Sunday 18 October 2015

British Youth Kills Himself Over False Rape Allegations

Jay Cheshire - Innocent Teen suicided by malicious Anglo-cunt

Sometimes the Manosphere gets so bogged down in the minutiae of its arguments that we lose sight of what we are actually fighting for. Let's correct this:
A teenager took his own life after he was falsely accused of rape, an inquest heard. Jay Cheshire, 17, who was "mature and well-liked", was at the centre of a police investigation which ended in June this year when the alleged victim dropped the charge. But he tried to commit suicide a few weeks later and after being taken to Southampton General Hospital, died on 5 July. An inquest at Winchester Coroners Court, Hants, heard Jay struggled to cope with the false accusations and was "absolutely distraught."
Jay, from Southampton, was a sixth form student at Bitterne Park School studying English Literature, Film Studies and Geography - and hoped to become a history teacher or a writer. The court also heard he had a history of struggling with low moods, was put on anti-depressants and was due to undergo cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

He had a psychiatrist since the age of 13 but in March this year his state of mind improved, leading to doctors agreeing that CBT was not urgently needed any more. However in May, Jay's family contacted them once more saying he was under pressure because of the police investigation.

Central Hampshire senior coroner Grahame Short recorded a verdict of suicide and said: "I got the impression he was well liked and mature in some ways, but was a sensitive young man and vulnerable in some respects and he found it difficult to cope with the police investigation."

Jay's mum, Karin Cheshire, 54, said that the allegation was a factor in his death and that the alleged victim said he was a sex offender. Speaking about the alleged victim, she said: "She accused him of rape and said he was a sexual offender. He was absolutely distraught. Two weeks later she said she withdrew the allegations. He was a wonderful young man with a great love of history."
Source: UK Daily Telegraph

Predictably, Jay's accuser has got away 'scot-free' with her heinous crime - not even her identity was revealed by police. This is what should have happened to her:


Sunday 4 October 2015

A Warrior has Fallen! Chris Harper-Mercer and the Anglosphere's Urgent Need for Social Reform

Chris Harper-Mercer in classic Incel Pose...

Only kidding - Chris Harper-Mercer was no warrior, by any definition. Shooting down defenceless college students because one is a hardcore incel (involuntary celibate) hardly qualifies someone as Alexander the Great. However, his case provides important insights into this kind of crime and those who commit it.

I went to Wikipedia to find the major spree-killings committed in the major Anglosphere blocs: the UK, the USA and the former Commonwealth (Australia, New Zealand and Canada). The three lists can be seen below, with long-term incel perpetrators marked in bold:

1987 – Micheal Ryan – incel
1996 – Thomas Hamilton – gay paedophile, probable incel
2010 – Derrick Bird – non-incel

1927 – Andrew Kehoe – non incel
1949 – Howard Unruh - incel
1958 – Charles Starkweather non-incel
1966 – Charles Whitman – non-incel
1984 – James huberty – non-incel
1986 – Patrick Sherrill – incel
1989 – Patrick Purdy - incel
1991 - James Pough – non-incel
1991 – George Hennard – incel
1999 – Klebold and Harris –incels
1999 – Larry Ashbrook - incel
1999 – Mark Barton – non-incel
2007 – Heung-Sui Cho - incel
2009 – Michael McLendon – incel
2009 – Nadal Hasan – non-incel
2009 – Liverly Wong – formerly married but probable incel at time of shootings
2009 – George Sodini - incel
2011 – Jared Loughner - incel
2012 – James Holmes - incel
2012 – Adam Lanza – incel
2013 – Alexis Aaron – incel
2013 – John Zawahri - incel
2014 – Elliott Rodger - incel
2015 – Dylann Roof - incel
2015 – Chris Mercer - incel

Australia/NZ/ Canada
1965 – Len Hogue -  non-incel
1967 – Victor Hoffman - incel
1971 – cliffard Bartholomew - non-incel
1981 – Fouad Daoud – non-incel
1984 – John Brandon – non-incel
1987 – Joseph Schwab - ?
1987 – Julian Knight – incel
1987 – Frank Vitkovic – incel
1988 – Dennis Rostron - ?
1989 – Marc Lepine – incel
1990 – David Grey - incel
1990 – Paul Evers – non-incel but in relationship with half-sister and relationship threatened
1991 – Frank Wakum – incel
1992 – Mal Baker – non-incel but relationship threatened
1992 – Brian Schlaepfer – non-incel
1996 – Martin Bryant – non-incel
1996 – Mark Chahal – non-incel but relationship threatened
1997 – Steve Anderson - incel
2014 – Geoff Hunt – non-incel but relationship threatened       

It is notable that recent UK killers seem to be older men, sexual deviants as opposed to incels. Only one killer, the infamous Michael ‘Rambo’ Ryan, fits the picture of an enraged young incel (he tried to rape a young mother before embarking on his killing spree). The lack of British spree killers in general demonstrates the efficacy of the UK’s anti-gun laws in preventing such crimes – but I digress.

The US figures are especially interesting. Up to the mid-1980s, spree-killings are generally executed by non-incels. After the mid-1980s, incels sweep to the fore and come to dominate the ranks of spree killers. Also, from that time on they are typically younger men in their teens or early twenties. Mass murderers from earlier eras were often married, middle-aged, sometimes even elderly. After the mid 80s, all that changes: spree-killers become young, single and incel, almost overnight.

Commonwealth mass killers seem to follow a similar pattern to their US counterparts, with killings up to the late 1980s typically executed by non-incels. More recent mass killings are typically performed either by incels or males in jeopardized relationships. The latter seem rather more likely to massacre family members than incel mass killers.

The prevailing Manosphere perspective claims that feminism became a powerful force in the late 1960s or early 1970s, with women free to exercise their hypergamous biological prerogatives from that time onward. We would therefore expect to see the first generation of post-feminist Anglosphere males hitting early adulthood around the mid-eighties.  There would be many victimized and alienated incels among this group, if our projections were correct.  And in the US, this is clearly what we observe. Not only that, there are far more spree-killings in general from that time onward, almost two a year. We notice a further escalation in 2007, perhaps reflecting the rise of the Internet and the fall of the legacy media.  Beyond this date Sexual False Consciousness contracts as young males start to discuss real-world female behavior in online enclaves, free of feminist censure for the first time. Once that hegemonic breakdown occurs, spree-killing predictably becomes almost a regular event in the United States.

In general, the figures imply that the mainstream media’s fixation with mass killers’ mental health is completely irrelevant, at least in relation to contemporary mass murder. The dominant precipitating factor for multiple murder is incel singleness or being in a jeopardized relationship. Were complete figures available, I have no doubt they would show far more incels among multiple murderers than the general male population; and that involuntary celibacy is now the prime causal factor in Anglo-American spree killings.

However, inceldom is but the tip of the iceberg. History shows that men can endure incel status if they are provided with adequate social or economic compensations (Medieval Catholic clergy being a good example). However, this would require radical restructuring of the Anglosphere – not likely to happen any time soon. Still, implementing the following across the Anglo-American world would restore sufficient status to alienated males to greatly reduce the incidence of incel spree-murders:

  • Make women register for the Draft in the United States: an important symbolic statement showing true commitment to public gender-equality.
  • Legalize prostitution. A reform with countless self-evident benefits to both incel males and female sex workers.
  • Ensure proper punishment for female criminals, especially female sex criminals. At present, males are ten times more likely to receive a custodial sentence for a first offence. If women want equal rights, let them lose their privileges.
  • All anti-male propaganda in the Anglo media must be rooted out. 
  • 'Women only' resources/agencies must be eliminated or matched by similar investment in male resources/agencies.

    If Anglosphere governments were to implement these reforms, many potential incel spree-killers would immediately be stripped of the ideological motivations for their heinous and pointless crimes. However, the Anglosphere’s reflexive neo-puritan misandry will doubtless prevent these simple, direct actions that could save hundreds of lives

    Go figure.

    Act, Mr President...