A poster called Brock clearly felt inspired by our ongoing discussion about the respective merits/demerits of European/Anglo women to lay some hard-won wisdom on us:
Can totally confirm the good advice the expats have been giving here
about not just the advantages, but the necessity for ambitious, wealthy, high
skilled, professional, intelligent and/or aspiring or just commonsense men in
the Anglosphere--or just women who see the increasing feminazism of Anglo
countries to be crazy--to expatriate. There really isn't any other option.
I think most of the expat meetups are wrapping up now but we've had a lot of
discussion and food-for-thought based on the things you and the bloggers were
writing here, one of our presenters even put up a seminar on how the civil law
in Europe, Asia and non-Anglo Americas is like the "ultimate prenup"!
It really does protect you from damage from a divorce and it instantly squashes
all the timesup and metoo hysteria that's overwhelming Canada, the United
States and the Anglo world.
I can also speak from personal experience, some partners and I moved to Sweden
over a decade ago, totally fortuitous work reasons, and those of us who got
divorced lost nothing, we came out completely unharmed compared to our
unfortunate brothers in the US.
It's not advertised a whole lot but Sweden is the high-tech mecca of the
current century now. You can actually make comparable money as in Silicon
Valley or Seattle in Sweden's tech start-ups and incubators, not only in
Stockholm, yet for much more manageable cost of living than the Bay Area or
Washington State, and you can get Swedish and EU citizenship if you stay at it.
Plus lots of venture capital and state support, much better than the US or
Canada. I actually worked at Microsoft for a while while several of my business
partners worked or contracted with Google, FB, Oracle, Apple or other big or
small tech firms, but when we set out to start our own companies, Sweden
actually made some good offers. (Chile's another good place for that and now
Germany, France and even Holland are also inviting tech entrepreneurs with
similar grants.)
None of us were thinking much about divorce or prenups at first, but after a while,
several of us got married in Sweden. I got married to a gorgeous Swedish girl
from Uppsala (university town), my main business partner to an American wife
who came with him to Sweden.
I wound up having 3 kids and my partner 2 kids with his wife, and we both got
divorced. The long hours took a toll, and my business partner had an affair
after the stress got to be too much. We were nervous about it since we knew of
cases of Americans back in the US being wiped out from divorce, paying out the
nose for alimony 30 years later. And yes, we did know of 2 guys back in the US,
both well-off, who wound up in prison when their job situations went bad and
child support and alimony got to be too much! US family courts haven’t the
littlest clue about earning money and how people out in the real word do it,
they just assume you can wake up and be a millionaire without trying, and then
when you can’t, they throw you into prison for it!
But in Sweden? Divorce is almost painless. They despise the very concept of
alimony in Sweden and neither of us had to pay any of it, even though we made
far more than our wives. Custodial assignment is generally joint, so there
wasn't even an issue of child support at all-- my ex-wife and I both contribute
to raising our kids. Both of our exes were immediately expected to look for
work after the divorce and with some state help, they did find jobs, though we
voluntarily chip in when needed for the kids (nothing state enforced). We
didn't lose our homes or our cars.
And remember, this is Sweden, supposedly the world capital of feminism.
No messy divorces here, no timesup or metoo hysteria, no ruined lives after
marriage. Some anon commenters say feminism is a problem outside the
Anglosphere, but it really isn't, the "feminism" in the Anglosphere
is more like "feminazism", it's malicious, scornful, hate-filled,
nasty, ugly and harsh. In Europe, Asia, the non-Anglo Americas, what passes for
"feminism" is a whole different animal. It's not zero-sum or
hate-filed or shrill like you see in the US. It's just more about spreading
more opportunities. (IMHO it would be a whole lot better in fact for Africa and
the Middle East to have more feminism, women there really are terribly
oppressed, and the unsustainable birth rate and overpopulation in much of the
3rd world is due to too little of the right kind of feminism if anything).
Many of my old work partners stayed in the US or Canada and got married. Huge,
huge mistake. The ones who got divorced got wiped out, lost their homes and
their hard-won assets, barely get to see their kids. Most are paying out the
nose for alimony for ungrateful bitch exes who pluck their hard earned bank
accounts dry. Child support is brutal and it's true, it doesn't support the
kids, it's basically a scam and racket for the ex-wives to live high on the
hog, plus the courts, judges, state treasuries that also get fat with a
percentage of the child support and alimony money. Even my old partners who've
stayed married in America are miserable, they live in constant fear of losing
everything if the wives just decide to file for divorce on a whim, the husbands
have all the responsibility and yet none of the power or benefits. Even the
wives and ex-wives are usually miserable, US feminazism has warped them and
ruined true relationships and families. Nowsadays, no need to even marry to
experience this misery, one false accusation by a female colleague at work in
the US or in Canada and right there, your career is over, you won't get another
job and then you'll have the joy of being sued for sexual misconduct, losing
what meager remaining savings you have.
Tbh I feel like a guy has to be ignorant, a masochist, a cuck or just dumb to
even think about getting married or having a kid in the Anglosphere. Especially
the USA, Canada, Britain or South Africa. Just don't do it. I mean, sure, if
you're dirt poor with no skills or prospects, then fine, get married because
you have nothing to lose. (Even then I'd caution against it, your situation
might change.) But if you have skills? A good job? Make good money? Have a car
and nice house? Have some savings? A good education? Family money? Good work
ethic? Entrepreneurial? Just want rationality and fairness in a marriage, and
to be able to raise your kids? You'd have to be crazy to get married or start a
family in the United States. Or Canada. Or anywhere else in the Anglosphere.
You'd be putting everything you've earned on the line for no prospect of gain.
Work in the US or Anglosphere if you have to, but don't marry or have a kid,
instead save your money, sell your assets and build a nest egg to expatriate.
Or if you're already married, move out as soon as you can. Nowsadays, I don't
even think it's worth it to stay and work in the Anglosphere anymore. You can
make very good money, often better overseas, especially in Europe and Asia but
even some parts of the non-Anglo Americas, depending on what you do.
All with much more reasonable cost of living instead of the bloated
inflated prices of everything in the US nowsadays. With better women about
anywhere you go, though yes if you bring an American girl here she'll tend to
become less bitchy in big part because she can't get anything out of divorce,
they don't have the circling vulture lawyers here because they don't have anything
like the USA's divorce court here, or the profit motive connected to it. You
get better health care too. And there's paid maternity and paternity leave plus
6 weeks vacation so you can be with your kids, but the taxes are around the
same total amount as in the USA, because they don't just piss away all their
tax dollars pretending to be imperialists, throwing trillions away in near east
wars or giving trillions for Wall Street bankers with political connections to
waste on hookers and crack. So whether you've saved up money or are starting
your career or education, just move out of the Anglosphere. It's just not worth
the devastating risk to your finances and well being to marry or have a kid in
the US or UK, and you'll have a better quality of life in almost any
industrialized first world country elsewhere, and even a lot of still not so
advanced countries too, especially in the non-Anglo Americas!
BTW I hope some of you guys are able to write newspaper and magazine
articles or even books or web guides on all the wisdom you've been putting up
here since the expat meetups got going. All the info you've been putting up
particularly on the civil law advantages of the countries not in the
Anglosphere, especially the guys with law and law enforcement experience, just
pure gold! I know guys in the US, Britain and Canada and South Africa
especially are desperate for this kind of good info, since the MSM media is too
politically correct to even get into this issue. This is bestseller material!
My own book Foreign Shores is presently being revised in the light of these brilliant revelations about the Civil-Common law distinction. At last, we have the Rosetta Stone that explains the uniquely misandrist nature of gender-relations in the Anglosphere. Of course, there are other differences (Anglo Puritanism and its associated feminazism, for instance) but Anglo-American Common Law is clearly the 'secret gate' via which Anglo feminism has eroded society and made it unliveable for men.
When I started this blog I always believed I would find a pasture greener than all others, and guide men to it. The thought that these expatriation meetings are openly quoting the words and ideas expressed on this blog is frankly intoxicating and the living fruition of my dreams. I am very interested in these American 'expat meetups' described by Brock; if anyone wants to post more information about their content and context, feel free to do so.
Not here you won't, ladies! |