Tuesday 25 December 2018

The Trans Revolution: Just the Same Old Tune?


While the burgeoning Anglo-American LGBTXYZ agenda presents itself as a revolutionary challenge to the existing social order, reproductive sterility and gender confusion are really conforming to the Anglosphere's traditional sexual agenda and dancing to its tune. As I showed in my previous article, the Anglo-American colonial elites imposed puritanical values on subject groups as part of a strategic social control policy, not for religious reasons. By stigmatizing virility as 'unclean' they could keep subect populations low and thus exploit them without fear of revolt. And this programme worked very effectively for several centuries.

Deviants rule the Anglosphere - and always have

When considered in this cynical light, the whole Anglo-American anti-sex, gynocentric and misandrist agenda becomes wholly explicable. It also best explains why the United States - with its overmastering need to regulate the reproductive fecundity of slaves, convicts, non Anglo-immigrants, indentured servants and Native Americans - should be the most misandrist and sex-negative of all the Anglo nations. Further, the well-attested racist and elitist currents underlying American feminism are best explained by its origins in a post-colonial society.

Mere Bland Conformity?

Like feminists, the LGBTXYZ lobby claim to be in revolt against the prevailing social order while identifying with all its primary agendas. Anglo feminists hate sex with all the vehemence of a New England spinster; meanwhile, the non-binary coalition hate heterosexual freedom with all the zeal of an Alabama slave-master... go figure. Seldom in history was anyone more deluded as to their true inspiration or motivations.

Anyway, here's a Happy Christmas to you all.

Heterosexuality is not an Offence...

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Another Factor in the Ascent of Misandist Anglo-Feminism: The Colonial Heritage

The Face of Evil: Anglofoid Gloats Over Lynching Victim

Why has misandrist feminism been so successful in Anglophone countries? This question has begun to haunt me. Too many anti-feminists use conspiracy theories to explain the rise of misandrist Anglo feminism. While there have certainly been a number of social, political and religious groups promoting feminist agendas, their writings would never have achieved mass or institutional support if such support did not already exist. The Frankfurt School and other pro-feminist intellectual movements can only flourish if the social soil is already receptive to their message. For example, the Frankfurt School only adopted an infiltration agenda when its calls for a proletarian revolution failed in affluent post-War North America. There is also the issue of institutional compliance. Some nations or cultural blocs have pre-existing institutions which are especially ripe for subversion. For example, the Anglo-American Common Law legal system has proved incredibly susceptible to feminist manipulation in recent years. Similarly, existing historical memes or traditions can hinder or facilitate subversive agendas; and one of these is my topic here.

A former corrections officer gave us an extended essay in which he argued that the distinctive cultural heritage of the Anglosphere countries had a major role in the emergence of misandrist feminism. His view was that Anglo feminism exploits the residual resistance of former subject races in post-colonial Anglo countries to lever outrageous and unwarranted privilege for entitled white women.

While this assessment is accurate enough, I have begun to detect another pro-feminist dynamic in the colonial legacy. This is kind of residual racist puritanism deriving from a distinctive Anglo-Saxon obsession with limiting the reproductive fecundity of 'subject' races or classes. It is no surprise that this obsession is strongest in the Anglo countries with a troubled colonial past built on slavery and genocide, such as Australia or the United States. After all, those nations had most to gain by regulating or limiting the reproductive fecundity of slaves and ‘subject’ races.

Aboriginal Heads on Display

This realization came to me from free discussions with Hondo Solomon, an insightful black American writer who teaches the virtues of polygamy. In his view, the Anglo-Saxon obsession with imposing sexual repression on subject peoples is largely to keep their numbers low, thereby minimizing the threat of revolt. In addition, Hondo also claims that Anglo-puritan monogamy was also promoted to keep subject populations at a low genetic standard by deliberately preventing the natural proliferation of alpha genes for leadership and intelligence: a kind of soft dysgenics.  Judging by the hunchbacked, autistic morons inhabiting English towns and cities, this policy has proved fairly effective in the British Isles – its original testing-ground. Hondo also claims that the American obsession with professional sports also derives from its colonial legacy – the obsessive measurement of physical attributes and performance originating in the slave trade.

Wingspan: The American Sports Fixation

Returning to The Anglobitch Thesis, if we focus on the sexual elements of Anglo-American colonialism we see a ubiquitous and concerted attempt to associate religious guilt with sex among subject populations. We also see a determined attempt to replace religions which celebrate reproductive fecundity (voodoo, Islam, Catholicism, Judaism and Hinduism) with guilt-laden Anglican Christianity and its sickly cult of reproductive sterility. Let us note that this insidious campaign is colour blind: it oppresses Highland Scots or the English lower classes as much as is does Black Americans, Aryan Hindus or Black Africans. Wherever he goes the patrician Anglo-American tries to impose his woman-worship, guilt and latent homosexuality with one goal in mind: to limit subject populations’ numbers and genetic quality, thereby reducing the threat of revolt against his rule.

Even though its original inspiration has long gone, the same repressive spirit persists as a habitual residue in all Anglosphere countries. Moreover, it is one of the residual memes that has contributed most to the rapid rise of sex-negative misandrist feminism across the Anglosphere. As usual, Anglo-feminism draws strength and succour from the very forces it claims to oppose

Anglofoids enjoy Lynching
Anglo feminism has nurtured a racist seed since its very inception, so such an alignment should come as no surprise when we consider the colonial origins and uses of Anglo-American Puritanism. Lynchings and other Anglo-American race-crimes typically represented a working collusion between early feminists and imperialists, typically framed as a hysterical campaign to ‘protect’ exalted white women from the animal lusts of black slaves. This sexual Nazism still contaminates Anglo feminism, albeit at an unstated and subliminal level (consider feminist Reclaim the Night marches through black areas, which covertly assume that all black men are rapists). Of course, inculcating the colonising race with puritanical values also serves the colonial enterprise by inhibiting interbreeding with subject peoples, with obvious benefits for the colonial project. It is far harder to maintain a colonial culture of exploitation when many of the exploited share genes from the colonising race. The ‘Pretty White Girl Syndrome’ which saturates the Anglo media is entirely dedicated to exalting white Anglo girls as unattainable deities beyond all reproach; surely another warped legacy of colonial Anglo-elitism.

Too Good for You: Anglofoid Sexual Elitism

My thought has reached a crucial impasse on the issue of sex-negative, misandrist Anglo feminism. It is no longer enough to consider the Anglosphere’s puritanical religious heritage the only force underpinning the Anglo-feminist agenda. Other countries have a strong Protestant tradition (Holland, Germany, Denmark) yet still lack sex-negative feminism of the Anglosphere variety. Other factors must underlie misandrist Anglo-feminism, while sustaining its agenda. Obviously, malleable Common Law is one of these; other prime candidates are genetics, empirical machine values, homosociality and class distinction.

However, the post-colonial dynamic also serves and abets Anglo-American feminism, as we have seen. Its legacy gives Anglo feminism its distinctive racist, misandrist and sex-negative character, especially in those countries where colonial oppression was strongest.

Anglofoids: Exalted Deities?

Saturday 24 November 2018

The Anglocuck: Some Excellent Posts and Resources

Relampago Furioso has just published an excellent article on the state of the Anglosphere. In this cutting piece, he argues that the Anglo-American world is now peopled by the exalted Anglobitch on one side and the exploited Anglocuck on the other. The Anglocuck is defined as a deluded sucker who continues to 'buy into' antiquated fables about his cultural and social superiority even while being a sexually-disenfranchised, disposable wage slave. He cultivates Sexual False Consciousness to cope with his degraded condition, kidding himself with unattainable fantasies of sexual salvation. Too dumb to see that his own culture's puritanical exaltation of women is the root cause of his cuckdom, he only defends it with ever greater vigour
Anglocuck: Totally emasculated male provider unit turned exploited serf on the tax farm. Easily deceived by women, invaders, and politicians this male pushover still believes in America even though its ruling class threw him overboard 50 years ago. The Anglocuck thinks voting will fix his problems and you’ll find him obsessing over politics on social media sites which increasingly limit what he can say to defend himself while the culture at large paints him and his vision of America farther and farther into a corner. The sad sack Anglocuck believes his innate reason and rationality will win him friends, even though to his enemies these “virtues” only demonstrate how gullible he is. Obsessively plays by the rules that have been stacked against him, happily supports his own demise by showing up to work on time, paying his taxes, and saving for “retirement” so that others can benefit from his productivity which is forcefully taken from him by a behemoth government. Remains the loyal “company man” even though the company was long ago sold to a corporate conglomerate that doesn’t care if he falls on the floor dead. Frequent masturbator and sexless wonder who begs for leftovers from well-worn carousel specimens, while the Anglobitch brazenly cucks him with other men (especially invaders and those that mock the Anglocuck) then sends him the bill for her subsequent offspring.
While this is a definitive description of the Anglocuck, a quick scout around the Internet suggests the meme is actually quite well-developed. Compiling the following list of articles, I was struck by a total lack of acknowledgement. Although my own writings are more-or-less the starting point for this strand of manosphere thought, my name is never once mentioned. But then, as Ghengis Khan once said of his own people: 'They will wear the finest clothes, embrace the fairest women and rule between sunrise and sunset - yet they will forget the man to whom they owe everything.'

Here they are:

Most Anglo Men are Cucks (from ROK)

Women's Suffrage will End Western Civilisation (from XYZ Australia)

Ethnik Men Brutally AMOG Racist Anglo Cuck (from Lookism.net - discussion not article)

This free book - 'Tyrants of Matriarchy' - does not specifically relate to the Anglocuck, but offers a general disussion of male complicity with feminist agendas in the Anglo West.


Sunday 4 November 2018

Scott Beierle: Another Incel Shooter Unable to Cope with the Anglosphere's Contradictory Demands

It can be horribly gratifying to be proven right. Yet in the wake of another incel shooting by Scott Beierle, it is obvious that many of my worst predictions about the Anglosphere are coming to pass. With the rise of misandrist feminism in the English-speaking world (but especially North America and Britain), males are being placed under unprecedented and unreasonable pressure. A toxic combination of residual sex-negative puritanism, rabid woman-worship, fraying economic status, sexual false consciousness, traditional expectations, sexual disenfranchisement and good ol' Anglo-American aversion to reality have conspired to produce some of the most tormented males in history.

I knew Beierle was an incel shooter the instant I heard about events in Florida. The fact that the two fatalities were middle-class white females and that the shooter was a single white male rendered his motivations almost self-apparent:

Another 'incel' shooter: yoga studio killer wanted to crucify 'American whores'
Tallahassee: The man police say killed two women at a Florida yoga studio before turning the gun on himself expressed deep-seated misogyny that he said was caused by repeated rejections from women with whom he tried to engage romantically.

Scott Beierle, 40, shot six people and pistol-whipped another after walking into the yoga studio on the second floor of a shopping plaza on Friday night. He killed a Florida State University student and a faculty member before shooting himself, police said.

Police said Saturday that they were investigating what prompted the shooting, but a series of videos he posted to the internet in 2014 paint the picture of an apparent "incel," or someone who had been involuntarily celibate, with a seething rage against women.

Beierle had been arrested twice in the past six years by the university’s police, according to criminal records. The first time was in 2012. He was charged with trespassing in 2014 and told he was banned from campus after following an FSU volleyball coach into a gym.

The same year he was detained again for trespassing in a dining hall. Charges were dismissed for both of Beierle’s university arrests, but he agreed to a plea deal after a final arrest by Tallahassee police in 2016.

According to a police report, he was living in an off-campus apartment in his late 30s – noticeably older than the other residents – and one day offered to put lotion on a 19-year-old sunbathing by the pool. When the woman declined, she told police, Beierle ‘‘slapped her butt, and grabbed it and then shook it’’.

Beierle posted 15 videos in a span of three days in August 2014. Some have since been deleted. In one video, "The American Whore Pt. 2," he discusses potential forms of "appropriate" punishment for promiscuous women.

"I would vote for crucifixion myself," he said. "The most heinous crime warrants the most heinous punishment."

In another video, titled "The Rebirth of my Misogynism," Beierle says that his hatred for women started in eighth grade, when he discovered the "collective treachery" of girls his age. He lists the names of several girls who he said sparked his misogyny.

He said his feelings toward women went dormant until he went to college at Florida State University, when women already in relationships gave him their phone numbers and one woman called the police on him for visiting her at work.

"Again, this mentality (of) 'let's just run to the authorities when our feelings are hurt,'" he said. "I had committed no wrong. I was just trying to court this particular female."

He also mentions one romantic interest from his college years who he said would repeatedly cancel planned dates.

"I could've ripped her head off," he said. "The treachery that a female is capable of when her sensibilities are offended to me is astonishing. The lengths that they will go to - lying, exaggerating, outright lying."

Beierle, who served in the military and was a Florida State University (FSU) graduate, had been arrested in 2012 and 2016 on charges of grabbing women's buttocks at an apartment complex pool and at a campus dining hall. He was charged with trespassing in 2014 and told he was banned from campus after following an FSU volleyball coach into a gym.

His victims were 21-year-old Maura Binkley, a student at FSU, and 61-year-old Dr. Nancy Vessem, a faculty member and the chief medical director for a health maintenance organisation. Witnesses told police that Beierle posed as a customer to gain access to the yoga studio, which was in session when he started firing, according to the Associated Press. Police have not yet disclosed what kind of gun Beierle used.

"Malevolence can idle or it can manifest itself into something," he said in one video. "I believe in karma. I believe in what comes around goes around. And those that engage in treachery will ultimately be the victims of it."

Beierle, who posted videos under the pseudonym Scott Carnifex, also criticises the societal "expectations" of male adolescents in America, who he said are programmed into believing that sexual conquests are intrinsically linked to manliness.

"I'd like to send a message now to the adolescent males ... that are in the position, the situation, the disposition of Elliot Roger [sic], of not getting any, no love, no nothing," Beierle said in one video, referencing the 22-year-old mass murderer who also expressed frustration at being a virgin and being rejected by attractive women.

"This endless wasteland that breeds this longing and this frustration. That was me, certainly as an adolescent."

After Rodger's killings in 2014, he was idolised online by members of the so-called "incel" community. Rodgers killed six people and injured fourteen others near the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara, before killing himself. He had also expressed frustration at being a virgin and being rejected by attractive women.

One Rodger supporter was Alek Minassian, the 25-year-old man accused of plowing his van into a crowd in Toronto in April, killing 10. Minassian declared the ‘‘incel Rebellion’’ had begun. Beierle also expressed his hatred for African-Americans, whom he called "disgusting."

In one such video, titled "Dreadlocks are the Black Man's Mullet," Beierle lists six reasons why he hates African-Americans and their "thuggery" while repeatedly using racial slurs. He said dreadlocks were considered "vogue" only among the "gutter of our society," and he said the hairstyle made it "tough for me to still remain an NFL fan," referencing the National Football League.

He also rails against "mongrelisation" and interracial dating, calling black women "ugly, disgusting."
In other videos, Beierle also expresses a hatred for the police, the "expectations" for adolescent males in America and the "dangers of diversity."
"I don't think a female can ever understand the societal pressure that's put on an adolescent male to unburden himself of this stigma that has society has put on him, this virginity burden and having a girlfriend," he said. "I wish I had someone to talk to me at that age."

Sydney Morning Herald, 04/11//2018

Just one way out of impossible demands.

At 40, Beierle was the perfect age for an incel shooter: an older Millennial trapped in the contradictory expectations placed on males by pan-Anglosphere post-feminist secular misandry, there was no solution to his torment beyond murder and suicide. As he himself opined, the informal pressure on adolescent males to be sexually successful (as measured by sexual activity with sexualized young women) is incredibly intense; male virgins are seen as impotent, deviant losers (not least by women themselves, albeit at an unstated level). Sexual false consciousness - the fantasy that women are roaming around wanting sex with everybody - raises this pressure to unnatural levels: most young males still believe everyone but themselves is having sex with models all day. At the same time, Anglo-American males are castigated by 'progressive' social elements (including feminism) for any kind of sexual self-expression. This programme even involves encouraging males to 'transition' into transexual pseudo-women.

Need for Empowerment? Beierle posing with swords

Of course, other factors help explain the typical demographics of incel shooters: white, conservative and middle class. Obviously, affluent white males have a residual sense of personal sovereignty which derives from earlier phases of Anglo-American society, making them prone to revolt against their eroding status. However, since Anglo feminism is an obviously 'white' movement, white men also bear the specific brunt of feminist contempt and ridicule. This is why their targets are usually white, middle-class women - the true authors of institutional misandry in Anglo-American culture.

Predictable targets: white, advantaged and female

With an Anglo-American cultural establishment eager to advance women's rights (but not their obligations) at the expense of beleaguered white males in every situation, the stage is set for incel shootings to become a daily occurrence in North America. Couple this with mass male sexual disenfranchisement, institutionalised misandry, female hyper-hypergamy and the secular-puritanical denial of normal sexual needs, and the way ahead is clear to see.

Don't say you weren't warned.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Is the End in Sight? The First Mammal is Born to Two Mothers


A leading British newspaper recently carried some chilling scientific news:
Never has a major scientific breakthrough carried such sinister implications for mankind - specifically, for men.

“Sorry, chaps, you’re obsolete": that may as well have been the headline of an announcement that gripped the research community on Thursday, as the birth was revealed of the world’s first mammal born to two mothers.

A team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences stunned geneticists by revealing they had effectively rewritten the rules of reproduction, and in the process discovered exactly why some animals, including humans, need to have sex. The breakthrough came in the form of 29 mice successfully born to same-sex (female) parents.Not only were the animals born healthy, but they went on to have babies themselves.

A similar experiment using two male parents failed, however, the pups dying within days of being born.

In achieving the successful births, the researchers proved they had identified and overcome the factor that makes joint male-female involvement in reproduction essential for humans. Commentators said the study may pave the way for single-sex humans to reproduce in the future, although not any time soon. Mammals can produce offspring only through sexual reproduction using an female egg fertilised by male sperm.

Not all the natural world uses the same process.Some female birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians are able to reproduce alone, with hammerhead sharks and Komodo dragons some of the more colourful examples. The Chinese team set out to identify the genetic process that takes place at the point of mammalian conception that demands genes from both sexes.

They focused on a phenomenon known and “imprinting”, where for roughly 100 genes, only the copy that comes from the mother or only the copy that comes from the father ever becomes “switched on”. In human embryos, the male genes make up for the females ones that are not switched on and visa versa. It means an embryo made up of same-sex genes will effectively have some missing.

To overcome this barrier, the scientists obtained some embryonic stem cells from a female mouse and used the gene-editing Crispr-Cas9, which has been likened to a genetic pair of scissors, and were able to remove maternal imprinting by “snipping” out a single letter of genetic code from three crucial regions. The edited stem cells were then injected into the egg of a second female mouse, which successfully formed an embryo. Two-hundred-and-ten embryos were created to yield the 29 live mice.

Co-senior author Qi Zhou said: "This research shows us what's possible. We saw that the defects in bimaternal mice can be eliminated and that bipaternal reproduction barriers in mammals can also be crossed through imprinting modification."
Dr Teresa Holm, from the University of Auckland, said there is a chance in the long run that the technique could be developed to apply to humans. "[The research] may even lead to the development of ways for same-sex couples to reproduce healthy children of their own,” she said, although she pointed to “significant ethical and safety concerns that would need to be overcome”.

The researchers also produced 12 full-term mice with two genetic fathers, using a similar but more complicated procedure. These were transferred, along with placental material, into surrogate mothers. The bipaternal mice pups only survived for 48 hours after birth.

A spokesman for the Progress Educational Trust, a charity concerned with the ethics and law of genetic-assisted reproduction, said: "Creating a genetic offspring from two mice of the same sex is an exciting achievement. The scientific challenges and legal barriers that would need to be to overcome to make this possible in humans are huge and so make this unlikely to happen any time soon. That said, we should start discussing whether this is a noble endeavour."
SOURCE: UK Daily Telegraph - 11/10/2018

The legal and scientific 'barriers' this spokesman speaks of are so much moonmist and hot air. In the Anglosphere, the law is a feminist plaything. It has ensured that virtually all reproductive  rights and decisions are now firmly in female hands, with fathers little more than disposable sperm-donors and ATM machines. As we also know, the whole essence of the Anglosphere is gyneocratic misandry, an inevitable expression of its residual puritanism and attendant anti-life agendas. This culture detests masculinity, originality, virility and other masculine virtues; it prefers men to be desexualized pseudo-women, hence the endless support for the 'trans' subculture emanating from every orifice of 'mainstream' Anglo-American society.

In sum, this scientific news must have sent the Anglo elites into paroxyms of joy: their dream of a man-free society bereft of dissent, honour, reason and progress is at last in sight.


Sunday 7 October 2018

Tales from Gilead: Why 'The Handmaid’s Tale' is Utterly Deluded Cowshit

The Oppressed Anglo-American Woman... Yeah, right

The Handmaid’s Tale is all the rage among Anglo-American women. Everywhere I go they seem to be babbling about it - as if, at literally any moment, they were going to be stuffed into Victorian dresses and forced to bear rich men’s children. In truth, The Handmaid’s Tale is failed science fiction: despite falling birth rates around the industrialised world, no advanced democratic country has done anything to limit female reproductive freedom. In fact, most countries have actually extended it (Ireland being a notable recent example). Moreover, the West is becoming more secular on every measure, with the average Christian now an affluent white female (the same demographic who watch The Handmaid's Tale, oddly enough). 

This image really reflects female life in 2018...

So why, then does this lame 80s novel and its various spin-offs retain such a strong hold on the female imagination? It bears no relation whatsoever to existing affairs and social currents are moving ever further from the scenario it describes. 

The following article shows the terrifying reality – that the Anglosphere is now an open matriarchy where women can get away with literally anything, including (in fact especially) the grooming and sex abuse of minors: 

Teacher who Groomed Student avoids Jail

A NSW teacher's aide who blamed a weight loss drug for dramatically increasing her sex drive before she groomed a student for sex has received a suspended 12-month jail sentence.

Today, Newcastle Local Court magistrate Robert Stone said Jackie Hays was remorseful, unlikely to re-offend and would continue psychiatric treatment in the community which was not available in prison. The 51-year-old sobbed in court while being sentenced.

She was placed on a 12-month good behaviour bond after the magistrate accepted she was "immensely sorry" for the inappropriate behaviour which had been out of character.

The magistrate said Hays, who's been diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder, was disappointed with herself and had learned from her mistakes.

Hays pleaded guilty to grooming the 15-year-old student for sex in 2015 after becoming infatuated with him. She sent him numerous explicit text messages. The 51-year-old turned to the boy's mother on Wednesday and said "sorry darling" before leaving the courtroom.

Hays had blamed the weight loss drug Duromine for causing her sex drive to dramatically increase and impair her judgement, but Mr Stone found the drug had no significant impact on her predatory behaviour.

Legal Aid lawyer Gillian Jewison had argued Hays started taking Duromine four months before she began targeting the teenager. While there was no medical evidence linking the drug to Hays' offending, Ms Jewison said the mother of two's friends noticed she seemed to be ''off the planet'' and acting bizarrely.

When Hays was interviewed by detectives she described the text messages sent back and forth to the boy as "filth." Hays, who was 47 at the time, was willing to have sex with the teenager who attended the same Hunter Valley school where she and the boy's mother worked. But she claimed she wanted to wait until he turned 16.

Mr Stone said the mother of three had been in an unhappy marriage and her emotional needs were not being met when she began sexting the boy. She would have faced a maximum penalty of 10 years in jail if the case had been heard in the District Court, but prosecutors agreed to have the matter dealt with in the Local Court where the maximum penalty was two years.

Hays was initially charged in mid-2017 with five offences alleging she had been sending explicit text messages and phoning two students, but four of the charges were dropped after she agreed to plead guilty to one count of grooming a child for unlawful sexual activity.

© Nine Digital Pty Ltd 5/9/2018

So there we have it: women can now groom and abuse minors with complete impunity. What feminist still seriously dares to claim a man would have escaped a jail sentence for the same offences? Given the well-attested privilege women are shown in the education system, in job selection, in the media, in reproductive matters, in healthcare and before the law, one is left completely baffled by the popularity of The Handmaid’s Tale.  In reality, female power and privilege expand with each passing year. The Anglosphere is an openly misandrist, gynocentric matriarchy, yet Anglo feminism still insists – or needs to insist – that women are somehow sexually oppressed and downtrodden. 

Is this how Anglo women seriously view themselves? Mad.

I have already written about the Anglo-American fixation on meddling in the affairs of other countries, a project designed to mask the various dysfunctions of the Anglo-American bloc itself. This fixation allows Anglo feminists to claim female oppression in Mozambique or Iran somehow applies to themselves (as 'women'), thereby occluding the gynocentric misandry that prevails in countries like Australia and the United States. The Handmaid’s Tale is merely the next step in this project of obfuscation and self-delusion, with a hypothetical fantasy world replacing the 'global misandry' so beloved by Anglo feminists.

I have a theory. Women are now so exalted across the Anglosphere, so obviously advantaged in every sphere of life, they can only feed their need for victimhood by retreating to a fictional world of imaginary persecution. The triumph of Anglo-American feminism has been so total that its devotees can only maintain their cherished victim status by confusing fantasy for reality. 

In sum, they have lapsed into insanity.

A Womyn's Studies Class...

Sunday 2 September 2018

Update on the Progress of Distant Shores

Just a brief update on the book I am currently working on, Distant Shores.

I am making good progress, having written over 200 000 words. Because of superb reader input over the past year, I am now working to a more profound, original and ambitious design than I had ever foreseen. This encompasses the structural deficiencies and unique misandry of Anglo-American law and politics, not just the cultural issues for which my writing is famous.

I have created a large appendix of reader comments as reference material. To be blunt, these commentaries on my Thesis by learned academics and lay people alike surpass all other manosphere discourse by a country mile; old style MRAs like Warren Farrell are simply nowhere. I cannot begin to say how inspired I was by comments posted by the former corrections officer, law professor and various others on the topic of Anglo-American jurisprudence. Their wholly original perspectives are now central to my new and expanded thesis.

As I write, I am integrating commentary from the appendices into my own work to brace and inform it, while also acknowledging the debt I owe to contributors. This takes time, much more than I had originally envisaged. However, the book will be complete before Christmas and is shaping up to be the most revolutionary work ever written on men’s issues. 

Thanks for all your brilliant contributions and continued support.


Saturday 1 September 2018

She wants YOU! Why Incel Sex Ads are so Last Century

She wants YOU, blue collar nothing!

Nowadays, anyone with a broadband link and a functioning brain cell knows that the small minority of Anglo women who are thin and attractive systematically use sex as a weapon to manipulate and exploit men.  This is surely true of the males using incels.me, who have experienced a lifetime of female indifference and contempt.

Yet that infamous blog is full of sex adverts like this one:

And this:

And worst of all, this:

Have the guys who run that site got the memo? While the lamestream media  cheerfully presents beautiful girls as promiscuous angels offering sex to everybody, only the most naïve, blue-pilled idiot still believes the average schlub has any chance with one. In these enlightened times, only females listen to love songs sung by attractive young women – at heart, all men know such women are hypergamous, selfish harpies and that their tuneless warblings about 'undying love' are utterly fake. As we learned from last year's Manchester bombing, Ariana Grande’s concerts are exclusively attended by young girls and gay men with ‘identify’ with her: heterosexual men are almost completely absent except as chauffeurs, stooges and chaperones

In short, Sexual False Consciousness died with the lamestream media.

Which begs the question: if the average Joe Blow can see Anglo -American women for what they are (and their bullshit for what it is) why can’t the enlightened administrators of incels.me? Some well-chosen adverts for holidays and sex-tours outside the Anglosphere would be far better received by their members than these lame-ass ads that belong in 1978.

Anyway, let’s conclude things with a picture of a nubile young woman who, to quote my good friend Richard Scarecrow:

  • Thinks she’s too good for you
  • Would laugh if your dick got cut off
  • Thinks that you’re her oppressor
  • Would laugh if you got raped in prison

Does anyone really think girls like this want sex with incels?

Monday 16 July 2018

Big Thanks from Ondate: And Thanks from a Winner is Life's Sweetest Reward

Pack your bags, boy...

Some recent comments from a poster called Ondate legitimized my whole perspective. Not only is his commentary lucid and incisive, it is also inspirational. This is because he actually got off his butt and left the misandrist, repressive Anglosphere for a better and more liberated life abroad. Most gratifying of all, Ondate has drawn resolve from my blog (and the many erudite guest articles which grace its humble pages) to make a complete success of his new life. Read his words carefully: with a little more willpower and courage, you could be him. Speaking of inspiration, I have punctuated his thoughts with some pictures of nubile (non-Anglo) lovelies spotted at the 2018 World Cup in Russia. What more could you ask for?

David Futrelle is the typical white knight moron who thinks that he'll get a free-pass for selling out other men so that the #metoo and #timesup extremists will target them rather than him. And as the anon above said, correctly, like just about everything else about the Anglosphere these days, he and all he says is inflated hot air. Same thing with the debt-inflated false economy of the US, UK and Canada which is staying a-float only due to tens of trillions of dollars in debt instead of real production, or the impression offered by the White Knight fools that they're somehow "getting some" which they're absolutely not.

In fact having known a lot of these pathetic suck-up beta male White Knight sycophants, I can all but guarantee you they're the proverbial 40 year old virgins. Because as much as so many of these sad, pathetic Millennial and Gen-Z girls pretend to buy into the metoo witch-hunt fanaticism, deep down they want a man to actually be a man and dominate. After all the most popular literature in the past 2 decades has been the 50 Shades of Grey series, which, oh so curiously hit it's peak right amidst the #metoo extremism when it went off the rails from legitimate gripes against the Weinstein style creeps and into open false accusations against decent men (and even a few women) in authority. Even to the point that many of the 3rd-wave metoo feminists like Jessica Valenti and Emily Lindin of Teen Vogue were openly tweeting that women should make up false accusations out of thin air.  
A double dose of Brazilian magic...

Actually on that point, one ironic thing I've been seeing about these cucked White Knights is that a disproportional number of them are very educated Jewish American and Canadian men. I say ironic because you'd think these fools would realize that the "send the crocodile to eat the other guy first" appeasement of 3rd wave feminists gives them zero protection. In fact in at least some industries like entertainment, I think up to a third of the metoo attacks have been levelled at these very Jewish white knight "male feminists" who thought they'd be safe, some guilty but many apparently innocent. The idiots fail to realize that by simply bringing up the #metoo memes with their names associated, even if they express support and try to throw other less "woke" men under-the-bus, they themselves become targets for the witch hunt since the essence of the #metoo mccarthyism is the lack of any due process for the accused.
One big example, Eric Schneiderman, the NY Attorney General who's been at the forefront of many white knights within the "mainstream" sending public kisses to the metoo accusers, before getting accused himself. The same for Robert Iger of Disney, that asshole Jeff Zucker of CNN (who's been responsible for a lot of the media pushing of #metoo) and Jeff Weiner who tried to jump on board the #metoo bandwagon and encourage mentoring, before their own Twitter followers shot them down with perceptive comments:
As one of my old college profs and a business starter himself told me when we met up earlier this year, "Hire a woman, hire a lawsuit!" And this was a major Obama and Hillary Clinton supporter BTW who's come to realize that in the #metoo era, the social media lynch mobs with no due process have made all women in the workplace (at least young and attractive women) effectively toxic. He's stopped hiring women for his company and will never, ever mentor one for obvious reasons. Even the "open door" policy doesn't work, 15 years down road she could make up any bullshit accusation long after there's any contemporary information and ruin the guy so that he couldn't support his family. No man with any sense is going to take that risk anymore.
No comment required...

And a BTW a thanks to all those expats who were posting some weeks back I guess around the time all those expat conventions were going on. I learned a lot from them and I'm now set to become an expat from the US (and Canada, where I was born) myself. I had a nagging feeling couldn't put my finger on to, even before all the #metoo mccarthyism started stinking up the air, that the crazy 3rd-wave feminism of the Anglo countries had gotten to the point of becoming societally destructive, so that basic tasks like just getting work done, dating, let alone starting a relationship, getting married and having kids while avoiding financial catastrophe from divorce, were becoming impossible. I'd known too many fellow guys, and even young women who were rational and non-crazy, become casualties of divorce and bullshit (or generally trivial, "he didn't flirt with me the right way') sexual harassment crying-wolf accusations even before #metoo. 

A woman - not a fat, man-hating #metoo fuck-up

Reading your blog and what the expat guys were saying, made me realize it was something systemically sick with the Anglo culture and society. I started taking some intermediate French courses, I'd done beginner French in H.S. and looking at expat job forums. And then just recently I landed a nice webmaster job in Lille, a beautiful city in NE France right up next to the Belgium border near Mons, a Belgian city I'll be commuting to 3 months out of the year (where my company in France has a satellite).

Funny thing is, I could do the same basic job in the US but why would I stay here when being a man, esp. a white man is like having a damn target painted on my back every day at work or on the dating scene? In the US I'd be in fear every day that a female co-worker could accuse me any-time, for any reason of sexual harassment and wreck I career I've trained a decade for. Or that if I marry here, I'll lose my home, kid and savings in a divorce like so many men hit with alimony spousal and child-support demands from the family kangaroo courts.

IOW in the US or Canada, or anyplace in the crumbling Anglosphere, I'd be unable to safely do two of the most basic things for any responsible man-- build my career and raise a family. 
France and Belgium aren't paradises but like all your expat commenters were pointing out, their workplace and family laws are actually rational, maybe on due to that civil law heritage the legal experts were saying as oppose to the common law cucking of the Anglosphere.

I don't really care, all I know is that I can have a good promising career and start a family security in France-Belgium which I can't do in the Anglosphere anywhere. I earn around the same money, even more in Lille and Mons if you can handle a bit of Dutch or German, with same taxes-- don't listen to any moron saying the US is "lower-taxes", that's BS when you look at the hidden taxes like FICA/pay-roll and local. But I also get low expense health care without having to worry about going broke if I get an appendicitis and stuck in hospital, if I have to take college courses in Lille they're cheap and affordable, no student loans. And I get 6 weeks of vacation every year! I'm entrepreneurial so like a lot of people there and in Germany, I'll be using those opportunities to kick-start my own business. Which I won't have to worry about giving up in the event of divorce, unlike far too many American and Canadian men caught up in the parasitic system of divorce here.

And here's an England fan... excuse me while I vomit