Monday 16 July 2018

Big Thanks from Ondate: And Thanks from a Winner is Life's Sweetest Reward

Pack your bags, boy...

Some recent comments from a poster called Ondate legitimized my whole perspective. Not only is his commentary lucid and incisive, it is also inspirational. This is because he actually got off his butt and left the misandrist, repressive Anglosphere for a better and more liberated life abroad. Most gratifying of all, Ondate has drawn resolve from my blog (and the many erudite guest articles which grace its humble pages) to make a complete success of his new life. Read his words carefully: with a little more willpower and courage, you could be him. Speaking of inspiration, I have punctuated his thoughts with some pictures of nubile (non-Anglo) lovelies spotted at the 2018 World Cup in Russia. What more could you ask for?

David Futrelle is the typical white knight moron who thinks that he'll get a free-pass for selling out other men so that the #metoo and #timesup extremists will target them rather than him. And as the anon above said, correctly, like just about everything else about the Anglosphere these days, he and all he says is inflated hot air. Same thing with the debt-inflated false economy of the US, UK and Canada which is staying a-float only due to tens of trillions of dollars in debt instead of real production, or the impression offered by the White Knight fools that they're somehow "getting some" which they're absolutely not.

In fact having known a lot of these pathetic suck-up beta male White Knight sycophants, I can all but guarantee you they're the proverbial 40 year old virgins. Because as much as so many of these sad, pathetic Millennial and Gen-Z girls pretend to buy into the metoo witch-hunt fanaticism, deep down they want a man to actually be a man and dominate. After all the most popular literature in the past 2 decades has been the 50 Shades of Grey series, which, oh so curiously hit it's peak right amidst the #metoo extremism when it went off the rails from legitimate gripes against the Weinstein style creeps and into open false accusations against decent men (and even a few women) in authority. Even to the point that many of the 3rd-wave metoo feminists like Jessica Valenti and Emily Lindin of Teen Vogue were openly tweeting that women should make up false accusations out of thin air.  
A double dose of Brazilian magic...

Actually on that point, one ironic thing I've been seeing about these cucked White Knights is that a disproportional number of them are very educated Jewish American and Canadian men. I say ironic because you'd think these fools would realize that the "send the crocodile to eat the other guy first" appeasement of 3rd wave feminists gives them zero protection. In fact in at least some industries like entertainment, I think up to a third of the metoo attacks have been levelled at these very Jewish white knight "male feminists" who thought they'd be safe, some guilty but many apparently innocent. The idiots fail to realize that by simply bringing up the #metoo memes with their names associated, even if they express support and try to throw other less "woke" men under-the-bus, they themselves become targets for the witch hunt since the essence of the #metoo mccarthyism is the lack of any due process for the accused.
One big example, Eric Schneiderman, the NY Attorney General who's been at the forefront of many white knights within the "mainstream" sending public kisses to the metoo accusers, before getting accused himself. The same for Robert Iger of Disney, that asshole Jeff Zucker of CNN (who's been responsible for a lot of the media pushing of #metoo) and Jeff Weiner who tried to jump on board the #metoo bandwagon and encourage mentoring, before their own Twitter followers shot them down with perceptive comments:
As one of my old college profs and a business starter himself told me when we met up earlier this year, "Hire a woman, hire a lawsuit!" And this was a major Obama and Hillary Clinton supporter BTW who's come to realize that in the #metoo era, the social media lynch mobs with no due process have made all women in the workplace (at least young and attractive women) effectively toxic. He's stopped hiring women for his company and will never, ever mentor one for obvious reasons. Even the "open door" policy doesn't work, 15 years down road she could make up any bullshit accusation long after there's any contemporary information and ruin the guy so that he couldn't support his family. No man with any sense is going to take that risk anymore.
No comment required...

And a BTW a thanks to all those expats who were posting some weeks back I guess around the time all those expat conventions were going on. I learned a lot from them and I'm now set to become an expat from the US (and Canada, where I was born) myself. I had a nagging feeling couldn't put my finger on to, even before all the #metoo mccarthyism started stinking up the air, that the crazy 3rd-wave feminism of the Anglo countries had gotten to the point of becoming societally destructive, so that basic tasks like just getting work done, dating, let alone starting a relationship, getting married and having kids while avoiding financial catastrophe from divorce, were becoming impossible. I'd known too many fellow guys, and even young women who were rational and non-crazy, become casualties of divorce and bullshit (or generally trivial, "he didn't flirt with me the right way') sexual harassment crying-wolf accusations even before #metoo. 

A woman - not a fat, man-hating #metoo fuck-up

Reading your blog and what the expat guys were saying, made me realize it was something systemically sick with the Anglo culture and society. I started taking some intermediate French courses, I'd done beginner French in H.S. and looking at expat job forums. And then just recently I landed a nice webmaster job in Lille, a beautiful city in NE France right up next to the Belgium border near Mons, a Belgian city I'll be commuting to 3 months out of the year (where my company in France has a satellite).

Funny thing is, I could do the same basic job in the US but why would I stay here when being a man, esp. a white man is like having a damn target painted on my back every day at work or on the dating scene? In the US I'd be in fear every day that a female co-worker could accuse me any-time, for any reason of sexual harassment and wreck I career I've trained a decade for. Or that if I marry here, I'll lose my home, kid and savings in a divorce like so many men hit with alimony spousal and child-support demands from the family kangaroo courts.

IOW in the US or Canada, or anyplace in the crumbling Anglosphere, I'd be unable to safely do two of the most basic things for any responsible man-- build my career and raise a family. 
France and Belgium aren't paradises but like all your expat commenters were pointing out, their workplace and family laws are actually rational, maybe on due to that civil law heritage the legal experts were saying as oppose to the common law cucking of the Anglosphere.

I don't really care, all I know is that I can have a good promising career and start a family security in France-Belgium which I can't do in the Anglosphere anywhere. I earn around the same money, even more in Lille and Mons if you can handle a bit of Dutch or German, with same taxes-- don't listen to any moron saying the US is "lower-taxes", that's BS when you look at the hidden taxes like FICA/pay-roll and local. But I also get low expense health care without having to worry about going broke if I get an appendicitis and stuck in hospital, if I have to take college courses in Lille they're cheap and affordable, no student loans. And I get 6 weeks of vacation every year! I'm entrepreneurial so like a lot of people there and in Germany, I'll be using those opportunities to kick-start my own business. Which I won't have to worry about giving up in the event of divorce, unlike far too many American and Canadian men caught up in the parasitic system of divorce here.

And here's an England fan... excuse me while I vomit

Sunday 15 July 2018

Broken Branches, Stranger Growths: The Anglosphere Gets Odder and Odder

The Anglosphere deviates ever further from canonical thought...

In the wake of the Alek Minassian massacre, male incels have been under public scrutiny as never before. One strand of this focus involves lamestream media commentators exhorting incels to undergo counselling or psychotherapy in order to 'manage' (i.e. suppress) their sexual drives. Here is David Fatrelle:

Remarkably, there have been some very patient "normies" who have waded into these hateful spaces in an attempt to convince the obviously damaged incels to seek out the professional help they so sorely need to sort through their deep resentments and build up a healthy self-esteem.

But most incels are too devoted to their own dysfunction to even consider it. And the few who have given it a try seem bent on sabotaging any chance it might make a difference. On Reddit's main forum for incels, one recently complained that, after ten therapy sessions, "I haven't changed at all. I've not grown taller. My face hasn't become any more attractive. I haven't become any more attractive to girls. Therapy was the most useless thing I've ever tried in my life."

Therapy only works when patients truly want to change. And the sort of person that complains, absurdly, that therapy hasn't made them tall or better looking - well, they aren't likely to get much out of it.

David Futrelle, Can the Radicalization of Incels be Stopped? The Globe and Mail, April 2018

The handsome Futrelle gives advice...

But why are the incel's complaints about 'therapy' so absurd? In an era where young women outnumber men at college and have no economic reliance on men, looks and height have become key factors for young men seeking to attract a mate. Does Fatrelle seriously deny this? Is he still living in 1958, when relatively few western women attended college or held professional status? What he REALLY means by 'change' is incels accepting and adjusting to their 'undesired' status and living like monks; or, failing that, becoming transsexual paedophiles, like himself.

Great. What a result.

However, anyone with the most perfunctory grasp of psychotherapy and classical psychology in general knows that its founding fathers insisted on the importance of a healthy sex life for robust mental health. Freud, Maslow and Reich were all absolutely insistent on this: and modern Anglo-American psychology demonstrates total ignorance of its own foundations in promoting 'adjustment' to an asexual, denatured condition.

As usual, Anglo-Saxon culture lapses into insane puritanical denial of normal human needs when confronted with the detritus of its failed gynocentric agendas. Here we are in the early twenty first century, seriously expecting healthy young males to live like monks or 'transition' into sterile females because the Anglo-American cultural establishment failed to predict the social fallout of promoting misandrist feminism in a culture defined by residual puritanism, female entitlement and institutional misandry. It truly seems as if the Anglosphere has returned to Victorian times - if indeed it ever left them.

Not only is the Anglo-American world sexually and socially primitive,  its increasing detachment from the canonical roots of western thought was never more obvious. The modern Anglosphere represents an evolutionary dead-end on the tree of occidental culture, severed by centuries of dehumanizing repression from the well-springs of psycho-sexual health and normality. It no longer even knows its own sources; clear proof of its fractured and degenerate nature.

Marc Lepine: The Monk's Habit did not Fit...