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Joe Buck projects his Sexual False Consciousness... |
'Sexual False Consciousness is the widespread male delusion that young, attractive women hand out sex for free. Moreover, not only do they spend every hour of every day handing out free sex, they give it to ageing, blue-collar schlubs in pick-up trucks.'
That said, many MGTOWs are viewing the contemporary sexual marketplace from the highest peaks of Mount Cope. However, SFC is a complex and curious animal that touches most Anglo-American men at some point in their lives. Without further ado, let us examine the various forms of SFC exhibited by males in the Anglo-American West.
'Shame SFC'
'Generational SFC'

GSFC is most common among Baby Boomers, although many Xers also suffer from it (Silent Generation men are on another planet, and so fall outside this analysis). GSFCers simply do not understand that we are now in the Tinder Age, that women have their own jobs and receive endless validation from social media. They also grew up listening to rock music (or early rap music) telling them that women want sex with everybody, which further clouds their understanding of the 21st century sexual marketplace. Jordan Peterson is a classic example of this type, although almost all Boomer males suffer from the same delusions. Another fiction they cling to is that looks don't matter, mainly because looks mattered much less when women were economically dependent on men in the 50s, 60s and 70s. They also fail to grasp that western society is now openly antagonistic to males and male sexuality (#metoo, #timesup). And then there is the blunt fact that their post-War world was genuinely more sexually liberated than its post-millennium counterpart.
Generational SFC is more impersonal than the other forms, tainting the sufferer's vision of contemporary sexual reality without necessarily warping their own self image. Deluded but not pernicious, they simply do not understand the 21st century and its psycho-sexual conditions. GSFC assumes everyone is white, middle class and having sex all day, completely blind to the the fact that a third of males under 30 are now incels in North America.
It is worth noting that GSFC is frequently 'borrowed' by men of later generations. This can either be caused by cultural osmosis (for example, listening to 60s or 70s rock music) or by direct transfer (for example, listening to the Blue Pilled sexual advice of older male relatives). Whatever the cause, the result is a Millennial or Zoomer completely detached from contemporary sexual reality.
'Conniving SFC'

Again, conniving SFC is a facsimile of the real thing. Futrelle doubtless has a rich sex life with pre-pubescent boys he meets on the seedier backstreets of Chicago, while true SFC requires a high degree of sexual disenfranchisement.
'Delusional SFC'

Delusional SFC is strongly linked to low IQ, gullibility and low socio-economic standing (see Blue Knights).
'Cope SFC'

'Psychotic SFC'

And there they are, the six forms of SFC that daily dupe sexually disenfranchised western males. Unlike Black Pilled incels, I don't have any problem with Chads or Tyrones who are enjoying free sex with multiple women. If someone is gaming the system, power to them. I hate SFC cuckery far more intensely, partly because it is so idiotic but mainly because it is so cowardly, weak and unmanly.
Beyond that, SFC is a vital component in the late capitalist programme. It keeps the system ticking over as sexless mugs toil away like Trojans, thinking they will someday get model tier women if only they 'work a little harder' or 'get a promotion'. This is why the Anglo-American authorities have to stop the Black Pill spreading at all costs and why the Dark Enlightenment is in their cross-hairs.
Are you ready for battle?