Goddesses Rampant |
endless avalanche of accusations of sexual abuse aimed at men in recent months
are powerful proof of the Anglobitch Thesis. In short, Anglo-American culture –
with its puritanical hatred of male sexuality – has declared open war on
men. If any further proof were needed of my
general argument – that Anglo feminism is New England Puritanism in modern
guise – this ‘abuse crusade’ is it.
MRAs continually tell us that there’s one law for women, another law for men.
We need to rephrase that: there is indeed one law for men but no law at all for
Anglo-American women – especially young, rich, white ones. In the UK, two
recent cases have underlined this situation:
A BRAINY Oxford student who stabbed her boyfriend in a
cocaine and booze fuelled frenzy is appealing against her suspended sentence.
Toff Lavinia Woodward, 24, was spared jail after stabbing Thomas
Fairclough in the leg with a breadknife and hurling a laptop, glass and jam jar
at him.
Lavinia Woodward was spared prison instead receiving a
10-month sentence, suspended for 18 months. She tearfully mouthed “thank you”
to Judge Ian Pringle as he let her off immediate custody.
Woodward, a student at the university's Christ Church college, had been due
to be sentenced earlier this year after admitting unlawful wounding, but the
judge gave her four months to prove herself and stay out of trouble. He said
medical student Woodward was an “extraordinary able young lady” — and a spell
in jail would ruin her dream of becoming a heart surgeon.
The judge added: “It seems to me that if this was a one-off.”
At the sentencing hearing he added: “I find you were genuinely remorseful
following this event, and although it was against your bail conditions you
contacted your partner to fully confess your guilt and deep sorrow at what had
happened. “While you are a highly intelligent individual, you had an immaturity
which is not commensurate for someone of your age.”
Judge Pringle said Woodward had made a determined effort to rid herself of
drug and alcohol addictions.
The judge’s leniency infuriated justice campaigners, who said offenders from
less privileged backgrounds were regularly locked up for similar attacks. Mark
Brooks, of the Mankind Initiative charity for male abuse violence victims,
blasted the judge’s leniency.
He said: “The comments are unacceptable and out of touch. This is a clear
case of severe domestic abuse against a man and the sympathy should be with
him. The judge seems to think that domestic abuse, when it is committed by a
woman against a man, is not as serious as it rightly is when it is the other
way round. This is wrong.”
Following complaints a legal watchdog announced it is examining the judge's
conduct. The Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said: “The JCIO can confirm
they have received a complaint against His Honour Judge Ian Pringle QC.”
Sun, 7 December 2017
Lavinia Woodward: evil Anglocunt |
to be outdone, another young Anglo female more recently escaped punishment for
glassing another woman in the face. Had her victim been male, I doubt the case
would have even gone to court:
A catwalk model has escaped jail
after glassing a woman for not letting her into the VIP section of a nightclub.
Sophia Brogan-Higgins, 22, had smashed a glass into Justina Liutkute’s forehead
at The Box in London, a club frequented by Prince Harry, Kate Moss and Emma
Watson. The catwalk model then kicked and slapped PC Alistair Skelton before
she was dragged away from the scene at 4am on July 21. Judge Susan Baines
sentenced her to 20 weeks in jail, suspended for a year, adding that she was ‘completely
out of control’ in the club.
‘The situation for people who were simply doing their jobs is unacceptable –
your behaviour was simply not acceptable,’ Judge Baines told her. ‘I am
prepared to accept that you have mental health issues. Had the court found that
the assault was a deliberate, intentional assault, you wouldbe going straight
to prison because she [Liutkute] could have been injured very seriously.’
She added: ‘I can tell from what I have read about you that you are an
intelligent person. Now I hope that you reflect on your behaviour because it is
very serious.’
Defending, Andrew Moxon asked for a sentence which would allow
Brogan-Higgins to fly to Cape Town in order to do some work for an animal
charity. ‘If she was required to do an RAR [Rehabilitation Activity
Requirement], the issue would be that tag wouldn’t work in South Africa,’ he
told Westminster Magistrates’ Court. The suspended sentence allowed
Brogan-Higgins to go to Cape Town, with the judge adding: ‘I hope the trip to
South Africa goes really well and sets you off on a good path.’
Brogan-Higgins was convicted of
assaulting Liutkute and PC Skelton after a short trial at Hammersmith
Magistrates’ Court last month. Liutkute, a security guard, had told the model
she ‘was not allowed in a certain VIP area’ at the Box Nightclub, to which she
replied: ‘Bitch, you don’t know how to do your job, don’t touch me because it’s
like sexual harassment.’
As Liutkute, 33, started escorting
Brogan-Higgins out of the club, the model suddenly punched the victim in the
face with a glass in her hand. In a statement the victim said: ‘The lady tried
to throw a punch at my face with the hand that she was holding the glass in.
She thrusted it with real force.’
She was left with a two-inch wound above her left eye, and had to take two
weeks off work after the attack. Then, during police questioning,
Brogan-Higgins kicked PC Skelton in the stomach when he tried to stop her
wiping Liutkute’s dried blood off her arms. ‘My opinion was that she was trying
to wipe her hands and destroy what could be forensic evidence,’ he told the
Brogan-Higgins denied assault, and told the court she ‘wasn’t in a fit
state’ in the club. Judge Baines ordered her to pay £250 compensation to Ms
Liutkute, £50 to PC Skelton, and costs of £920. She was also ordered to serve
100 hours unpaid work, a 15-day rehab activity requirement, and she was banned
from The Box for six months.
UK Metro: 12 December 2017
Sophia Brogan-Goggins |
My heart bleeds. She got banned from The Box for six months after
trying to blind somebody with a glass. It is clear that women in contemporary
post-feminist Anglo-American society are now completely above the law; the feminist narrative that
women are ‘oppressed’ by patriarchy looks increasingly deranged. Young, white
women are deities on pedestals in all the Anglosphere countries – they can do
no wrong and even if they do, they are never punished for it. As we have seen,
these ‘goddesses’ can even stab people with knives and glasses with near total
only positive thing to be drawn from these two cases is the popular outrage
that swept Britain in the wake of such lenient sentences. While the
‘conservative’ Anglo press predictably tried to present these women as troubled
heroines, the masses completely rejected this lame narrative. Maybe the manosphere
is having some effect, even if it changes nothing.
Woodward on holiday |