Wednesday 16 June 2021

THE ONE-MILLION SPARK POST - Count Your Crimson Pill Blessings: How Objectivity Confers Advantage over Delusion

Checking my records, I note that my blog has now reached one-million individual page-views. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me over the past 12 years. It has been a long and sometimes unforgiving journey but well worth it in the long run. 

Speaking of unforgiving and unrewarding circumstances leads me to the subject of this landmark post. Inevitably, awakened and self-aware men living in the Anglosphere find many aspects of life difficult: relationships, divorce laws and pretty much everything else. While this can be a difficult existence, it is still better than the alternative: namely, living in a world of Blue-Pilled self-delusion

As we have often discussed, the Anglosphere countries have become strongholds of 'secular puritanism' in which misandrist feminism now occupies the role formerly occupied by puritanical Christianity. This residual 'secular Puritanism' is why the Anglosphere persists in fighting a ridiculous 'War on Drugs' despite the enormous human and economic costs (and obvious failure) of this policy. Similarly, the US ban on prostitution is pernicious and ineffectual, yet neither the Republicans or Democrats make moves to amend or terminate it. Many of my critics have questioned whether the Anglosphere (especially North America) is truly puritanical: yet these ridiculous policies are clear proof that it is. In stark contrast, countries like Germany, Switzerland and Portugal have progressive, realistic views on drugs and prostitution yet remain perfectly functional

Because puritanism is essentially hostile to sexual and social reality, Anglo-American countries prefer to hide in a fantasy world rather than acknowledge the need for change or intervention. Indeed, both Anglo-American politicians and the 'mainstream' media still seem to be living in the 1950s rather than the 2020s. This wilful self-deceit is what makes living in Anglosphere nations so difficult for Awakened men, for whom truth is the essence of life.  

Although self-delusion might be more comfortable in the short term, it is a most unhealthy long-term life strategy. Medicine itself shows why this is so: if someone finds a lump somewhere, the sooner they seek out medical attention the better their outcome is likely to be. If they deny the lump's existence, their prognosis gets worse with each passing moment. In fact, their condition usually becomes incurable after a certain time. In the Anglosphere - with its neo-puritan tendency to self-delusion - a whole range of problems have similarly become incurable due to neglect

The whole 'OK, Boomer' meme arose because because many of the Baby Boomer Generation prefer to live in a 1950s fantasy world rather than grasp the nettle of reality. When confronted with brutal facts about post-feminist society - like the fact that a third of American males under 30 have not had sex in a year, or that the law allows Canadian women to get away with child abuse - many Boomers flatly deny the reality of the figures. Similarly, facts like female hyper-hypergamy and racism or soaring male suicide rates are either flatly denied or airily dismissed by older generations. 

For all the pain and disappointment they can cause, objectivity and self-awareness are still better (and more effective) than retreating into self-delusion. Adapting to reality is simply more functional than ignoring it, in a score of ways. In fact, performance in every sphere of life can be dramatically improved by the rigorous application of objectivity; and this applies to educational and practical matters, not just sex and relationships. 

If a person has an IQ of 90, they are much better aiming for trade school rather than medical school. If a man has a fragile bone structure, he is not likely to become a professional athlete. If a person has asymmetrical facial features, they are most unlikely to become a Hollywood actor. At the sexual level, a one-eyed Indian janitor is unlikely to enjoy much success applying PUA techniques that work for tall white males. Similarly, if a man wants a stable relationship he is much better departing the Anglosphere for a country where women are less entitled, misandrist and socially destructive; for in a misandrist culture which sees all men as disposable, deviant and criminal, marriage is a disaster waiting to happen

In short, the Crimson Pill - a worldview which combines Red Pill energy with Black Pill realism - is the optimal choice for Awakened men. This is especially true in the Anglosphere, where Blue-Pilled self-delusion is the prevailing worldview. 


  1. female teachers, doctors and feminist Professors to dress more immodest than the selfie thot in the 1st pic.

    The American Medical Association and Twitter feminazis encouraged female Medical Doctors to post nude pics for minors.

    A "Professor", Victoria Bateman (refuse to acknowledge her Phd) prances around in the nude at Cambridge University.

    Canadian women are protected by Toronto Police when parents complain that their female teacher showed her pussy to their son or daughter.

    Meanwhile, the cops shut down massage parlours and strip clubs.

  2. Canadian white bitches act like men, but are passive as kittens when getting fucked by an underage school bully half their age.

    1. Shit sounds fucked up, but you do have truth.

  3. Toronto woe-man wants to be impregnated with his sperm, man seeks based #incels of Reddit for advice lol:

  4. It is telling that the respective leaders of the top two anglobitch countries are yet reflexively simping and genuflecting for their mediocre spouses:

    How could the enemies of the US and UK respect a pair of gynocentric simping chumps who head their governments? And our military hegemony is weakening more and more by the day.

    1. What a pair of limp-dicked losers. The Chinese and Russians doubtless view them with utter contempt.

    2. Toronto, Canada got a Pussy Bubble:

    3. That is what internet dating has done to the sexual marketplace. It has burnt through a lot of men.

    4. I know that Vladimir Putin trolled both Joe Biden and Jen Psaki in a recent interview.

      In regards to China, Biden (along with Kamala Harris) and his son are deep in the backpockets of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party. That's why Biden and the Democrats are very limp on China and hard on Russia lately.

  5. I think we have reached a point where society can't beat up men any more. They will leave. Both the US and Canada were populated by immigration. To have an idea of that the reverse is, keep an eye on California and New York. They are losing population.

    1. My biggest regret is not saving more $ to leave Toronto.
      Canada is unlike the USA where there are high paying jobs, many cities and different ways to live in Mexico. I regret moving to Canada, but like many men, find it extremely difficult to leave.

    2. I think you have taken the most important step in seeing that you need to move on. There is the old proverb of a journey of a thousand miles beginning with the first step.

  6. @ Toronto Manz: Toronto wammin suck. Find a way to avoid the #MeToo crowd. It will only get worse as the wammin get older and become crazy cat ladies.
    They are feminazi pedophiles today, but in their golden years they are divorced or spinster cat ladies. Toronto and Canada are going downhill like the rest of the developed world.

  7. C$150,000 raised for a up and coming feminazi Hope she dies to be honest

  8. There is a regular on this thread who has been following this woman. She is a Toronto feminist who went to work in New York and acted like a Karen to make this video viral. This is an update from three weeks ago. Sorry, I did not see it until today.
    If this is the end result of feminism, it is past time for men to leave North America.

    1. Chanty Binx is a fucking feminazi Toronto empowered wome suck like AMY COOPER the lying WHORE OF BABYLON.

  9. Congrats on the 1 million view mark, your blog has been truly enlightening. Your posts about sexual false consciousness have probably had the most impact on how i view the anglosphere and these so called "red pill life coaches." The newest scam they are pushing is that "women cheat, and men just have sex" as if every man is able to have a rotation of women when in reality almost one third of men in the USA are incel

    1. Thank you so much - a million views really is a major landmark.

      Yes, I think that the concept of Sexual False Consciousness is a notable contribution to Men's Studies, a force that explains many things in contemporary society.

      For the record, I actually think that rather more than 28% of American men are incels. This is because escortcels and sex tourists are not factored into the official figures. I would guess that the real figure is 50%, at least.

    2. Another example of SFC in play, this clown "modern life dating" saying he knows someone who is disabled in a wheelchair with a rotation of women. around the 8:20 mark.

      Does this clown really believe this? Where is his evidence for this? Am I really supposed to believe this when as you say the real number of incel men is closer to 50%?

    3. That was crazy. That PUA guy was shouting and screaming at Face every time he tried to make a point and - predictably - the wheelchair guy rotating three models never appeared (doubtless because he doesn't exist).

      I'm not sure if the PUA guys were suffering from SFC or just promoting it in order to sell their 'Wheel Chair Game' courses to Red/Blue Pilled retards.

    4. I have heard, although it is unconfirmed, that this "modern life dating" clown lives in somewhere like eastern europe, an area where it is distinctly less puritan and likely much easier for an average man to interact with women.

      And this one red pill coach says that "women dont reject you based on your looks but on your beliefs" doesnt seem to understand that in a world where women are not economically dependent on men and can always rely on the government(a point you have made many times on this outstanding blog), along with dating apps that give them unlimited attention, men have very little to offer the modern anglobitch besides looks.

      To put it short, your looks will give your personality/beliefs a chance.

    5. Now there's a surprise! The area where he lives is less puritan, less #metoo and less misandrist plus being an American probably raises his SMV by quite a few notches in that place, too. Yet his advice is aimed at men living in the Anglobitch fempire, which vilifies men at every turn.

      Yes: in a situation where men have no economic gravitas, looks become the sole arbiter of sexual attraction. Which is why 50% of American men under 30 are incels.

    6. Rookh,do you have an email address I could contact you at? Would love to send some thoughts and observations I have noticed in the last ten years to you regarding certain cultural aspects in the anglosphere. If not I understand that your time is valuable and thank you for taking the time to respond to my comments.

    7. America, Canada and Britian are sexless prisons.

      The average (bottom 80%) American or Canadian man net income is for $2,000 a month.

      60% goes toward rent, higher in Toronto, NYC and London. 25% food, and 15% for transportation.

      Fat pig shaped British escorts charge $500 Pounds an hour because of dirty oil money simps.

      Canadian Escorts charge at least $400/hr these days.

      Even higher in the USA where it's legal in Nevada for $1,000 an hour.

      In these liberal countries, these escorts do not want East Indian or Black men, even if educated. They want white simps. RACIST FUCKING CUNTRIES WITH NO SEX FOR NON-WHITE MEN.

  10. Feminazi campuses are North Korea, from a North Korean dissident:
    Chanty Binx and Toronto womxn suck!

  11. Many Toronto woe-men are fucking feminist anti-male cunty shit.
    I been to the USA, interacted with the white British thot, and those European girls visiting Montreal hostels unzipped my pants while I was sleeping and God knows what they did at least I didn't get STDs or a Stephanie Guthrie corrupt fucking Toronto Police court order.
    That's all I can say.

    From an immigrant who has to spend at least 180 days a year to retain OHIP in Cuntario.

  12. TORONTO is a bad omen. I was dry humping and doing sex with my female supervisors when I was 18 back home in a South American country.
    But in Toronto, I was sexless for 2 years, and had to go to Asian parlours for sex. The good girls are those who work in the sex trade, but their bfs are either scared or intimidated at my presence.
    The funny thing with Toronto is that when I complain about dating, they presume that I'm a sexless virgin. I'm unhappy with Canada. It's a fucking anti-male corrupt Toronto Police prison without the sex.

  13. I dislike Toronto because the Toronto Police are corrupt as fuck and they pander to lying thots like Stephanie Guthrie, Mandi Gray and many batshit crazy feminist liars.
    I'm surprised that the Moslem man who was falsely accused of raping Mandi Gray didn't join ISIS or some shit. Being falsely accused of rape by a fat Toronto tattooed feminist whore---Not my cup of tea.

  14. Orwellian foids at work:'t-Ask-Out-Female-Co-Workers---MGTOW-(050)_small:3?r=GchKHaPwNsG9CSk9PyXS8FGjPNUTftHy

  15. A transsexual has won the Miss Nevada pageant, that's how bad biological women in the Anglosphere have become, to let them encroach so. This may fuel the ongoing war between the Anglobitch and transsexuals.

    1. He who laughs last, laughs best.

    2. Don't be angered by the trannies. We are not cuckservatives who worship muh Taylor Swift virginty.

  16. Toronto swimming instructor wearing a g-string thong to teach children:

    1. Then she will complain that she is being objectified by men, and that she has the right to show her ass cheeks to Yung Tyrone and Yung Chad.

  17. This is fucking news when thousands of men are dying from freezing in the tents & overdosing on feminist mafia drugs?

  18. Don't marry Canadian women:

  19. America, Canada and Britian are sex prisons.

    The average American or Canadian man net income is for $2,000 a month. 60% goes toward rent. 25% food, and 15% for transportation.

    Canadian Escorts charge at least $400/hr these days. Even higher in the USA where it's criminalized

    1. $400 per hour? In Ancient Rome is was the price of a loaf of bread. I think we a re getting gouged.

    2. A week pay for medicore feminist pussy. The developed world is a sexless prison.

    3. Everything is commoditized with women. Dr. Rookh Kshatriya has to find a way to quell the male sex drive without messing T levels. Only then will men be free from the shackles of the Anglobitch.
      How many men I know who wasted tens of thousands of dollars a year in pay for play because they didn't book a flight to Colombia, and instead frequented the local feminist whore charging $250 for a half hour of vanilla sex.

    4. It's a great scientific and medical challenge. The problem with all the male contraceptive pills created so far is that they disrupt testosterone levels (by definition), producing a number of unwanted side-effects. The same would doubtless be true of drugs designed to reduce the male libido.

  20. JBW with a cottage in Cuntario, and you'll get the Canadian stink hole, and a womb turd like this neckbeard simp. Divorce in a few years:

  21. Looks like Canada's historical issues are exploding at last:

  22. Incel Satanist kills two women in London:

    1. At this point incel just seems like a label they append to any lone male offender to strengthen their case. With his Middle-Eastern looks and name I'm surprised the government didn't tack on ISIS membership as well!

      Thats a heck of an age gap with those sisters but I digress.

      In Winthrop, Massachusetts there was a "racist shooting spree" by a white man, Nathan Allen who was married, so in that case they can't call him an incel shooter. Could the tension of a bad marriage have motivated Allen to go on a shooting? Problems with women are not solved by marriage in the Anglosphere, as you have taught us.

    2. He didn't target white women.

    3. The notion that Hussein was radicalised by incel websites is not backed up by any specific references, just stated as a fact without evidence. To the lamestream press, MRA sites like a A Voice for Men are radical incel redoubts.

      Incel headlines are starting to pique the Blue Pilled masses, though. The lamestream presents inceldom as an extreme and marginalised position, even though 28% of American males under 30 (at least) are incels. Sexual False Consciousness (and self-delusion) at its finest.

    4. *In Winthrop, Massachusetts there was a "racist shooting spree" by a white man, Nathan Allen who was married, so in that case they can't call him an incel shooter. Could the tension of a bad marriage have motivated Allen to go on a shooting? Problems with women are not solved by marriage in the Anglosphere, as you have taught us.*

      In the Anglosphere, marriage only amplifies male oppression in the vast majority of cases. The threat of Divorce hangs over all married men like a Damoclean sword, threatening their prosperity, freedom and integrity. As many here have written, divorce in the Anglosphere is a catastrophe to which marriage is the portal.

  23. Dr. Rookh, you know in Canada, being an incel is equivalent to being an ISIS terrurist? Canada is a pussy whipped country.

    1. There is no hope for young men living in the white cuntries.
