men take for granted. The context is just not there for any other outcome. In fact, you had best be steeling yourself for a life of being Forever Alone and living off-grid in the longer term.

As a high IQ white prolecel or non-white ethnicel , you have a reasonable chance of status-maxxing via education, especially if you choose a STEM field. However, this route means you will only acquire middle class status - and freedom from Dark Triad, lower class females - in early middle age, far too late for 'young love' or even a long-term, stable relationship with a viable woman. If you then take to escort-maxxing and start laying 8s, 9s and 10s on a regular basis, these high-quality sexual experiences only make a romantic relationship even more impossible to realise or sustain in the long run.

Sorry I can't be more optimistic: but optimism and the VantaBlack Pill do not belong in the same sentence.

Happy Christmas, anyway.

Friday 20 December 2019

The Decline of Youth Culture and the Rise of Inceldom

Although a lot of recent evidence suggests that the last decade - 2009-2019 - saw a massive increase in the number of male incels, I have long wondered if this is an entirely new development. There are two possible perspectives on this vexed question:

1. The decline of mainstream mass youth culture has facilitated the incel explosion; the Internet has replaced it with a Tinder culture which promotes inceldom among sub-8 men.
2. The mainstream mass youth culture originating in the mid-twentieth century served to mask inceldom under a veil of Sexual False Consciousness; the Internet has merely exposed something which has existed for many decades.

I do not pretend to offer any definitive answers to this question, just throw a few factors into the debate which most observers have overlooked. The first of these is the decline of post-war 'tribal' youth culture in the Anglosphere West, which ceased to exist in about 2008 due to the emergence of new social media technologies.

Back in the 70s, 80s and 90s there was a common western youth culture than transcended gender differences. This culture was incredibly powerful and pervaded society to an extent that modern Millennials or Zoomers can barely appreciate. Watching the movie Bohemian Rhapsody with its vast, adoring Live Aid crowds lays this out plainly. Maybe the existence of a cross-gender tribal youth culture simply did make people more liberated in those days. It surely eased the pressure of Anglo-American homosociality (puritanical gender segregation) somewhat. It also provided cross-gender social networks, venues and events (dances, concerts, hangouts) which were subsequently dynamited by Tinder and other social media based solely on appearance (which have systematically reduced low value males to sexless shadows).

Post-War youth culture produced a range of  ready-made 'tribes' which anyone could enter for the price of a few records and a haircut. In short, post-war youth culture and the various tribes within it sidestepped issues like looks, height and even ethnicity which so hamper modern youngcels. Youth subcultures cut across the 'grain' of these innate, VantaBlack Pill factors, diminishing their impact; while in our present Tinder Age, factors like looks and height have become absolutely pivotal to male mating success. It also explains why males are bearing the brunt of modern inceldom; they are now being judged solely on looks despite having innately lower sexual market value than equivalent females. The decline of white culture as the media's default setting probably played a part in this. Ethnic youth culture is simple hedonism which favours physical factors above all others; the arty white intellectualism of 80s New Wave or 60s psychedelia was far more complex and textured, permitting abstract factors like intelligence to play some role in sexual attraction.

Of course, the alternative view is that there never was a Golden Age of sexual freedom in the Anglosphere West. Even at the time, Michael Medved's Hollywood Versus America (1993) or Tony Tyler's I hate Rock and Roll (1984) suggested that young people were not having copious quantities of sex (although their assumption that this was a 'conservative' matter of choice would not impress many modern observers). In this view, the decline of Western youth culture weakened Sexual False Consciousness to reveal the mass inceldom that was always there. In other words, young men are now simply free to ADMIT to being sexually disenfranchised in a way they never were before.

So did this elaborate post-War youth culture merely mask widespread sexual disenfranchisement under a wave of Sexual False Consciousness? After all, the idea that 'everyone' under 30 was banging models every night went completely unchallenged from the early 1960s to the late 1990s: it was taken as 'given' that all males were enjoying copious quantities of free sex with nymphomaniac females. Absolutely no questioning of this assumed fact was permitted in the mainstream media of the day (not that it is now, of course), especially the media dedicated to youth culture. Because of this, researchers in those days were not really looking for evidence of widespread sexual disenfranchisement; academics bought into the omnipotent  'Sex for All' narrative just as readily as the mainstream population.

The truth probably lies somewhere between the two perspectives.  Most research suggests that Boomers and Gen X were indeed marginally more liberated than younger Millennials or Zoomers, and it is fairly obvious that the tribal youth cultures of those times played a role in this. At the same time, sexual disenfranchisement was both reduced and suppressed by this omnipotent post-war youth culture. Since I am writing for ethnic youngcels trapped in the Anglosphere as much as white oldcels and dissidents who plan to leave it, providing some illumination on the broader context of pan-Anglosphere inceldom will be useful for anyone trying to frame their situation in a broader cultural context.

I have come to believe that 2008 was a kind of cultural watershed, the last year of the Western post-War media monoculture. That year was defined by global movie blockbusters such as the Dark Knight Returns and still bore the stamp of the twentieth century, in every sense. Politics in the Anglosphere was still relatively stable and sub-8 men under 30 could still expect a heterosexual relationship. The rise of social media both terminated  this cultural phase while permitting sexually disenfranchised males to express their discontent through various online channels, free of the old monoculture's Sexual False Consciousness.

What else do you want to know?

Saturday 14 December 2019

It's a Mystery: Why do a few Low IQ Feminists and Mentally-Ill Transsexuals Exert so much Power over the Anglosphere?

According to both Anglo-American tradcucks and the alt-right, Jews and gay men are omnipotent in the Anglosphere.

A Jewish/Gay societal hegemony is at least understandable, if not actual: Jews and gay men have much higher IQs than other lobby groups. Their dominance of many fields is merely testament to their superior abilities, focus and cohesion (women's 'fashion culture' is largely the creation of gay men, for example). However, this Gay/Jewish intellectual advantage is certainly not available to feminists or trannies, whose best response to rational criticism is to quote discredited 'research' from the flabby social 'sciences'. Their more typical response is to launch hysterical, witless tirades against anyone who dares criticise their ludicrous opinions.

Moreover, feminists are infinitely more powerful than all other groups in the contemporary Anglosphere: Jews like Weinstein and Epstein have been the main targets of #metoo allegations aimed at them by the feminist hate-industry.

Which leads to a profound question: How have a handful of low-IQ feminists and mentally-ill trannies wrangled things so that even able, powerful elites tremble before their preposterous claims and accusations? How have they managed to get such omnipotent leverage in so short a time? And how have they managed to normalise views that only a few decades ago would have been considered mentally ill?

Make no mistake - despite their intellectual shortcomings, half-witted feminists and deluded trannies are now the gods of Anglo-American civilisation. The slightest criticism of their views is met with a torrent of rabid invective backed by the strong arm of the law. They are universally lionized by the media, academia and the legal establishment.

5 decades ago, this critter would have been certified.

Many have tried to explain the situation by recourse to anti-Semitic and homophobic arguments. But no one tells the Anglobitch to fuck dogs, murder babies or engage in hyper-hypergamy; such degeneracy is entirely self-created and maintained by Anglo women themselves. Aside from the limitations of racist/homophobic conspiracy explanations, refusing to blame women squarely for their misandry, idiocy and deceit smacks of Anglo-cuckery. Since the Anglosphere's cucked Knights cannot dare to blame women for their crimes, they are forced to blame external agencies (Jews, gays) instead.

In short, Jewish Conspiracy nuts are just losers trying to justify their own life-failings by blaming people smarter and more industrious than themselves. And while gay men exploit female vanity to forge careers in the fashion and media industries, most of them are not especially pro-feminist or even pro-woman. But if feminists and trannies have no elite protectors or sponsors, how did they become so powerful in so short a time?

The Anglosphere is now dominated by 'Petticoat Government'

The Anglobitch Thesis is the best answer to this riddle. Due to the residual puritanism of Anglo-American culture, women are sacred deities who can do or say no wrong, in any circumstance. Women in the Anglosphere are playing life on idiot mode with infinite hacks; indeed, they are now the de facto nobility of Anglo-American civilization. The following extract from my book Hope on Distant Shores explains the historical and cultural origins of this situation in more detail:
As has been well-established, the Anglosphere harbours a deep tendency to Puritanism. The Anglo-American obsession with policing public sexuality for ‘the public good’ owes much to this unstated agenda, as does the long-standing (and bogus) Anglo assumption of moral superiority over other cultures. Of course, Anglo-American feminism has co-opted these agendas, as well as the Puritanism underlying them. It will be noted that Anglo feminists presume the right to ban paid sex work or regulate sex tourism without a moment’s thought, as if this were morally right by definition.

However, Anglo feminism also has a strong misandrist cast distinct from other forms of feminism. Again, this hatred owes much to prevailing Anglo-Saxon values, although it has amplified their misandrist elements a thousandfold. This misandry uniquely defines the Anglo brand of feminism, and explains its adversarial, rapacious and destructive nature.
Not so sure about the 'new'...

Since male sexuality is by definition active, potent and vigorous, it automatically offends the infantile morality of the Anglosphere. In a normal, life-affirming culture, potency and vigour are positive qualities. In a denatured culture which has severed all links to the primal wells of life and joy, these virtues acquire sinister associations. Little wonder then that the Anglosphere now tacitly views men as unwelcome interlopers, party crashers and defective females.

However, Anglo feminism has taken the deep-rooted Anglo-Saxon distrust of male sexuality and twisted it into a creed of hatred. Since the Anglosphere is by definition a matriarchy, feminism has effectively remoulded mainstream Anglo culture into a ‘girls only’ playpen from which men are systematically excluded (despite having to maintain and even defend it). Consider male exclusion from higher education, the burgeoning rates of male suicide and depression, the instant institutional acceptance of ‘#metoo’ hysteria and now calls to imprison all male incels – all products of post-feminist feedback, yet all ultimately rooted in misandrist Puritanism.

So much for the roots of feminist and female power. What about trannies and their burgeoning cultural might, before which even feminists are beginning to tremble? This quote from another chapter in Hope on Distant Shores offers the best explanation:
The privileged treatment white women receive across the Anglosphere is now so obvious as to be acknowledged even by some feminists and cultural Marxists. However equality is defined, men are treated as third class citizens in every Anglosphere country. The whole culture exists to serve white, Anglo-American women who are viewed as faultless deities and the existential benchmark to which all others must aspire. This gynocentric agenda is absolutely dominant in the lamestream Anglo-American media, where straight men are routinely depicted as criminals, abusers or dangerous malcontents. Outside of professional sports, the heterosexual male viewpoint has been largely banished from the media. Gone are the days of Walter Kronkite: newsreaders, talk-show hosts and even weather reporters are now typically female, usually heavily sexualized and indoctrinated by sex-negative misandrist feminism. 
In the Anglosphere, only female sexuality matters: straight males are tacitly viewed as destructive interlopers and their sexuality vilified. Female wants and requirements transcend all other considerations; in sum, society exists to serve them. The ‘Soyboy’, ‘cuck’, ‘White Knight’ or ‘male feminist’ is a disturbing response to this systemic oppression. These sad individuals have completely internalized the Anglosphere’s misandrist narrative, idealising women and shunning all semblance of a healthy masculine identity. However, these men still rank very low compared to gay and transsexual males in the Anglosphere’s misandrist caste-system. In a puritanical society with a reflexive revulsion of the male sex, women are invariably at the top and heterosexual men at the bottom. In between are various types of pseudo-female, who are now the official ‘spokespeople’ for masculinity...
So there it is: the mystery of feminist power deconstructed and explained in a few paragraphs. There is no 'Jewish conspiracy' underlying the exalted status women enjoy in Anglo-American countries; their status springs entirely from the puritanical, repressive nature of Anglosphere culture. Women and trannies could be lobotomized and their inane 'arguments' would still be sanctioned by the Anglo-American cultural establishment.

Friday 6 December 2019

Know Your Enemies: Lower-Class Blue Knights, Kings of the Azure Pill

The Blue Pilled narrative across the Anglosphere tells us that sometime between the late fifties and the early seventies, 'everything changed'; that suddenly, 'everyone' was having sex with everyone else in a dizzying maelstrom of orgiastic delightIn reality, what really happened in the 50s and 60s is that women gained the freedom to indulge their innate preference for high status males: it was a ‘hypergamy revolution’, not a ‘sexual revolution’. This is why male lower class suicide rates began to soar in the late 60s, as mateless males began to feel the psychological impact of sexlessness and singleness. It is interesting that socio-economic divides also began to widen at this time, making low-value males non-marriageable material for most Anglo-American women. What also began to arise were various 'copes' for sexless men, especially Sexual False Consciousness in all its myriad forms.

As I have already described in a number of classic articles, Sexual False Consciousness involves sexless men falsely appropriating the sexual successes of high status men as their own at a subjective, imaginary level. Because rock singers, rappers and actors are having lots of sex with models, low status losers feel the need to pretend THEY are having sex with models, conveniently omitting the fact that female hyper-hypergamy only bestows this sexual bounty on rich, famous and high-value males. We see this crazy delusion at work in the MGTOW 'pump and dump' and Wall narratives, as if the average mid to low-value male were drowning in sexual choices every minute of every day

Granny sells sex: the reality of the 'Sexual Revolution'

This is not to say that MGTOW does not have value; but its real value is its political dimension, not its psycho-sexual one. It is perfectly reasonable for sexually and socially excluded males to self-organise online and minimise their societal contributions. Sadly, this good work is muddied by rampant Sexual False Consciousness at every turn. 

Of all low-SMV coper males, the most duped and dangerous are low-IQ, low-income, blue collar losers. These clowns habitually talk as if there were a queue of nubile women clamouring to have sex with them. In truth, the whole blue collar, blue-pilled schtick - that women want sex with everyone - is ludicrous in a world where toothless grannies are charging young men for sex while a third of young American males had no sex at all in 2017In fact, the same blue collar chumps swapping tall tales about their sexual escapades have swingeing suicide and addiction rates. Clearly, the only thing these shit-heels are 'pumping and dumping' in the Tinder Age are cheap hookers and blow up dolls.

He's banging models all night...

These loser dopes defend their Sexual False Consciousness with such fanatical resolve because delusion is all that stands between them and the rope. The blunt truth – that they lost out on love and sex with a prime female – would make their minds implode in psychotic rage. This is why these inane poltroons loathe the very shadow of the Anglobitch Thesis and all Red/Black Pilled thought. If they realised their real situation even for a moment – abject loserdom, wading through lives devoid of love and sex – they would instantly kill themselvesAlthough Game/PUA practitioners are a dying breed in the Tinder Age, they also cling to their delusions with the same fanatical resolve

The deluded Blue Knight

Angry and resentful, utterly gulled by the lamestream media and its cloying fantasies, it is easy to see why these 'Blue Knights' - that is, blue-pilled, balled and collared - are walking around on a 'hair trigger', waiting to explode in violent rage. Sports hooligans, violent criminals, racists and other thugs are generally drawn from this group. Moreover, lower class white 'culture' is hysterically misandrist in general, forever extolling male disposability and the endless virtues of white women as a class. This why Blue Knights have to be handled carefully, when we awakened men cannot shun them altogether; they are better left in Azure-Pilled delusion than introduced to the Red/Black Pills of liberating truth. Inbred autistics are among the most dangerous of these knaves, since their cognitive disorders inhibit understanding of their true situation and its causes. The veil of Sexual False Consciousness is essential for them to function at the most basic level, since it keeps their ugly and hopeless reality at bay for another day.

Lower class white men are vociferous defenders of 'women’s rights' in the Anglosphere because of low IQ, their misandrist culture and limited self-awareness; but also because sexual false consciousness prevents them seeing that women's 'liberation' merely gives free rein to female hyper-hypergamy. And here is the curious thing; by pedestalising women, lower class Blue Knights only legitimise and perpetuate their own inceldom. A good analogy would be the inane tendency of low income chumps to vote republican/conservative in Anglosphere countries, thereby oppressing themselves in the most ludicrous manner imaginable. Thus some Anglocuck who hasn’t had sex in two decades rails against the 'sexual oppression' of women in countries like Saudi Arabia, not seeing that strict sexual regulation of women would be far more likely than Anglo-feminist hyper-hypergamy to secure him a breeding mate. The ultimate expression of this idiocy is lower class Anglo males joining the military to 'free' women in societies which still regulate female sexuality. 

Lower Class 'Culture' idolises Women

In the 2020s these sexually-disenfranchised, deluded imbeciles will become our direct opponents in the struggle for truth and freedom. The 2020s is the Incel Decade when various long-submerged gender conflicts will come to a head in the west, for good or ill. Expect the authorities to manipulate Sexual False Consciousness to create a Blue Knight army of dangerous Anglocucks directly opposed to Manosphere goals and ambitions. Mark my words, friends: like hired thugs paid to break up union strikes, these Azure-Pilled lackeys will be extensively harnessed to keep us awakened men on the Anglo plantation.

The 2020s: Retarded Blue Knights will be unleashed

Readers will note that I have been using the term Azure Pill as opposed to Blue Pill. The Azure Pill is a heightened version of the Blue Pill; the Blue Pill in its purest form, in fact. The Azure Pill is unique to the Anglosphere and its misandrist, gynocentric puritanism. Consequently, it is far more intense and extreme than the Blue Pill that prevails in other cultural blocs. While the Blue Pill prevails in the world at large, the Azure Pill rules the Anglosphere.

An Anglo Blue Knight swallows his daily Azure Pill