Women are absurdly naive. Since the female sex drive is so miniscule compared to that of males, women typically mistake masculine admiration for meritocratic assessment of their own abilities. Many good examples can be found in the field of employment. Most young, attractive post-feminist women like to believe that their pay-rises and promotions are the fruits of talent and industry. One even hears models describing their wealth as the result of ‘talent’, as though being born with alluring physical traits were some product of stupendous toil. However, we all know that these things are typically gifted young women by men in authority who want to have sex with them. Alternatively, their sexual power over men gives them lucrative careers like modelling, ‘acting’ and pop music, where physical charm is the pivotal ingredient.
Post-feminist women have been so indoctrinated by specious polemics extolling their (largely imaginary) talents, that they truly believe their ‘achievements’ are somehow self-determined. This is why the loss of their physical charms wreaks such havok on them. Having been nurtured on feminist pipe dreams, the cutting realization that their youthful ‘success’ was entirely due to sexual allure must be galling indeed. This explains ‘The Guillotine of Bitterness’ that afflicts most Anglo-American women in their late twenties. After 28, their true worth (or lack of it) stands exposed, stripped of all cerements of sexual power.
The foregoing leads me to a profound consideration: by definition, women lack self-awareness. As Alexander Pope opined,
The plainest truth is what we first let fall,
Most women have no characters at all.
A classic test of self awareness involves painting a cross on any animal’s face and observing its response to its own reflection. An elephant, for example, will probe the cross with its trunk, revealing advanced self-awareness. Lions, by contrast, cannot recognise their own reflection. Women – especially young, attractive women – more closely resemble lions than elephants, at least psychologically: they truly believe that men admire their ‘abilities’, not their sexual charms. Other manifestations of female self-delusion can be observed when obese females call themselves 'Big and Beautiful', or creaking crones kid themselves that men like 'the older woman'. Hence the onset of early middle age is not merely the first ‘crisis of senescence’ they must endure – it is a painfully late introduction to self-awareness.

From infancy, right through their teens and tweens, Anglo women are insulated from objective self-realization by the sickly ‘Princess Syndrome’ that pervades the Anglosphere. This explains the common observation that young women are somewhat ‘soulless’ – hollow, programmed beings with little psychic autonomy. By contrast, adolescence is a cruel rite for most Anglo-American males. The stark fact of their ‘social unwantedness’ becomes obvious, along with the realization that achievement alone can cement their status as worthy citizens. Interestingly, anthropologists have noted that the adolescent males of other primate species also experience a ‘crisis of consciousness’ in adolsecence, quite possibly for the same reasons. The adolescent male knows he will flourish only through his own abilities – his intellect, physical prowess or social guile: he has no ‘pussy pass’ to life. Little wonder that acute self-awareness comes so early to men. Notably, there is no female equivalent of Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man or Yukio Mishima’s Confessions of a Mask, simply because adolescent females have no need for acute self-enquiry of the type explored in these distinctively ‘masculine’ novels.

Armed with objective self-awareness, however, the male is well-equipped for adulthood. It is a common observation that, while females flourish in youth, males reverse those advantages in maturity (for example, while girls outperform boys at school and college, adult males still earn considerably more). By contrast, advantaged young females who mistakenly believe themselves ‘smart’ and ‘gifted’ are doomed to a harsh awakening when The Guillotine falls. Indeed, the staunch bitterness of middle-aged Anglo-American women can be entirely attributed to this realization:
It wasn’t your 'talent' and 'intelligence' that men admired: it was your sweet young pussy. That pussy-pass departed with your first wrinkle: live with it, bitch.