Monday 31 July 2017

Salman Abedi Update: A Sexually Disenfranchised Killer

Salman Abedi: The Truth is Out

In the immediate aftermath of the Ariana Grande bombing atrocity in Manchester, I made several predictions about the killer:

  • He would be single and sexually disenfranchised 
  • He would have retreated into religion to cope with his sexual disenfranchisement. 
  • He would hold a grudge against ‘liberated’ white girls for not having sex with him.

All the evidence suggests that Salman Abedi was self-motivated, having planned and executed his attack with little external help. He chose the venue himself, for his own reasons, and was certainly no ISIL puppet. Despite their best attempts to frame the crime in religious terms and deny the killer’s real agenda, the authorities and their lackeys in the ‘elite’ lamestream media have been unable to do so:

The Manchester suicide bomber mostly acted alone in the days before the attack, police have said. Salman Abedi is thought to have purchased the main components for the bomb and assembled it himself before blowing himself up and killing 22 others at the Manchester Arena last week. Greater Manchester Police said they were still working to establish if he was part of a wider network, but believe he was acting alone in the four days leading up to the atrocity.

Daily Telegraph, 31 May 2017

However, an interesting article in the populist Daily Star just before the MSM pulled down the shutters on serious discussion of Abedi’s motivation, revealed the following uncomfortable truths:

Sex-starved Manchester bomber 'wanted revenge against Western girls who rejected him'

JUG-EARED terrorist Salman Abedi targeted an Ariana Grande concert in a twisted revenge attack on pop-mad Western girls who rejected his advances, ex-school pals believe. The gangly killer could not land a girlfriend because of his giant lugs which earned him the nickname 'Dumbo’ after the Disney elephant.

Instead he told pals he paid prostitutes for sex. Rejected by scores of girls in his home city of Manchester he ditched his booze-swigging, pot-smoking student lifestyle and devoted himself to militant Islamism – even confronting an Imam who tried to lecture him on anti-extremism.

Schoolpals reckon his grudge against Western girls could explain why he targeted a gig by US pop star Ariana. Abedi, 22, who was himself a fan of gangsta rap, knew the audience would be packed with legions of the 23-year-old singer’s young girl fans when he detonated his suicide bomb. Seven of his 22 victims were 18 or under – one just eight.

One former pal of Abedi’s from Stretford Grammar School in Manchester – where the killer got nine GCSEs including chemistry – said he was known for the size of his ears and his bad luck with girls.

''They called him Dumbo after the elephant in the Disney film,’’ his pal said. ''He was useless with the girls, man. He just couldn’t get a woman. It used to really wind him up. He always claimed he wasn’t a virgin because he said he’d been with prostitutes in Libya where his family came from. We all thought he was talking c**p. It really got to him that he could never get a girlfriend.

“He was surrounded by all these teens wearing next to nothing on nights out but none of them would look at him twice. He tried to impress by turning up with cider or vodka and crisps and that which he said he’d 'taxed’ from the supermarket - meaning they were stolen. But looking back he probably bought them to try and show off to us.

''In the end he started to pull away from our group and became really withdrawn. He became more religious and said he didn’t like the Western ways any more. We all reckoned it was because he wasn’t having anything like the fun the rest of us were.

''Donald Trump called him a loser this week and that really is what he was. But we never imagined he’d do anything as evil as this. It has left all of us numb. The girls who knew him back in school reckon he picked on Ariana’s fans to get some kind of revenge for all the rejections he got over the years. Why else would he target kids like that?

Daily Star, 27 May 2017

'Dumbo' Abedi: Incel for life
The usual Anglo-Saxon fiction that men are all having sex with models every night runs through this article like a thread of shit. In truth, most of Abedi’s erstwhile ‘friends’ were probably just as incel as he was, not ‘having fun’ at all. Such fools seriously think divas like Ariana Grande want sex with low SMV nobodies like themselves, when she actually sees them as disposable pond-life.

However, the story indicates the lengths the pro-feminist MSM will go to quash all perspectives that refute their outmoded narratives. Indeed, we have now reached a stage where only the MSM aimed at a lumpen-proletarian audience (and thus not truly MSM) dare express anything remotely resembling the truth about gender-related issues in the Anglosphere.

Even still, the Daily Star article shunned any serious exploration of Anglo women’s ethnic hypergamy, a telling omission. Speaking bluntly, giving out the absolute truth would simply create too many 'waves' in a feminist dictatorship governed by secular Puritanism. Instead, the Anglosphere prefers to duck reality while the bodies keep piling up and male sexual alienation reaches epidemic proportions. 

Ariana pretending she wants sex with everybody

Sunday 2 July 2017

Why MRAs Are Old News - and why Pan-Anglosphere Dissidence is the New Men’s Movement

Misandry is encoded in the Anglosphere's Cultural DNA

The 'old school' or 'first wave' MRAs who believed the Anglosphere could be reformed and remoulded along less misandrist lines are looking so dated. Yes, a lot of what of A Voice for Men, Warren Farrell and Angry Harry talked about is essentially right (and they deserve respect for that): but so what? For all their efforts, these guys did not change a single thing in the lives of real-world men. Men still get ass-raped in the divorce courts, the lamestream media still set women atop pedestals and men are still ten times more likely to get a custodial sentence for a criminal offence.

The great problem with those ‘first wave’ Manosphere writers is that they failed to see what we Pan-Anglosphere Dissidents see all too clearly: that Anglo-Saxon culture is inherently misandrist and, as such, is inherently impervious to pro-male reform. In a nutshell, that is the big difference between us second-wave Manosphere writers and the ‘old school’ MRAs already alluded to. They believed reforming the system was possible, while we (in our various ways) have concluded that it is not. Essentially, the Anglosphere is built on gynocentric, misandrist foundations and, barring a complete cultural overthrow, that is how it is going to stay. An enlightened male can either remain as a malcontent within the Anglo-Feminist Matrix; he can exploit the Matrix to fund an alternative lifestyle; or he can leave it altogether. Those are the real choices available to red-pilled males; reform is an ‘old school’ pipe dream.

In the farewell post on his Men-Factor Blog, Richard Scarecrow drove right to the core of the ineradicable Anglo-American problem - hatred of men:
The core issue that is not addressed often - is HATRED OF MEN.
Get ready for a long-ass rant. One that you've heard before if you read my blog.
When I was in college, my friends and I had the typical attitude, "Don't hit a women, Scold any scum man that hits his wife/girlfriend" etc...(sound philosophy to be sure - one I still uphold today - I will not hit a woman unless my life depended on it).  Then, Lorena Bobbitt happened.  We all noticed how radically different women thought than men - they all had a "You Go Girl!" attitude towards the incident.  This stumped all of us.  We despised any man who engaged in physical violence against a woman.  Women were applauding a woman who sexually mutilated her husband - and knew NOTHING about the situation...  That is when we started realizing how deep this hatred ran. 

We were all beaten (metaphorically) over the head with "be nice to girls" talk growing up.  When we were in our twenties we were all scratching our heads wondering why women were so malicious, callous, and sadistic towards men, while men were the opposite towards women.  Quite a wake up call.  Once divorces started happening, the hatred of men (insane rage, relentless baseless vindictiveness, and sadism) became more apparent.  More of my friends got divorced, and more of my friends got into drugs and liquor to sedate themselves from the insanely hate-filled women in their lives (and to think - for a while - I felt left out!!!).  Of course, this happened all over again with the Katherine Kieu Becker incident - a "superior" Asian woman (but one raised and living in an Anglo context – RK) who doesn't hate sexually mutilated her husband.

You can change divorce laws all you want.  You can bias them in favor of women - it takes evil sadistic women to exercise those laws.  The problem is not any laws on the books.  The problem is the sadistic women who enjoy the privilege of those laws (99.999999%).  Women who have the doors held open for them - Women who have 30-40 guys pining for them - Women who can get sex anytime they want for free - Women who can treat a lot of men like crap and get away with it - Women who get gifts and money showered on them in some misguided attempt to get laid - Women who are in fact privileged and pedestalized.  NOT NOT NOT women who are abused (verbally or physically), raped, tortured, insulted every 5 minutes, cussed at etc...  No - those things are reserved for men.
The MRM is a complete miss.  It is geared to changing laws (futile).  Anti-Feminism is less of a miss, but still a miss (the WikiPedia definition).  MGTOW is embarrassing, MHRM is a bunch of faggots.
Various "man-o-sphere" blogs talk about sex and whatnot - yawn.  Some have a whore/virgin attitude - old argument - yawn.  Some force feminism into a body shape - fat - yawn.  Some force feminism into "right-wing Christian women" - i.e. they are trying to separate feminism from the left wing - yawn - fail - fuck off.  Some re-enforce the fact that feminism was a "left-wing anti-Christian" movement - yawn - fail - fuck off.  Few of them address the issue of HATE - specifically - how thick and mindlessly vindictive the hatred of men is in women today - not just one political party - and certainly not just fat women.

What can be done to combat the hate - well - nothing.  Myself, I fail to care for women (except immediate family).  I do not need to care about a murdered woman who made a bad mating choice and ended up dead for it.  I do not need to care when a woman gets arrested for hitting a police officer because she is used to hitting men and suffering no consequences.  I do not need to feel any compassion for these people - they are a cancer in society.  They make bad mating choices and end up dead, single whatever - Why should I care - I don't.  Do I mock them - ABSOLUTELY!  Is it because they are "having sex with everybody but me"?  NOPE!  Their bad choices in mating leads their predicament - a predicament I have to pay higher taxes for - be it for abortions - insurance - higher taxes - welfare for single moms etc...  I end up paying for their careless behaviour all while I am the enemy to them (a white heterosexual male). 

Well said, Scarecrow - for that is the cock and balls of it. AVfM and the Old School Men’s Rights writers always assumed that if only they highlighted the iniquities of an anti-male judiciary, education system and mass media then – as if by magic – reform would inevitably follow. In reality, Anglo-American civilization has just carried on in the same old misandrist way because misandry and gynocentrism are embedded in its socio-cultural DNA. And that is why the old school MRAs could no more reform the Anglosphere than they could hold back the tides of the sea; and why their efforts to do so were doomed from the very beginning

Old school MRAs are like King Cnut: Powerless

MGTOWS are deluded in a different way - they claim to shun Anglo women who already view them with utter contempt: not much of a protest. In truth, with their rampant misandry, fridigity and hypergamy, entitled Anglo-American females positively welcome the self-removal of such low-status 'losers' from their lives (if they even notice their absence at all).

Entitled Anglo women despise MGTOWS anyway!

When I began this project – if it may be considered such – I was a fairly marginalized figure in the Manosphere. The old school reformists held sway. At first, I even had to call myself an MRA; a decade ago, no terminology existed to properly describe my unique vision. Gradually, though, a coherent terminology began to emerge through ceaseless argument and discussion, through mimesis and mutation. And so the Pan-Anglosphere Male Resistance Movement, with its distinctive terminologies and modes of thought, came to be. And here we are.

In sum, the Anglosphere is just one cultural bloc among many cultural blocs and should be seen and criticized as such; there is nothing ‘special’ about it. The Anglosphere’s era of dominance in the late twentieth century was more the result of historical accident than anything else; and its future decline looks assured. The motor of this decline is misandrist Anglo-American feminism and the social dysfunction – not to mention male alienation – it leaves in its wake. But this decline cannot be arrested, nor should it be; it is the inevitable fulfilment of the Anglosphere’s misandrist destiny. Low trust relationships, political alienation, a costly underclass and educational failure already blight the Anglo-American bloc, and will only worsen; but this is to be celebrated. Men cannot arrest the slide into barbarism, even if they wanted to; no, they must look to foreign shores for fulfilment, peace and pleasure. A single mercenary male without social ties has the Anglo-Feminist Matrix at his mercy; he is untouchable, boundless, almost a god.

That is our movement’s unique insight.

The Anglosphere's Institutional Misandry is Beyond Reform

Saturday 1 July 2017

Nicotine Wars: Another Puritan Initiative Doomed to Fail

Another Anglo-Morality Drive...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recent promise (July 2017) to reduce nicotine in cigarettes to ‘non-addictive levels’ highlights the insane Puritanism still ruling the Anglosphere. Not only is the FDA’s plan doomed to failure, needlessly criminalizing nicotine will create innumerable opportunities for organized crime to exploit. But hey, let’s not let facts get in the way of another doomed morality drive!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday announced a “multi-year roadmap” to reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes to non-addictive levels in a new effort to help smokers kick the habit and prevent smoking-related diseases and deaths in America.

The move marks the first time the FDA has specifically taken aim at nicotine, a naturally occurring chemical in tobacco that makes smoking pleasurable. Experts, since 1994, have argued that reducing nicotine in cigarettes could help curb cigarette smoke addiction.

The FDA, in its statement, cited the more than 480,000 deaths every year and the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on health care and lost productivity as a result of smoking. The agency also went further in setting its sights on preventing younger smokers.

“Lowering nicotine levels could decrease the likelihood that future generations become addicted to cigarettes and allow more currently addicted smokers to quit,” the statement read.

As we know, the latent Puritanism that defines Anglo-Saxon culture often lapses into deluded fantasy – the infantile denial of reality itself. In turn, this tendency to fantasy leads to ridiculous and unworkable policies like this one. We had a war on alcohol, we have ongoing wars on prostitution and drugs and now we have a war on tobacco, too. When will these demented puritans realize their misguided attempts to curtail personal freedom never work?

As with other Anglo-American wars against the reality of human nature, the FDA's initiative is doomed to failure before it starts. Instead of rationally accepting that people will always drink, smoke, use drugs and fuck whores, the Anglo-Feminist Matrix assumes human nature is perfectible (according to their warped standards). Unfortunately for them, human nature cannot be scoured of sensuality by white-light rhetoric; the human quest for sensual pleasure is inescapable. No healthy human male can live happily without occasionally slaking his innate desire for ecstatic oblivion: such is life. 

Prohibition - now THAT really worked!

Yet the authorities never learn. Are they simply retarded? The war on drugs is a total failure, as was Prohibition – yet still the Anglo-American Establishment refuses to leave its puritanical fantasies in the seventeenth century, where they belong. Instead they prefer to treat America’s citizens like retarded seven-year olds, curtailing their right to choice and pleasure. The poltroons seem to think everyone would live forever if only they shunned tobacco. Given the inescapable fact of human mortality, the thrill of a good nicotine hit weighs favourably against a few more weeks of miserable old age.  But of course, the crabbed Anglo-Saxon mind struggles to grasp that such a moment of pleasure can outweigh a decade of misery. 

Pleasure Must be Abolished...

In any case, the FDA’s proposal is hopelessly unrealistic and might well lead to societal collapse. Western economies are struggling to provide adequate elder support as it is, without millions more living into unhealthy old age. The infrastructure of modern industrial societies assumes a certain demographic consistency – in short, a cull – or order to function. Any savings made by reducing smoking related illnesses will be lost against the burgeoning costs of elder care. Seen in this light, death is not an enemy to be fought but rather an essential ally of progress and civilization.

Besides, the FDA’s nicotine ban is completely pointless. If tobacco manufacturers cannot supply the nicotine consumers want and crave, the Black Market will. Doubtless criminals of every stripe are itching for the FDA’s nicotine ban to begin. Tobacco will join drugs and prostitution as one of their big earners. And like ‘cut’ drugs and STD-raddled whores, their illicit cigarettes will doubtless be full of toxic impurities and infinitely worse than the high quality products presently furnished by the tobacco industry. Alternatively, people will just smoke more to get the hit they crave. This occurred in the UK, where people smoked huge quantities of ‘Lite’ cigarettes to compensate for their low nicotine content. But of course, facts cease to matter when the Anglo-American establishment is pursuing one of its doomed ‘morality drives’. 

Criminalization lets criminals corrupt pleasure for gain

Ultimately, the proposed FDA ban reveals the Disneyland mentality of the Anglo-American Establishment – repressive, self-destructive and utterly out of touch with consensus reality. The most terrifying thing is how the post-feminist population of the United States have taken this pernicious statism lying down, without so much as a whimper. Back in the day, Americans reached for their muskets when freedom was threatened. Now, only Big Tobacco is daring to stand up for choice and liberty. That the FDA’s absurd proposals have arisen during a Republican administration only underscores the authoritarian depths to which America has fallen.

'Energy is Eternal Delight' - William Blake