The power of an argument can be measured by its resilience. The same bold principle can be applied to a host of activities, from the martial arts to engineering. We put our trust in engineers whenever we board a plane, use a train or drive a car. If their design and construction skills were conspicuously lacking, we would soon perish. In short, engineering as a discipline proves its worth by being continually tested, and triumphing over the most arduous obstacles.

The same can be said of the martial arts. Gracie Jiu Jitsu operates the Gracie Challenge, wherein a fighter from any other combat discipline can challenge a Gracie champion. In this way, Gracie Jiu Jitsu demonstrates its worth as a martial art. It does not hide in theory, or boast unseen victories: like engineering, its exposes itself to refutation in the most demanding arena possible.

By contrast, if we take a look at Anglo-American women's studies, this fearless masculine desire for 'trial by proof' is completely lacking. Anglo feminists live in obscure academic enclaves, talking only to other feminists who share exactly the same opinions. They seldom (if ever) venture beyond these reassuring confines to face public 'trial by fire'. This is because feminist academics invariably have a 'soft sciences' or liberal arts background, where sentiment and opinion outweigh evidence or proof. Indeed, as Richard Feynman argued, 'soft sciences' like psychology and sociology (let alone the liberal arts) are not really sciences at all, since they are not open to disproof or verification in quarantined test environments. Little wonder, then, that feminist 'research' produces such wild claims as, 'a million girls die of anorexia in the US every year' (the true figure is 100). When there are no criteria of objective proof governing an academic discipline, it becomes prey to such preposterous statements. In sum, Anglo-American feminism retains the thought-patterns of the African peasant.

The execrable Jessica Valenti is a prime offender, pushing her witless books to clueless feminists on her tedious website (from which all dissenting opinion is conveniently banished). Then, she has the gall to excoriate MRAs for not 'standing up in their communities' and openly proclaiming their beliefs. Well, the following story shows exactly WHY Anglo-American men must be wary about publicly expressing their opposition to feminism. The Anglosphere is now so matriarchal that even keeping a satirical blog ridiculing feminism can lead to jail:
A Quebec man facing charges of making online threats to kill women has been denied bail after a judge described him as a "time bomb."
Jean-Claude Rochefort will remain in custody until mid-February pending his trial on charges of uttering online death threats against women. The 61-year-old Montreal man has been in custody since December, after authorities arrested him following repeated warnings to stop posting contentious messages on his blog.
During Rochefort's bail hearing Thursday, Judge Claude Leblond described him as a "time bomb" who demonstrates a visceral hatred of women. The public would lose confidence in the justice system if he were granted freedom before his trial, the judge added.
Rochefort's blog, described by observers as anti-feminist, paid homage to Marc Lépine, the gunman who murdered 14 women at Montreal's École Polytechnique in 1989.
Forensic psychiatrists have declared Rochefort of sound mind and fit to stand trial. He is due back in court on Feb. 16.
Source: CBC news, Feb 5th, 2010
Clearly, pan-Anglosphere feminists are so averse to trial by proof that coercive force is their sole response to rational criticism. And in the new Anglo Matriarchal World Order (NAMWO), they have the legal and political backing of 'elite' Manginas to impose their infantile opinions. Unlike engineers or Jiu Jitsi practitioners, feminists will stoop to any depths to avoid the 'reality test' so crucial to worthwhile endeavor. Ultimately, when one's opinions are logically and morally bankrupt, there is no other option.
As Isaac Asimov opined, 'violence is the last refuge of the incompetent': now, what does that tell us about Anglo feminism? The case also reveals another feminist (indeed, female) flaw - their crushing lack of humor or irony. The Lepine blog was quite plainly satirical. Only a poker-faced feminist could possibly take it seriously.