Friday, 24 January 2020

Farewell to a Glorious Decade


Having been writing on these themes for over a decade, I have come to a watershed. I have used all the ideas floating around in my notes as blog posts and feel I have now described the Anglobitch Thesis in all its potent totality. I was watching Incel TV’s channel recently, and he expressed pleasant surprise at how popular his videos have become. Although my ideas are distinct from his, I feel exactly the same way. When I started my blog and website a decade ago, I never thought I would have the better part of a million page views and fans all over the world of every race and profession. Even less did I dream that young men would have used my books and posts to build fulfilling romantic lives outside the Anglosphere.

But my ideas were unexpectedly popular from one reason: they are the truth. Once, truth could be suppressed by the mainstream media’s Sexual False Consciousness and other tricks of social manipulation: with the rise of the Internet, that is no longer the case. In addition, the Internet permits the instant transmission of knowledge and opinion to a global audience, exposing things long hidden or suppressed. The Dog Pill is a good example of this; it never occurred to me that a large minority of Anglo-American women prefer sex with dogs to men. Similarly, I never knew that Canada was a rabid stronghold of institutional misandry; in 1989, I thought Marc Lepine to be a pure anomaly.

Now I know better.

Yes, a lot of ideas have passed under the Bridge of Years during the past decade: MRA, PUA, the Red Pill, the Black Pill and even the Dog Pill. However, the Anglosphere has only grown more misandrist, (hetero) sex-negative and gynocentric in that time, with the result that at least a third of Anglo-American men have been sexually disenfranchised by female hyper-hypergamy. Meanwhile, the Anglo-American authorities have been pushing male-to-female transsexualism as a 'solution' to the crisis, offering 'escape' to weak men who cannot endure life in a misandrist gynocracy. Of course, a quick glance at the official mortality rates of MtF post-op transsexuals demonstrate that this option offers no real 'escape' at all.

These facts, coupled with the rise of the Internet and the attendant retreat of SFC, have only meant that my status has grown while people like Roosh, Paul Elam and Roissy have fallen into obscurity. Today, low-tier guys approaching Anglo women in the street can be imprisoned for harassment; ten years ago, that would have been unthinkable. Similarly, the whole 'man up' tradcon agenda advanced by older Boomers like Elam, Fleming and Peterson is a laughable relic in an openly misandrist society. Why on Earth should men shoulder traditional masculine responsibilities in a culture which ridicules and excoriates them? A man can lose everything - including his liberty - at the snap of a woman's fingers in the modern Anglosphere. With the social contract in tatters and women free to do whatever they like with complete impunity, men have nothing whatsoever to gain by adopting traditional male values. 

That is why my work has marched from strength to strength along a broadening path of glory, while theirs is already forgotten.

Though my ideas now attract a lot of incels (especially young ethnicels located in North America) and I am flattered by their interest, my ideas are still primarily aimed at non-incel Anglo-American males who simply want a functional heterosexual relationship. I am at core a Red Pilled thinker – or perhaps Crimson Pilled – rather than fully Black Pilled. Given the Anglosphere’s distinctive gynocentric puritanism, a normal (6+) white Anglo-American man can best achieve his romantic ambitions by emigrating and immersing himself in another culture. MGTOW is fine for awakened men who want to remain in the Anglosphere for personal or professional reasons; but the whole idea of ‘Going Monk’ smacks of crabbed and unhealthy Anglo puritanism, not something I would ever endorse.

While I won’t be posting as much as I did during 2019, I will still be active on this blog. I aim to post only when moved by important events, rather than expanding the body of theory I have shaped over the past decade.

If people want to send me guest articles exploring features of the Anglobitch Thesis, you are very welcome. I think ethnic experiences of Anglobitch sexual fascism in North America would make very powerful articles, as would stories from men who have fulfilled their sexual and romantic ambitions after leaving the Anglosphere.

In addition, I am working on a prophetic novella which imagines what the next decade holds for men across the Anglosphere. This work will project from present social trends and conditions to describe Anglo-American gender-relations as they exist in 2030.

What those are like, most of you can probably guess.



  1. The white woman is naked with children, giving a bareback blowjob to a dog, and also doing lesbian sex, but heterosexual men who are not the top 1% are excluded from the Anglobitch's sexual encounters. Sums it up nicely. A 13-year-old Chad or Tyrone has a better chance of getting sex from the Anglobitch than a 25-year-old blue collar male.

  2. The Anglobitch harassed deatnickcels who are working jobs:

    1. Fuck. I can't imagine what it's like being a sub 5 male at work.

      I sort of work for myself, but am partially a NEET (gotta quit that shit this year), but anytime I am anywhere near an office environment, I get outright hostility from women. Usually white women.

      I am an ethnic low tier normie

    2. Do you think the Anglobitch hates the deathnic male because of his race, his low status or his ugliness?

      It is fascinating how white women are so on point with feminism and other SJW causes, yet remain as sexually racist and fascist as Southern Belles from the 1830s.

    3. Rookh I can tell you it's not just about race.

      A couple months ago I saw an anglobitch cashier treat a 5'5 bald white man in a suit with absolute contempt.

      Didnt even make eye contact while swiping his groceries. He felt humiliated.

      On the other hand if the ethnic guy is 6'2 and handsome, she feels entitled to his attention, that he MUST want to sleep with her.

      Additionally, ethnic men (middle eastern, southern European, south American) are far less likely to put up with bullshit from a woman, so the anglobitch disapproves of that.

    4. If most of your experiences with women have been with the Anglobitch, it can really fuck you up.

      Ethnic women (southern European and middle eastern) in Australia are generally more supportive of a man's masculinity, but the anglobitch will react as if you are a bad person for being assertive and confident.

      They really are scum,trash.

      The Anglo man brought so much to civilization, yet all the Anglo woman can do is make society a primitive hellhole.

      And yet they still think they are royalty

    5. I had to cut my sex drive just to prevent a false accusation from a scantily dressed foid at my workplace.

      This summer, these pale skin school girls are going to enter the subway or bus with shorts that barely cover their ass crack, but if she accuses you of looking at her, you're at risk of being hauled into court and forced to do a DNA test for the criminal database! Fuck Canada in that regard. I guess this law also applies to the UK, Ozzie and NZ.

    6. I remember I was doing some part time work at some real estate firm 5 years ago

      The secretary was some 3.5/10 ugly anglo woman who dressed as a skank.

      I was going down on an elevator for lunch, and she left the office to go down herself. She saw me waiting alone for the elevator and went back to the office, not wanting to ride the elevator with me. She made it very obvious.

      Ugly ass thought I would harass her or something lol.

      She proceeded to treat me badly for the next 2 days because of the 'awkward moment', as if it was my fault.

      Living in a world of delusion

    7. "Stranger Danger" and she probably feared you because you're brown or black, yet she's angry that you could use the race card if she falsely accuses you of harassment.

      The Anglobitch is spreading her psychotic man-hating and racism to the entire world.

      She believes that all brown men from mexico to India are all rapists lol.

    8. The Anglo bitch represents hollowness, soullessness, materialism and anti-life

      Higher men on this earth are meant to be the carriers of truth, depth and godliness. That's why anglobitch hates higher thinking men and prefers primitive gangsters and even dogs. The further away from higher truth, the more she likes them.

  3. Another giant of this corner of the internet has departed. He opened the gate for me.

    1. Well, I for one am not departing anywhere.

      Having read Dalrock's farewell, what I would say is that this phase of the Anglo-American manosphere is at an end and that new themes are required.

      We all know that the West is misandrist in various ways, that Tinder has killed the dating scene for sub-8 males, that there is a 'male crisis', that Anglo feminism is racist and hypocritical, etc..

      We need to move beyond endless restatement of these obvious facts into the realm of action; and using the experience acquired from such action to feed positive feedback loops which produce successful outcomes and life-choices for Awakened men.

      That is why I am so eager to incorporate fresh young voices from the second wave of the manopshere.

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if a federal 3 letter agency contacted Dalrock and forced him to make that post under duress.

    3. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, either.

      We are in the midst of a war, whether we like it or not.

    4. While men are silently dying in Toronto by jumping the tracks during rush hour, I do notice that many antifeminist sites which criticize white Canadian women are mysteriously "frozen" or shut down without notice.

    5. Rookh,
      I think you are right. While the war is cold now, it may turn hot. We should pay attention to what is going on in Virginia. While the right to bear arms is not generally considered a gendered issue, feminists have no love for it and have entered an unholy alliance with government. The problem with government is that may of the videos to be seen on Youtube point out that government considers themselves to be the boss of the people and not the other way around, as it should be. The issue with Brexit is similar. It's all linked.
      PS. Please stick around.

    6. One more thought. I just watched Kaitlin Bennett's video on the Women's March. I am reminded of an old proverb, "Those whom the gods seek to to destroy, they first make proud." American women are overly proud. They have a long way to fall.

  4. The 2020s will be a decade where the #Dog Pill and #Hot_For_Teacher pill becomes evident that only dogs and school children are the only benefactors of the Anglobitch's lust.

    How long will blue pilled men continue working and paying taxes for their oppression, we could wait and see.

    1. Don't hold your breath. Rampant sexual false consciousness in the Anglosphere means the average Joe Anglocuck still thinks he has a chance with foid dog fuckers and child abusers.

  5. Syrian immigrant Saint Hamudi says it best:

  6. What does a dog or Grade Six school bully have that a grown man working a full-time job doesn't have?

    1. A primitive mind that wont think for himself or bring masculine truth to the world, so easily used as a servant of the anglobitch

    2. White women also fuck thugs, and when they are Magistrates, they give the thug probation for murder, while if a single sub8 man is accused of harassment, he ends up in remand for years.

      "The Anglo bitch represents hollowness, soullessness, materialism and anti-life"

    3. To answer directly, reproductive capacity. To women, it's not sex unless they can get pregnant. More sick reasoning on their part.

  7. Your tax dollars pay for a female teacher to come to school naked and fuck 9 year old boys, and get pregnant.

  8. Excellent article, Rookh.

    In regards to the men of MGTOW "going monk", their tactic is a smart move and doesn't smack of "crabbed puritanism" on the grounds that women in the Anglosphere are way too dangerous to get involved with due to the massive amount of legal and societal power at their fingertips to destroy an innocent man's life and career e.g. sexual harassment legislation, #MeToo, the Family Court system in all Anglosphere countries. In many ways, the women of the Anglosphere are the Sword of Damocles and the horsehair to keeps the sword suspended about the collective heads of men in the Anglosphere. This is also why so many MGTOW content producers have been advocating the life-like silicon love dolls like the Real Doll and other manufacturers and dealers e.g. The Doll House.

    At the end of the day, money trumps nookie for Anglosphere men (especially the ability to have a job/career to make that money to live on and to enjoy life's little things). Without money and employment, a man will never be able to achieve their dreams, desires, and hobbies and will never build a successful career.

    P.S. Rookh. Look into the spread of feminism from the Anglosphere to other corners of the world over the past few decades. The misandrist Anglo feminism has spread across the world via the Internet and social media faster than the Wuhan Coronavirus. I know that Turd Flinging Monkey did a video on the spread of Anglo feminism in other corners of the world via social media in one of his videos a while back.

    1. Here's the video in question by Turd Flinging Monkey that talks about the spread of Anglo feminism across the whole world...

    2. #Me Too and man-hating feminist HR recruiters prevent men from earning a livelihood, at least in Toronto.

    3. I think there are two types of MGTOWs and the difference is generational.

      Type 1s are Boomers and older Xers who enjoyed the benefits of post-war prosperity who have something to lose by consorting with the Anglobitch in the #metoo era. A lot of my white readers are of this type, and they have most to gain by adopting the Thesis. These are the genuine MGTOWs, men who seek relationships but want to avoid being stung by the Anglo-feminist legal complex. Also, many of them want better quality women than the Anglosphere has to offer. For them, the best option is expatriation outside Common Law jurisdictions.

      Type 2s are Millennials and even Zoomers who basically got shafted by history and Tinder, as well as #metoo and misandrist feminism. These pseudo-MGTOWs are mostly copers who have been sexually frozen out by the hyper-hypergamous Anglobitch and adopt the MGTOW ideology in order to cope with their sexual disenfranchisement. These guys are not opting out of the dating pool, they were never part of it in the first place.

      There is some overlap between the two groups but not all MGTOWs are the same. The difference is mainly generational.

  9. The huge MGTOW cope among Boomers is that a man can just apply for a job, get hired, work 10 years, retire and live happily ever after.

    The Toronto feminist is one step ahead of us. Bachelor and 1-bedroom apartments have skyrocketed in price, and getting a job is harder because of minimum wage increases which gives pro-feminist employers an excuse to lay off staff, cut hours for current staff, or not hire newer employees.

    The median wage in Toronto is only C$35000 a year, but the cost to buy a starter home or condo starts from C$500,000+ and increases by C$50,000 for the past five years (which co-incidentally feminism from Chanty Binx started taking off exponentially).

    1. Regardless if you have a job, #Me Too will force you into unemployment someday. The Toronto feminist has waged war on working class men, creating an underclass or underemployed or unemployted men.

      If only those disenfranchised men only know how to fight back against the racist white Anglobitch rather than dying in silence. The white woman is our oppressor.

    2. This points out a very real truth: despite all the MGTOW huffing and puffing about male superiority, the feminists are winning while working class white/ethnic men are jumping in canals across the Anglosphere. The ongoing expansion of female pseudo careers via quotas and institutional misandry will only make the issues worse.

      As I said in my article, we have to move on from the old chest-thumping about how great men are and face up to the brutal fact that most men are now disposable fodder in an ongoing gender war, many of whom will never afford a roof over their heads and will probably die prematurely and in penury.

      The manosphere needs to be moved on from its old Boomer fixations on sex or restoring tradcon values and forced to discuss the new realities, issues like basic male survival in a high tech misandrist gynocracy. Free sex is no longer an option on the table for over a third of men, anyway; even Roissy and Roosh came to accept that. This is why the younger generations need to step up and remake the Manosphere in their own image while they still can.

    3. Rookh,

      If you do a good amount of research into the MGTOW forums, content producers, and the MGTOW Reddit page; you'll find that more men in the MGTOW camp who hail from Gen Y/Millennials and Gen Z are already ahead of the curve and they're focused on surviving this hyper gynocentric world we live in.

    4. Terrifically well said (the above comment), Rookh.

  10. MGTOW is only good a cope for Boomers who have had careers, work experience and jobs which gave them tenure.

    The modern man from age 18 to 40 has no chance to stable employment or owning a home, and he has no future due to #Me Too and rabid #Chanty Binx feminism.

    Toronto men are jumping the subway tracks almost every day. It's dire.

    1. I can tell you one thing, MGTOW for the younger generation of men can help them focus their energies onto themselves and their own lives, and get them off the drugs of simping and pussy begging.

      Also, MGTOW can help men of the younger generation to learn and realise that women in the Anglosphere and the West are not worth it and the risks now massively outweighs the benefits.

    2. Saint Hamudi speaks the truth. He's a Syrian refugee living in Germany:

  11. Rookh, I predict that many young men will become mtf transgenders, and for the first time in political history, a "marxist" feminist group will form an alliance with the far right to persecute transgenders.

  12. The Anglobitch is in China:

  13. Hi Rookh, I am an educated Indian man (soon to be a "Dr") in the US and I completely agree with most of your opinions. However, I always found your description of sexual false consciousness (men believing they're banging models every night) to a bit over the top. But I recently found this clip from a popular TV show that illustrates the concept of SFC perfectly:

    The host is offering dating advice to 3 incel men. Starting from 1:20 in the video, he shows a video of a conversation between one of the men and a woman from the show. Note how the "24 year old attractive hairstylist" is pretending to be interested in dating this 37 year old fat slob. The show wants us to believe that the fat slob gets approached by attractive young women all the time, and his lack of social skills or "game" is why he's incel. In reality, the fat slob gets ZERO attention from other 37 year old landwhales, let alone 24 year old beauties! This is precisely what SFC is, and it's just crazy to see the media try to push such a blatant lie down our throats.

    1. Canada and America are scams for male immigrants.

    2. Friend, that video was extraordinary. Looking at that, it is clear that SFC is 100% real in North America. Even the 24 year old hairdresser seems to 'believe' this narrative, it's just completely crazy. In fact, I would go a lot further than to say SFC is merely 'real'; in fact, it is the prevailing ideology in the Anglosphere. Just look at that audience drawn from all segments of American society, all clapping away and really thinking that a fat, 37 year old slob seriously has a chance with a 24 year old white beauty.

      Just be confident, bro! All you need is a haircut and a shower...!

      It reminds me of that Fawlty Towers episode where Basil orbits a young Aussie guest with huge tits, and Sybil tells him: 'Do you really think a young girl like this would possibly be interested in an ageing, brilliantined stick insect like you?'

      The clip gave rise to several thoughts:

      * Do the broad masses really believe in such garbage? Or are most of them just playing lip service to these narratives in public? In their heart of hearts, do most people really know that fat, ugly slobs don't get girls like that? It's an odd one. Are they just rolling with it because it's a TV show and not part of 'real life'? That said, I know fat, ugly old guys in the UK who seriously think young hotties want to fuck them (in the absence of any evidence whatsoever); so my guess is that SFC is not only the prevailing ideology, but also sincerely accepted by the masses.

      * Do women themselves really believe this rubbish? While the blonde girl was performing for the show, she seriously seemed to believe she might be interested in such a slob in real life. Are women that self-deluded?

      * Since most people are deluded by SFC, we awakened Black Pilled men have a massive advantage over the broad masses. The endless laments of the incel community are misplaced in many respects; knowledge is power while ignorance is weakness. Our knowledge gives us a decisive edge over the broad masses of humanity.

      * SFC is pushed by the lamestream media because false hope helps keeps the wheels of capitalism turning. If the masses did not have these pipe-dreams to keep them going they would rope, LDAR or rebel. And that would be very, very bad for consumer capitalism. This is why the authorities are trying to suppress the Black Pill.

  14. It's OVER my friends.

    The campus feminist has made it difficult for men to attend campus, lest he be falsely accused of sexual misconduct.

    The HR feminist has made it difficult for a man to get a job, lest he falsely accused of sexual misconduct.

    The independent dog-fucking feminist has priced up the cost of rentals in major cities. It used to be C$800 for a one-bedroom in Toronto before Big Red spread her toxic wave of feminism. Today, that cost is almost C$2,000 and increasing with every year [Immigrants come with families and they are not allowed to rent studio and one-bedrooms, so it's the Anglobitch who is the cause]

    It's OVER for many sub-8 men living in the feminist cities.

    1. Saint Alek should have run Big Red over, then reversed over her

    2. The Anglobitch is showing her pussy to her students today, and after class, she will fuck the school bully.

      But when she goes out in public and sees you, the sub-8 incel who praises Alek Minassian, she will cover her body more than a Muslim woman living under Taliban rule.

  15. There is something inherently wrong with white people that search terms such as feminism, gay rights, #Me Too and man-hating websites are popular in Canada, USA, UK, Russia and a few other white countries. The only "non-white" countries where such feminist terms were popular were India, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia.

    Did you know that Roosh was the #1 searched term in Canada?

    Did you know that MGTOW is only popular in a few white countries?

    It shows that the white woman is nothing but a fucking disease and cancer, and she spreads her toxic man-hating beliefs to the fake-Caucasians in India.

    1. It's only in Canada, America or England that a half-nude feminist slut could get away with falsely accusing a CEO or co-worker of sexual assault, even if the CEO was thousand of miles away on a business trip.

      The white woman's mind is that of death, destruction, chaos and turmoil.

      This feminist Jezebel state of mind is a growing trend which is infecting India, South Africa, Mexico and Brazil.

      Thailand was also found in the "Men's Rights" category but it could be men who fled the plantation and are posting from Thailand.

      But when I looked at what countries and cities have the most feminist supporters, including those who searched for terms which specifically targeted the hatred of men (rather than a feminist definition as a theory), countries such as Canada, Australia, UK and America go on top per capita.

      Toronto, Ottawa and Los Angeles have the most searched terms for MGTOW.

      My friend, the white woman is a disease and cancer. Why are the White Nationalists murdering non-whites to exalt the very same white woman who will destroy civilization?

    2. MGTOW has gained popularity among Australian men and teenage boys in recent years.

    3. Did you see not 24 hours after brother Kobe Bryant and his daughter were killed, the main story that came up on my Twitter 'news' feed was talking about his 'complicated' past? Ie his bogus sexual assault case from 18 years ago?

      The useless white woman will do anything to desecrate the name of a great man and a great father, especially a non white one.

      They don't understand values of work ethic, true achievement and loving your family.

    4. I hate to use that awful event as a way to make an argument, but it made me so God dammed angry.

      RIP Kobe and Gianna

  16. Feminists raising the age of marriage to 28, because 22 is "too young" for a woman to be dating. You can't make this shit up!:

    1. Imagine if marriage to a 29 yo woman is labelled "child marriage

  17. Here's an excellent BitChute video by Turd Flinging Monkey explaining MGTOW and the Red Pill community through the power of economics.

    IMO, this video is required viewing for all here and what TFM says is very valid as to why so many men in the Anglosphere and the West are checking out Anglosphere/Western women. In addition, TFM and the generation of MGTOW men he represents (Gen Y/Millennials) know the situation in the Anglosphere and the West all too well and they're bailing out big time.

    1. * "checking out of relationships with Anglosphere/Western women"

    2. It's a pretty good video and I like a lot of his commentary. However, the video displays quite high levels of SFC. TFM assumes that most Anglo women are clamouring for relationships with sub-8 males of various stripes, when in reality even grannies are working as successful escorts in the Anglosphere:

      A lot of MGTOW discourse is still mired in SFC, assuming the average male has lots of 'choices' about who he can have sex with on any given day. In the Anglosphere, this is obviously not the case because repression artificially raises female SMV to supernal heights. And of course 'empowered' gynocentric women can easily have sex with dogs, children and Tinder chads, rather than sub-8 men.

    3. Rookh,

      In re. to your comments saying that TFM's video having high levels of SFC, I disagree with you on that one as I've watched TFM's videos in the past and he (and the commentators on the TFM Show) knows that the vast majority of heterosexual women in the Anglosphere and the West outright reject the 80-95% of heterosexual men for the top 5-20% of heterosexual men e.g. Chads and Tyrones.

      As a man who watches and reads MGTOW content (especially from the younger generation of MGTOW men), I see a lot of these men know that the vast majority of heterosexual women in the Anglosphere and the West are not worth it due to numerous reasons e.g. financial, health, and legal reasons. You can say that they're well aware of SFC and they're trying their best to get men to wake up to the fact that what boys and men been taught by their parents, siblings, family members, school, friends and society on how to act around women e.g. act like a nice guy and a gentleman doesn't get them anything from the opposite sex other than a false rape accusation, a restraining order, and being blacklisted for their efforts (which is heavily magnified by #metoo in recent years).

    4. In the video, TFM talks a lot of sense (although a lot of what he says is pretty Farrell-esque and he links artificial sexual scarcity exclusively to feminism, when the Anglosphere's residual puritanism also plays a big role in its maintenance).

      However, some of his wording was heavy with SFC. For example, he talks about Red Pilled men 'turning away from marriage' as if mass male singleness was typically the result of 'choice'; in a world where 45 year old landwhales are holding out for Chad and grannies are selling sex for tidy sums on Adultwork, that is clearly not the case.

      I think MGTOW has its best impact on sub-8 males who might be inclined to Betabuxxing in middle age, since it indeed awakens them to the dangers of a Betabuxx marriage in the Anglosphere. In this regard, TFM is right on the money.

      That said, deathniks and other sub-8 western males are not 'turning their backs' on marriage, since relationships were never an option for most of them in the first place. Similarly, most males will never fall prey to 'spermjacking' in the Anglosphere, since the hyper-hypergamous Anglobitch views all sub-8 males with reproductive contempt. Invoking these things as mainstream issues is invoking SFC, pure and simple.

      IMO, SFC is so strong and all-pervasive that even strongly Red Pilled males like TFM can slip into parroting SFC memes while being extremely Awakened in all other areas of their thought and life. SFC is like the air that we breathe, invisible but all-pervasive.

      Let that be a warning to us all.

  18. Recently, I've been laying down and rotting because I've come to the realization that no matter how hard I work, the Anglobitch AND the racist Alt-Right are working against me.

    This is why the Alt-Right would accost me on the street, and the feminist will accuse me of street harassment. It's a losing game for deathnicks.

    Funny thing is that I'm in a multicultural city in Canada, yet the feminist and Alt-Right garbage are increasing.

  19. Just had an Anglobitch try to cut in line w me at the subway restaurant, and badger the staff talking to them rudely. 20 something blonde girl.

    I just smiled and shook my head knowingly. Now that I know the Anglobitch nature it doesn't anger me so much

    1. Little Miss Entitlement, entitlement, entitlement...

      Seeing through the Anglo media's hype and knowing the true nature of the Anglobitch can be incredibly liberating.

      Shedding a lifetime's SFC is like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly - truly a decisive moment in any man's life.

    2. You were lucky that she didn't start screaming rape while forcing a dog to fuck her.

    3. Honestly her energy was so repulsive.

      Even the Chad lite anglo guy working there was repulsed by her, and the fat Greek woman serving her noticed her insolence.

      Nothing good comes from the anglobitch having this level of power in society. They represent anti-life

    4. I recall writing about this aura of death around the Anglobitch in my first book, Havok. England, with its genocidal abortion cult, deviance and repression is the national embodiment of anti-life puritanism; instead of reproductive fecundity, English women express a cold, vicious contempt for life itself.

      Consider how lying with children, the Dog Pill and mass abortion are all anti-life activities without any reproductive outcome. Women should embody life; the Anglobitch is an 'anti-woman' who embodies only death.

  20. The fishermen should have gone galt and left the strong independent landwhale to fend for herself without no man!

    1. As a whale, she should have been more at home in the water

  21. Rookh, can you write an article on how Canada exalts the Anglobitch to become masculine, yet use female sexuality to gain profit?

    1. Friend, someone needs to be writing a book on that topic.

  22. Carolyne Prevost comes to school wearing a miniskirt or only an oversized tshirt, while acting like a man.

    1. It's because she is a white woman living in a feminist city. She could come to school nude and she will be praised by the CBC media.

  23. The white woman has destroyed culture that she has created a cultureless, sterile and soulless form of society where she thrives in her environment fucking dogs and getting pregnant from fucking ten year old school thugs.

  24. Rookh's work is aimed primarily at 6+ Anglo males. But those guys need help the least. Relatively attractive Anglo males will have had success with women if they are older, and are now looking elsewhere due to being older and finding Anglo women close to their own age unattractive. Younger Anglo males will go abroad to teach English, or to bum around on their parents money on a gap year. Those guys don't need much help. And here in England I see a lot of average looking, unmasculine, skinny, feminine voiced Anglo males (i.e. the typical young Anglo male) with a girlfriend, usually not too attractive but not ugly either. Within Anglo countries, Anglo guys have an advantage because they easily get into social networks and meet new people all the time. These Anglo guys also have an advantage with non white women, because they can easily suck ethnic women into their social groups, while excluding ethnic males. This is a white Anglo male tactic. White male friend groups tend to be exclusively white, while white female groupings will often have a few non white females in them. The people who need help are the ethnic guys who are excluded from this scene. So it would be a good idea to assist these guys, especially young ones, to get into relationships either in the west, or elsewhere.

    1. As a sub 5 brown male (low tier normie, not truecel when I'm in shape) the tactic should simply be:

      -become as in shape as you can
      -NT max (neurotypical. Ie socially normal, not awkward)
      -try to be a good relationship prospect

      I admit it's hard, but I know Asian and brown guys who are 4-5 in rating who have long term relationships/marriage with decent looking white women.

      It's not that uncommon in Australia

      The problem for me is that I'm not really attracted to Anglo women. I want ethnic women and they seem to only want 6+ ethnic men or white men.

    2. (Continued)

      At 31 I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I will likely not get married and reproduce.

      The only consolation is that there are many men (white and non white) in their 20s and 30s who will be in the same boat.

    3. I notice a lot of Asian men downgrading themselves and other Asian men. This is a mistake. Often an Asian man who is a 7 will call himself a 5 on these forums. Also, they will upgrade quite plain looking white women. Also, many of the Asian men seem to have given up, but they have not even really started to make an effort. They have given up without even really trying, due to a few rejections over time. But a white or ethnic PUA will get the same number of rejections every day.

    4. (I'm the original commenter you're replying to)

      I'm 5'8 and a decent face when I'm not fat (have been called handsome and hot before, but also have a big nose).

      I am light skin enough to have the complexion of a dark southern European, but with a middle eastern face.

      To be honest, when in shape I would be a 5/10 if it wasn't for my dick- 5.7 inches length but 4.4 girth (noticeably below average).

      Women are merciless today with dick size.

      White guys are bigger than us there also.

    5. *I admit it's hard, but I know Asian and brown guys who are 4-5 in rating who have long term relationships/marriage with decent looking white women.

      It's not that uncommon in Australia*

      They're rare in Brisbane. I've seen a few white man/Asian woman couples, but almost none of the reverse.

      Australian women in general appreciate African-American men, but not Africans from Africa.

      *To be honest, when in shape I would be a 5/10 if it wasn't for my dick- 5.7 inches length but 4.4 girth (noticeably below average).*

      Where do you live? In the Anglosphere, this is not noticeably below average.

      *Within Anglo countries, Anglo guys have an advantage because they easily get into social networks and meet new people all the time.*

      Not necessarily, because Anglos tend to form friendship networks before they leave high school, and are not all that receptive to befriending new people thereafter (talking to work colleagues doesn't count).

      For example, one Anglo guy from Lismore (some 200-250 km away from Brisbane) who went to the University of Queensland (in Brisbane) was completely unable to make friends. I didn't make many either - the people I befriend were often foreigners.

      Even my father didn't make many friends after leaving high school.

      Cliques are the problem here, not ethnicity, though since the Anglosphere is mostly white, non-whites understandably conflate the two.

      The Anglosphere is also quite homosocial (thx Rookh) which makes things even worse. I can confirm that having male Anglo friends does NOT guarantee having female Anglo friends because too often friendship groupings are same-sex.

    6. "Where do you live? In the Anglosphere, this is not noticeably below average."

      I'm in Melbourne, Australia.

      4.4 inch is not great girth. Average is 4.7 - one third of an inch is noticeable.

      In Melbourne there are a lot of Indian and Asian immigrants who get mogged daily. It's pretty brutal lol.

      But Indians who are entrenched in social groups and at least 5 in looks can get a gf. Not that rare.

      I agree with you regarding social circles too. It's not so easy for mediocre looking white guys. They may orbit more women but they can get frozen out too.

      Only guys who seem to be doing it easy are 6ft tall and reasonably handsome anglos ie 7/10.

    7. *4.4 inch is not great girth. Average is 4.7 - one third of an inch is noticeable.*

      But 5.7 in length is just above average for this country, so it evens out.

      *Only guys who seem to be doing it easy are 6ft tall and reasonably handsome anglos ie 7/10.*

      I am actually just over 6 feet tall and yet Anglo women still loathe me, so I think you're placing too much emphasis on height. That's just a bullshit excuse women sometimes use for rejecting men.
      Even looks don't matter that much to AW (most of my high school peers that are hitched look worse than I do - I've aged better than they have IMO).

      No, what matters most is social proofing, which outsiders and foreigners just don't have, no matter what they look like.

    8. Rick, I agree that Anglo homosociality is a massive obstacle to creating social circles in the Anglosphere. Another factor in play is structuration (of which homosociality is a part), a concept that is often deployed to explain the distinctive English class system.

      Essentially, it argues that different age groups, social classes and ethnic groups in England have no common experiences (such as national military service or universal state schooling), which results in different groups having nothing in common from a very early age. I don't know if this applies elsewhere in the Anglosphere, but England's extreme structuration supposedly makes it very difficult to move into different social circles than the one a person is born into.

      I would imagine this is much worse since the decline of Anglo-American post-War youth culture, which did permit some social circulation.

    9. *Essentially, it argues that different age groups, social classes and ethnic groups in England have no common experiences (such as national military service or universal state schooling), which results in different groups having nothing in common from a very early age. I don't know if this applies elsewhere in the Anglosphere, but England's extreme structuration supposedly makes it very difficult to move into different social circles than the one a person is born into.*

      On this point, Australia has traditionally been more classless than the US and the UK, with more interaction between different socioeconomic groups.

      However, in recent decades this has changed due to the decay of our government education systems and the rise of private schooling - thanks to former PM John Howard funding private schools while somewhat neglecting state schools.

      I've experienced a situation wherein the crowd who went to my crappy government primary school were completely different from the crowd who went to my middle/upper-middle class private high school, with not that much interaction between the two groups.

      In Brisbane, both your high school and the university you attend also affect your job prospects, so I would say that structuration (as you've called it previously) has crept into Australian society as well.

      On a national scale, Australia's GINI is close to equal, if not equal, to that of the UK whereas it used to be significantly lower.

    10. Yes Rick, I've heard a lot about this.

      Australia's four richest schools spend more on new facilities and renovations than the poorest 1,800 schools combined:

      I recall reading that a lot of 'classless' Australia's political and cultural elite once attended private schools, and the same is true of 'classless' Canada.

      It looks like the social experience is becoming ever more unified across the Anglosphere. So much for those who think that the Anglosphere is not a coherent socio-cultural-legal entity quite distinct from the rest of the world.

    11. Also a disproportionate number of our politicians have a legal background (25%), even though not many Australians practice law.

      Politics in this country has become incestuous.

  25. "The only consolation is that there are many men (white and non white) in their 20s and 30s who will be in the same boat."
    Unfortunately this is how a lot of Indians think. Because they have not had success, they want everyone else also to fail. At least white guys help each other, which is why they have more success than Indians.

    1. I dont think it's an Indian thing, its just what happens in the dating market when you are squeezed out.

      If you go on the looksmax forum, plenty of sub 6 males of all races have this type of mentality.

      I mean 10 years ago I had chances. I hooked up with a decent amount of girls and had a
      White gf that looked up to me.

      Now it's so brutal. In brutal times men develop a brutal mind.

    2. I think it is bad for sub-6 males but the hand of inceldom is now clutching at sub-8s, too.

      The past decade has many factors leading to this outcome: obviously the emergence of looks-based online dating, the decline of youth subcultures plus female economic independence (built on gynocentric recruitment policies) and (for deathniks) the reemergence of racist politics in the Anglosphere.

    3. Yes but a 6 or 7 guy can at least have a passable vagina to come into to take his mind off this declining society, whereas even when I get in shape and become a maybe 5/10 , I will have either my hand, a prostitute or a legit land whale.

      It's all different levels of problems.

      Most 6 and 7 guys look reasonably content here, even if as uninspired as the rest of us.

  26. Das, I know a friend from Guyana who was lucky with the ladies in Guyana and those from Venezuela, Brazil and even France, but once he moved to Toronto, his inceldom and sexual dead-end became apparent that he committed suicide last year.

  27. He used to show me these chicks on his FB account, but he lamented that he couldn't afford airfare to return to his home country, and that there is something aboyt Toornto that puts sub-8 men into an economic, sexual and spiritual quagmire. It's like a prison sentence.

    He spent only 5 years in Canada, and eventually overdosed on medications. May his soul rest in peace. He must have been terrified moving to a feminist culture and being a deathnic male living in an Anglobitch paradise. He lamented that women despise men in Toronto. He couldn't understand why they act that way. He used to tell me stories of living in South America, and how in his teenage and early 20s, he would be with so many ladies and how it was the best time of his life. But when he moved to Canada, he claimed that more women despised and hated him than liked him. It took a toll on him on how much women hated and despised men in Toronto. The hate from the women was more terrible than the sexlessness if I were to observe his body language. Being hated by both the white supremacist and land whale feminist. No wonder he resorted to committing suicide.

    1. Fuck man, Toronto sounds like literal hell.

      I thought Melbourne Australia was similar but Toronto sounds 20x worse.

      What the fuck is their problem there? There are all feminist leftist women who preach about equality every day?

      Is it so obvious that they are nice to average white guys but hate on ethnic guys just because of their race?

      What hypocritical pieces of shit.

    2. Any country which has a white majority is hell for ethnics. Toronto is worse because of the facade.

  28. The Anglo-feminist and the white nationalist both view ethnic males as scum.

  29. A previous study by Statistics Canada indicated that one-third of male immigrants (aged 25 to 45 at the time of landing) left Canada within 20 years after arrival. More than half of those who left did so within the first year of arrival.

    1. My friend couldn't afford to return, so he committed suicide, like the thousands of young men living in Toronto and suffering in silence. Toronto is the globalist headquarters with terribly cold weather, an extremely high cost of living and a job market which discriminates against sub-8 men.

      Add the recent white nationalist politics, and ethnic men are living in hell.

    2. Why do you think ethnic men are attracted to Canada? Do you think Canada's liberal international image is the cause?

      It is interesting that the Anglosphere countries project a positive, sexually inclusive image via the media that is completely at odds with the reality of life in those countries for ethnics.

      This is why the Anglo-American authorities fear the Black Pill so much. It completely confounds the fake international image they wish to project.

    3. Canada lies to foreigners to come here.

  30. Non Anglo males that live in the Anglosphere and are excluded from the goodies should make it a part of their life plan to get out with as much money as they can save. It is best to save money, not waste on expensive cars etc. Indian's have one advantage, that living in India is very affordable. It is not worth living unhappily in the West. Imagine what it will be like living in the West alone and excluded in your 50s and 60s. It is best to get out before then.
    There is another class of non Anglo immigrants that should be targeted with information and advice on not moving to the West, super rich immigrants. There are many such super rich people who move to London, bring over vast amounts of money and often obtain UK citizenship. These people prop up countries like Britain. But several of them have found out the hard way that Britain will award their wayward wife with a big chunk of the wealth that they foolishly invested in Britain. One example of this is Elie Taktouk, a Lebanese businessman, who had a beautiful but bored Lebanese wife called Daniella Semaan. She left him for the Spanish footballer Fabregas, and the UK courts awarded her with millions of her husbands money. She had a child with Taktouk, and a couple more with Fabregas. I checked the instagram account of her eldest child with Taktouk and the child refers to Fabregas as her dad, and there seems to be no contact or acknowledgement of Taktouk, her real father. It is as if Taktouk has been wiped out of her life. All this because Taktouk was foolish enough to bring a part of his Lebanese fortune to the UK.
    Another high profile victim in the making is Sheikh Makhtoum of Dubai. His wife, Jordanian born Princess Haya has taken up with a lover, believed to be her English bodyguard, and has hired a hot shot divorce lawyer in England and is trying to grab a huge chunk of Maktoum's wealth invested in Britain.
    Think of all the money invested in Britain by Indian's alone, such as the Mittals, Hindujas, Vijay Mallya etc, not to mention other nationalities. Why would they put so much money at risk? Is there no one to advice these people?

    1. The feminist has made life miserable for ethnic males living in Canada, America and UK.

    2. Anglo-American Common Law is especially dangerous for married males, especially wealthy ones.

      A rich man had rather set his head beneath an elephant's foot than get a divorce in the Anglosphere.

    3. I saw a guy on Roosh v forum who was a white guy and a normie. He said he developed clinical depression 6 months into moving to Toronto.

      He attributed it to the lack of femininity of women.

      These women sound like they're from hell

  31. It seems like Canada is the place where the Anglo women truly gets to spread her hyper hypergamous wings.

    America is more a mish mash of white ethnicities (including Jewish), and African American culture at least promotes some form of unapologetic masculinity

    UK is full of aggressive dominant muslims that keep radical feminism at bay sometimes

    NZ Maoris do a bit what African Americans do

    Australia is the next worst after Canada, but the Anglo men are a bit more dominant there, and the fact that it is surrounded by Asian/brown countries somewhat curbs the Anglo woman a bit.

    Canada there is no check on the anglobitch there. The Anglo men there are wimps, and the immigrants' status is kept at bay. Hence, the Anglobitch seems to be out of control. Heinous, racist and awful.

    What a hell on earth for ethnic and sub 8 men.

    1. Canada has no culture except feminist culture. Straight up hell for a sub8 man. Worse for an ethnic as he sees his ethnic looksmatch sharing one white Chad with 1000 other ethnic cunts.

  32. Heinous, racist and awful!

  33. Rookh, this is an interesting question I have for you.

    I read the book 'Serotonin' by Houellebecq last year where he talked about the decline of western civilization. He was very on point at the end where he said "the libido has gone out of the west. Once the libido/sexual charge goes out of a culture, it is finished".

    His main character was a reasonably attractive white French guy who lost all desire for both sex and life.

    My question to you is- how does the libido go back into a culture?

    When I mean libido, I mean that sexual charge and innuendo that seems to make people want to get it on more.

    Do you think because tinder (and therefore hyper hypergamy) is there, it will never return?

    I'm just wondering what the next decade or two will look like from a male-female energy point of view.

    Will men and women be inspired to bond with each other again, or do you think it's effectively over (at least for the coming decades)?

    1. I think people want sex when they feel optimistic about the culture they live in. The Baby Boomers were a product of the post-War feel-good factor, for example. It isn't merely a matter of escaping war, though; I think people as a mass need to think that life is progressing, that the future will be better than the present or recent past. It is notable that the Anglo-Saxon countries (especially the UK and US) are now marked by declining social mobility rates for the first time in many decades, such that most people do not expect their children (if they have any) to do any better than themselves in life. Boomers grew up in a time of unprecedented social mobility and opportunity, when even low income people could buy houses and improve themselves. This probably drove their reproductive fecundity relative to later generations (X, Y and Z), expressed in a tribal youth culture which facilitated sexual engagement.

      As I have written elsewhere, many elite normies (the media, senior medics, politicians) still tend to take their general worldview from the post-War era) even though that era is now long gone. This is partly because they are Boomers but also because elites are cocooned from societal change. Meanwhile, the rest of the population (which now contains far more ethnics with very different life experiences to Boomers) struggle to see any reason to bring children into this culture.

      I also think female libido has plummeted due to mass contraceptive and anti-depressant usage. Hell by the Dashboard Light spoke a lot about this and many medical studies confirm it.

      I think the libido might return to the West (and especially the Anglosphere) if social mobility were to increase and people saw some reason to reproduce. However, the West's post-War boom was probably a historical anomaly so I doubt the underlying conditions conducive to sexual hedonism are going to return any time soon.

      I also think we are about to see a big state-sponsored drive to cut human populations in response to climate change hysteria, which will probably constrict sexual self-expression even further.

    2. Feminists have criminalized erections unless it's coming from a dog or nine-year-old school bully.

    3. Thanks for the answer Rookh.

      Wow, a bleak picture indeed that I can't disagree with.

      A lot to ponder.

      I think we are going to see just how much of a fleeting thing civilization is, and the depths of brutality that human beings automatically sink to when it goes away.

    4. Friend, my old bones can feel this climate hysteria thing is driven by some ulterior agenda to strengthen state authority, cut population growth and (further) persecute male sexuality.

      Those objectives are going to define the coming decade.

  34. Alek Minassian saw the writing on the wall, that Toronto is hopeless for men, but he ran over mostly Koreans, octogenarians and immigrants instead of rich white girls who attend elite private schools such as Havergal or Upper Canada College.

  35. The incel situation is getting bad:

  36. This is the minimum height?

  37. I've been living in Toronto for a few years, & I'm under 30. I feel like my life is over. I see no future. I am not 6 feet tall nor do I have a stable career. I am viewed as scum because I am not white and I speak with a heavy accent. They assume that I'm a refugee from the Middle East, and the white women view me like scum. The racist white men try to provoke fights to bait me into being recorded on video and promoting their racist anti-immigrant agenda.

    Fuck the white people! May the Coronavirus wipe out the feminist white whores and the racist white men!

    1. I haven't been outside for over a week now and I'm on my last dollar of savings. I don't want the white feminist whore to accuse me of stare rape, nor do I want the racist white man try and provoke a fight to me while livestreaming the provocation and alleging that I'm a Muslim refugee! Fuck you all white assholes!

    2. I do not promote racial antagonism but white nationalism in North America, Australia and NZ is patently absurd, because the 'true native' people (Maoris, aborigines and Native Americans) in those places are clearly not white.

    3. There is no difference between white nationalism & feminism; because the white whore is exalted in both of these movements.

  38. There is no happiness when it comes to the racist Puritan or the feminist Anglobitch who fucks dogs and children. The white woman has brought nothing but misery to me.

  39. squareflower
    12 points
    5 months ago
    Talk to them in a social setting: bar, club, coffee shop, etc. too many guys are posting here about approaching random women on the street and wondering why they’re told to fuck off. Approaching a woman randomly on the street is creepy and can feel confrontational.

    level 2
    -5 points
    5 months ago
    You realize the more commonly held opinion here is that even in those places it is not ok to approach women, right? Thats the confusing part. Women expect men to approach them but literally no place is appropriate according to the forum members here

    1. Are you PUA? You forgot link to circus music haha
